
<auntie> but... something is still dirtying my build
<copumpkin> well, you could also use lib.cleanSource which does something like that
<kthnnlg> LnL: I think I can kinda see it. For example, your configuration.nix presupposes the command `nix-channel --add http://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos-unstable` was issued. The binding `unstable = import <nixos-unstable> {};` mentions the unstable channel specifically. So, there should be something analogous binding somewhere for pkgs (which is my default). So, since all of my current packages in the list are of the
<kthnnlg> Could I do something like the following? { config, pkgs, ... }: let unstable = import <nixos-unstable> {}; in { environment.systemPackages = [ unstable.packagehere ]; }
<copumpkin> pierron: something like _args, right?
<copumpkin> pierron: if I have several modules I'm importing and I want to make something available to all of them in their module arguments, how do I do that again?
<Arguggi> I'll ask something else since you all seem so helpful. How far behind are the pkgs usually? For example the kernel, since I'll probably need 4.10+ ?
<auntie> obviously kernelPackages has something to do with it. it's easy to change the kernel version
<samae> cabal2nix output something incomplete (missing the haskellPackages.callPackage for instance)
<copumpkin> niksnut: hmm, doesn't something need to want it for it to get installed properly?
<copumpkin> niksnut: would I need to make a new default target to run something after multi-user.target?
<stepcut> mojjo: in your physical machine .nix file, you'd have something like, deployment.targetHost = "";
<copumpkin> pierron: oh a while back I asked for "overridable modules" and you asked for details which I never gave. I guess I just mean that it's frustrating if an upstream module doesn't do what you want, because there's no easy way to override it. It always gets included unconditionally by module-list.nix, and sometimes it just sets the wrong flag on something and isn't configurable. To override that, I need to clone nixpkgs, make the change,
<pierron> LnL: sorry for the non-response, I am working on something else at the moment, I will try to review these changes around midnight.
<Kendos-Kenlen> I'm trying to fix this issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/23115 and use the bundled JDK but I wonder something :
<copumpkin> I kind of injected a foot-in-the-door I guess by pushing something that I thought worked, but is actually broken
<SuprDewd> hmm, I have a Nix derivation (mathematica9 to be specific) that defines its own unpackPhase. however, when I go into nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A mathematica9, and then run unpackPhase, it doesn't do what the derivation defined. am I misunderstanding something?
<ikwildrpepper> niksnut_: are you telling me the first 5 characters of a name are not enough to identify something? :|
<MarcWeber> is there something like nix-prefetch-fetchurl outputting fetchurl ( ..) code already?
<FRidh> at least, something like that.
<srhb> I wonder if there's something I'm missing.
<clever> Heffalump: ive heard something about the attack working by appending large amounts of specialy crafted junk, which changes the size in that header, causing the state of the sha to become scrambled


<cstrahan> Another approach would be something similar to the exportReferencesGraph (or whatever it was called)
<copumpkin> have something specific in mind here?
<cstrahan> Oh, so addressing something similar to the issues I've had where installing NixOS from CD requires an internet connection, despite installing pretty much exactly what was on the live CD, I suppose?
<copumpkin> i.e., something that isn't the full stratego package
<ben__> I wanted to add something to buildInputs
<peterhoeg> And really not something one can just do in 5 minutes - that's why I said I only have time later in the week.
<peterhoeg> gchristensen: apologies if I seemed dismissive - that was not the intention. Applying that laundry list of items is something that takes time if upstream hasn't done any of the work.
<unlmtd[m]1> something about .cargo-index-lock being, well, locked out of reach I guess
<unlmtd[m]> " error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /home/unlmtd/src/nix/nixp


<ekleog> yes, I'm doing something similar for the time being (but will copy the relevant parts of the store to another location when I get something working, as there is still issue 8, which would most likely leak secret information to the VMs)
<Unode> sphalerite: that's nice. Been looking for something like it that I can run on the command-line. nox still has a long way to go.
<Unode> hum... just did a nix-channel update and nixos-rebuild test... I'm compiling stuff... is there something wrong with hydra again?
<Unode> sphalerite: I wouldn't mind actually using those brain cells for something a bit more useful :P
<Unode> sphalerite: to me looks the same. Gentoo one still wins though. It's also weird that the font is something like 1 pixel taller on nixos.
<Unode> sphalerite: sorry was fighting with something that broke in the meanwhile. Checking it now
<Unode> sphalerite: it has to be a combination of factors. Even with a different user (to isolate any odd config I might have on mine) produces the same. So it's something affecting the system.
<sphalerite> Surely there are ISPs or something you can use instead
<sphalerite> Something like that would probably work for NixOS too :D
<clever> sphalerite: and boot.php is something i have to allow each machine to boot into a different image, so i can dynamicaly configure things without having to touch the dhcp server
<sphalerite> cool, I've managed to do something like that before
<ndowens08> LnL: even though it uses "?" still looks like default setting instead of setting root as default and giving option to set it to something else
<pierron> LnL: I add fixup commits that I name accordingly, and do all the reordering & squashing when I want to get something in a better shape
<LnL> something changed with the setuid wrappers


<lambdamu> the make file says something slightly different
<pi3r> And something even more puzzling if I want to use the package 'ghc' (not the compiler) I can put it there in the ghcWithPackages list but it won't find it
<copumpkin> I'd have to use something like -T
<gilligan_> contrapumpkin, ok that is not something I thought of. I was actually *hoping* that there would be a better way than my rather dull approach ;)
<jophish_> so Hydra + hacks is probably best for getting something going quickly
<contrapumpkin> niksnut: I think something wonky is happening with startup filesystem resizing, probably unrelated to my ec2 startup commit
<contrapumpkin> or am I missing something?
<lambdamu> https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1119 https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1120 could these prs be merged or is something missing?
<LnL> gchristensen: still want me to look at something or was that for the insecure packages pr?
<contrapumpkin> ah, I thought there was something that tried to guard against that
<contrapumpkin> I'm trying to debug something :)
<contrapumpkin> okay, that gives me something to test, thank you
<Profpatsch> Can you test it out? I might have missed something, but at least stuff like git-dit-list doesn’t throw errors on invocation.
<sphalerite> the contents you'd want would be something like with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation {name = "projectName"; src = lib.cleanSource ./. ; buildInputs = [cmake ncurses ...]; }
<LnL> something like { pkgs ? ... }: let drv = { stdenv, hello }: stdenv.mkDerivation ...; in pkgs.callPackage drv {}
<LnL> or callPackage, if you want something that looks more like the definitions in nixpkgs
<copumpkin> I usually do something like that, except version-locked
<eacameron> Is there a way to run nix expressions on the command line and get results printed to stdout? I have some very simple config nix files and I'd like to run something like "nix-eval '(import ./config.nix).name" and have the value of that attr printed to stdout.
<clever> copumpkin: checking something on this end...
<bendlas> Looks like something would write `/run/systemd/start-list` before calling `switch-to-configuration.pl`


<lambdamu> when i fetch a package with fetchgit or fetchFromGithub and there are two submodules, only one is needed, should i do something about the superflous one or is it ok to enable fetchSubmodules get everything and forget about it?
<peterhoeg> MichaelRaskin: git can sign commits too (that very few people do it is something else)
<clever> copumpkin: you could maybe use nix-store --register-validity and NIX_STATE_DIR to alter db.sqlite, after having rsync (or --restore'd) something in, i'll read some more related source...
<elasticdog> viric: you could use something like ipfs's multihash to self-describe the hash and make it easier to change in the future
<shlevy> Maybe they knew something we didn't
<copumpkin> my one guess is that something about it running early in the boot
<shlevy> If I were making something new today, I'd start with sha3-512
<clever> shlevy: if something in nix gets compiled to take advantage of that opcode, it will just not run at all on other cpu's, and now the binary cache needs 2 copies of every build
<copumpkin> yeah something like that
<ibrahims> i've tried setting it to something higher than 4096 with security.pam.loginLimits
<ibrahims> haproxy. haproxy comes with marathon and knows how to load balance, nginx is there handling the ssl and some other rules that i know how to adjust. after i deploy a new version things go nuts with connection count. nginx manages to survive and returns 502 getting `connection error` with haproxy in upstream. i suspect its about tcp TIMED_WAIT or something related since things settle down in about 3
<clever> this is also something i noticed that gentoo did differently, every file portage can download has 3 hashes on it, a sha256, a sha512, and a Whirlpool hash
<k0001> People, how do I set the `leaveDotGit` seen here to something, from the Hydra jobset config, so that the `.git` folder is not removed? https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/blob/dedcb76bedbb0c2fb43e18a5b7e58f3fcf2db0d6/src/script/nix-prefetch-git#L211
<MichaelRaskin> For now the question is just about cost — a million-dollar attack is not something you want to use left and right
<ToxicFrog> It can't be *that* hard to use dbus or something to check for a running chrome instance first, right?
<MarcWeber> I guess that opening windows by shortcuts is something many people do - not just me.
<LnL> greymalkin: I have something like this for one of my services https://gist.github.com/LnL7/8717b88dc05a921ecc867ac119446f58
<copumpkin> something fishy is going on
<LnL> I wish there was something similar for defaults
<globin> domenkozar: whoops was somewhere in a scrollback /o\ answered to something days old probably
<globin> domenkozar: actually had one case where a user fixed something in nixos and had never used git \o/
<spacekitteh> something something frequentist
<xeviox> at least updating is something I don't currently understand
<FPtje> What do you mean by an env var? Something like $HOME?
<xeviox> can I explicitely make something in a nix expression be a path? seems like it has problems using "./" as path
<FPtje> Has anyone experienced an empty /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration file before? I've had it three times now (and solved it by generating a new SD card because I was working on something else), but it's starting to creep me out
<clever> copumpkin: oh, i just had an idea on something you can use


<ndowens08> so mine isn't needed; darn thought i found something else to add to NIX
<LnL> if you want similar behaviour to other things, that use attributes you can do something like this nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA foo
<LnL> or are emacs people just using something else?
<LnL> ndowens08: are you using the builtin nix support or something else?
<nwspk> Mic92: can you tell me "where" something went wrong? a friend of mine did also switched to NixOS and also had to compile it
<Mic92> nwspk: if you need to compile libreoffice from source something went wrong.
<nh2> but how can I do the same in nix language? Something like `optionalString` but dealing with the fact when it's not set at all
<makefu> gchristensen: something like this https://nixos.org/wiki/Printers ?
<the-kenny> something outside nixpkgs
<the-kenny> Ugh. Something started passing `-fno-operator-names`
<the-kenny> hm, maybe they enable -fno-trigraphs or something
<fpletz> gchristensen: sorry, it's only a RFC, I read that on another site that got something wrong I guess
<makefu> since when it is markdown? i may have missed something here
<LnL> don't think I've looked at it yet, also can't enable it on my desktop because it doesn't work with uefi or something
<samvher> but if I have to build my own instance I'm not sure that's going to make my life easier, so I was hoping I could find something ready-made
<LnL> it would be nice to have a mkUndefine or something for cases like this
<lambdamu_> so something like this works for you? http://lpaste.net/2418078471822508032
<ndowens08> yup something like that


<clever> ndowens08: something doesnt match up
<tlotze> Hi, I'm rather new to Nix and I'm trying to install packages on top of another OS. Works fine, but one thing I wanted to get this way is cmus (an audio player) with opus capabilities. cmus installed fine but without using opus, and a glance at the nix expression told me that opus has been commented out for a long time because something didn't work in the past. Is this something to file an issue about, or is this kind of thing considered too much "maint
<simpson> Kendos-Kenlen: If there's specific information in the manual that you wanted but were unable to find, then that's another issue entirely; we can *do* something about that.
<maurer> gerrit is something that I think is a great tool if you have a bunch of people for whom the project is their job
<copumpkin> want to take advantage of their pre-existing instincts and then either harvest their contributions (if they're small typos, or documentation of something we haven't anticipated, or a new type of documentation we hadn't considered) or direct them to a more productive place for them to contribute
<copumpkin> domenkozar: not even that I think; it's more that thanks to wikipedia, a huge swath of the internet (ranging from top programmer to people who have never heard of linux; obviously the latter half of that spectrum isn't going to be using NixOS, but I want to move farther along it than we are right now) knows that they can go fix a typo or that when they google something and they find something silly obviously wrong, they can go fix it. I
<copumpkin> niksnut, domenkozar: how about I reopen the wiki and then we introduce something a bit like Contributing.md in GitHub that tells people what sorts of things we'd like where. So a clear breakdown of what sorts of documentation we want where and how, but still allowing them to edit the wiki?
<maurer> domenkozar: So, one example of something that I think probably belongs in a wiki style article rather than a manual chapter is something along the lines of "Help, I've hit error ERROR_TEXT_HERE wat do?"
<copumpkin> anyway, assuming haskell knowledge is something I'd rather not do
<mbrock> more reliable than anything else, and it's actually possible to understand the state of the system as something other than the result of a random sequence of sudo commands
<maurer> domenkozar: 2.) When I edit a wiki, it's done, I walk away. When I issue a PR, I have something up in the air that I have to check in on occasionally
<jcbrand> domenkozar: something along those lines
<hyper_ch> FRidh: I have no idea how to maintain something like that
<LnL> icetan: to run on it 16.09 I also had to configure something in the services
<gilligan_> I have a question about SSL_CERT. I have an impure derivation that needs to fetch something from https in the installPhase. Of course "the right thing" is to not have impure derivations in the first place. At this point I cannot avoid it. *Question*: Is my best/only option to just set SSL_CERT to SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt ? The problem with that is that it will fail on non-nixos systems!
<gilligan_> georges-duperon, change something in the default.nix of crack_attack? :-) dunno how else to do that tbh
<MichaelRaskin> Something like xinit
<erlandsona> I don't think I've done any nixos related stuff as a user... that said, I probably fat fingered something?
<erlandsona> Something like that.
<philipp[m]> I mean with fetchFromGitHub in a nixos-package (that's not meant for the actual repo, just something quick and dirty for myself)


<Sonarpulse> stdenv dir should be renamed bootstrapping or stages or something like that
<copumpkin> argh, I have no idea why something is running mkfs twice here
<bgamari> and that forcedNativePackages has something to do with it
<copumpkin> it might make sense to dump meta.license into $out/nix-support or something like that
<copumpkin> you could do something like buildCommand = ''${foo}/bin/foo haha";
<copumpkin> buildInputs and propagatedBuildInputs (and their native counterparts) aren't the only way you can depend on something
<copumpkin> I think the upcoming new UI will have something for that
<maurer> Sure, I was just hoping for something more ergonomic
<maurer> Is there something like nix-shell -p for the local default.nix?
<copumpkin> but I'll have to do something similar
<Judson> Basically, program needs to decide if it should directly fetch something with a bogus hash, or use nix-prefetch-url
<clever> Judson: and if your building something with nix, you can just pass ${builtins.storeDir} to configure at build-time
<copumpkin> clever: you know of something that fits the bill? https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1242
<mudri> Hmm, maybe I should use something else. I'm not tied to queuelike, but I haven't seen any alternatives yet.
<copumpkin> it'd be nice to have a muslStdenv or something
<gchristensen> I have a service which always fails: systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video0.service ...it has never worked. is there a way to disable it? like could I do `systemd.services."systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video0".enable = false;` or something?
<copumpkin> LnL: issue is just stuff like what johbo says; people are going to try to use it on things, and more often than not, something will import CF
<LnL> we can't do something like that for a wrapper because that could break shebangs
<ndowens08> yea i can look at how to do something like packaging and module and understand it, mostly :), that i can do it; some package managers are too complex to understand lol, can't think of an example of the one that i looked at and said no way heh
<aszlig> ndowens08: will look into that in a moment, need to fix something...


<Ralith> Guest28167: I think indentation support is just outright missing, so it falls back on emacs' built in defaults, which are fine so long as you're not trying to mass-autoindent something
<KABA> MichaelRaskin: Nevermind, I understand how to use it, but irregardless I think the libxml2 package doesn't have xmlwriter.h or something like that
<Drakonis> das something
<MichaelRaskin> Or do you mean something else?
<lambdamu> Possibly built by hydra, I remember something along those lines but can't find it anymore
<gchristensen> I think something like it could be
<gchristensen> LnL: not "something" but a "horrible disgusting hack" :)
<LnL> gchristensen: you where working on something that gives some nice output for travis build right?
<seanparsons> LnL: Hmmm, maybe this is something else then, cheers for that.
<ndowens08> elasticdog: you have something that installs into the kernel modules i assume so everytime it recompiles
<erlandsona> Yeah so if I wanted "auto-detection" for my usb interface, isn't there something in alsa where you can set "default" to a card if it's registered otherwise fall back to internal speakers?
<erlandsona> Rather how do the Desktop Environments handle it? They all just "shell out" to pavucontrol? or something?
<Unode> also something to do with how controls are changed when a headset is plugged... Tries to be smart and fails in annoying ways.


<erlandsona> I just want to setup my Xmonad to behave like TMUX. Something where I have two layouts a full screen that I can MOD-Tab through the stack, and a Quadrant based that I can navigate panes directionally.
<Acou_Bass> ttuegel: looks like youre onto something, its actually building \o/
<gchristensen> hey ttuegel, let me know if there is something I can do to help with kde4, I should be around a good bit of today.
<Profpatsch> ilyaigpetrov: Inherit: if something with the name is in the scope, use it as foo = foo
<hodapp> Profpatsch: so my question is why the basic command it suggests, as well as something nearly identical taken from the man page (i.e. "nix-env --set-flag priority 5 binutils") should be failing.
<hodapp> I try to install something, nix-env tells me of a conflict between two files, says "use ‘nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME’ to change the priority of one of the conflicting packages"
<Profpatsch> Should be a 40–something file.
<sheenobu> i wouldn't be shocked if chromium did something special that avoided installPhase altogether
<sheenobu> how would you wrapProgram something that has already been wrapped? can you append to an installPhase in a package override?
<Heffalump> I'm still a bit confused about what exactly nix-shell does, so I may be missing something obvious
<mbrgm> is there something like linux-tools-generic for nixos?
<peterhoeg> You were asking something of me earlier. How can I help? I don't have the full history here because my computer was off during the night.
<erlandsona> benley: I guess a better conversation might be... My justification for using alt on OSX was because it was a relatively unused key and I could map it to caps lock. That said, seemingly everything on Linux is mapped to alt, or ctrl-shift something. I guess instead of figuring out how to map alt and then figuring how to map windows/command key to handle application windows/tabs etc... just use the default alt
<erlandsona> Hmm... that's similar to something I'm trying to figure out too... I don't really understand how to write derivations / configurations to modify nix's readonly directories?
<benley> maybe you need to enable the postfix service or something like it?
<ndowens08> you know, you would think that if something is in '' '' it wouldn't worry if it is a variable or not :\


<ndowens08> so something like ${pkgs.writeText "${pkgs.hiawatha}/etc/hiawatha/hiawatha.conf"}
<dtz> anyway please LMK if I'm missing something or maybe misunderstanding rust/cargo/our-infra-for-them O:).
<dtz> i see I could do a buildRustPackage if I wanted to tell it where the source was and such but I was hoping to avoid that and basically capture the equivalent of what I get with "cargo install package". Is this possible/am I missing something? :)
<ndowens08> ok am I missing something or don't understand something correctly. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22888 on that PR, i am using assert enablehicolorTheme -> hicolor_icon_theme !=null, abbradar posted that am not actually using hicolor_icon_theme anywhere? Do i have to add hicolor_icon_theme somewhere else, like buildInputs = [ ] ++optional [hicolor_icon_theme]; ?
<mudri> Criena[m]: Yeah, Nix takes a long time to learn. I don't think it's something one can practise, like one would with programming exercises for languages.
<GiGa> I'm guessing something like this:
<bennofs> contrapumpkin: yeah something like that
<contrapumpkin> import returns something just like every other expression
<GiGa> The Jetbrains package updates I submitted to master, do I need to do something else to get them into the 16.09 repo?
<martinb> LnL: I think I managed to create something usable. Thanks for your help.
<domenkozar> hmm ok, I've never seen this before. GC blocks all building, I have GC enabled on multiple servers and I've never seen this. So it must be something else contributing to the problem
<ndowens08> was hoping I could find something in issues I could do, but nothing :)
<pikajude> ndowens08: that means something inside buildInputs is causing the error
<globin> pikajude, offlinehacker[m]: I was planning to play with it, too so I'll be fixing up stuff possibly, too if I find something :)


<pikajude> so i can run it myself and strace it or something
<pikajude> is it just a missing preStart or something
<eacameron> Do I somehow just do something like config = fix (config: config // {defaults})?
<clever> viric: and then if something wants the statics, it can depend on SDL2.static
<clever> mojjo: not really, you would need some ugly hacks with unionfs, or just use something raid capable (mdadm, zfs, lvm)
<cransom> sziszi: i found when adding extra commands to the firewall via iptables that if not cleaned up properly, the stop/start script would get confused and due to a set -e in the script, would fail on the first error. you might be hitting something like that there.
<sziszi> i'm using a networking.localCommands option with double singlequotes, resulting systemd script builds successfully when I rebuild the system, also the commands working when I run the file manually, so I assume the configuration is correct but these commands didn't ran(maybe they do, but I didn't find any evidence) is there a logfile or something I can look into about this issue? i'm stuck right now
<copumpkin> or something like that
<copumpkin> you need to add something to it if you want a user
<clever> qknight_: i think nixops uses something similar, so you can refer to the ip of other boxes in the deployment
<copumpkin> ndowens08: I'd also call it something like documentRoot or document-root, which seems to be the convention from lighttpd and apache modules
<joko> I've checked the diffs, but I still can't tell what happens once you log in via SSH, do you have to type something, the passphrase directly, what next etc.?
<copumpkin> or something like that
<copumpkin> I wanted to do something similar in Haskell ages ago, but my other interests won over it
<maurer> gchristensen: When you get back ping me, there's something useful we could do with this for security researchers
<maurer> Is this only on the nix-channel repo or something?
<LnL> gchristensen: is there something we should do for that when we create security fixes?
<copumpkin> gotta do something while my 100 iterations of the VM test run, right?
<copumpkin> i.e., just because something doesn't have insecure on it doesn't mean it's secure
<mbrgm> does nix have something like the '$' infix operator in haskell?
<gchristensen> something like this, davidak https://gist.github.com/grahamc/e0d52271ece2f9887d07c6324bd3a6fd
<NickHu> Do I just wait until that happens, or should I ping the pr or something?
<fpletz> and something in postgresql changed
<arianvp2> but that does mean something in unstable is breaking the way acme works
<fhoffmeyer> I tried to run patchelf directly from the command line and change the rpath there.. and that works. So I think I am doing something wrong in the .nix file
<fhoffmeyer> I have tried to give it a shot, and fixed the interpreter, but if I try to change the rpath in any way, the binary just segfaults.. I did something like this: http://pastebin.com/psmfVvjF
<mguentner> it's just something that should be addressed sometime (also within the security team/context of NixOS). It's always better to address the root of the problem instead of hacking around it (carefully moving important stuff out of the store)
<mguentner> gchristensen: that would make it possible to actually develop something in NixOS without using the nix-shell
<xwvvvvwx> Makes more sense to me to use something like these systemd InaccessibleDirectories?


<octe> is there something similiar for nixos?
<ndowens08> i havent really hit them too hard, just my issue is how to modify something, so use to setting in etc lol
<ndowens08> I am not trying to rail on nix, I have no control, but I think navigating wiki to find something can be easier :)
<Acou_Bass> i have put a lump into the top-level/python-packages.nix but i wasnt sure if that means its supposed to also be in the all-packages.nix one too... i feel like im missing something dumb here
<Acou_Bass> yeah its just the one package application im looking at really - but if i put something in top-level/python-packages.nix, how do i then install it? nix-build -A like a standard package doesnt seem to want to work (ive been trying touse this method) :P
<clever> Ralith: simplest thing i can think of is to run du on /nix/store, pick something fat that you dont like, and then nix-store --query --roots and optionaly nix-store --delete
<gchristensen> can someone make something like yarn but for java and then have everyone jump ship
<viric> I discovered something new (for me) about disk caching...
<pareidolia> How do I get something like Environment = "SANE_CONFIG_DIR=${sane-config}";
<contrapumpkin> I guess I can set up my own mediawiki and try applying something resembling the configuration I'm proposing
<pareidolia> clever: Does the @ in a service name mean something special to systemd?
<pareidolia> Other question, do I need to do something special with CUPS to enable the webinterface?
<k0001> gchristensen: Hmm... it shouldn't be something hard to fix, though, right?
<pareidolia> I'd rather not have something fundamental like that go though implicit mechanisims
<Profpatsch> clever: Something like netboot?
<clever> pareidolia, garbas: ive also got plans for something similar/more insane, replacing grub with either haskell or rust, and allowing control over the network
<gchristensen> (I am of course open to do something different)
<LnL> peterhoeg: I usually keep it open for a few days if it's not something I use actively myself
<guillaum1> my /root/.nix-channels contains "https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos" However I remember I had issues with that file when installing nix and many errors about broken channels, which I sort of fixed, but I don't really know how, so perhaps something is weird on my system. Actually nix-channel --update seams to download
<guillaum1> well, I just though about something, perhaps the nix-channel --update command wrote "downloading 0 Kib / 0" just because the download is so quick that it does not update the display with the correct size. This may explain why I think it does not download anything.
<guillaum1> LnL: so it is why I don't understand why it updated something, because last time I updated the channel, I also nixos-rebuild switch, so I was up to date with my channel.


<LnL> you should be able to nix-build ./file.nix -A foobar something like this https://gist.github.com/LnL7/286593e864bcb40331473b3fd9e1aced
<devoid> I've read the nixos-container Perl program and tried to understand systemd containers but I am missing something I think...
<ablubla_> Hey, I want to customize a package in my config.nix by overriding the postInstall. However the post install uses variables from within the package, can I somehow use them ( ${super.luaPath} or something like that?)
<bennofs> ttuegel: perhaps a better fix would be something like find -not -name "*.gz" ?
<digitalmentat> globin, oh I was looking for just something like that (checksec)
<gchristensen> it is a great icon, I was super impressed :) can we somehow make that available to our users in a "press kit" or something?
<zx2c4> you'd be the first distro to do something like that
<zx2c4> or... something else?
<dtz> GlennS: I'm doing something like: depsSha256 = builtins.readFile "${proj_deps}/deps";
<roundhouse> maybe it depends on "something"?
<jophish> Hmm, I think I've discovered something *super* weird
<the-kenny> Github is one of these services that will only get replaced with something better over a long long time. Like sourceforge
<ndowens08> Is there a way to do something like cd ${pkgs pkgname} or something?
<eacameron> clever: I really wish you could do something like "builtins.docs pkgs.runCommand" and get some info
<ndowens08> this is something i can work with :)
<contrapumpkin> oh, are you building it in $out or something?
<ndowens08> if there was a way to do something like debian does, like when you package there, you create a watch file that tells their system to check url for versions higher than in repo and notify
<manveru> add something like this: bundlerEnv { gemConfig = pkgs.defaultGemConfig // { rainbow = attrs: { buildInputs = [foobar]; }; }; }
<ndowens08> we should have something implemented for people that maintains many packages, other wise may forget them
<LnL> I remember somebody talking about something that shows outdated packages recently
<ndowens08> hmm too bad we cant use something like Debian's uscan to watch for updates from upstream


<viric> we learnt something.
<ndowens08> hmm i may end up trying something for the fun of it, though it wont work i bet :)
<ndowens08> simple concept, but something i doubt i could do, i dont really script :)
<contrapumpkin> or something
<NickHu> simpson: Oh, I thought there might be a rule against it or something because I am yet to see any unfree software packaged up for nixos
<ndowens08> i have seen something like ${pkgs.PKGNAME}/bin etc but that doesnt work
<contrapumpkin> or something
<contrapumpkin> gchristensen: is that an agent that runs on top of mysql? did you create a NixOS module for it or something?
<clever> mckeankylej: you would need to rename your copy to something else, and change a few of its internal references
<mckeankylej> How should I get help when I dont know how to do something in nix there is barely any documentation
<MarcWebe1> garbas: http://dpaste.com/0RH7DTG six is missing trying to pypi2nix rinohtype. Is there something trivial I missed ?
<judson_> I was thinking something like nix-shell or nix-build - the latter because I'm really looking to test my Nix code itself a/o/t the build environment.
<clever> i saw something about building the test with -K and it leaves the run command in /tmp/nix-build
<luv> one simply issue though, nix-env -i something fails with Unable to download http://.... ... I have downloaded the file manually from different location (some hash it seems) but after doing nix-prefetch-url http://different-location it still tries to download the file again during nix-env -i - what am I doing wrong?
<manveru> there must be something more light-weight i'm sure
<gchristensen> right now I run the test-driver and do `startAll` then `$machine->forwardHostPort (or something like that) (2223, 22);` and can then ssh to it
<contrapumpkin> my EC2 tests got a little icky but I was doing something unusual for them
<judson_> All things considered, I wouldn't mind being able to do something like "testPackage <path> {...}" and get back a derivation for inspection, either.
<judson_> Ideally, I'd like something like `nix-test <file>` or `nix-text <pkg-root> <attrlist>` with a test report.
<Sonarpulse> I gather the current multiple ouput logic is breaking on cross prefixes or something??
<riptawr> is there something similar to build-essentials in nix btw?
<GlennS> and I think there are plans afoot to replace httpd subservices with something else, so maybe I can do it more nicely in the future
<sphalerite> or something along those lines
<ndowens08> LnL: something wrong with travis ci? still not trying to build the push'd code
<gchristensen> fwiw that isn't something we'll permit in to nixpkgs
<LnL> I wonder if the build is doing something strange because it detected that it's a debian system
<ndowens08> LnL: yea it is weird, it is in the build log on my pull request, but something about dpkg-architecture: tcl.....
<FRidh> gchristensen: I'll wait a day or two and then I'll merge the Python 3 change. Deterministic build of the interpreter is something that can always be done/merged later.
<NickHu> So, how should I go about doing something like this? http://lpaste.net/352488
<mbrgm> https://d3g5gsiof5omrk.cloudfront.net/nixos/unstable/nixos-17.03pre100821.6651c72 hash column has the headline 'sha-512 hash' while those are sha256 hashes. should someone(TM) create a ticket for this or am I getting something wrong?
<hendrik[m]> Is there already something built like node2nix for composer?
<tnks> simpson: I realized that dockerTools must be doing something similar.
<ndowens08> seems it is messed up IMO, doesnt work, needed it to install small debian vm to see something for this package
<ndowens08> build 2 failed on epic5, looks like it is debian it seems, dpkg-configure: tcl something not found
<benley> what about in function parameters, where you can do like { something ? defaultvalue }:
<Judson> IIRC (and this may all be out of date) they use Rake to build it (so you need Ruby already), and they have a default target and an install target - so you might expect something like `rake; rake install` except `rake` does a dev build and installs it. There weren't two steps to the install process, which meant separating out a build and install step for the package was a giant pain.