
<gchristensen> domenkozar: I'll write something more formally, but re https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/15660 I'm thinking `git notes` is a good best bet, because it allows us to notate the timeline of nixpkgs. so a note can say when a CVE was fixed
<dtzWill> bigvalen: patchelf is probably what you want, and quick look at the Plex Nix derivation suggests it's already using it... so maybe it needs to be updated to run against a some new files added upstream or something?
<dtzWill> and indeed something like 'nix-shell -p samba --run smbpasswd' works here
<rly> How do I prefetch something from github? I.e. get the sha256 hash?
<gchristensen> that is unlikely to be an issue with cache.nixos.org (it is hosted by cloudfront, and has a very good track record of availability.) that is more frequently an issue with something between you and the cache
<clever> the chainloading is something i did previously, before i had the kexec idea
<marusich> Is release.nix something that Nix's Hydra builds from time to time?
<marusich> Oh, I see, for EFI boot it looks like you're right, something from systemd is being used.
<marusich> For context, I'm peeking at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=make-iso9660-image and thinking about how we might do something similar for GuixSD.
<marusich> Just curious - does anyone know why NixOS uses ISOLINUX for its bootable iso9660 image, instead of GRUB (or something else)? Could it have been done with grub, too, or was there a reason why ISOLINUX was preferred for that use case?
<Rotaerk> ahh, so cabal2nix doesn't generate the default.nix, it generates something to call from the default.nix
<joachifm> spacekitteh: I've no idea right now, I'd have to look closer, later maybe ... try stepping through the build with nix-shell or something
<Rotaerk> I ran cabal2nix and it generated something that has a bunch of parameters, so it can't be a shell.nix expression
<Rotaerk> is there documentation for, say, the haskell packages specific version of mkDerivation? I see something passing libraryHaskellDepends to it, but I'm having trouble finding where that's even consumed... I did find a mkDerivation defined in pkgs/development/haskell-modules/default.nix, but it's not mentioning libraryHaskellDepends
<Profpatsch> e.g. the .so wants to find something in /opt, but I want it to look into storepath/opt
<spacekitteh> i gotta do something to keep me from the crippling suicidal depression
<stepcut> I think the RPi3 is both.. I think it has the option to be 64-bit v8, but it seems to also have a 32-bit v7 compatibility mode or something
<stepcut> is there any branch that corresponds to -unstable? Something where I can do a `git pull` now and then and expect to get something fairly bleeding edge, but which also has things mostly available as prebuilt binaries? Or is nix-channels the only way to get that?
<nh2_> ah there's also some trickery going on there. For building dependencies, `--option build-use-sandbox true` does something even for nix-shell. Just not for the actual shell :(


<obadz> but it could be something else?
<dtzWill> minor problem with chrome/flash or something and priv'd user namespaces aren't supported I think which broke some random workflow I had but... well in light of recent CVE's and such I'm glad I nuked those anyway :)
<dtzWill> i've never bothered before previously but after a friend had it and ran into a bug building something of mine, I thought I'd try it and.... easy-peasy
<c0bw3b> something like :
<savanni> There's also something more subtle going on. Like I said... `nix-env -i icu4c-57.1` installs just fine. But `icu_54_1` as included from `zoom-us` doesn't. I don't see anything in the zoom file that implies that patches will be applied.
<clever> something would have to be seriously wrong with the build slave, or the xz program is being broken
<ronny> michalrus: thats intended - there is something about barrier free usage, where there is mouse delays and keyboard delays
<clever> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/442fh8j84z1ixqa1sj71kdl3hlbjy3dx-git-export/pkgs/top-level/default.nix:52:9
<niksnut> chpatrick: you probably want do do something like: src = if lib.inNixShell then null else ./.;
<chpatrick> can I callPackage something from nixpkgs from outside?
<domenkozar> niksnut: yeah you'll need to add logic to count number of integers between store paths or something hacky
<domenkozar> or something
<domenkozar> or something
<niksnut> maybe loginctl shows something useful?
<clever> spacekitteh: how many times must hydra build something, to cover every host perfectly?
<jazzencat> I'm in the learning stage, I want to use this system for my day-to-day laptop, but eventually it might get turned into a personal NAT or file server when the battery gives out or I upgrade or something.


<maurer> e.g. if someone knows something scriptable in haskell/python or something
<eacameron> Do I need to do something to add that?
<srhb> adnelson: Like, you cat the store path to it and terminate it with.. something
<octalsrc> probably I'm doing something wrong here
<Sonarpulse-Work> I guess something similar was done for ghcjs
<goibhniu> there's usually no need, unless you upgrade the kernel or something
<savanni> Ah, it's the XFCE desktop manager. Enable it, don't even necessarily run it, and *something* in there enables auto-discovery of removable filesystems.
<seanparsons> FRidh: I want a REPL though, not something that just runs a bit of JavaScript and I still need to create packages.json and all that faff.
<savanni> Potentially. And with Nix it's really easy to try something and then "remove" it if I dislike it.
<ToxicFrog> I thought nautilus had a huge pile of dependencies; if you want minimal something like thunar is probably better?
<savanni> @kragniz What kinds of things are necessary to install to get it to a) detect external drives, and b) detect file types as something other than text/plain?
<rly> The one I am currently using which is advertised as something which can be used for "config files", can't actually represent newlines (facepalms).
<ocharles_> Ok, can that be populated with something in configuration.nix?
<clever> angerman: this command will replace a symlink called something, with a link to /nix/store/foo, and make that something a GC root
<clever> angerman: nix-store -r /nix/store/foo --add-root something --indirect
<marantz> fyi the nix-channel —update; nixos-install seems to be doing something else right now
<clever> Rotaerk: here is something i did recently: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/cross-compiled-kernel.nix
<clever> Rotaerk: hmmm, let me check something
<savanni> Hmm... something about rebooting my machine made made bluetooth start working.
<clever> sebastian: ocamlPackages.utop is the attribute for utop, so nix-shell -p ocamlPackages.utop would get that, there is something else missing though


<mrrtump> so I wana step up to something nicer
<zimbatm[m]> tomberek_: that's something disnix supports I believe
<tomberek> @simpson: yes, hostname would work. I'm just thinking of future requirements where I might need something like that. Imagine needing some attributes of EC2 instances, not known ahead of time.
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe something closes the quotes?
<MichaelRaskin> I think the latter part is something about hardware.synaptics.enable
<xwvvvvwx> Do I need to do something else?
<Dezgeg> pkgs.foo.meta.position should usually evaluate to something useful
<clever> this is something i was doing recently, where i wanted to force which nixpkgs to use
<jasom> so, nix-shell can't seem to find <nixpkgs> anymore; did something change? I'm getting a error: file ‘nixpkgs’ was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)
<Rotaerk> so you wouldn't approach it that way for something larger
<clever> there is a package for it in nixpkgs, but it must have something wrong with it
<clever> Dezgeg: something must be wrong with the kernel in nixpkgs
<shachaf> Is python26 actually broken, or am I doing something wrong with nix-shell -p python26?
<shachaf> It looks like there's something called vim_configurable, but apparently it requires me to manage my vimrc in Nix?
<clever> shachaf: you need to wait until the hackage nix file gets regenerated, or manualy use something like cabal2nix
<clever> so it knows when something affecting the build has changed, and can rebuild it
<ben> does anyone use the evolution email client? it's not working for me and im curious whether its something on my machine.
<clever> mguentner: the findInputs function will add something to $PATH, $NIX_CFLAGS, and also recursively check the propagated inputs
<clever> there must be something else setting security.pam.services.passwd


<aristid> so they.. changed the interface in a stable release or something
<aristid> heyho: just to make sure you don't think nixos is something it isn't: nixos is a fairly niche distribution still, so if you have any kind of "unusual" requirements, it will commonly require you to fix them directly in the nixpkgs git repo
<heyho> clever for both i need port forwarding. or do i misunderstand something?
<heyho> Hello, I have the following problem when i run nixos-rebuild the sha256 hash from teamviewer is different from what was expected.am i doing something wrong?
<Ralith> because all you need to do is do that, then use sed or something to replace each dep in Cargo.toml with something like { path = "${thing}" }
<aristid> Ralith: is there an example of something in nixpkgs doing that?
<aristid> Ralith: so maybe i'm missing something because i'm not a rust expert
<mguentner> Is there an easy way to inspect a closure using something like a (graphical) dependency graph?
<eacameron> clever: Ah ok. In my case I'd symlink to /var/craftcms/site or something.
<clever> eacameron: once something has finished building, it can never be modified


<seanparsons> Yeah, but I mean I was seeing references to config.system.path in the gnome3 config in the trace, which made me think I'd done something super crazy somehow.
<Ralith> eacamero_: at the bare minimum you should be able to make a version of fetchgit that has a passwordless ssh key or something
<viric> There is something I want since years and nixos lacks it
<dtzWill> sphalerite: bit of a kludge, but the wiki suggests the following (or something like it): nix-store -q --references /var/run/current-system/sw | cut -d'-' -f2-
<dtzWill> sphalerite: well something like 'nix-store -qR /run/current-system' lists the derivations
<goibhniu> can you post the error? ... maybe use sprunge or something like that
<digitalmentat> I've gone through my configuration.nix mulitple times to make sure I'm not by accident installing something else that might depend on the older package but that is to no avail
<LnL> true, I would still want hydra to build without substitutes on staging or something
<goibhniu> hrm, maybe you can use nix to create a docker container, or something like that
<clever> the cflag change likely caused a path to something to get stuck somewhere
<signal4> something about references of some sort
<clever> the QT mobile stuff is more geared towards something that already has a 100% custom UI, and wants to use it on all mobile devices
<clever> yeah, thats something i thought of, a service you can enable in nixos that will just obey /etc/network/interfaces
<eacameron> clever: Yah...if the machine is *being* built and it needs something that the host can't provide...you're stuck.
<jophish> We're already running cabal2nix to generate the derivations to build, something like this https://github.com/expipiplus1/dotfiles/blob/master/nix-haskell-skeleton/default.nix
<angerman> clever, I think the operators sections that comes later should come earlier, or a note should say that "//" is the merge operator, (see Operators below) or something.
<clever> eacameron: you put a line like this into a text file, and any time it has to build something for "x86_64-linux" it will just "ssh clever@c2d.localnet" and use that to do the build


<Ralith> magnetophon: is xf86-video-ati the current AMD driver? I vaguely recall it having been deprecated in favor of something newer
<Ralith> magnetophon: in these situations it's often a good idea to start with something very conservative like vesa, get your system usable, and then experiment with faster drivers
<bigvalen> Is there something like an adb/fastboot package for nixos ?
<savanni> Hmm... @gchristensen Shouldn't I see something in the output before the build script starts?
<avn> magnetophon: does jaournalctl show something?
<pmade> Something like the inverse of propagatedBuildInputs
<greymalkin> Anyone know how to do something like this? https://gist.github.com/greyson/19aad812a13e6f30ba6249da303f0107
<socksy> do other people see services.cassandra existing with `nixos-option services.cassandra`, or have I fucked something up?
<_habnabit> you can pay a ton of money for something a bit more secure


<avn> dmj`: possible he need something like `range 1 10` ;)
* goibhniu hopes to have something pretty soon
<magnetophon> Hi, I'm preparing a PC for my parents. Basically all they need is a link to firefox on the desktop, but I want to provide a smooth bugfree experience for them. Would you recommend gnome3, kde4 kde5 or xfce? (or something else)
<rydnr> Does nix-env need to create an index or something beforehand?
<rydnr> I'm stuck with something that seems easy, but I've been unable to do so far. I want to install a package directly from nixpkgs github repo, since it contains a more recent version than nixos-stable channel. I tried with nix-env -iA [package] -f /path-to-local-nixpkgs
<clever> viric_: oh, and i see something related to your systemd issues too
<glines> the nix manual says that questionmark is for testing containment or something :s
<glines> sounds like something the teensy would be good for


<clever> gchristensen: oh, and i just had an idea for something that can make the test more robust
<clever> but i do see something odd, the 16.09 job is referencing the failure on lucifer
<clever> i thought i saw something like that recently, heh
<Zvieratko> clever: and I can PXE boot grub which boot something from network, but can also boot ISO from local disk... hard to do with ipxe
<musicmatze> I hope we can get to something like a evergreen master some time...
<Zvieratko> clever: saw something like that :) I worked around it by always booting GRUB which grabs config according to its MAC
<clever> yeah, it does sound like something i would want to add support for in nixos-installer
<Zvieratko> clever: foreman does something like that
<Zvieratko> clever: usually you can simply concat your own initramfs to existing initramfs and it will create an overlay, that way you can customize whatever you want, but I can't generate something like that during the host's boot - all I can do is prepare it and wget the configuration afterwards... probably too much work for me (for now)
<clever> Zvieratko: nixos has something similar, one sec
<Zvieratko> something like that
<Zvieratko> clever: tha same happened to me :) my laptop died (or rather I b0rked it), so I had to boot into single mode, connect with laplink cable to a friends laptop and copy his installation over... but that was with Redhat 5 or something like that :))
<Zvieratko> clever: I need to do something more special, and it's complicated enough just with Ubuntu... :)
<Zvieratko> clever: but not really something sustainable :)
<Zvieratko> well, the "host" would be just a ubuntu installer ramdisk or something like that
<clever> if the host has something, it just copies it over, if not, it tries the binary cache, and just compiles whatever is missing
<clever> Zvieratko: the nixos-install script does something similar
<Zvieratko> clever: for example for kickstarting ubuntu there's a "template" in foreman, which is in fact a script that outputs something, so you can customize it however you want, and the ubuntu installed fetches the output of this template during install over PXE (http, tftp...)
<clever> Zvieratko: ah, neat, sounds similar to something i have planned
<Zvieratko> or is there something like "debootstrap" for nixos? I could work around that..
<clever> Zvieratko: the main way i can think of right now, is to setup something that will install a base image (with ssh and some credentials to login), and then use nixops with the targetenv of "none" to deploy
<clever> echo-area: and then if something uses findfile to find it, nix would automaticaly download the given revision of nixpkgs
<clever> echo-area: http://pastebin.com/w4WZyy0Z is something i was experimenting with yesterday, and i could put pkgs2 into the nix search path as-is


<Bolix> kmicu: well... the thing is on my non-nixos system I can play video, only on nixos I can't. So something else is affecting the package. I don't know what.
<garbas> if this script generates something that only matching expression can "read" then it only makes sense to put it in the same place
<joepie91> steveeJ: if you have something else set there, then yes, probably - what configuration are you looking at?
<qknight> is there something in nixos which i can use to create /var/lib/foo without having a 'foo' service also?
<kmicu> (If ‘emacsForGreymalkin’ is not available, then it must by something in config.nix and nix-env/nix-shell invocation.)
<savanni> Except it looks like the documentation in the manual may already be complete, so I'm only going to write it if I find something that's not covered in the manual.
<Biappi> savanni: many thanks for taking the time to write it out. i'm doing something similar, will take a look.
<LnL> is this something that recently got into the manpage?
<JonReed> It seems to be something that there would be helper for
<avn> something like __nix_qt5__ should works here I think.
<avn> can we use something like "__nix_qt5_build" instead $(mktemp -d)?
<vdemeester> I messed something up ?
<vdemeester> might be something wrong in my setup maybe ?
<vdemeester> hum something is weird on nixpkgs master : error: assertion failed at /home/vincent/src/nix/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:5908:19
<rui> MichaelRaskin I am trying setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH but something is not that straightforward
<clever> either you selected 42 from grub when booting, or something has glitched out
<rsa> hmm... was running octave (nixos 16.09), after using it a while and then leaving it idle I got something about ld inconsistency and the program broke
* goodwill hands gchristensen some warm milk, or some other sleep inducing liquid or something


<iMatejC> sendmail: am.. maybe ... something in the lines of... systemd.services.jenkins.environment.PATH = "/var/setuid-wrappers:${systemd.services.jenkins.environment.PATH}"
<LnL> in that case we could probably build something around that I assume
<clever> glines: you might be able to get something out of it using binwalk
<clever> glines: i'm guessing its either some form of weird DRM, or something similar
<ToxicFrog> And then in the doomrl-server package, emit something like "${pkgs.telnet}/bin/in.telnetd ${pkgs.doomrl-server}/bin/doomrl-server --data-path=/srv/doomrl --doomrl-path={pkgs.doomrl}/opt/doomrl/"


<ToxicFrog> According to the manual, this should just be a matter of doing something like:
<JonReed> Hm, `nix-env -iE 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./default.nix {}` complains about "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position". It should work, because in nix-repl `d = callPackage = ./default.nix {}; :b d` builds fine.
<simpson> So maybe something about the defaults in the service module is to blame?
<simpson> Well, you want callPackage from nixpkgs, so you want something like: (import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./default.nix {}
<clever> bennofs1: this is something i used a few weeks ago, boot.extraModulePackages = [ config.boot.kernelPackages.v4l2loopback ];
<MichaelRaskin> Also, it is not something that can be easily tested in a VM (obviously)
<zimbatm> it's something I've been wondering about for a while now
<george_> should i copy something else to make gpg work with old secret key in .gnupg?
<ixxie__> I found something about services.xserver.desktopManager.gnome3.sessionPath but I cannot figure out how to use it
<ToxicFrog> This may be a dumb question, but is it possible for me to write a standalone Nix package definition? Adding something to the nixpkgs index is well documented, but is there a good way to write a local package definition (which probably depends on e.g. internal git repos, and thus isn't suitable for contribution to nixpkgs) and then depend on it from configuration.nix?
<emery> domenkozar: hello, I am interested in making a nixos browser kiosk and I heard you have done something like this?
<joepie91> is there something I'm missing here or is this simply an undocumented feature?
<iMatejC> disable that flag (my guess is that is on by default or something) and build me an image? :P I do not have any ARM device with nix at the moment, do you have any more options than me?
<ak5> oh is that an alias for cloudfront or something


<jeaye> I know I get cached packages, since I don't build everything. I figured it was an openjdk licensing issue or something, which required me to build it locally.
<clever> jeaye: let me check something
<Fare> also, it looks like some memory leak or something is causing my X server to die every so often.
<joepie91> musicmatze: problem is that IPFS marketed itself as the "permanent web" and this misled a ton of people into thinking it was "something like Freenet"
<steveeJ> I've been thinking. if we ever want to be able to switch from systemd to something else, the modules/application structure needs an intermediate layer from which the service files can be generated
<clever> lonokhov: hmmm, something has changed on master since i last looked: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/11be2dc59d23f6f80038764c6ebdf3aa
<rly> avn: I think the one in master is already good enough. I have that available as <my-nixpkgs>. How do I then replace the symbol awscli by something relative to that that particular path?
<pierron> zimbatm: https://github.com/garbas/nixpkgs-mozilla/commit/822614a703701dde0babb42558fa1439a6fe49f4 We are following rust stable updates for building Gecko, this is not something we can afford.


<tmobile> Is there a way to access a derivation's store path in the scope of mkDerivation? I'd like to do something like configureFlags = [ "--some-opt=$out/some/path" ] but $out won't be expanded.
<the-kenny> Yaniel: I don't think so. This guy is working on something he wants to deploy. rustup isn't really usable for that. Also note that we already have a script ready to drop you in a nix-shell with the latest unstable compiler.
<the-kenny> Oh and if I'm doing something wrong: Please tell me. I'm just trying to clear things up here
<simendsjo> I see. Thanks. I'll probably try to migrate something over to using nix-env instead of nixos-rebuild to reduce the upgrade time.
<clever> if you -i something you already have, it will upgrade
<simendsjo> clever: So I can do `nix-env -iA nixos.mystuff --upgrade`, and if something breaks, do `nix-env -iA nixos.mystuff --rollback` (or similar commands)?
<clever> yeah, if something happens to already be in $PATH on the devs system, they may not notice it depends on that
<clever> you can only find something you have been explicitely given thru the expression
<clever> and because everything is in nearly random paths under /nix/store, you cant find something your not supposed to be using
<Havvy> Yeah, using the symlink there gives me something invalid.
<signal4> clever: is it something that's going to be fixed in future versions of nixos?
<signal4> is NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE something i should be setting in packageOverrides?
<shanemikel> I'm perusing the nix manual, reading Ch14. How can I reference packages in nixpkgs from a derivation somewhere in my own project tree? is there something under ~/.nix-profile pointing to the system nixpkgs? Also, I see some useful looking stuff in ~/.nix-profile/share/nix .. I'm guessing this is the basic stuff meant to be used for expressions outside of the nixpkgs tree?


<c74d> oh; my apologies, I was hoping for something declarative in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<aaronlevin> I've tried: `nix-store -q --referrers /nix/store/*-optparse-simple-0.0.3 | xargs -L 1 nix-store --repair-path`, which seemed to do something but the problem remains.
<jasom> greymalkin: if you set id to something that changes when /usr/share/doc/nvidia changes (see my gist for an example) it will rebuild on a change
<jasom> greymalkin: https://gist.github.com/jasom/b733f2e9fb5909685d518f38e80c477b will run foo.sh to generate output whenever foo.txt changes; foo.txt can be a symlink to somewhere else in the system, so if you use a symlink to something that will change when the nvidia driver changes, it can create different output that can be arbitrary, and you can use that, in turn, to select the version of the nvidia driver to
<NixkorN> im saying something stupid?!
<NixkorN> now that you mentioned it i seem i read something like that on the website
<MichaelRaskin> I would compare Nix more with something like SVN-FS than with BtrFS
<clever> greymalkin: the simplest way to root something, nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A foo -o foo
<copumpkin> you could attempt to rewrite it, but you'd need to rewrite it to something of the same length
<jasom> copumpkin: well RPATH would have to be something like ${ORIGIN}/../../someting
<SuprDewd> clever: yes, I do have youtube-dl. but how does that affect pypy? is yt-dl overriding build parameters for pypy or something like that?
<SuprDewd> why does it sometimes happen that nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade insists on building something like pypy? shouldn't that already be built by Hydra or something?
<cstrahan> Looks like python bindings still need to be fixed up. Hopefully something someone can contribute without to much hassle. Otherwise I'll have circle back when I have time in two or three weeks.
<joepie91> so perhaps a convention of a separate packaging.md or something would help with that - it'd be a bit more upfront effort for packagers, but greatly increase accessibility for new packagers as well as PRs from "drive-by contributors"
<ixxie> I feel like I am missing something fundamental about the relationships between configuration/package files and channels >.<
<lonokhov> __Sander__: npm is deprecated, there is now a package manager from facebook or something
<ZombieChicken> Yeah, I saw that but encrypted root usually needs something in the initramfs to work right
<drets> (I expected from crontab -l not just “no crontab for root”, but something ... maybe it's wrong assumption)
<Baughn> I've got to be doing something wrong..


<clever> ah, so something weird is going on with the filesystem stuff