
<mastarija> Have I misunderstood something?


<nf> i'm only pointing at that because i was thinking of doing something like that
<nf> er, sorry, that's debian not gentoo. but ubuntu and gentoo seem to be doing something similar
<qyliss> there are a hundred and something people in #nixos on libera.chat


<nf> i'm using something like this to boot qemu in UEFI: qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1G -enable-kvm -bios /usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF.fd -hda nixos.iso
<samueldr> nf ^ but yeah, something is off... removing (hd0) should have fixed everything as apparently grub should be looking at the disk/partition it booted from, but it seems unqualified paths are buggy on some specific platforms which is hella diappointing
<immae> CodeBitCookie[m]: That’s strange. Do you have something that overrides the NIX_PATH ?
<tazjin> this will move `pipe-viewer` itself to .pipe-viewer.bin or something like that, and create a wrapper script at the original location which injects stuff in the PATH
<tazjin> so in postInstall or some other such hook, something like `wrapProgram $out/bin/pipe-viewer --prefix PATH : "${lib.makeBinPath [ vlc mpv ....]}`
<CodeBitCookie[m]> If you can please run `nix-build` then `./result/bin/pipe-viewer` after that inside the program type `asdf` hit enter then type `2`. This should run the video, but instead shows an error `sh: mpv not found` or something like that.
<tazjin> it might be easier to, instead of substituting in the source, use the wrapper script generator to wrap the actual program in something that has these on the path
<CodeBitCookie[m]> People yesterday told me that there is something wrong with my expression
<tazjin> CodeBitCookie[m]: I don't use matrix myself, I think for the new "official" channels you have to join something in Matrix
<supersandro2000> madonius[m]: docker has --env-file, I am sure there is something like this for OCI
<benlyn> clever: should '<nixpkg/nixos>' be something other than the path to my current config.nix?
<Ke> in general they wanted to have a simple client that does things one way rather than something configurable


<__monty__> Uhm, this look something that'll only make a bad situation worse tbh.
<jade_[m]> when i clicked the link in the post, it added something to the sidebar, maybe that's it? I'm confused still
<dweller> Herdinger: are you using Network Manager or something similar?
<boondang> business people don't care about ethics, they just barely care about if something is legal or not enough to get away with continuing a shady model
<dweller> hyper_ch5: tbh, you can safely assume that every company located in tax haven have something to hide
<tpw_rules> but something like this should be correct: substituteInPlace bin/pipe-viewer --replace "which_command('youtube-dl')" "'${pkgs.youtube-dl}/bin/youtube-dl'";
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Or does that mean something is wrong with my nix derivation
<CodeBitCookie[m]> If we would have to change something it would be that `which_command` function/subroutine. What it does is that it first checks if the argument is an absolute path which it is definitely not as we just pass in youtube-dl. then loops through the paths and forms one path including the filename at the end with catfile
<vikanezrimaya> probably closer to winter I might be able to make my own but for now I need something that will sustain me


<sterni> it depends on what src is how it's unpacked, if it is something fetchzip-based it'll be a directory called source
<JosefKemetmller[> My first time using matrixa Nd tried creating an account on nixos.org via the android "element" app. The server didn't accept the Gmail domain though. Am I doing something wrong? Am I not supposed to register there?
<benley> I support using something more open than discord too
<Baughn> Its consistency leaves something to be desired, but I guess it’s the best option.
<pushqrdx> you run something for others, you're responsible for their security
<tazjin> IMO if people want to move "officially" then an RFC should be proposed for the possible solutions, because something like "oh we're deciding that we're using Matrix from now on" will leave some people behind
<MichaelRaskin> Hosting is not that hard, but hosting something surviving #nixos requires at least some care, yeah
<hexa-> there is also something-something matrix going on
<MichaelRaskin> I assume that most committers have _something_ installed from ~unstable around
<atralheaven> overlays are something like plugs in elixir, they get the nix build instructions as input, apply a change to it, and return a new one, right?
<dminuoso> We could perhaps charge a support fee. Something like, your first two questions are free.


<cransom> dumping packets is a privileged operation. you would have either run them as root or they did something pretty irresponsible and let random users spy on traffic.
<mastarija> Is it possible to create something like a global / default sway wm configuration from configuration.nix?
<grabz0y> missing something obvious...
<Henson> is there some way I can get builtins.fetchGit to use the revision hash alone to fetch something from a repository, and not have to specify the ref?
<jasom> CodeBitCookie[m]: good discussion; I learned something too
<CodeBitCookie[m]> oh thats something i didn't know
<jasom> I think this is what the nix pills is saying; I have zero clue how all of this actually works. It seems like compression could fool it (as I said encryption will as well, but that seems like a hostile program rather than something that could happen by accident)
<AmandaC> My oriignal thought was hydra was doing something with tmpfiles.d but a quick skim of the module seems to disprove that
<gustavderdrache> i'll confess that i have no idea how to add locales to nixpkgs' glibc so i usually just put that export line in my shell.nix's shellHook when something complains :|
<ejg> Hey - kind of new/intermediate to linux. Why is there not more talk about NixOS as a server OS? I almost exclusively see it talked about as a desktop OS, but reading from it, it seems perfect for servers (but clunky for a desktop OS). Am I missing something?
<meet> Home is anyway set without me needing to set it again to tmp or something else
<GytisIvaskeviciu> TL;DR: $HOME directory needs to be set to something, but its in chroot thus has no access to your home


<ToxicFrog> Note that old versions do eventually stop getting updates, so if you're on like nixos 19.x or something you'll need to switch to a channel that still gets updated
<Herdinger> Not meaning to be rude but my question got a little drowned out so I'm going to ask again. I'm configuring by NixOs through flakes. There are overlays for the nix command it self and a few custom packages. Is there a way for me to rexport the overlayed nixpkgs that get used by nixos-rebuild as something that can be used by other nix commands?
<CodeBitCookie[m]> so something like this:
<cole-h> Ah. I meant: if you have a project that has multiple packages (say, one package provides a service for something, and the other provides a CLI to interface with that service), you'd want them both under `packages.<platform>`
<Baughn> Something more reliable than doing it inside the build script, with `bin/timeout` and the semi-broken shell code that seems to be all I ever manage?
<hyperfekt> the 'oops i wanted to pass an argument to the builder but it didn't actually get picked up' seems like something that needs throwing away the stdenv magic build scripts to fix
<cole-h> it's really weird. some phase probably does `pushd source` / `cd source`, but it happens really early or something
<nawosi> additional question, does nix have something like this?
<johnjay> i tried nixos/nixos, nixos/, user/user, and maybe like admin or something.
<matthewcroughan> python3-datetutil depends on python3-six. So if I included python3-dateutil in something, I'd basically be being very messy and including unnecessary stuff.
<gchristensen> Kinnison: interesting ... I'm suspicious of something else causing this at this point
<__monty__> Something got messed up.
<jasom> What's the best way to get an ubuntu-like setup for testing a python package? A package I use (Nikola) fails tests in nixpkgs trunk, and I want to see if the behavior in something upstream will look at is the same or different; my intuition is that it's just a bad test...
<mjrosenb> I assume there's something simple that I need to do to get the libraries set up correctly again.
<pennae> ... maybe we'll just leave it until we *really* need ardour again, and then pin it to something that's in cache D:
<mastarija> Something like : blk_update_request: I/O error, dev loop0, sector whatever
<thibm> ronthecookie: that's something I wanted to tell (but I was lazy): I trust Nix and the only issue to do speleology is sources. They disappear and you can't do much about that (actually, you can, but that's another story).
<simpson> I earnestly think that Nix's trick is to treat packages as capabilities; if you know the path to something in the Nix store, then you're allowed to invoke/load it.
<evils> atralheaven: (darn it, i keep typing "astralheaven") if you don't want to change the pkgs set where you're calling it, something like this? https://discourse.nixos.org/t/installing-only-a-single-package-from-unstable/5598/4
<meet> i wonder why people decided to not write something like fetchFromNPM, fetchFromPyPI, etc. instead of creating packaging around another packaging
<CodeBitCookie[m]> it puts something in brackets after too
<__monty__> In some cases you can use it for the project's deps too, but you need something like haskell.nix which can be completely non-intrusive.
<shreeya> you can probably have multiple home-manager nix files that derive from something common and override the configs, but you will have to keep switching with -f
<atralheaven> Hi, I'm looking for a way to have multiple instances of a program with different configs running, is there something for that in nix ecosystem?
<mjrosenb> I assume there's something simple that I need to do to get the libraries set up correctly again.


<mikroskeem> one thing is for sure, something's wrong on fs/disk side
<thibm> neiluj: sure, it's the lib used when evaluation the new configuration that matters. It really depends on how you used flakes, which ones you used, etc. Normally, if something used `anything`, you should get the corresponding lib.
<mikroskeem> something in the lines of getting some rtos on it & doing something useful with it
<clever> kini: sounds like some of the tests are broken, you can maybe do something based on `nix-build nixos/release.nix -A tests`, but using hydra could be simpler
<remexre> does nixpkgs do something sick and twisted to the package system to improve efficiency, I wonder
<yurb> Hi everyone. I'm curious what would be a nix'y idiom for something like Ansible roles, where I could have many instances of the same role? I would like to deploy a couple copies of similar services, where they would differ only in their domain name, database name, docroot, etc, but otherwise identical
<Felix[m]6> ty for trying, maybe it's also because I'm not registered on the server or something, no idea^^
<simpson> JoaquinRufoGutie: Does your native language have different words for "want" and "need"? You do not *need* for us to do anything for you! The design of Nix ensures that, if you truly *need* something from Nix, then you do not need our permission or cooperation.


<lovesegfault> colemickens: probably? I think nequissimus uses an automated tool or something
<gchristensen> it'll be created as soon as you install something :)
<CodeBitCookie[m]> * my /home/user/.xmonad is a symlink to: /nix/store/blahblah2801340randomhash-home-manager-environment or something like that
<CodeBitCookie[m]> my .xmonad is a symlink to: /nix/store/blahblah2801340randomhash-home-manager-environment or something like that
<CodeBitCookie[m]> Something aside from all of this though is that I am having a dilemma: I have made a nix folder in my home folder and inside is my home.nix and many configuration files and folders including my .emacs.d and .xmonad. I have then put "home.file.".xmonad".source = ./.xmonad" in my home.nix which automagically creates a symlink wherever needed.
<djahandarie> Has anyone run into something like that and have any idea how to fix it?
<djahandarie> I'm trying to package something which does a fork/exec, and somehow the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var no longer is there for the child process
<CodeBitCookie[m]> or something else?
<immae> (i.e. if "foo" produces { foo = something_depending_on_foo; } )
<pennae> "fixes the build" is a good reason to put something there ioo
<gchristensen> 'course, person hours are much more expensive than donating a fancy builder or something :)
<pie_> i.e. if you do something like {pkgs, config, ...}: { stuff here } // { more stuff}
* Kinnison supposes if he wants his patches in, he'd best go see if the red is something he might be able to offer a fix for
<Kinnison> aah so there's something red, gotcha
<cab404[m]> <typetetris "Whats the exquivalent of `nix re"> something along the lines of `:a builtins.getFlake "flake:nixpkgs"`
<typetetris> As a user I type `nix profile install nixpkgs#something` and then I want nixpkgs to be the same flake the system was installed from. (So it doesn't get downloaded multiple times, bad internet here.)
<evils> nixpkgs abstracts a lot of the mess into something as simple as `nix run nixpkgs.hello` (not the messiest example though :P)
<evils> (mostly because there's more ways for a user to mess something up than there are tests to catch that)
<evils> (note, i don't regularly use Rust, and i'm hoping someone will correct me if i say something wrong)
<gchristensen> run it in a VM or something :)


<samueldr> *and* also buy something else I guess
<simpson> exarkun: I haven't used this specific integration, but ACME integrations usually have some sort of local check for certificate freshness, and perhaps somebody helpfully added something like that to this integration.
<zeta_0> samueldr: ya, I shouldn't have changed the uid option, I'm used to changing whatever I want, and going back a generation if something breaks, I guess I need to be more careful.
<zeta_0> I thought that you can tinker with configuration.nix as much as you want, and if something breaks, just go back to the generation before the change, it's strange that my issue is still persisting after new rebuilds.
<pennae> maybe something can be built with buildFHSUserEnv? (never had to, so no idea whether it'll actually work)


<radvendii> i do have nix.trustedUsers = [ "root" "@wheel" ];, not sure if that's doing something in this context
<Ankhers> I haven't done this in a while, what is the nix-build command to use when trying to build something from my local nixpkgs?


<drozdziak1> yeah, I'm doing `ln -s something .`
<cole-h> `ln -s something $(pwd)/something`?
<cole-h> darwin builds only happen when a trusted user tells ofborg to build something
<devhell> thibm: hmmm, so the entry should be added to /etc/resolv.conf? There is no entry though. I'm wondering if that has something to do with useNetworkd = true;, but I can't test right now.
<Unhammer> hey, I upgraded libgcc or something on Ubuntu 20.04 and now I'm getting
<legendofmiracles> * qyliss: is there something i can use? If i had to write it manually it wouldn't be terrible
<legendofmiracles> qyliss: is there something i can use? If i had to write it manually it wouldn't be bad
<legendofmiracles> I think i'm overlooking something, but what's the flag to wrap a program with `wrapProgram`, so that the original command is the argument of the command?
<judson_> Something about NIXPATH maybe?
<eacameron> Is there a way to determine if I'm in a nix-shell from env vars or something?


<tpw_rules> i don't understand why you would use runCommand to do that and not put it in a postUnpack or something?
<lovesegfault> I remember there was something I could set like rootDir or something like that
<ajshell1> I'll give it a shot. Heck, I'll give anything a shot as long as it involves less work than manually changing mountpoints for all my 60-something datasets
<benlyn> found some from late march but hoping there where something newer out there
<simpson> Maybe one of the post-install phases does something?
<simpson> dupon1: Huh, wonder if something's removing it? Could you share your derivation so I can try to reproduce it?
<dupon1> still trying to package an application but libraries bundled in the DEB file are discarded at the end of the of the installPhase. I am missing something or I can prevent this behaviour?
<dminuoso> Think of something along the lines of `let f = { a ? 2 }: ...; in f {}`
<manveru> derjohn_mob: i did something like that a while ago... basically writing a json file of package names and then just reading that and selecting its packages
<derjohn_mob> thibm, Thx. Is there a something around, that writes the package requirements to the configuration.nix ? like "nix-package --add-global or so.
<pennae> (ideally the replacement module would just live with configuration.nix and be imported there or something)


<yokwe> yeah. but im not so familiar with nix, so im unsure if i gotta like add something to it before it starts working fine
<dminuoso> Is there something non-obvious one has to do to depend on template-haskell without this overlay?
<dminuoso> Mmm, I have a package that depends on template-haskell, but nix cant pick it up unless I create an overlay with something like { template-haskell = superHS.template-haskell_2_17_0_0; ghc-boot-th = superHS.ghc-boot-th_9_0_1; }
<philipp> As long as your games opengl fits the system, it's no problem when you have something entirely different open in a dev shell.
<qyliss> (I think it's every fifteen or something)
<Reventlov> but I get « attempt to call something which is not a function but a set »
<CodeBitCookie[m]> so I must have messed something up before
<qyliss> I'm thinking of something different
<evils> extraordinary claims, extraordinary evidence, something like that :P
<evils> i'm not sure why not, i suspect it has something to do with the complexity of package sets and avoiding double counting
<justanotheruser> evils: why not? Is there something close?


<AmandaC> Does anybody have any suggestions / examples to point out for how to manage making sure something's disabled in /proc/acpi/wakeup? Arch wiki suggests tmpfiles.d but it also points out that that'll cause random toggles. My laptop refuses to sleep because the USB controller returns EBUSY when my BT mouse is connected.
<fuzzypixelz> clever: virtually all derivations fail with something like `error: derivation '/nix/store/43ajsq8cww3j865qs1kpz94k000pzrib-dbus-1.12.20.drv' does not have wanted outputs 'dev,lib'`
<aleph-> Okay stupid question, attempting to vendor dns.nix (https://github.com/kirelagin/dns.nix/) and just import the module directly without flakes. However importing the libs default.nix which exports a attr set seems to fail and instead exports a function. Wondering if there's something obvious I'm missing? https://paste.rs/x04
<qyliss> or... something like that
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):494:1
<dutchie> i've done all the substituteInPlace to remove direct references to those urls but something else is finding it
<chrisaw> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/hkg6yD968P/ is what I now have based on your suggestion ar but I get: "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"
<amirouche> does nix support something like gentoo's USE flags? I know guix has decided against it.
<zeta_0> clever: should I try something like xmonad, or will I run into the same issue?
<simpson> zeta_0: Check your Xorg and display manager logs; there's both systemd logs and also often something in /var/log.
<matthewcroughan> I mean, rather than something fundamentally wrong with overrideAttrs?
<mvnetbiz_> Something like that. I can't say because I have no clue how overrideAttrs works.
<matthewcroughan> If I overrideAttrs on the src of something that used `requireFile`, it just won't allow me to override it without calling the old requireFile function.
<samueldr> so really superficially it looks like 2.04 falls back to something while 2.06 doesn't


<samueldr> to me, without investigation, sounds like something fell back in a nicer way in 2.04 than on 2.06
<samueldr> not pressuring anything or anyone, simply something planned
<immae> samueldr: are you thinking of a conversion to something similar to the hydra documentation?
<samueldr> so that's something else to be aware of
<hyperfekt> well, the installer also *shouldn't* be stuck, so i think it's a fair assumption that something somewhere in nixpkgs doesn't do what it should :b
<hyperfekt> yeah it just be something hardware-specific because i would be surprised if we didn't have a nixos test that tried to boot the installer
<superherointj> simpson, I did try this. But it failed. But it might be something else, on 'nix develop': https://gist.github.com/superherointj/357260cb759aa6b234b642db8b725167#file-go-generate-log-L9
<notafile> hey, not sure if this is the right place, but nixos.org's ipv6 seems to be broken for me. Something seems to be dropping ICMP messages, breaking PMTUD.
<__monty__> The overlay would be something like `self: super: { myPkg = super.myPkg.overrideAttrs (old: old // { src = newsrc; }); }`
<matthewcroughan> All I want to do is override the SRC of something in Nixpkgs, not copy the whole derivation.
<dev_mohe> yeah your waiting time after raising the issue was totally fine. For a pull request I personally would wait a little longer but the release is also soon and this seems like something pretty bad so idk what I would do. Also it's a bit of experience to get to find out how fast what gets fixed. But in this case it should've been looked into earlier IMHO. But as most people are doing this in their free time this isn't a
<shla> i'm not in position to decide whether it's something critical for a release
<Kinnison> So if your PR is meant to fix something necessary for the release you might want to find out how to raise it to the attention of the right people
<yurb> I think this case with Audacity is something rather unusual, a kind of unexplored space
<superherointj> yurb, NixOS follows upstream, if usptream decides to do something silly, something silly will happen. The user should be judging what is relevant to their needs.
<__monty__> yurb: Are you maybe suggesting nixpkgs add something like "allowPhoningHome?"
<superherointj> yurb, there is a list of licenses considered free. If something is not there, it is unfree then.
<__monty__> Packaging has so far seemed fairly open as long as it's useful for more than one person. Just because something's packaged doesn't mean you're exempted from applying critical consideration as a user.
<yurb> i.e., I know nix will warn me if I try to install something I don't want
<yurb> I'm thinking more about general policy; with licenses there is a (more or less) clear distinction free vs unfree. There might be something similar with software that is known no contain controversial features
<yurb> The Audacity/MuseScore telemetry with Google Analytics is something that got me thinking
<legendofmiracles> Thomas: gitlab is down, maybe that has something to ddo with it?
<jtojnar> aj__: something like buildMaven might be useful but either way, you are probably better of using nix-shell over global installation with nix-env
<jtojnar> aj__: I would not expect there to be something like that
<aj__> Hello! I am new no nix(OS). I tried already to find out by google'n'docs, but I cant get a clear answer to the following questions: Do I have to install each package separately or is there something like a collection or meta system for things like "nix-env -i java-development-with-all-common-tools" ?
<euank> Ah, good to hear it was something easy! Glad you figured it out :)
<hexa-> bootctl install something something


<apache8080> is there something different with the path for postBootCommands?
<winterqt> which i need to use to debug something
<winterqt> i assume i'm doing something wrong
<winterqt> or something similar
<shla> hi, I want to fix something from nixpkgs repo, how do I test-run my changes against local clone of nixpkgs?
<triplekaykay> Hello, channel. If anyone could kindly help me, I'm trying to build something, but the final stage is failing because there's alterations being made to a read-only file system. My user is of the "nixbld" group, and also fails under root, so I do believe it's some kind of configuration error. The error specifically looks something like this.
<pie_> jonringer: all I can think of is some DOOM arena or something now
<dminuoso> pennae: That's something different entirely.
<euank> searching for other packages in nixpkgs that use runtimeDependencies might give you something to draw inspiration from. Good luck.
<Graypup_> so I want to install neovim on macOS with nix, but it's trying to use python 2.7 and failing. is there a config i have to do or something?
<matthewcroughan> I do not fully understand the suggestion euank made about systemd and BindPaths, but I'm excited to try that either way and I will learn something.
<jonringer> you could also leverage something like zfs, which will have an in-memory arc. And helps mitigates subsequent accesses


<colemickens> I want to package a javascript thing for Nix, one of those projects insists on downloading something during build time. I've tried in the past to package it and could never figure out how to patch this inner dependency. Any npm+nix experts have any advise on the best tool to use if I were going to try again?
<colemickens> did you try something along the lines of virsh -c "qemu:///system" ...
<hrnz> oh, and you can also rollback your configs together with your packages if something stops working
<cole-h> input.name = { url = "something"; flake = false; };
<pie_> or something like that
<pie_> Ankhers: actually using niv basically consists of adding the repo to it, running update or something and then `let nixpkgs = import (import ./nix/sources.nix).nixpkgs {}; in ...`
<abathur> I didn't bother censusing uses of "time" in the thesis since there are supposedly 109, but I did look at each instance of "date" and "time stamp"; the fact of date/time based build indeterminism is mentioned, and it discusses setting the timestamp for filesystem objects to a fixed value, but at least at those sites I didn't see any discussion of doing something globally tyrannical about it :)
<abathur> it is common to need to patch out date/time dependencies (in a simple case, something capturing its build time to show in --help or --version) to make builds reproducible; I guess I've just assumed intentionally freezing date/time causes unacceptable collateral damage of its own but I haven't looked for discussion on that point; I guess "it isn't possible" is a good one :)
<thibm> noonien: you can use something like `drv: builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (builtins.hashString "sha1" drv.drvPath)` to get a random-looking hash seed determined by drv
<DigitalKiwi> i'm not sure if the |& cat does what it's supposed to do as i'm not sure what it's supposed to do (i have an idea of it but not sure); it was definitely added in an attempt to solve something though lol
<DigitalKiwi> pennae: thomasjm i've used something like this before (fzf or peco to choice) nix shell nixpkgs#jq nixpkgs#fzf nixpkgs#peco -c bash -c "nix-instantiate --eval --json -E 'builtins.attrNames (import <nixpkgs> {}).haskellPackages' | jq '.[]' -r | peco" |& cat
<srhb> phalrax: Are your dependencies not pinned? If not, I'd just recommend doing that, then it's clear when something changes. eg instead of referencing <nixpkgs>, reference `fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/<rev>.tar.gz`
<nekroze> why would simply overriding the rev and sha cause this failure? I am looking into generating a deps list with something like vgo2nix but I am unclear on if this is neccesary or even something that can be passed through using that override function.
<infinisil> pennae: Oh this time isn't wasted. Having some good discussion and learning something is definitely worth it :)
<infinisil> The composability of NixOS modules is really not something all program writers have in mind when choosing a config file format


<andi-> pennae: yeah... I also don't like the new settings RFC because it comes with a bunch of churn.. also mkDefault lists seem to be merged with the non-mkdefault values or something weird.. I ended up with tons of duplicate settings where I previously only had one instance.
<barahir84> is there something i'm missing about which arguments a module can accept ?
<l-as> No matter what I do I can't get it to build something from the nixpkgs tarball on my system
<qyliss> __monty__: I don't think so (except for build dependencies), but I wonder if in your case there's something we could do temmporarily to tell Nix not to do the disallowed references check...
<__monty__> Is there something like why-depends that you can use on something that doesn't build?
<fuzzypixelz> I would prefer to have a nix-shell environment and build/test from within it rather than something like this: https://nix-tutorial.gitlabpages.inria.fr/nix-tutorial/first-package.html#a-first-nix-package-definition
<simpson> wrkzk[m]: Looks pretty good. You'll need to ask for the various parameters, by starting the expression with something like `{ lib, lua, luaposix, buildLuarocksPackage }:`
<pennae> hrnz: theres userActivationScripts, maybe writeText something and copy it there
<pennae> also there might be a bug with a root secret "something.tmp" and a non-root secret "something" that'll delete the root secret? not sure about that tho
<ryantm> I'm using NixOS, so something in configuration.nix would be nice.


<pie_> something something JWT
<pie_> eyJhb: your username is a prefix for something what is it
<cole-h> the cmake hook should already populate everything like that for you, unless it's something non-standard
<Frosku> simpson: I'm not sure I follow, anyways I'm not trying to start a debate, if there's something I love about GNU/Linux it's that we can all run it how we want to.
<Baughn> Disnix does something else. ...and unless the documentation has improved, I don't think I'll be using it.
<cyril__> I don't understand why that works without direnv but silently does not work with direnv. I'm assuming I'm not understanding something fundamental about direnv here?
<cyril__> Hi, I'm having a strange issue with shell.nix and direnv. I've spent hours trying to figure it out and I'm sure this is something stupid I'm overlooking. In my shellHook, aliases do not work; I can export FOO=bar and that works, but something like alias lol="ls -l" doesn't
<qyliss> maybe you could add preInstall = "exit 1" or something to avoid that
<qyliss> is something clearing it out near the end of the build?
<__monty__> I'm building an expression (-E) and I get an error that the result isn't allowed to refer to certain paths. --show-trace doesn't show anything (because it's not an eval error I guess) and --keep-failed keeps an empty tmp dir. What's the next step in troubleshooting something like this?
<qyliss> can you do python3 -m http.server, or something else that will try binding that port?
<qyliss> Frosku: you should be able to -- is something else using the port?
<jackdk> or something like "the dev shell isn't loading all the modules into a path" or "you need a pyTestWithModules" or something. But this is beyond my ken, sorry
<lovesegfault> like, I need to tell pytest somehow where the package is, or something
<jackdk> Found it! something (IHP, maybe?) overwrote `substituters` and `trusted-public-keys` in `~/.config/nix/nix.conf`


<tazjin> so the version on ELPA was probably something from the pre-bundling time or a dev release
<pennae> last we tried something complained
<pennae> hmm is there way to configure a stringification function for an option? say we wanted to configure something as an attrset, but then have the whole set expand to a path later
<Henson> or something equivalent to bind set attribute keys to variables names in the current scope?
<grg9> the most recent update to nixos-unstable is 5 hours ago but a fix i need (PR #121122 from 4 days ago) doesn't seem to be available. does anyone know why that could be? have i misunderstood something?
<pennae> eyJhb: ntfs-3g was fuse, right? we remember something about having to set allow_others in some global config for that to work
<chisui> Hey, what is the easiest way to get something like haskells `zipWithIndes` for Lists in nix?
<__monty__> clever: I'm working on the stdenv and passing a set with paths to the store on the cli. This is triggering the "dumping very large path" warning and taking a long time each build. Is there a way to avoid that with a fetchzip trick or something (I suppose the tarball is causing most of the problem)?
<Orbstheorem> I thought that 'experimental' meant something more like _we're not sure about how to expose this functionnality_.
<Raito_Bezarius> I'm using nixpkgs-unstable, so I would believe it's either an upstream issue or something more subtle
<Raito_Bezarius> the stack strace shows something with the flake-utils during the evaluation of the runCommand of the vscode with extensions drv
<matthewcroughan> Probably something to do with stripping, so I was recommended to use runCommand instead, since it's not going to do any of that.
<veleiro> probably think of something better than nix-prefetch-url
<matthewcroughan> And by the end of the 1 week stint, I'll then be able to get back the task I'm actually doing right now, which is packaging something :p


<matthewcroughan> `callPackage something`?
<tpw_rules> the function you just made called `something`
<matthewcroughan> something = { stdenv, lib, godot, fetchurl, runCommandNoCC, unzip }: runCommandNoCC "tunnelvr-test" { buildInputs = godot; } '' godot ''
<tpw_rules> then something you give to :b or :i
<tpw_rules> in order to get nix to do something, like make a pack file or whatever, you HAVE to give it a derivation. there is no other mechanism
<matthewcroughan> So when something is not a derivation, what is it?
<marnov> tpw_rules: yeah, i know, thtat there is something like pinning :=-) but i am just starting with it ...
<matthewcroughan> Is that the definition of a package? Something that ends up executable in $out?
<matthewcroughan> all it caresa bout is that something ends up in $out?
<jackdk> I think: if you are writing a small thing for yourself, or to wire into some larger build process, I would use runCommand and be done with it. If you are writing something that needs to be wired into a nixpkgs-style repo or overlay or something, then I'd think harder about using mkDerivation
<ris> y'know that feeling when you don't know quite whether something's your proudest moment or most shameful? well i've just managed to write a jq expression that transforms netplan yaml configs into nixos networking configurations: https://gist.github.com/risicle/4aaad898902c821f535a98901d599615
<lukegb> then something like https://dpaste.com/DQFPFFAR3 might work
<eyJhb> However, it is not that fun, since I haven't setup the do-image-updater module you have. So I have to manually build + upload the image each time I want to change something :p
<squirclespace> Hey folks!  I'm wondering how Nix bootstraps the compiler.  Like, if I change the NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE to have -march=something, I see it re-building clang.  But, what compiler is it using to build clang with?
<eyJhb> also, infinisil I added two options to the Minecraft module. Ability to add plugins + manage OPs declarative. Not sure it is something for you :D
<eyJhb> infinisil: I guesss I could. What annoys me is, that I cannot name the attribute key something like "thisismywireguardupstreamtunnel", and then specify the interface name. Then I would have something "static" that will always be the same, even if I change the interface name.
<lom> it says something about loading all configs/subvolumes then it's listening for method call
<beanbl> So with something like ipfs fetching support in derivations, it wouldn't be on you if they were cached would it?
<beanbl> There are others that have this sort of problem sometimes; I wonder if something like IPFS would be a good solution for the .tar.gzs, so at least it can be pulled and builds completed.
<qyliss> (fwiw: I just installed Nix in a Debian VM, and didn't see the problem, so something strange is going on)
<qyliss> I think there were some macOS-related installer changes made recently; I hope that didn't break it on Linux or something.
<Frosku> I'm guessing it's something in my fish config, I add a lot of things to path then delete duplicates
<Kinnison> Yeesh, it comes to something when the easiest way to find out what version a breaking change came in with is to use git grep, git annotate, and then some log diving on the tags
* Kinnison wishes jgm would use something approximating semver
<kitty_hut[m]> Anyone know how to get packages outside of the regular channel/get more up to date ones, like, any way to use the nix config to build something from source from git or the such?


<qyliss> if you have to do something else, a reviewer will tell you
<samueldr> Cadey: sounds like something you ought to do for the winter, not right before summer
<colemickens> do you like prevent non-TS connections between nodes then or something? I always love a new blog post :D
<Cadey> i have something like that already lol
<Kinnison> gchristensen: my gut instinct with a PR open count of over 2k is "something is bad here" but in reality it's not too bad
<pennae> re stalled PRs, is there something we're supposed to do to approved PRs where ofborg flaked out..?
<thblt> Kinnison: git-hub (the cli tool) may have something, but checkout or cherrypick could be enough. You'll just need to add the remote, it can be automated.
<eyJhb> I specify `nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;` in a file I am building, for a digitalocean image. But I still get the "YOU HAVE NOT ALLOWED UNFREE" stuff... - https://termbin.com/36lla am I doing something wrong?
<eyJhb> onny[m]: I am unsure if you mean a module INSIDE dokuwiki that does something with nginx
<onny[m]> Hey, I want to override the behaviour of this Dokuwiki module https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/nixos-20.09/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/dokuwiki.nix I want to use it but don't want Nginx to be started. Is it possible to change it with overlays or something similar?


<pie_> kinda feels like something they would have already if they were going to
<pie_> pennae: that kind of sounds like this wont work anyway? or do overrides have a different file extension or something
<pie_> or something like a reverse reptyr
<thblt> KarlJoad: In an override, I think. Something like (emacs.override { withXWidgets = true; })
<pie_> eyJhb: you might have some luck googling something like nixpkgs version search or something
<__monty__> Actually, git log -S 'specific.version.you're.looking.for' might turn something up? You'd get false positives of course.
<Frosku> qyliss: I may well do something like that at some point, when I'm more comfortable in nix.
<eyJhb> Generally I would kill for something, that would allow one to chose any version, of any package, at any point...
<handerpeder> great I'll check out the video and the project, thanks. I feel it should be possible to run toString on this guy or something: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/d600f006643e074c2ef1d72e462e218b647a096c/nixos/modules/services/databases/postgresql.nix#L317
<qyliss> (and uninstall emacs if you've installed it with nix-env or something)
<lukegb> or you could do something horrible with e.g. systemd-tmpfilesd to symlink /bin/pwd to something else
<Frosku> I was wondering if there's something similar in nix
<eyJhb> Frosku: Should be in the binary cache, unless you have something "extra"
<tomberek> not sure what channel you are on, but easiest would be something like directly installing the version you want:  nix-env -if https://github.com/NixOS/nix/tarball/master
<botty> Is there a way I can print the contents of something in my Nix config to troubleshoot an error I'm getting?
<dxb[m]> put it in systempackages as something like `(import ./path/to/lua.nix)`