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<matthewcroughan> Well, if I stop asking questions, I guess I've gotten bored haha.
<matthewcroughan> Lots of smart people ask questions.
<ajs124> lukegb: right. although, in general, how can you be sure PIDs haven't wrapped around? what if one process just "races" through the pid space until it arrives at a desired value?
<lukegb> it _could_ be doing that, sure, but I trust it not to be doing that :P
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #121447 → py3c: fix build on darwin →
<matthewcroughan> ajs124: have you got anything I can read on () that I'll actually understand given my low IQ?
<l33[m]> <matthewcroughan "I can't wait for NixCon so you c"> I'm sure Cole loves you really...he's just really busy, and exteremly talented...
<matthewcroughan> you've wrapped it ({ stdenv, lib, godot, fetchurl, runCommandNoCC, unzip }: runCommandNoCC "tunnelvr-test" { buildInputs = [ godot ]; } '' godot '')
<ajs124> matthewcroughan: () or {}?
<matthewcroughan> if I run callPackage on that, it works out. But what is () really doing? I'm sure I knew this at some point.
<matthewcroughan> ()
<lukegb> the same thing as () in maths, e.g. (3 + 4) / 5 vs 3 + 4 / 5
<ajs124> iirc in nix ( and ) only ever group things together
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @superherointj opened pull request #121546 → firebird: 2.5.7 to 2.5.9, init 3.0.7, init 4.0.0-rc1 →
<matthewcroughan> lukegb: I asked about this in the Discord and got a description that was a lot different than that.
<matthewcroughan> They said it was not about order of precedence.
<ajs124> that's the same thing
<lukegb> Well, it's not _really_ about order of precedence
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<lukegb> ajs124's answer was probably better :P
<lukegb> But in the same way as "3 + 4 / 5" might not be what you mean, you can add parens to disambiguate and "force" a particular interpretation
<ajs124> if anyone wants to know the precedence rules, btw
<matthewcroughan> Sorry, my bad. It was me who suggested this was "order of operations". But that was a misunderstanding on my part about what that phrase even meant.
<matthewcroughan> () is the order in which things are composed/put together, instead of the order things are calculated in.
<tpw_rules> to be more specific, it's ensuring it is seen as one argument. because function arguments are separated by spaces
<matthewcroughan> So the math example you gave confuses it with what I learned at school, because it has nothing to do with BODMAS, the order in which `/` and `*` and more are applied.
<ajs124> math should just not use infix notation. but that's a whole different topic.
<matthewcroughan> lol, haven't you read the math pills?
<lukegb> Can we not do that, please, thanks. We get it.
<matthewcroughan> callPackage ({ stdenv, lib, godot, fetchurl, runCommandNoCC, unzip }: runCommandNoCC "tunnelvr-test" { buildInputs = [ godot ]; } '' godot '') {}
<matthewcroughan> How many arguments is callPackage getting here?
<tpw_rules> two
<matthewcroughan> so two attrsets
<lukegb> no, the first one is a function
<tpw_rules> no, one function and one set
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<matthewcroughan> and their position matters, right?
<tpw_rules> yes
<matthewcroughan> where could I have went to learn that the position matters?
<tpw_rules> please read section 5.2 of the pills. it covers all of this and is about 4 paragraphs.
<tejing> in what language has it ever not mattered?
<matthewcroughan> tejing: not what I'm really asking, sorry.
<l33[m]> it's funny how doesn't actually mention anything about top-level , or how it's use in nixpkgs? it's like the Twlight Zone...and i know most of you here are old enough to remember that.
<matthewcroughan> What I meant, is what needs to be passed where.
<matthewcroughan> Like where is it stated that the second argument needs to be a function, whereas the first needs to be an attrset
<tejing> or just by looking at existing code
<tpw_rules> or section 14.3 of the manual
<ajs124> tejing: I'm sure javascript somehow managed to fuck even that up. Like when I found out that calling a function in it with too few arguments, they're just undefined? and too many? that's obviously not an error.
<tpw_rules> lua does that too, it's pretty awful
<matthewcroughan> lib1 = callPackage package1.nix { };
<matthewcroughan> the first argument is of what type?
<ajs124> lua also 1-indexes it's lists (tables?), doesn't it?
<matthewcroughan> the contents of package1.nix aren't given, what is the assumed type?
<gchristensen> it is a path
<matthewcroughan> ah ok
<lukegb> the documentation for callPackage is kind-of
<tejing> and callPackage is smart enough to realize you wanted to import it if you give it a path
<lukegb> but it's nested several layers deep :P
<tpw_rules> ajs124: i mean it can do whatever indexing scheme you want :D but yess all the builtins expect 1 indexed tables
<matthewcroughan> Yeah, there is no such thing as learning this language by reading the Nix Pills, only by reading code.
<gchristensen> it is pretty "funny" that callPackage, our workhorse, isn't documented
<tpw_rules> you have to read the pills to understand the code
<gchristensen> that isn't true, the Nix Pills has a ton of great documentation about how nixpkgs works
<gchristensen> that isn't true, either, you don't have to -- but it'll probably help
<tpw_rules> well sorry. the pills are a great resource for understanding the code
<matthewcroughan> is funny a string or a url? gchristensen
<lukegb> please don't use URL literals :P
<ajs124> tpw_rules: right… my favourite list thing in any language(ish) I've encounted so far is still how the exim config does list separation and how it can be redefinded for most lists
<gchristensen> determination up to the reader
<matthewcroughan> gchristensen: Not suggesting they're not good. I am suggesting that by reading them I will not know everything.
<gchristensen> of course not
<gchristensen> anyway, I'd encourage anyone not enjoying this conversation to stop participating
<matthewcroughan> And by the end of the 1 week stint, I'll then be able to get back the task I'm actually doing right now, which is packaging something :p
<matthewcroughan> You know how it is. RFTM.
<lukegb> I have spent several day long stints bothering gchristensen and debugging undocumented behaviours of things. Some of which are bugs :P
<gchristensen> :D
<matthewcroughan> Oh man, I inverted the T and F, now it has a different meaning..
<gchristensen> very often with great results, thank you for it lukegb
<lukegb> alas it's what I enjoy doing in my spare time :P
<lukegb> now I'm trying to figure out why the i686 installer tests don't work properly
<gchristensen> thats the good stuff
<matthewcroughan> lukegb: Hah. Yeah.
<matthewcroughan> There's some old posts in here from me getting that working on my i686 laptop.
<lukegb> (they hang indefinitely waiting for the second VM to start up, and the first qemu process ends up a zombie for some reason)
<matthewcroughan> The solution to bypass that is to grab the old 19.03 installer ISO which worked with i686, then change the channels to 20.09, then do the install.
<l33[m]> sometimes, when wrestling with nix code, and enjoying it, i forget that at the end of the evaluations, your actually suppose to run applications with it.
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<matthewcroughan> lukegb: Wait, you've been testing it on QEMU?
<matthewcroughan> On real hardware, systemd complains about 64/32 bit timers.
<matthewcroughan> at some point, systemd has been compiled without 32 bit timer support, even when the target is i686, do you think qemu would be able to show you that behavior?
<lukegb> So as part of releasing new commits to the nixos-unstable/nixos-20.09, a bunch of NixOS tests are run
<lukegb> If you haven't come across them, they're basically "run NixOS in a qemu VM inside a Nix build"
<gchristensen> lukegb: it isn't totally clear to me that there is a lot of value in supporting i686 these days
<lukegb> other than for e.g. steam, etc.?
<lukegb> some people avidly complain when we produce things in the binary cache that require more than the absolute minimum i686 baseline :P
<gchristensen> yeah
<matthewcroughan> Nix is the best distro for i686, better than NetBSD actually.
<l33[m]> but is it better than windows 95?
<matthewcroughan> NetBSD may have some crazy hacks for some hardware, but the latest Linux kernel seems better to me.
<ajs124> since we were talking about cursed things earlier, ` (oA: { […] })` isn't a bad idea, right?
<matthewcroughan> And using a remote builder, it feels pretty great to be able to run old hardware on NixOS like that.
<l33[m]> matt collects many of his systems out of skips.
<matthewcroughan> I have racoon blood, this is true.
<lukegb> one of these days I'll stop storing my secrets in the Nix store
<matthewcroughan> lukegb: are they in plaintext?
<lukegb> yes
<l33[m]> agenix?
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<matthewcroughan> I've been using this, it's pretty simple to use.
<lukegb> age + nix
<matthewcroughan> It's so simple, it scares me.
<matthewcroughan> Theoretically, if you could use a Yubikey, you could decrypt even your ssh keys, and store it all on Github.
<l33[m]> it's pretty neat...who ever wrote that is a genius.
<matthewcroughan> Age supports yubikeys, agenix would need to add support for it.
<ryantm> Good news, the canonical go age implementation just stopped limiting recipients to 20.
<lukegb> Ah, we have Summoned ryantm
<l33[m]> go age?
<l33[m]> limiting?
<matthewcroughan> golang age implementation, and what's a recipient?
<mjlbach> ryantm: does this mean password protected ssh keys!?
<l33[m]> Like godzilla?
<matthewcroughan> the funniest part is that I blindly trust age, knowing nothing about how it works.
<l33[m]> or Mothra?
<mjlbach> Oh wait, no nvm
<matthewcroughan> It's almost like the world is based on trust..
<gchristensen> Filippo is a pretty good one to trust
<ryantm> I've been using the rust implementation for agenix because of this.
<matthewcroughan> What's an online oracle?
<gchristensen> matthewcroughan: I think it is time for you to go do some research on your own :)
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<matthewcroughan> I don't like Oracle.
<l33[m]> Larry's ok...
<l33[m]> his office looks like a database diagram..... when i walk outside it.
<matthewcroughan> Do you think I'll be blocked if I comment "what's an online oracle" in that issue? :D
<l33[m]> yes.
<l33[m]> I will block you.
<l33[m]> ;-)
<lukegb> Oh. Oh no.
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<ryantm> @mjlbach unfortunately I'm not aware of a working ssh agent plugin for age/rage.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #121547 → android-udev-rules: 20210425 -> 20210501 →
<mjlbach> ryantm: that was my bad, I have an association between 20 and the ssh agent limitation due to the readme on agenix :P
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<fuiltilt> TIL that I *can* pass a function to callPackage instead of a path.
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<ryantm> matthewcroughan: If you get agenix working with a Yubikey please share how you did it!
<l33[m]> <fuiltilt "TIL that I *can* pass a function"> can you elaborate for our viewers?
<tpw_rules> as the first argument instead of a path
<{^_^}> [hydra] @grahamc merged pull request #952 → Project: add declfile, decltype, declvalue to API →
<matthewcroughan> ryantm: I'm curious about it, so I'll maybe do that on stream at some point..
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<matthewcroughan> should just be a modification on what you've done already
<matthewcroughan> But trusting it. haha
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @happysalada merged pull request #121456 → starship: 0.52.1 -> 0.53.0 →
<matthewcroughan> Agenix is just great btw.. Can't thank you enough for making it really.
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<fuiltilt> Yeah, I could've done eg. "word-utils = pkgs.callPackage wordUtils {};" instead of "word-utils = wordUtils (with pkgs; { inherit stdenv fetchgit });".
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<l33[m]> ok, i correct myself... ryantm is a genius...
<veleiro> what was the name of that "prefetcher for all fetches"?
<matthewcroughan> l33[m]: Eelco is a literal genius, have you seen his profile picture on Github?
<veleiro> probably think of something better than nix-prefetch-url
<l33[m]> <matthewcroughan "l33: Eelco is a literal genius, "> is that a picture of Rick Sanchez?
<matthewcroughan> Yes...
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<l33[m]> supersandro2000: can you review/merge methane? it's time to 'pass some gas'.
<{^_^}> #118377 (by nixinator, 4 weeks ago, open): methane: init at 2.0.1
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<matthewcroughan> Merge some gas.
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<matthewcroughan> callPackage ({ stdenv, lib, godot, fetchurl, runCommandNoCC, unzip }: runCommandNoCC "tunnelvr-test" { buildInputs = [ godot ]; } '' godot -t'') {}
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<matthewcroughan> How come there's no reason to put an end of line on the last ''
<matthewcroughan> '' godot -t'' vs '' godot -t'';
<matthewcroughan> I always see that when using () and never actually understand quite why that's happening.
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<fuiltilt> matthewcroughan: Are you talking about the semicolon? The semicolon is not an "end of line".
<matthewcroughan> Hmm, then what are semicolons? :)
<matthewcroughan> newlines, I mean.
<matthewcroughan> better yet .. I'm wondering what the difference is between \ and ; in bash now.
<matthewcroughan> Oh God, you've got me googling for what the semicolon is in Nix, and I'm not finding it.
<matthewcroughan> Do I really know so little?
<matthewcroughan> "Instead, semicolons play a role more similar to commas in other languages, separating elements within part of an expression."
<matthewcroughan> So is this different from what a semicolon is in C or Bash, on a technical level?
<gchristensen> yeah
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #118377 → methane: init at 2.0.1 →
<matthewcroughan> What happens to endless running commands in a Nix build?
<matthewcroughan> If you run a daemon in `runCommand` it seems to take that and be okay with it, the build never seems to end.
<matthewcroughan> Also, does anybody know if there's a way to be taken directly to where a function is defined in an editor via the repl?
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<matthewcroughan> there is :e, but I've never been able to run that on a function.
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<matthewcroughan> Ah..I just did. That seems to work with callPackage, there's some others I swear that didn't work though.
<tpw_rules> why not use writeShellScriptBin to create a command which runs godot or whatever how you want
<tpw_rules> then you don't have to block building forever
<matthewcroughan> It was a curiosity question
<matthewcroughan> I'm not actually stuck with anything right now
<matthewcroughan> but yeah if I `:e` a builtin for example, the repl will say error: package 'builtins.import' has no source location information
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<matthewcroughan> and also fetchFromGitHub, but for callPackage this seemed to work.
<matthewcroughan> Both things are functions aren't they?
<matthewcroughan> I often find myself wishing I could find the source code for functions. It would be great if I could just use :e in the repl, but it's inconsistent. I'm wondering why :)
<matthewcroughan> tpw_rules: the goal of my derivation/package/unsure is to produce a pck file that a systemd service then runs.
<matthewcroughan> godot is the thing that creates the pck file
<tpw_rules> ok
<matthewcroughan> But the thing is that stdenv and mkDerivation actually screws up the output, the textures in the game go all funny.
<matthewcroughan> Probably something to do with stripping, so I was recommended to use runCommand instead, since it's not going to do any of that.
<fuiltilt> The semicolon is just part of the syntax of certain constructs in the Nix language, like "let" and "with" and sets ("{ ... }"). Outside one of those things, it means nothing and won't be accepted.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt merged pull request #121525 → glances: -> 3.1.7 →
<matthewcroughan> tpw_rules: If I'm using runCommandNoCC does that mean I'm responsible for fetching and extracting my sources?
<matthewcroughan> defining src isn't going to do anything for me?
<tpw_rules> any attributes not used in some way by derivation, like name and stuff, just show up as environment variables
<matthewcroughan> So is this the best way to do what I want?
<matthewcroughan> I can't really find any examples of derivations that do this
<{^_^}> [hydra] @cole-h opened pull request #954 → Projects: use JSON in Schema →
<tpw_rules> i would use the bare derivation builtin
<matthewcroughan> bare?
<matthewcroughan> so just `derivation`?
<tpw_rules> well builtins.derivations
<tpw_rules> s/s$//
<{^_^}> [hydra] @grahamc merged pull request #954 → Projects: use JSON in Schema →
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<matthewcroughan> Okay, now I have this issue hehe.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb opened pull request #121548 → Fix NixOS installer tests on i686-linux →
<matthewcroughan> On line 21, godot exports the pck file. This file cannot be exported to *any* other directory than $src
<matthewcroughan> that is the behavior of Godot, it won't allow you to export things outside of the source dir where the project file is.
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<tpw_rules> you're already making all these temp dirs why not copy $src in there somewhere
<lukegb> ^
<matthewcroughan> ah okay, didn't realise this would be necessary or good practice, thanks.
<matthewcroughan> Is that what mkDerivation does then?
<lukegb> Most Nix derivations end up doing this, yeah
<matthewcroughan> I was using mkDerivation earlier and it was pretty much abstracted away from me, so I never encountered this issuse?
<tpw_rules> yes that's the purpose of unpackPhase
<matthewcroughan> What is runCommand then? Is it more primitive than mkDerivation? You said it's a wrapper around mkDerivation, but it seems like it's doing a lot less?
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<lukegb> It's a "trivial builder"
<lukegb> the best documentation for it is probably a combination of the source code and the nixpkgs manual
<lukegb> when you unwrap the onion, yes, you discover that it's just a wrapper around stdenv.mkDerivation
<matthewcroughan> tpw_rules: I've done that, but now I can't cd into it haha
<matthewcroughan> mkdir -p $TMP/src; cp -r $src $TMP/src
<matthewcroughan> Now it's in there, as v8112cgjzfhgvk9drsmd8llc6prj2dms-source
<matthewcroughan> How can I refer to it? I've probably done this wrong.
<lukegb> If you don't mkdir it first then it'll just be $TMP/src
<matthewcroughan> ah, okay.
<matthewcroughan> Still seems to be unable to write files.. hmm
<matthewcroughan> It probably copied over the read only perms with the `cp -r` I guess.
<lukegb> Ah yeah, that's a thing
<matthewcroughan> What is the right way to handle this? Fixing the perms?
<matthewcroughan> rsync? :D
<lukegb> Would it surprise you if I said "chmod"?
<matthewcroughan> rsync -rlD
<matthewcroughan> This is one ugly derivation that I'm making :)
<matthewcroughan> That didn't seem to be it though.
<matthewcroughan> Spoke too soon.. one moment ;D
<matthewcroughan> the generic power of Nix is awesome..
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hzeller opened pull request #121549 → timg: 1.4.0 -> 1.4.2 →
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<winterqt> A program that I'm packaging (from source) wants to read a file from `/etc` that it has bundled in it's source. how would I go about including that file in my package correctly?
<winterqt> i assume i'd have to substitute the path in source?
<winterqt> but to what, when would i copy it
<tpw_rules> you could copy it to $out in the installPhase
<tpw_rules> then you would know the path and you could sub it in in the patchPhase
<tpw_rules> alternately maybe the program can take it as a command line argument and you can write a wrapper script? that would be nice if possible
<winterqt> you mean patch the binary, tpw_rules?
<tpw_rules> no i would patch the source
<tpw_rules> patchPhase is before compilation
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aaronjanse opened pull request #121557 → ulauncher: 5.9.0 -> 5.10.0 and patch →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aaronjanse closed pull request #112540 → ulauncher: 5.9.0 -> 5.10.0 →
<Ke> now 2 successive hydra success, unstable y u no advance
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sumnerevans opened pull request #121558 → airsonic: force use of jre8 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @illustris opened pull request #121559 → moonlight: 3.1.0 -> 3.1.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #121560 → hugo: 0.82.1 -> 0.83.1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @JesusMtnez opened pull request #121561 → slack: 4.14.0 -> 4.15.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam merged pull request #121358 → grpcurl: 1.8.0 -> 1.8.1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #121562 → libass: 0.15.0 -> 0.15.1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk merged pull request #121475 → makemkv: switch from ffmpeg_3 to ffmpeg →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @thoughtpolice merged pull request #121544 → bpftools: build bpf_asm, bpf_dbg →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @austinbutler opened pull request #121563 → wrap: init at unstable-2021-04-13 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @expipiplus1 opened pull request #121564 → mautrix-signal: Fix incorrect escaping in wrapper →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg opened pull request #121565 → fluidsynth: 2.0.6 -> 2.2.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @midchildan opened pull request #121566 → perlPackages.ImageExifTool: apply fix for CVE-2021-22204 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cdepillabout opened pull request #121567 → CODEOWNERS: make sure all Haskell files are present →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @stigtsp merged pull request #121566 → perlPackages.ImageExifTool: apply fix for CVE-2021-22204 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @midchildan opened pull request #121568 → [20.09] perlPackages.ImageExifTool: apply fix for CVE-2021-22204 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fabaff merged pull request #121325 → librespeed-cli: 1.0.7 -> 1.0.8 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @midchildan opened pull request #121569 → [20.03] perlPackages.ImageExifTool: apply fix for CVE-2021-22204 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fabaff merged pull request #121537 → graphene: fix build by allowing newer versions of aniso8601 →
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<jesystani> hello, im having trouble with X not setting the PATH in zsh properly, i have my shell in configuration.nix set to pkgs.zsh, and then i have home-manager settnig all my options for zsh and setting zsh.enable to true. is there anything else i should be doing for it to work properly?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @raboof merged pull request #106737 → adoptopenjdk: set CLASSPATH →
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<SumnerEvans[m]> jesystani: you may find more help in the #home-manager channel.
<jesystani> ok thank you :)
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<jesystani> uhh this may be a dumb question, but up until now ive just been putting in a fake hash, and pasting the real one when nix tells me its wrong, whats the correct way to find the hash for a git repo?
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<etu> jesystani: That's how most of us do it :)
<etu> ,tofu jesystani
<{^_^}> jesystani: To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected. The library functions lib.fakeSha256, lib.fakeSha512, lib.fakeHash are available for this.
<eyJhb> also, if you use vim/emacs/whatever, just remember it is 52 zeros. So I usually put in a 0, x it, and then 52p :D
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @raboof closed pull request #120063 → jetbrains.phpstorm: 2021.1 -> 2021.1.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jojosch opened pull request #121570 → dbeaver: 21.0.3 -> 21.0.4 →
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<xdej> eyJhb: 52a0<escape> is faster to append 52 zeros.
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<eyJhb> xdej: 51a0<esc> then I guess? Else you get 53 zeros
<eyJhb> But yeah, true. I should really do some more in terms of `how to do stuff faster` with vim modals, etc.
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<jesystani> woo got it working, rounded corners with picom :)
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<Krner[m]> hello, how is switching from grub to sysd boot stable those days? i remember trying that out like a year ago and it broke the whole generation system
<Krner[m]> i dont neccesarily wanna reinstall the whole thing because it takes long time to download and install the packages
<jesystani> is there a way to pin the nix registry `nixpkgs` to the version of nixpkgs my system was built with?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @samuelgrf opened pull request #121573 → nodejs*: add meta.mainProgram →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @talw opened pull request #121574 → cereal: add patch for CVE-2020-11105 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #121575 → corectrl: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 →
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<nly> i enabled matomo. It's web interface is asking for things i don't know :C
<nly> ah, nvm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @oxalica opened pull request #121577 → osu-lazer: 2021.410.0 -> 2021.502.0 →
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<eyJhb> ehm jesystani What do you mean? Are you using channels?
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<jesystani> eyJhb: im using flakes, and i can use `nix registry` to set the entrise that i use for, example, `nix shell nixpkgs#hello`, and i can pin those registries, but i was wondering if theres a way to like, declaritively set a registry entry to the thing it was set at the time i did the rebuild
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<eyJhb> Oh, if it's flakes then I am out. I don't use that jesystani
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<azazel> anyone knows after migrating to use a flake for my machine configuration, when i run a "nix flake show nur" I get a "error: cannot write modified lock file of flake 'flake:nur' "
<azazel> even if I run it as root?
<azazel> jesystani: use nix.registry in configuration
<jesystani> ooooh thank you
<azazel> jesystani: see the last part of
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @TethysSvensson opened pull request #121578 → busybox: Add a fix for CVE-2021-28831 →
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<Guest48893> hello, I'm using nix for isolated development environments.  is it possible to use a specific nodejs with the latest npm?  I've tried various incantations that attempt to customise extraLibs or buildInputs, but none seen to surface the non-bundled npm to the resulting shell.
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<Luker> is there a way to add/remove cflags globally (I know how on a per-pkg basis)? For example for hardening of classic arch/tune=native?
<{^_^}> [flake-registry] @ehmry opened pull request #8 → Add gemini flake →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121561 → slack: 4.14.0 -> 4.15.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar merged pull request #121515 → top-level/coq-packages: remove dontDistribute →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120244 → rgp: 1.9 -> 1.10 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #119172 → nixos/trafficserver: init →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #121579 → bluej: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rnhmjoj merged pull request #121539 → nixos/tests/custom-ca: fix by setting Content-Type →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NinjaTrappeur closed pull request #121427 → nixos/nsd: atomically create state directories with appropriate mode →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fabaff merged pull request #121478 → metadata-cleaner: 1.0.4 -> 1.0.5 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120742 → python3Packages.karton-autoit-ripper: init at 1.0.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120791 → babeld: 1.9.2 -> 1.10 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #121580 → dua: 2.11.1 -> 2.11.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #119510 → mx-puppet-discord: init at 2021-01-22 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120449 → googleearth-pro: fix xkb keyboard and use nixpkgs libs →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gebner merged pull request #121361 → lean: 3.29.0 -> 3.30.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120890 → tektoncd-cli: 0.17.2 -> 0.18.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #118301 → python3Packages.beancount_docverif: add build dependency →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @OPNA2608 opened pull request #121581 → foxotron: 2021-03-12 -> 2021-04-19 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120798 → pythonPackages.poppler-qt5: 0.24.2 -> 21.1.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120766 → python3Packages.meshtastic: init at 1.2.30 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @maralorn merged pull request #121494 → ghcWithPackages: set withLLVM if hostPlatform is not x86_64 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120595 → rset: init at 2.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121348 → cloud-hypervisor: 0.14.1 -> 15.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121346 → dante: 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @maralorn merged pull request #121567 → CODEOWNERS: make sure all Haskell files are present →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @TredwellGit opened pull request #121582 → electron_11: 11.4.3 -> 11.4.4 & electron_10: 10.4.3 -> 10.4.4 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sternenseemann pushed to haskell-updates « lib/maintainers: add haskell team »:
<SomeoneSerge> Guys, I'm trying to `nixos-install` from a nixos-minimal-...iso on an offline machine with an autogenerated configuration.nix (almost untouched) and the script, it seems, is trying fetch a bunch of unvailable derivations even though other revisions are already available in the iso's store
<SomeoneSerge> I just don't see why does it resolve to other revisions of derivations than those used in the live iso
<SomeoneSerge> E.g. it's trying to build /nix/store/2adm...-attr-2.4.48.tar.gz.drv, but there exists /nix/store/y7i...-attr-2.4.48/ and I would expect nixos-install to resolve into those readily available paths
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ShamrockLee opened pull request #121583 → [WIP] vscode-utils.fetchVsixFromVscodeMarketplace: Add option useOpenVSX →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121280 → redmine: 4.2.0 -> 4.2.1 →
<eyJhb> SomeoneSerge: Minimal ISO -> will most likely use the internet for stuff. Even a minimal machine. Generally, it will fetch from the internet
<lukegb> Hmm, the drv hashes are different from the output hash
<SomeoneSerge> ey3hb: but why does it even know about other revisions of stuff than those it is built from?..
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<thibm> SomeoneSerge: out of curiosity, did you update/change the channel? (ray any nix-channel command?)
<thibm> ran*
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121275 → ecpdap: 0.1.5 -> 0.1.6 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120721 → frugal: init at 3.14.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda closed pull request #114116 → trafficserver: init at 9.0.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120569 → yadm: add release note for 3.x →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth merged pull request #112504 → nixosTest: fix meta.position →
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<SomeoneSerge> thibm: no, I didn't. I only ran nixos-generate-config. I did modify configuration.nix a bit though, like boot.supportedFilesystems
<Ke> I have never touched supportedFilesystems manually
<Ke> I believe they are inferred from filesystems
<thibm> SomeoneSerge: does nixos-install try to fetch things if you do not change configuration.nix?
<SomeoneSerge> Checking it now
<thibm> thanks
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<thibm> In the meantime, what did you change in supportedFilesystems?
<SomeoneSerge> ["btrfs"]
<SomeoneSerge> thibm: I'm afraid it does( probably easier to somehow get the machine online
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @maralorn merged pull request #121407 → pkgs/top-level: init expression for haskell-updates jobset →
<{^_^}> [rfc39-record] @grahamc pushed commit from rfc39 to main « Automated team sync results. »:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fabaff merged pull request #121460 → rage: 0.5.1 -> 0.6.0 →
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<thibm> SomeoneSerge: OK. You can also generate an installation media (or even not an installation media but the "installed" distro) yourself on a networked machine and use the result on the non-networked machine
<SomeoneSerge> thibm: oh yeah, I remember trying it once, worked like a charm
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir closed pull request #121179 → cxxtest: build using python3 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @atopuzov opened pull request #121584 → mautrix-signal: fix escape in postInstall →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth opened pull request #121585 → Staging 20.09 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth pushed 260 commits to staging-20.09:
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<conkker> is there a way to do impure caching in nix? for situations when I don't care about purity and just want a fast build
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<conkker> say I wanna cache the `build` directory, the second time I run nix-build it will be populated with files from the previous nix-build
<Raito_Bezarius> I'm doing pkgs.vscode-with-extensions.override { vscodeExtensions = [ some-base-extension ]; }; in a flake and I'm getting an incomprehensible error
<Raito_Bezarius> > error: in pure evaluation mode, 'fetchTarball' requires a 'sha256' argument
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected IN, at (string):494:8
<Raito_Bezarius> the stack strace shows something with the flake-utils during the evaluation of the runCommand of the vscode with extensions drv
<Raito_Bezarius> whenever vscodeExtensions = []; it works
<Raito_Bezarius> but when vscodeExtensions is eval'd, it fails
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<conkker> sounds to me like a broken derivation
<Raito_Bezarius> in which sense?
<Raito_Bezarius> because I can just write down a test.nix without flakes that does the very same thing and produces the VSCode with extensions
<qyliss> is your code using fetchTarball?
<Raito_Bezarius> I'm using nixpkgs-unstable, so I would believe it's either an upstream issue or something more subtle
<Raito_Bezarius> qyliss: afaik no
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<qyliss> Raito_Bezarius: can you use --show-trace and see where it's being used?
<Raito_Bezarius> I don't understand why flake-utils kicks in
<qyliss> hmm yes that doesn't really help
<Raito_Bezarius> defaultNix seems to say: it has a relation with flakes-compat
<Raito_Bezarius> i'm wondering if that's not it
<Raito_Bezarius> it's supposed to use flakes but forgets it's in flakes and uses the non-flakes method
<Raito_Bezarius> I will try to bump flakesCompat just in case
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 52 minutes ago, history:
<xdej> eyJhb: you only get 53 zeros if you had one zero left before using 52a0<escape>
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<eyJhb> True xdej. ALso, mine is only 2 key presses longer :p i0<esc>x52p
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<eyJhb> Can we golf it further than yours xdej ?
<phalrax> Hi, I want to set up a second NixOS host and want to manage both in a single git repo. I could just import the common .nix files, but I've noticed they won't be that common after all. Is there a way to import from a file, but then override some of the configuration? The next best thing is copying all files from my first host and adapt them for the
<phalrax> second, but they will drift apart after a while I guess
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<karantan> where can I find the definition of the `buildGoModule`? I assume it somewhere here but I can't find it
<Ke> phalrax: you can even make them nixos modules
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<Ke> but if you don't want to use imports, you can just make the nix-files functions that take parameters
<Ke> normally maybe like set parameters
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<Ke> { param1, param2 }: { result1 = ...; result2 = ...;}
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<phalrax> Ke: are there any resources where somebody has already done that and where I could copy and adapt for my use case?
<phalrax> still kinda new to nix
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121581 → foxotron: 2021-03-12 -> 2021-04-19 →
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<Ke> note: enable is not really needed for custom modules, you can just not import them, not sure why mainline nixos imports everything by default
<Ke> I am fairly sure it does not make evaluation any faster
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @diogox opened pull request #121586 → frugal: 3.14.2 -> 3.14.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @romildo merged pull request #121046 → xfce: does not explicitly require a gvfs package →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121579 → bluej: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 →
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<phalrax> thanks, I'll check it out
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<typetetris> How can I create a system wide nix-locate Database? (Did nix-index as root, but only root can use that data now on my system.)
<infinisil> typetetris: You could symlink the file it uses
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<Ke> typetetris: you can generate file as global user and make world readable, then make a wrapper that uses the option that specifies database file
<typetetris> Thanks. Sorry for the noise didn't see the --db flag. Thought I had enough coffee today ...
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<Raito_Bezarius> is it possible to nix flake check only on a specific system?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth opened pull request #121587 → testing-python.nix: document runTests pos argument →
<Raito_Bezarius> also, is it possible to access to the nixpkgs of a flake dependency?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121586 → frugal: 3.14.2 -> 3.14.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth merged pull request #121124 → cassandra: tidy →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121570 → dbeaver: 21.0.3 -> 21.0.4 →
<figgyc> is there a way to `nix flake update` only one input in the flake.lock?
<jackdk> any chance i can get eyes on #121449 ? it's 2-line change for a security issue (#121293)
<{^_^}> (by endgame, 1 day ago, open): metadata fetchers: use umask instead of fetch-and-chmod
<{^_^}> (by dotlambda, 2 days ago, open): NixOS modules: chmod leaves opportunity to leak secrets
<infinisil> figgyc: nix flake update --update-input <name>
<infinisil> Or `nix flake lock --update-input <name>` in a more recent version
<figgyc> yeah i needed `lock` thanks <3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #110454 → bucklespring: init at 2021-01-21 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eduardosm opened pull request #121588 → Sip renamepythonPackages.sip: rename to sip_4, @eduardosm pythonPackages.sip_5: rename to sip →
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<Raito_Bezarius> does .override merge the arrays being overriden? if not, can I still recover it?
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<lukegb> Raito_Bezarius: it turns out .override can _also_ accept a function, which takes oldArgs as a parameter
<lukegb> so the answer is no and yes in that order
<Raito_Bezarius> lukegb++ :)
<{^_^}> lukegb's karma got increased to 22
<Raito_Bezarius> thanks!
<superherointj> A PR I've made is failing CI: "ofborg-eval - This PR does not cleanly list package outputs after merging." I'd appreciate some input on this. Thanks.
<lukegb> Can you link to the PR?
<{^_^}> #121546 (by superherointj, 11 hours ago, open): firebird: 2.5.7 to 2.5.9, init 3.0.7, init 4.0.0-rc1
<qyliss> superherointj: there should be a link next to that message that contains more info
<lukegb> beat me to it :P
<superherointj> You're too fast!
<qyliss> > attribute 'override' missing, at /var/lib/ofborg/checkout/repo/38dca4e3aa6bca43ea96d2fcc04e8229/mr-est/ofborg-evaluator-3/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:18643:19
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting ')', at (string):494:11
<lukegb> You want "callPackages" instead of "callPackage"
<lukegb> ...I think
<lukegb> maybe not
<lukegb> Yes, no, I think that's right :P
<superherointj> Terraform is using callPackage with no 's'.
<superherointj> I had the unfortunate idea of copying Terraform.
<superherointj> Thanks for this. It would have taken me ages to find this.
<lukegb> No worries! I only thought of it because I was looking at the callPackageWith/callPackagesWith code earlier
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<superherointj> It failed again. But I guess the reason is different.
* superherointj is working on it.
* superherointj found problem. A missing '+'.
<Orbstheorem> Why is flakes still marked as an experimental feature?
<superherointj> Orbstheorem, there isn't consensus on it.
<qyliss> and it's still changing
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @cyplo opened pull request #121590 → rename: 1.9 -> 1.11 →
<superherointj> Not allowing parameters when building from command line in Flakes was a downside to me. Because I cannot easily test overrides that way. Maybe it has a solution?
<Orbstheorem> Is there an issue (or other) where I could read about what parts are stable or not?
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<qyliss> no part is (guaranteed to be) stable
<qyliss> that's why it's still experimental
<qyliss> aiui
<qyliss> it could all change at any time
<Orbstheorem> Oh :(
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<Orbstheorem> What about nix-command?
<qyliss> same deal
<qyliss> this is what it means for a feature to be experimental
<Orbstheorem> I thought that 'experimental' meant something more like _we're not sure about how to expose this functionnality_.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121577 → osu-lazer: 2021.410.0 -> 2021.502.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #119426 → nixos/kubernetes: allow merging multiple definitions of extraOpts →
<Orbstheorem> I guess, I prefer the “It'll be ready when it is ready” attitude, but from a practical point of view I find these feature so much easier and accesible to newcomers to use.
<edef> "unsure how to expose it" implies that the interfaces may change, though
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<edef> so i'm unsure how that's meaningfully different from "everything can still change"
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<Orbstheorem> The way I see it is that in the former we have a very good idea of what we want, hence semantics are relatively fixed (or at least one refactor or some renames away); whereas "everything can still change" tells me I can't rely on any aspect nor principle of the feature whatsoever.
<Orbstheorem> My 'usecase' is that I have friends who'd like to learn about and try NixOS, but I am unsure whether I should point them to nix-command & flakes (which I personally almost exclusively use) or to the rather old clunky system.
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<qyliss> when I'm teaching people I tend to teach the old system
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<qyliss> but lots of newcomers do seem to be using all the unstable stuff
<eyJhb> Well... Seeing as Flake isn't really part of Nix yet, then it isn't even "new". It is just.. not
<Orbstheorem> Another thing worth mentioning is that it's harder to support a config I don't personally use.
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<Orbstheorem> I think I would feel really unconfortable when my friend complains 'evaluation takes too long' what do you do and I have to answer _I'm using experimental features very different from the Nix I told you to use_.
<Orbstheorem> And the Nix learning curve for newcomers is already high enough, learning two sets of features only makes it harder.
<qyliss> that's why I stick to the one that works consistently and has stable documentation :P
<qyliss> but it's really up to you to decide how you want to teach people, you know the tradeoffs
<Orbstheorem> There's also an argument to be made that you don't really need to learn nix and its plumbing to use NixOS, which I disagree, but may apply better for someone running a single server and laptop with packaged apps not doing any packaging nor fancy modules.
<qyliss> if a newcomer is using unstable features, though, they should definitely be made aware of that, and what it means for them to be unstable
<Orbstheorem> Yes, the usual warnings “use with caution” apply.
<Orbstheorem> I wonder if there's a page debating whether you need to learn nix as a function of your usecase.
<Orbstheorem> s/learn nix/\0 to use NixOS/
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos merged pull request #120482 → ffmpeg-full: add vulkan and glslang features →
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<Miyu-saki> Not sure for this specific case, but I found myself requiring to learn Nix.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #121591 → global: 6.6.5 -> 6.6.6 →
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<ris> DigitalKiwi: i did manage to get phoenixnap bare metal cloud instances working fine in the end with my own nixos-infect fork:
<__monty__> I'd say it depends on whether you're easily bothered by your system not behaving precisely the way you want. If you don't mind waiting for patches and updates until they're available then you might not have to learn much nix. If otoh you want to go to the trouble of overlaying and overriding things rather than waiting then I don't see how you could avoid learning nix.
<xdej> eyJhb: also try vi"r0 to replace a hash under cursor with zeroes.
<clever> there is also ct" to change to "
<ris> DigitalKiwi: next step is to hack enough to work in a simple setup
<clever> it will delete everything from the cursor to the next ", and switch into insert mode
<clever> there is a surround plugin, that will delete both forwards and backwards to the next ", so you dont have to trigger at the start
<xdej> clever: yeah but r0 does not change the char count, it automatically zeroes them.
<clever> xdej: depends on if your wanting to insert a new hash, or invalidate the old one
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @evils opened pull request #121592 → bucklespring: unstable-2021-01-21 -> 1.5.0 →
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<{^_^}> evils's karma got increased to 14
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to (from 17 hours ago, history:
<lukegb> \o/
<gchristensen> \o/
<gchristensen> ✨ lukegb
<{^_^}> lukegb's karma got increased to 23.000000000000004
<gchristensen> oh you need more than that
<gchristensen> ✨ lukegb
<{^_^}> lukegb's karma got increased to 24
<lukegb> hahaha
<lukegb> ✨ is great
<gchristensen> ✨ worldofpeace
<{^_^}> worldofpeace's karma got increased to 0x10a
<gchristensen> inspired by worldofpeace :)
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<veleiro> is nix 2.4 release independent of flakes support moving out of experimental? I'm wondering when 2.4 will be ready and at what capacity
<veleiro> or is flakes a post 2.4 release target like v3?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fabaff opened pull request #121593 → python3Packages.aiopg: init at 1.2.1 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121415 → clevis: fix TPM2 encrypt/decrypt →
<azazel> veleiro: 2.4 pre-releases do include flakes support
<qyliss> as an experimental feature?
<azazel> qyliss: yes, it has to be explicitly enabled
<veleiro> i know
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<veleiro> what i'm asking, is flakes holding up a 2.4 release?
<veleiro> or will it remain experimental in that release
<orion_> Hi. Any chance someone could merge this? It's been approved:
<{^_^}> #121278 (by centromere, 2 days ago, open): rust-cbindgen: Update Cargo hash
<lukegb> lemme take a look
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<__monty__> clever: I don't think you need surround for `ci"` which changes everything up to the first " in either direction.
<Orbstheorem> What's the difference between nixos-unstable and nixpkgs-unstable?
<clever> __monty__: oh, that works perfectly!
<Orbstheorem> os the later updated after hydra finished building the former?
<Ke> Orbstheorem: nixos-unstable has more mandatory tests to pass
<clever> Orbstheorem: nixos-unstable does extra tests to ensure it wont brick a nixos machine
<__monty__> Orbstheorem: Different tests. nixpkgs-unstable has some Darwin tests that need to pass while nixos-unstable has more Linux tests.
<Ke> basically it trails some days or hours behind
<Orbstheorem> Oh, right, all the vm tests
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<clever> Orbstheorem: nixpkgs-unstable once had a bug corrupting grub.conf, dozens of mis-configured users started showing up, as they bricked the system
<clever> no rollbacks when grub.conf is missing a / in just the wrong spot!
<lukegb> orion_: hmm, I definitely get the same hash as is currently there
<orion_> lukegb: Did you first delete the file from the store, as well as set `substitute = false`?
<__monty__> clever: Yeah, i for in and a for around are great, works with quotes, brackets and html tags.
<lukegb> orion_: no, building cargoDeps with --check
<clever> __monty__: i still need to sit down and learn how vim actually works, despite having used it for ~17 years!
<orion_> lukegb: If you delete the files from the store first, you'll be able to reproduce it:
<qyliss> \
<__monty__> Did you really have to go and make me think about how long I've used vim? Now I feel really old -_-
<lukegb> hmm, --check should do that
<qyliss> diffoscope time!?
<__monty__> clever: I'm working on the stdenv and passing a set with paths to the store on the cli. This is triggering the "dumping very large path" warning and taking a long time each build. Is there a way to avoid that with a fetchzip trick or something (I suppose the tarball is causing most of the problem)?
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<clever> __monty__: nix doesnt really allow passing a pre-built storepath into an expr, it will treat it the same as ./foo, copy the whole thing back into the store, loosing all runtime deps
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<clever> i think builtins.storePath can work around that, but its recommended to just use the expr that made it in the first place
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eduardosm opened pull request #121595 → qscintilla: 2.11.5 -> 2.11.6 →
<lukegb> orion_: oh no, my problem was stupider than that, I was in the wrong repo
<__monty__> Problem is at the point where I need the bootstrapFiles the branch is in a state where make-bootstrap-tools.nix generates a different or even fails to generate bootstrapFiles : /
<clever> __monty__: you can import a second copy of nixpkgs to work around that
<clever> __monty__: though, the bootstrap tools are a special case...
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @github-actions[bot] closed pull request #121278 → rust-cbindgen: Update Cargo hash →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb reopened pull request #121278 → rust-cbindgen: Update Cargo hash →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt closed pull request #121278 → rust-cbindgen: Update Cargo hash →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt reopened pull request #121278 → rust-cbindgen: Update Cargo hash →
<lukegb> hahaha
<clever> __monty__: usually, the bootstrap files are fetched with import <nix/fetchurl.nix> {, and get re-patched for the new $out
<lukegb> sorry hexa-
<hexa-> what for? :D
<hexa-> i blame github for allowing the racyness in the first place :D
<lukegb> racing you to the reopen PR button
<lukegb> hah
<__monty__> clever: Yes, but I'm trying to use the bootstrapFiles argument to make developing on them locally easier. Rather than repeatedly committing different local paths that won't work for others anyway.
<orion_> lukegb: In general, should changes be submitted to master, staging, or a different branch?
<clever> __monty__: in that case, i would just use 2 copies of nixpkgs, one to build it from a cached stdenv, the 2nd to then make a new stdenv from the bootstrap files the 1st produces
<clever> __monty__: just edit the 2nd one to basically do `import ~/nixpkgs1/pkgs/stdenv/linux/make-bootstrap-tools.nix` in the right place
<lukegb> Things which cause mass rebuilds (definitions vary a bit, usually 500+ is a good guesstimate iirc) should be targeted to staging
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121592 → bucklespring: unstable-2021-01-21 -> 1.5.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edef1c merged pull request #121375 → rink: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121562 → libass: 0.15.0 -> 0.15.1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt merged pull request #115869 → lego: 4.2.0 -> 4.3.1 →
<__monty__> clever: Thanks, I'll see if that's more convenient.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121501 → citrix_workspace: fix build / add mesa dependency →
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #4763 → Bump version number for `DerivedPath` changes →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121278 → rust-cbindgen: Update Cargo hash →
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #4761 → Mark `__impureHostDeps` paths as optional →
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #4750 → nix build: make dry-run to print a json output if --json is enabled →
<orion_> lukegb: Thank you!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #121527 → cc-wrapper: fix regression for the C compiler wrapper →
<lukegb> wow, this is PR 1? :P
<{^_^}> .github#1 (by lukegb, 37 seconds ago, open): SECURITY: update link to security team
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<__monty__> #110960 has an approval and could use a merge.
<{^_^}> (by toonn, 13 weeks ago, open): environment.nix: Split "less -R" into PAGER and LESS
<__monty__> And #99196 could use a review from anyone interested in improving the borgbackup module.
<{^_^}> (by toonn, 30 weeks ago, open): nixos/borgbackup: Borgbackup retry
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #121294 → wireguard module: generatePrivateKeyFile: Fix chmod security race →
<{^_^}> [hydra] @edolstra merged pull request #924 → Fix GitHub status update for private flakes. →
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<infandum> I installed nixos on a Windows system dual boot
<infandum> I erased the /boot because I didn't know windows had efi stuff there
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<infandum> as a result, nixos worked but windows would not boot. I tried a bunch of nixos configuration.nix options but none worked. Then I realized what I had done, used bcdboot on the boot partition and now it works again (the windows side). However, now there are many UEFI entries in my BIOS, how can I remove them / list them in nixos?
<infandum> How do I know which are needed?
<lukegb> For the first one, you can use efibootmgr
<infandum> There are some like nixos uefi, UEFI OS, Windows Boot Manager, etc.
<lukegb> As for knowing which are needed... that's a trickier proposition
<infandum> (this is choosing boot order in my bios, not the bootloader)
<infandum> So right now I'm using UEFI OS (of which there are 5 identical ones or so), and it works, but nixos isn't updating the generations (but windows and nixos can boot from the options in the boot loader)
<infandum> lukegb: Can I delete them all and rerun nixos-rebuild?
<infandum> or would that do the bootloader options only, not the bootloader itself
<infandum> Yes, efibootmgr is perfect btw
<lukegb> You need to set NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER=1 when you do a rebuild
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<lukegb> but otherwise you should be able to wipe away all the NixOS ones
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<infandum> So I have 3 UEFI OS, 2 Windows Boot Manager, NixOS-boot, NixOS-boot-EFI, and a rEFInd Boot Manager (from my old Arch installation which never got removed I guess)
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<infandum> Will this destroy my windows efi stuff again?
<lukegb> If you don't delete Windows Boot Manager it shouldn't, no.
<infandum> there are two of them though
<infandum> which one to keep?
<infandum> maybe one won't work?
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<lukegb> It's possible one won't work, yeah
<infandum> ah
<infandum> but they have the same name haha
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<lukegb> You could see if they have the same content with -v?
<lukegb> is the BCD UUID they refer to different, for instance?
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<QueenUhohsheherv> Is a good, easy solution to making a Rust nix crate?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @arcnmx opened pull request #121596 → firefox-bin: provide wrapper with firefoxLibName →
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<infandum> lukegb: Okay, figured out the working windows one. Should I delete ALL other partitions (including nixos) then rebuild vanilla, rebuild with NIX_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER=1, or rebuild with --install-bootloader)
<infandum> errr, not delete partitions, delete boots
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #120774 → lib/types: only accept derivations for shellPackage →
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<exarkun> ,channels
<{^_^}> Largest Nix channels: #nixos, #nixos-dev, #nixos-chat, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-security, #nixcon, #nixos-officehours, #nixops, #haskell.nix, #nix-darwin, #nixos-de, #nixos-emacs, #nixos-on-your-router, #nixos-nur, #nix-lang, #nixos-fr, #nixos-systemd, #nixos-borg, #nixos-wiki
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121590 → rename: 1.9 -> 1.11 →
<pie_> i cant tell, are man pages supposed to work with nix-shell -p ? or does objdump just not have man pages
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121582 → electron_11: 11.4.3 -> 11.4.4 & electron_10: 10.4.3 -> 10.4.4 →
<QueenUhohsheherv> How do I make my Rust binary as Nix-compatible as possible?
<qyliss> what do you mean by that?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121453 → lxqt.lxqt-powermanagement: 0.17.0 -> 0.17.1 →
<infandum> lukegb: Well deleting everything but the windows one and rebuilding did not put a new entry on, unfortunately, so I'll need to use the installation media
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121454 → lxqt.obconf-qt: 0.16.0 -> 0.16.1 →
<infandum> but thank you for your help!
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<lukegb> oops
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121452 → mate.mate-session-manager: 1.24.2 -> 1.24.3 →
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<QueenUhohsheherv> <qyliss "what do you mean by that?"> How can I make it as reproducible as possible, conforming to tried and true Nix rules?
<Felix[m]6> how can I use a "raw" gcc in a `buildFHSUserEnv`?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #120966 → cifs-utils: 6.12 -> 6.13 →
<pie_> well this definitely works MANPATH=$(nix-build --no-out-link -E "with import <nixpkgs> {};")/share/man man objdump
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais closed pull request #121213 → cloud-hypervisor: 0.14.1 -> 15.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121340 → agi: 1.1.0-dev-20210423 -> 1.1.0-dev-20210430 →
<Felix[m]6> I tried using a `gcc-unwrapped` and `binutils-unwrapped`, but they can't find things like `crt1.o` which do exist in `/usr/lib` in the FHS-env
<QueenUhohsheherv> Can I see an example of a good rust binary for Nix?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121359 → handlr: 0.6.3 -> 0.6.4 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121272 → zoom-us: 5.6.16775.0418 -> 5.6.16888.0424 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bachp merged pull request #121479 → mujs: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 opened pull request #121597 → ripgrep: cleanup →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121281 → [20.09] redmine: 4.1.2 -> 4.1.3 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121376 → nixos/amazon-init: add user-data shell script support →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121564 → mautrix-signal: Fix incorrect escaping in wrapper →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 closed pull request #121584 → mautrix-signal: fix escape in postInstall →
<QueenUhohsheherv> <supersandro2000 "Queen Uhoh (she/her, vi/vim): ht"> I'm looking to create reproducible environments to work on my package in
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @badmutex opened pull request #121598 → vivaldi: 3.7.2218.45-1 -> 3.8.2259.37-1 →
<SumnerEvans[m]> Sorry for a dumb question, but how does one run tests in nixpkgs locally?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra merged pull request #121263 → nixUnstable: pre20210326_dd77f71 -> pre20210429_d15a196 →
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<orion_> What is the flow for nixpkgs? master --> staging --> unstable --> stable?
<SumnerEvans[m]> (nevermind, I finally found the correct docs)
<gchristensen> master -> the nixos-unstable{,small,*} channels, release-* -> nixos-* channel
<lukegb> (and staging -> staging-next -> master)
<orion_> Thank you gchristensen, lukegb.
<gchristensen> master becomes a stable branch every 6 months
<superherointj> supersandro2000, please comment on which approach is ideal for `libtomcrypt` on PR#121546.
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<qyliss> QueenUhohsheherv: there are lots of different approaches. Naersk is a decent one, but not the only one.
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<QueenUhohsheherv> qyliss: What's the *best* approach for a simple binary (a language server, to be exact)
<qyliss> that's a matter of opinion
<qyliss> i can't tell you what the best is, because there are a few different options, and I don't think any of them are always better than the others
<QueenUhohsheherv> What's yours? I'm very new to the Nix world :)
<qyliss> I usually just use a shell.nix file and use Cargo like normal
<qyliss> but it's not very reproducible
<qyliss> (it could be, if I pinned Nixpkgs in it)
<QueenUhohsheherv> Okay. I'll try naersk and the nix flakes.
<qyliss> orion_: you might find helpful
<qyliss> you can put in a PR number and it'll show you its path to channels
<qyliss> (but doesn't show unstable -> stable)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121573 → nodejs*: add meta.mainProgram →
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<QueenUhohsheherv> How do I create a language whose ecosystem integrates well with Nix?
<qyliss> ooh, that's a big question
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<qyliss> use standard build tools if possible rather than inventing your own
<qyliss> don't do networking at build time
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121285 → musikcube: 0.96.5 -> 0.96.7 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121284 → openscenegraph: update from ffmpeg_3 to ffmpeg →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121365 → kotatogram-desktop: 1.4 -> 1.4.1 →
<lukegb> Make it possible to stably download library dependencies, even if you end up statically linking everything together
<lukegb> Avoid putting source paths into the output artifacts, or provide a mechanism for trimming them to just the filename
<qyliss> don't assume dependencies will all be installed to the same prefix
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #121416 → nixos/tests: Replace QEMU_OPTS usages with virtualisation.qemu.options →
<qyliss> flokli++
<{^_^}> flokli's karma got increased to 41
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121431 → ytfzf: 1.1.4 -> 1.1.5 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #121569 → [20.03] perlPackages.ImageExifTool: apply fix for CVE-2021-22204 →
<Henson> is there a way I can, in the REPL or some derivation, import a configuration and have nix iterate or converge or whatever it does with that configuration to come up with the final attribute set, which I can then explore? I'm trying to programmatically explore a nixops configuration in a way that the "show-option" command doesn't allow.
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<Henson> I'm kind of muddling my way through figuring it out using nixpkgs/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix, but maybe there's a pre-canned easy way to do it that I'm unaware of
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #121599 → prometheus-knot-exporter: add patch to fix stats →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121521 → xcolor: init at unstable-2021-02-02 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121598 → vivaldi: 3.7.2218.45-1 -> 3.8.2259.37-1 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @SuperSandro2000 merged pull request #121597 → ripgrep: cleanup →
<SumnerEvans[m]> What is the best way to enforce a timeout on a nixos test?
<SumnerEvans[m]> I saw `testRunnerFlags = "--timeout 3600";` being used, but that doesn't seem to actually have any effect (at least locally).
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<ajs124> Henson: there's the nixos attribute in pkgs, iirc. you can pass a configuration to that.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli merged pull request #120048 → nixos/xserver: set fs.inotify.max_user_instances too →
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<flokli> qyliss++
<{^_^}> qyliss's karma got increased to 138
<flokli> way to go
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<Ke> anyone remember, there used to be some way to create systemd timers in the
<Ke> I don't seem to be able to find it
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<{^_^}> #105049 (by ncfavier, 22 weeks ago, open): systemd timers treat all timezones as UTC
<Henson> ajs124: thanks for that tip. Unfortunately that avenue isn't any easier than the one I was investigating. I'll probably have to read the source of the nixops tool to figure out how it loads in the configuration.
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<Henson> ajs124: putting in a system configuration, yes, but putting in a nixops configuration, which is a bit of a mix of things, not so easy.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FlorianFranzen opened pull request #121601 → segger-jlink: init at 7.20 →
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<xenophile> Hello! So Im very interested in nixos and I'm currently trying to switch to nixos from arch. The only thing that I'm struggling with is I can stand the graphical display managers and the ly tui display man is available as a nix package. But for some reason I can't seem to start it as a service in my configuration.nix. I'm not quite sure how to get
<xenophile> ly as my display manager on nixos. Any suggestions?
<xenophile> *can't
<veleiro> its not available as a module, you'd have to write one
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Stunkymonkey opened pull request #121602 → mediaelch: 2.8.8 -> 2.8.10 →
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<xenophile> Ok. Is that a fairly simple task?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt merged pull request #121209 → pinnwand: add reaper, update hardening, test reaper, improve default settings →
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<veleiro> xenophile_: it isnt if you're new. Alternatively, you can use startx which just uses xinitrc IIRC
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121548 → nixos/tests/installer: fix for i686-linux →
<veleiro> services.xserver.displayManager.startx.enable = true;
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121541 → nixos/tests/gitdaemon: deflake by using systemd-tmpfiles →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121540 → nixos/tests/rspamd: fix OOM flakyness →
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<ris> every time i blink mesa-drivers gets bigger
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<pennae> ... mesa-drivers is an angel
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @regnat opened pull request #121605 → openjfx: Fix for CA derivations →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @davidak merged pull request #121542 → authenticator: init at 4.0.3 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt merged pull request #121578 → busybox: Add a fix for CVE-2021-28831 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #121485 → pythonPackages.pytmx: 3.24.0 -> 3.25.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #121568 → [20.09] perlPackages.ImageExifTool: apply fix for CVE-2021-22204 →
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<chisui> Hey, what is the easiest way to get something like haskells `zipWithIndes` for Lists in nix?
<chisui> *`zipWithIndex`
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk pushed 3 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk merged pull request #120354 → Update emacs2nix and update-melpa.el →
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<infinisil> chisui: What's the type of it?
<infinisil> I guess `(Int -> a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]`?
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<chisui> infinisil: Just one list `(Int -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]`
<eyJhb> [a] = list, {a} = set?
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<chisui> I just got an answer over at #nix-lang, its `lib.imap0`
<infinisil> Oh yeah that's no zip, that's a map
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @drewrisinger opened pull request #121606 → python3Packages.qiskit: 0.25.0 -> 0.25.3 →
<infinisil> eyJhb: In Haskell there's just [a] which is indeed the type of a list of a's :)
<chisui> infinisil well you could interpret it as ziping with the infinite list from 0..
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<infinisil> Oh right!
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<eyJhb> infinisil: Just would like to be able to document my Nix functions better, but I am unsure of what would be a nice syntax :P
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @Mathnerd314 opened pull request #491 → doc: Explain how to use GHC with LLVM →
<infinisil> eyJhb: The lib functions have decent docs imo (in the source code)
<eyJhb> I guess more elaborate examples like that might be better :u
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<eyJhb> Also, regarding the suggestion for the PR. `(attrValues cfg.zones) }` or `(attrValues cfg.zones)}` ?
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<infinisil> eyJhb: Eh I don't mind either
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<infinisil> I'm not nitpicky regarding formatting
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<infinisil> Unless it's _really_ bad
<infinisil> (but then it can't be called nitpicking anymore)
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<eyJhb> Fair :p I have pushed the last addition. Also! I KNEW/hoped there would be a better way. Thanks for pointing it out!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #121607 → kodiPackages.inputstream-ffmpegdirect: 1.21.1 -> 1.21.2 →
<eyJhb> Also, anyone, was there an update for the NTFS-3g module ? Seems like only root can access my partitions now..
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #109561 → matrix-dendrite: init at 0.3.11 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer merged pull request #116444 → nixos/oauth2_proxy_nginx: add nginx config only if oauth2_proxy is enabled →
<{^_^}> [nix] @MagicRB opened pull request #4765 → Add ignored_acls setting →
<eyJhb> Sooo.. Suddenly I cannot read my NTFS volumes... I have tried setting umask=000, but.. Doesn't work
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<lukegb> Never Trust this File System?
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<tpw_rules> never the files are the same?
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<eyJhb> Pretty much
<eyJhb> But I don't have anything I can store my data on, if I wanted to switch to another fs...
<eyJhb> ANd I CAN'T for ANYTHING get it to mount for EVERYONE...
<eyJhb> AHA!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Synthetica9 opened pull request #121609 → mako: 1.4.1 -> 1.5 →
<eyJhb> I think I know what is doing it.
<pennae> eyJhb: ntfs-3g was fuse, right? we remember something about having to set allow_others in some global config for that to work
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<eyJhb> I think transmission overtook my folder, and then screwed with the permissions...
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<grg9> i'm trying to work out when changes(/fixes) made to nixpkgs master are available to me to install. according to the nix channels wiki page, i can find what changes are available by checking
<grg9> the most recent update to nixos-unstable is 5 hours ago but a fix i need (PR #121122 from 4 days ago) doesn't seem to be available. does anyone know why that could be? have i misunderstood something?
<{^_^}> (by austinbutler, 4 days ago, merged): python3Packages.pytest-helpers-namespace: add missing dependency
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<grg9> not sure if it's relevant but i'm using home-manager
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<evils> grg9: updated your channel?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @samuelgrf opened pull request #121610 → ungoogled-chromium: add meta.mainProgram →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to gnome-40 « gnome3.gnome-shell: Switch to master »:
<grg9> evils: i didn't realise i needed to do that, thank you
* Henson cackles
<Henson> I finally figured out how to get the Nixops configuration set!
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<furrymcgee> is /usr/bin/bash required for nix-channel --update?
<andi-> Probaly not as I don't have that.
<qyliss> nothing nix should rely on /usr/bin/anything
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<fresheyeball> how can I get library profiling to work in a nix-shell (haskell project)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb opened pull request #121611 → mercurial: 5.6 -> 5.8, oxidize, devendor zstd →
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-20.03-small advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
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<furrymcgee> it is not executing '/bin/bash'
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-20.09-darwin advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<infandum> I'm having issues with my bootloader. New installation dual boot with windows. I have boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; useOSProber = true; and canTouchEFIVariables = true; I have an issue with "Failed to write LoaderSystemToken", which is a known issue (same bootctl error as for instance). This is on a 20.09 liveusb. Is there a solution without using nixos-unstable for the whole
<infandum> system?
<{^_^}> #97426 (by turboMaCk, 33 weeks ago, closed): systemd-boot-builder failing
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<infandum> If I disable canTouchEfiVariables then it succeeds, but the bootloader is not added (as seen by efibootmgr)
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<lukegb> you can try deleting it, which is what the upstream fix seems to have done
<lukegb> failing that you could use and overlay to replace it, but... that's likely to be quite involved
<infandum> deleting what? The EFI variable?
<infandum> I cant, it says no permission
<infandum> even as root
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #121610 → ungoogled-chromium: add meta.mainProgram →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil opened pull request #121613 → formats.ini: Introduce `listToValue` argument →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt merged pull request #121482 → pythonPackages.flask-httpauth: 4.2.0 -> 4.3.0 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #121172 → nixos/bind: refactor zones from a list to attrset →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120800 → undistract-me: init at unstable-2020-08-09 →
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<lukegb> infandum: oh right, yeah, it's read-only now after some... unfortunate incidents
<infandum> yikes
<infandum> lukegb: I did get success using grub, but grub does not detect the windows partition (although useOSProber is enabled)
<infandum> and os-prober the command does see /dev/sda2@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi
<lukegb> weird
<infandum> and after getting into the system, changing back to systemd-boot and disabling grub, nothing is changed even though it was "successful", it still uses grub
<lukegb> yeah, it won't uninstall grub
<infandum> ah, it just doesn't add systemd for some reason to the list of bootloaders?
<infandum> this is with nixos-rebuild --install-bootloaders
<infandum> switch
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tfc merged pull request #121404 → gitAndTools.git-machete: 3.1.0 -> 3.1.1 →
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<furrymcgee> nix run nixpkgs.quickjs, cc1: error: LTO support has not been enabled in this configuration
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #120548 → nixos/tests/jellyfin: enhanced test →
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<furrymcgee> how to download and fix this quickjs/default.nix locally?
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<Mindavi> nix develop nixpkgs.quickjs?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukegb merged pull request #121558 → airsonic: force use of jre8 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir merged pull request #89572 → nixos/unbound: add settings option, deprecate extraConfig →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zhaofengli opened pull request #121614 → squeekboard: unstable-2021-03-09 -> 1.13.0 →
<furrymcgee> I dont have nix develop
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<pennae> oh fun. tried to start 1000 containers, but dbus has a connection limit and stops that attempt at around 140
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #121615 → kodiPackages.pvr-iptvsimple: 7.6.1 -> 7.6.2 →
<pennae> there's no indication of it being dbus without digging deep into straces
<samueldr> ever given too many containers to start to your orchestrator?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to gnome-40 « gnome3.gnome-shell: Pick patch from Fedora »:
<{^_^}> [hydra] @dasJ opened pull request #957 → Add live log using tailon →
<pennae> ah well. we don't need that many containers anyway, just sounded like a fun experiment
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<pennae> at least it's easy now to stop containers with just pkill :D
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<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @andir opened pull request #702 → Remove development instructions for commerical support page →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @iwanb opened pull request #121617 → Re-add Transcribe, version 9.00 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wlib opened pull request #121618 → Start drafting an update for audacity: 2.4.2 -> 3.0.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fabaff opened pull request #121619 → python3Packages.zwave-js-server-python: 0.23.1 -> 0.24.0 →
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @samueldr merged pull request #702 → Remove development instructions for commerical support page →
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<NemesisD> is it possible to use generics to get type-level info with no value? for example, i want the `packageName` of a type
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #121620 → mako: 1.4.1 -> 1.5 →
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<hexa-> ,locate speech-dispatcher
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 closed pull request #121620 → mako: 1.4.1 -> 1.5 →
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<{^_^}> Found in packages: speechd
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 merged pull request #121609 → mako: 1.4.1 -> 1.5 →
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<NemesisD> whoops dont mind me. wrong channel
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xwvvvvwx opened pull request #121621 → turbo-geth 2021.02.01 -> 2021.04.05 →
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<cgbrewster[m]> Does anyone have experience with using overlayfs with a nix store? In particular, modifying the lower dir is technically undefined behavior, but is this a big deal with `/nix/store` since most subdirs in there are read-only?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir merged pull request #121587 → testing-python.nix: document runTests pos argument →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eraserhd opened pull request #121622 → rep: 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixos-org-configurations] @edolstra pushed 4 commits to master:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wlib closed pull request #121618 → Start drafting an update for audacity: 2.4.2 -> 3.0.2 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @wlib opened pull request #121623 → Start drafting an update for audacity: 2.4.2 -> 3.0.2 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @maralorn opened pull request #121624 → haskell-updates: Example hackage-packages update →
<Henson> is there a way I can use pattern matching on the left hand side to bind set attributes to variables kind of like {a,b} = {a=1;b=2} resulting in a=1 and b=2?
<Henson> or something equivalent to bind set attribute keys to variables names in the current scope?
<SumnerEvans[m]> > ({a, b}: a) {a=1; b=2;}
<{^_^}> 1
<chisui> You can pass the set to a lambda
<pennae> Henson: with set;
<pennae> though that necessitates let splitting
<chisui> > let a = 1 in ({ b, ... }: a + b) { b = 2; c = 3;}
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected IN, expecting ';', at (string):494:11
<Henson> penguwin: what's let splitting?
<chisui> > let a = 1; in ({ b, ... }: a + b) { b = 2; c = 3;}
<Henson> oops
<{^_^}> 3
<Henson> pennae: what's let splitting
<pennae> Henson: like, let x = 1; {a, b} = set; in ... --> let x = 1; in with set; ...
<pennae> if there's a y dependent on a or be you need a let, thus splitting the original one
<nh2[m]> that doesn't seem to be necessary, you can directly write `with { a=1; b=2; }; ...code involving a and b here...`
<nh2[m]> > with { a=1; b=2; }; "In this string we have access to ${toString a} and ${toString b}"
<{^_^}> "In this string we have access to 2 and 2"
<nh2[m]> wat
<nh2[m]> why does it print "2 and 2"? My `nix repl` prints `1 and 2`
<chisui> > a
<{^_^}> 2
<Henson> nh2[m]: oh yeah, the "with" statement will bring these in for me the way I'm wanting. Thank you!
<Henson> and thank you, others, for your suggestions.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @AndersonTorres opened pull request #121625 → cardboard: init at 0.0.0-unstable-2021-01-21 →
<nh2[m]> Is the bot bugged and variables from an outer scope override an inner one?
<chisui> nh2 seems as if with doesn't shadow the top level definition
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-20.09-small advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
<pennae> wonder why we have let at all if there's also with rec {...};
<infinisil> nh2[m]: Hehe yeah, variables defined with the bot are translated to an outer `let in`
<infinisil> I should fix that at some point
<nh2[m]> infinisil chisui actually the bot is not bugged, this is apparently intentional:
<nh2[m]> > The bindings introduced by `with` do not shadow bindings introduced by other means
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting ')', at (string):494:28
<nh2[m]> > let a = 3; in with { a=1; b=2; }; "In this string we have access to ${toString a} and ${toString b}"
<{^_^}> "In this string we have access to 3 and 2"
<nh2[m]> `nix repl` agrees with this result
<nh2[m]> That is a very confusing language feature, completely against my intuition
<chisui> That should be added to
<infinisil> Yeah, but I want to "fix"/workaround this by using `with` for variable definitions in the bot instead
<nh2[m]> chisui: I will mention it there right now
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt opened pull request #121626 → nixos/botamusique: init →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl merged pull request #121535 → texlive: 2020 -> 2021 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl merged pull request #121411 → xfitter: fix for darwin →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @maralorn opened pull request #121627 → Update haskellPackages including a bump of Hackage and Stackage pin →
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<chisui> Uhm, I get an error in this line saying`'functionArgs' requires a function`. How is that possible?
<chisui> isn't the `isFunction` enough to ensure that the value is a function?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FlorianFranzen opened pull request #121628 → workstyle: 0.2.1 -> 0.2.1-p0 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #121629 → pythia: 8.304 -> 8.305 →
<pie_> chisui: i think FunctionArgs chokes on partially applied builtins, but im not sure
<pie_> miht have been fixed at some point or im remembering a different issue
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<pie_> chisui: threes also a: a style functions, wehre functionargs also doesnt work i think
<pie_> > __functionArgs (a: a)
<{^_^}> { }
<pie_> > __functionArgs (builtins.elemAt [])
<{^_^}> 'functionArgs' requires a function, at (string):494:1
<pie_> > __functionArgs ({a}: a)
<{^_^}> { a = false; }
<pie_> > builtins.elemAt [1] 1
<{^_^}> list index 1 is out of bounds, at (string):494:1
<pie_> err, well,
<pie_> > builtins.elemAt [1] 0
<{^_^}> 1
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xwvvvvwx opened pull request #121630 → radicle-upstream: 0.1.11 -> 0.2.3 →
<chisui> pie_ Ah, thanks I'll take a look if I have any of these in my code
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl merged pull request #119874 → emacsPackages.melpaPackages.zmq: preventive fix for module-file-suffix change needed for emacs 28 →
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<Henson> is there a way I can determine if an attribute in the configuration set is defined? I'm travering a system's configuration and want to extract a value from one of the options but only if that option is defined.
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<chisui> nh2: the second Sentence still mentions "all keys", but the Examples should illustrate the issue nicely. Thanks
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<nh2[m]> Henson: You can use `builtins.hasAttr` to check if an attrset has a key (from, or the equivalent `?` operator (row "Has Attribute" from The latter can also do `myattrset ? a.b.c`. Is this what you need?
<Henson> nh2[m]: I tried the hasAttr function. It looks like it exists, but if you try to get its value it then discovers that it's undefined.
<nh2[m]> chisui: I fixed the `all` now
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<pie_> huh. good question
<qyliss> Henson: options.*.isDefined ?
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<qyliss> actually no, don't think that's it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 5 commits to release-20.09:
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat merged pull request #121585 → [20.09] Staging →
<qyliss> well, maybe if there's no default value
<nh2[m]> qyliss: ah, I thought that sounded promising. Like its use here:
<nh2[m]> warnings = optional (warn && fromOpt.isDefined)
<nh2[m]> "The option `${showOption from}' defined in ${showFiles fromOpt.files} has been renamed to `${showOption to}'.";
<qyliss> nh2[m]: well, it depends exactly what Henson wants to do, because isDefined is true even if the option has a default value and hasn't otherwise been set
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<pie_> yeah that gets screwy but sounds reasonable
<pie_> screwy @ "well is it set if its the default value?"
<nh2[m]> Yes. Henson, have a look if `isDefined` is the semantics you want
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<Henson> yeah this particular configuration item has no default value, so in some cases it contains a useful value, and in other cases it's undefined.
<pie_> (there's probably some way to check for equality to the default value?)
<Henson> touching it when it's undefined causes the evaluation to crash
<pie_> that sounds odd
<pie_> the option should still exist i think
<pie_> but im not a modules expert
<pie_> i guess i never poked at options that dont have a default
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<Henson> so "isDefined" is just an attribute of the option? Like
<qyliss> Henson: no, it's under options, not config
<qyliss> config gives you the actual values, options gives you reflection on options
<Henson> ahh, ok. I'll have to adjust my derivation to pass that information along too
<Henson> thanks qyliss and pie_!
<Henson> and nh2[m]
<qyliss> :)
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<pennae> hmm is there way to configure a stringification function for an option? say we wanted to configure something as an attrset, but then have the whole set expand to a path later
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<qyliss> pennae: yes, you can use __toString, but I'd urge you to think carefully before doing so
<pennae> qyliss: haven't gotten that to work properly when we tried and apparently nobody else is doing it in nixpkgs? (for good reason tho)
<qyliss> > toString { __toString = _: "hello"; }
<{^_^}> "hello"
<qyliss> definitely works
<pennae> the attrset is supposed to be a typed option, not a plain attrset
<qyliss> (but I don't think it should be used in nixpkgs)
<pennae> last we tried something complained
<pennae> can't remember exactly what though, just gave up and did the more sensible thing of having a uniq subattr that's calculated from the rest instead
<qyliss> my first attempt I forgot that it had to be a function, not just a string. maybe you made the same mistake.
<flokli> adisbladis: it seems emacsPackages.project got depublished :-/
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<flokli> eglot has project as packageRequires
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<tazjin> adisbladis: I think eglot depending on project is a bug
<tazjin> it's in its Package-Requires header, but project is a builtin
<pennae> hm, might have not declared __toString as an option last time
<tazjin> so the version on ELPA was probably something from the pre-bundling time or a dev release
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<pennae> yeah, declaring it as an option too does work. i don't like it.
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<ahituna_> I used a nix-shell as such ... not really knowing what I'm doing. Now the packages under buildInputs are available everywhere, in every shell, globally
<fresheyeball> I got all deps to build with profiling turned out for my ghcjs project
<fresheyeball> but my project itself wont build with profiling on
<ahituna_> tbh this baffles my understanding of nix-shell... nix-env -q is still empty (only home manager)
<fresheyeball> anyone out there ever used ghcjs profiling in nix?
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<pie_> pennae: i can understand the will to do weird stuff since im like that, but im a bit apprehensive to change the type of the value though i cant think of any concrete issues.
<pie_> like, when could some sort of round-tripping happen?
<pie_> whats the error? <pennae> yeah, declaring it as an option too does work. i don't like it.
<ahituna_> which node reveals /home/user/.nix-profile/bin/node ... I don't have nodejs or any other packages that I used in my nix-shell anywhere on home manager or /etc/nixos/... (I grep'd all the files) ... how is node still living on my system?
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<pennae> pie_: if __toString is not also declared as function-typed option it's ne regular "option undefined but set" error. if it *is* an option then, well, it's also an option with all the implications that has. but it does stringify as originally intended
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @maralorn merged pull request #121624 → haskell-updates: Example hackage-packages update →
<pennae> point is we have have some things that should be exposed under a non-store path that also includes the hash of the thing. would've been great to refer to the whole submodule in a string and have it generate that path, but giving it an extra .path option that's uniq works just as well
<flokli> adisbladis: tazjin I opened for the emacs issues
<{^_^}> #121631 (by flokli, 2 minutes ago, open): emacsPackages.* creates internal packages
<ahituna_> nevermind, I'm an idiot. I hadn't home-manager switch from a previous config. I should probably go to bed now lol
<ahituna_> I thought I was losing my mind
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl closed pull request #119697 → texlive: 2020.20210408 -> 2020.20210324 (tlnet-final) →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mattchrist opened pull request #121632 → emacs.pkgs: 2021-05-03 →
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<kini> this is sort of peripheral to nixos, but does anyone know how mach-nix determines requirements of packages it's taking directly from nixpkgs? It's telling me that `aws-sam-cli` requires `docker==4.2.*,>=4.2.0`, even though the requirements.txt has been patched out in the nixpkgs expression so that it says only `>=4.2.0` (at least, as far as I can tell)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alex-eyre opened pull request #121633 → init nimbo at 0.2.4 →
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @WilliButz opened pull request #121634 → hedgedoc: 1.7.2 -> 1.8.0 (security) →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @WilliButz merged pull request #121599 → prometheus-knot-exporter: add patch to fix stats →
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<catern> can anyone look at my (easy) PR?
<{^_^}> #118185 (by catern, 4 weeks ago, open): num-utils: init at 0.5
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<Henson> say I'm working on writing/debugging a derivation with a big huge "let ... in" section. Every assignment in this section has to end with a semicolon. Why, in the REPL, can you not end assignment with a semicolon? It would be so easy to copy and paste a portion of the let block into the REPL to play with it. But instead I have to painstakingly remove the semicolons from each assignment.
<Henson> is there maybe a way of doing this copy-paste kind of thing that is easier in the REPL?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mweinelt merged pull request #121457 → home-assistant 2021.5 dependency bumps →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bhipple merged pull request #121622 → rep: 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2 →
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jonringer opened pull request #121635 → python3Packages.llvmlite: fix build →
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<jackdk> I'm trying to use a new binary cache (private s3 bucket). I have added the key to trusted-public-keys, the bucket as s3://mybucket?profile=foo to substituters, but when I run nix-shell it still wants to build everything. Now it seems to have cached the fact that there's nothing good in the caches; is there a way to force a recheck of my substituters?