afics: can you pastebin what you did until now?
clever: well, the hash of `nix-hash --base32 --type sha256` differs from the filehash listed in the narinfo. I'm not sure why; wget reports the file was successfully downladed. I'll try again.
o1lo01ol1o: you may need a --flat also
makefu: yes
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o1lo01ol1o: nix-hash is recursive by default, so its packaging your .nar.xz up inside another nar, and then hashing
clever: the --flat did it; the hash is correct. I'm not sure why nix copy reports the narinfo as being corrupt
o1lo01ol1o: try file:/// rather then file:// ?
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clever: lol, that worked. Why?
o1lo01ol1o: file://foo says to open "foo", a thing in the current working dir
o1lo01ol1o: file:///foo says to open "/foo" an absolute path
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clever: direnv is causing me to much problems, i think will just copy and past the bash code into a shellHook like you said
clever: are there good directions on how to use the shellHook function in default.nix?
zeta_0: its an attribute on a derivation, not a function
zeta_0: just add it to a derivation, along with src and buildInputs
makefu: can really be something else in my config be the issue, if it deploys okay after commenting the nixpkgs.overlay stuff from my paste?
maybe you are changing packages required for keepalived ? i verbatim copy-pasted your files
clever: oh, so is there some example code, because i am not sure how to do this? i want to place this code from configuration.nix into a shellHook: https://hastebin.com/ofahozebut.bash
zeta_0: then you want .overrideAttrs (old: { shellHook = ''....''; })
edef has joined #nixos
hi, i'm trying to setup a nix-shell for c++, and i'm using the fmt package as a dependency. fmt's cmake support files define a single target fmt::fmt which includes both lib and include paths (aka 'out' and 'dev'). but the lib and dev packages are distinct in the store therefore cmake fails since it doesn't find the include path. any ideas how to fix this without hacking my cmake file?
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> fmt.outputs
[ "out" "dev" ]
bogdb: its a normal split output package
bogdb: do you have pkgconfig and cmake in your inputs?
Hi, everyone. I've got a quick question: how can I override a package's derivation? I'm trying to change its version.
LarryTheCow: 6 weeks, 4 days ago <infinisil> Having looked at the code, I really don't think it's gonna help, but it's not a bad idea to limit the number of entries anyways
clever, i have cmake only
bogdb: try adding pkgconfig
the cmake target defined by the package expects lib and include in the same path, but the paths are split
bogdb: you could also try (fmt.overrideAttrs(old: { outputs = [ "out" ]; }))
error: syntax error, unexpected '.', at /home/zeta/example_projects/simple_examples/nix-haskell-recipes/default.nix:18:5
clever: ^
clever: im fine with pulseaudio controlling it as long as I can route stuff
zeta_0: that goes after line 36, and you must wrap 6-37 with ( and )
clever: but I havent been able to figure out how to get jack to play with it
clever: oh wait...hm. I guess I want jack to be in control because otherwise i have to do lots of loopback screwery with pulse?
which is defeating the whole point
pie_[bnc]: probably
makefu: uh, I am using unstable, if that matters
clever, your second suggestion worked. thanks\
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hmm, if it is normal to have split output packages for "out" and "dev", is there a reason for `fmt` not to work? or is it normal, but not for cmake libraries?
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perhaps this has something to do with the fast that this is run in nix-shell?
noonien: id say its a bug with the thing your compiling, that its not using pkgconfig to figure out where the libs and headers are
noonien: or a bug with fmt not providing a .pc file
it does, in the .dev output
then your project is likely ignoring the pkgconfig file
also, nix itself adds fmt to -I and -L for you
i see, so this is not specifically a cmake thing
so your cmake thing doesnt need to do anything at all, it would just work
on nix it would just work but not on other platforms
i think, in this case, pkg-config would be the solution, so it would work on other platforms also
[nixpkgs] @cdepillabout pushed 2 commits to haskell-updates: https://git.io/Jepcm
clever: ok i placed it after line 36 but i am not sure exactly which parts that i need to wrap with parenthesis? https://hastebin.com/apawazeboh.bash
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zeta_0: everything after the `in` up to the `.overrideAttrs`
zeta_0: `in (....).overrideAttrs ...`
nvm, I fixed it.
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clever: ok i wrapped it with (), so do need to put a semicolon after the () ?'
zeta_0: did the example i just gave include a ; after the ) ?
i'm looking to create a custom live-cd ISO from a local checkout of nixpkgs master. most of the instructions i see (https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Creating_a_NixOS_live_CD) assumes we're using the system nixpkgs. how can i instead use my local checkout?
steell: replace <nixpkgs> with the path to a nixpkgs
or in this case, nix-build /path/to/nixpkgs/nixos
wait...just started poking at vcv-rack i wonder if i can just use that without even using jack
clever, gchristensen: will try that, thanks!
i switched from the standard kernel to latest kernel in 19.09 and now when i start up, systemd hangs on some udev service. systemd-analyze blame tells me its systemd-udev-settle.service. i tried making it with systemctl mask systemd-udev-settle but i get "Failed to mask unit.... already exists and is a symlink to ..."
what is the proper way to mask in nixos? i am a relatively new user
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zeta_0: thats not a valid string
> "double"
> ''double-single''
> 'invalid'
error: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, at (string):272:1
clever: could you pastbin the echo part, my brain is fried, i will give you some more karma
how can i create a conditional import based on architecture, i tried something like: imports = [ "base.nix" ] ++ (if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform == "aarch64-linux" then "./aarchspecific" else [])]; but for some reason nixos-rebuild switch tells me that causes an infinite loop?
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mla: imports cant depend on pkgs
mla: it would be much better to do `config = mkIf (condition) { ... };` within aarch64.nix
makefu: I just tested with a new nixos 19.09 vm with just hardware.nix and my paste and it does not work. I don't know what you are doing different to me
clever: ok it returned foo
clever: hmm it seems like config = mkIf doesnt work either - does this look right to you, this is my aarchspecifc,nix http://ix.io/26la
clever: good god i got the thing working somehow
i should write a guide for this
clever: we need litarate nixos ;P
clever: i want to shorten the bash path, do i need programs.bash.promptInit in there?
i import that like imports = [./aarchspecific.nix]; and it says its causing infinite recursion
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clever: could you test out this default.nix file in a nix-shell, i am not sure why the bash code does change anything? https://hastebin.com/unaxuveveg.bash
zeta_0: add a `set -x` at the start of the string, and a `set +x` at the end, then pastebin the output of nix-shell
gchristensen: Oh? Who still uses i686 hw?
clever: well, not actually sure its disabled yet
afics: https://paste.krebsco.de/QiQJJmau#keepalive , put these in the nixos-shell checkout and run: NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/path-to/nixpkgs $(nix-build --no-out-link default.nix)/bin/nixos-shell ./vm.nix
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hi, Im new to nix and Im trying to use it on macOS..Ive installed a few packages without issue but Im having issues installing MacVim. I ran "nix-env -vvvvv -iA nixpkgs.macvim" and I get the following error output https://gist.github.com/chrismcbride/f30f6decc10678f9269fcf3577f3a2ee ...not quite sure what the next step would be in debugging this
clever: which if statement, there is multiple $TERM's?
zeta_0: nuke em all!
lovesegfault: probably not a lot :)
clever: so delete all the if's and fi's? the else's as well?
zeta_0: and the condition between the if and then
zeta_0: and the then
zeta_0: and decide which half of the if statement you want to keep
there was a user here the other day with i686 hardware
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clever: i think all i need is a PS1 which one do i need to keep for bash terminal?
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clever: i think the 2nd PS1 right?
zeta_0: try each PS1 in a shell, see what each does
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clever: what is xterm? i don't think i use that
clever: easiest way to apply a patch from a url?
zeta_0: xterm is a terminal emulator, that uses X
pie_[bnc]: within the stdenv, pkgs.fetchpatch into patches
clever: can i do that without hashes
clever: its the usual patch from github thing
pie_[bnc]: builtins.fetchurl
clever: a'ight
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clever: how do you lower the length of the shell path in nix-shell? this should be easy to setup, i don't know why it i am struggling to do this
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zeta_0: i just dont bother
clever: do you know someone who understands direnv really good, i think that could help me but it is a little complicated?
I think there is a #home-manager channel
gchristensen: is anyone even on that channel at this time, it is usually empty?
I don't know
gchristensen: i think i need to give up, this is too frustrating
It can definitely feel frustrating at times, but with the 6+ months (or however much) time I've spent with NixOS I can definitely say it's been well worth it
Much less stress than Gentoo was :D
clever: its pretty annoying that applications need JACK support. I saw stuff about creating an alsa loopback device for every app or something, I didn't look very carefully. I guess I should write some nixos modules at some point and post them
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is there a way to build a script (writeScriptBin) and also run the result with Nix alone?
thomashoneyman: runCommand
I've realized that I'm not sure what "recursive Nix" really is and how it fixes problems that we had with IFDs.
it'll run the script inside a nix build sandbox
right now I write a bash script a la `RUN=$(nix-build ...); $RUN/bin/run`
checking it out
ideally i'd like to lint it with shellcheck also, if there's a way to hook in
* tnks
reading the PR now for recursive Nix... but happy to have someone explain highlights.
ok, i see, writeScriptBin and friends are implemented via runCommand
with the result being writing the script to the store
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Haskellers: running `stack --nix init` for a new project (xmonad config) and getting "error: attribute 'ghc863' missing, at (string):1:43"; I have ghc 8.6.5 in the environment, and `stack --version` reports: x86_64 hpack-0.32.0
Is there a way for `stack --nix` to allow newer versions of ghc to be used?
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`waiting for the big garbage collector lock...`
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gchristensen: What does this one mean?
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i am newish to nixos and trying to get the wifi to work on my new laptop. ive narrowed it down to needing this PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/65091 but idk what the simplest way is for me to just add this PR to my system build and nothing else
i tried just moving to the latest kernel earlier which worked but also overkill
syzygyzer: Are you on NixOS 19.09 or unstable?
i run a few unstable programs
Ah, you should check whether that change has been backported, or else yeah: latest kernel
& apparently my wifi card started being supported with kernel 5.1
syzygyzer: Dell XPS?
latest kernel added a 90 second wait to my bootup time which i spent another couple hours trying to resolve before deciding to just try to install the firmware and nothing else lol
where would i place this export command for nix-shell to automatically run it? export PS1='\n\[\033[1;32m\][\[\e]0;\u@\h: \W\a\]\u@\h:/\W]\$\[\033[0m\]'
dell precision
would i need a shellHook for this?
syzygyzer: Ah, nice, and yeah I had the same issue
zeta_0: What does shellHook do?
infinisil: i don't know, i am lost, that is why i am asking this qustion, i just need this command to be automatically executed by nix-shell so i don't have such a long path, that gets very annoying after a while
infinisil: i gave up on direnv, it was to frustrating
Does that sound like it would solve the problem?
And in any case, just give it a try
@lovesegfault is it possible for me to add the firmware to the stable kernel? or does the firmware itself require 5.1? i dont know much about kernels and not really sure what backporting means
infinisil: thanks, i'll give it another try
Okay, so I see now what recursive Nix is, and how it's different, but similar, to IFD. But I'm still not sure which failings of IFDs go away, and which ones may still remain.
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infinisil: i have a default.nix file that i use for things like yesod development, i am just trying to fix small little things like this
i'm having some trouble getting the emacs overlay set up for use with nixos-rebuild, and finding the official documentation rather unenlightening; i have the overlay defined in nixpkgs.overlays within configuration.nix and i've added the configs from the wiki entry for using nixpkgs.overlays from configuration.nix as <nixpkgs-overlays> in the NIX_path, but nixos-rebuild is still trying to pull the
older emacs-26. is there a nice walkthrough of this feature somewhere?
inferencerules: nixpkgs.overlays definitely applies the overlays to the pkgs you get in NixOs modules. I suspect your overlay might not be overriding the right thing
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infinisil: is there some instructions for inserting a shellHook in a default.nix, it keeps throwing syntax errors? https://hastebin.com/nenaxuwoku.bash
zeta_0: Whatever error you're getting, it's not a syntax error, because that file is valid Nix code. It's just that developPackage doesn't support setting derivation attributes like that, so you'll get an evaluation error
zeta_0: However from looking at the implementation of developPackage, I believe you can do this: `developPackages { ...; modifier = drv: drv.overrideAttrs (old: { shellHook = "..."; }); }`
Ah you already have a modifier set, didn't notice that
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zeta_0: Your previous modifier function looked like `drv: <something>`, now to set shellHook you need to change that to `drv: (<something>).overrideAttrs (old: { shellHook = "..."; })`
* lovesegfault
still doesn't understand what a derivation is
lovesegfault: Basically just instructions for how to generate a path with certain contents
zeta_0: Nope that's not right. I mentioned "Your previous modifier function looked like `drv: <something>`" What is your modifier function?
What was it previously I mean?
infinisil: so i need to wrap something in parenthesis, right?
infinisil: sorry i am little brain dead right now, i want get this done before i fall asleep
lovesegfault: Oh, nevermind, "Only the project members, administrators, and accounts with cancel-build privileges can perform this operation."
I assumed I could cancel with a "Cancel" button :/
How silly of me!
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A grownup restarted it!
Was it you gchristensen?
infinisil: i was able to go into nix-shell without any errors, but it still did not shorten bash's path? https://hastebin.com/nasojatoha.bash
Haskell infra being haskell infra, the package derivations aren't used for shells, so this is necessary
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Or not
Wait no that should work
infinisil: no, it did not shorten the path when went into a nix-shell
infinisil: how strange, configuring something like this should't be that difficult
zeta_0: But did it print the `hi`?
If you add `echo hi`
Does it print it?
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infinisil: oh, when i enter a nix-shell in elisp it doesn't work but when i enter it in a regular bash terminal it works, my mistake
infinisil: i don't think i am going to use elisp anymore it is missing to much functionality, that sucks because it is so convient to quickly enter it through emacs, oh well, bash it is
infinisil's karma got increased to 176
You mean eshell?
infinisil: yes
Hm yeah
nixos-unstable release incoming
infinisil: been struggling for 4 months now with nix but i am hanging in there(keep swallowing nix pills)
how many years have you guys been using nix?
[nixpkgs] @thefloweringash opened pull request #76922 → perl: fix configure phase for Aarch32 → https://git.io/Jepl8
i first joined #nixos on `Thu Jun 25 11:13:00 2015`
clever: Wow
clever: close to 5 years now, wow
zeta_0: Less than one year for me.
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HedgeMage: cool
* HedgeMage
puts on her newb hat
(kind of refreshing at my age, come to think about it)
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* lovesegfault
waits for channel to progress
lovesegfault: Progress to what?
HedgeMage: nixos-unstable has been stuck for a couple days
so for the last two days I've been babysitting it trying to unstuck
and now I wait for a release, i.e. for the channel to progress to a newer commit
does anyone have a reference to how I might use callPackage when an input is not in the top level of nixpkgs?
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i suppose i could have the input just be that subset, ie nodePackages
but i'd rather have the specific dependency listed
this seems like a reasonably common situation
there is something wrong with master since a few weeks ago, lot of service restarts are followed by `error: cannot connect to daemon at '/nix/var/nix/daemon-socket/socket': Connection refused`
Mic92: Wait, nvm, the hydra job finally went through it seems
Sorry to ping you for no reason :)
You are welcome
Emantor has joined #nixos
Come on nixos-unstable please progress
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should i give up using git ls-remote and nix-prefetch-url in nix-shell --pure?
s/using/trying to use/
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Why does the channel take so long to progress after the hydra eval is finished?
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the update runs periodically, it doesn't get triggered
lovesegfault: seems like a cronjob has to run, then things like generating ISOs has to be done, command-not-found index has to be updated
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LnL, evils I see, does anyone know the period?
Are there any conventions around tagging a package in nixpkgs as outdated, for the maintainer to update? Or should I just update the version in nixpkgs and merge-request it myself?
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meatcar: i believe making a pull request to update it is the preferred way to deal with that, you can tag the maintainer in that, if it's difficult to update, making an issue for it is probably the way to go
lovesegfault: looks like it's 10min
LnL: where did you find that?
meatcar: The latter, if you don't know how then open an issue
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not sure I understand the question, but ./. + "/nix/deps" is the same as ./nix/deps
i've just found a workaround
by passing "toString ./nix/deps" instead of ./nix/deps
the goal was to factor out all functions relative to project management in some external dependencies but, it the functions provided by this, keep all paths relative to the current project
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Is there a tool to “easily” view version changes across generations?
A trivial solution would be to parse and diff `nix-store -qR /nix/var/nix/gcroots/profiles/system-*-link/`, but maybe somebody wrote it already x)
> let p = pkgs; in map (name: pkgs.${name}) ["hello"] # aveltras
[ <CODE> ]
> :p let p = pkgs; in map (name: pkgs.${name}) ["hello"] # aveltras
anonymous function at /var/lib/nixbot/nixpkgs/master/repo/pkgs/build-support/fetchurl/boot.nix:5:1 called with unexpected argument 'hash', at /var/lib/nixbot/nixpkgs/master/repo/pkgs/development/inter...
Well, fine, eval it locally
And yes, p.${name} instead of pkgs.${name}, but that's up to you
ok thanks tilpner
seems to work for the nix side of the problem
If you want less weird syntax, use builtins.getAttr "hello" pkgs
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i'd like to support possibly multiple packages here but seems that would work fine for only one yes
No, that still works with map, I mentioned it as an alternative to .${foo}
Consider lib.getAttrFromPath if you want nested access from strings
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Hey folks. I'm trying to reinstall my hetzner box because the boot usb key died q_q I'm struggling to build a kexec image that loads the 0.8.2 zfs modules. I can see from the nixos-generate output that it is definitely installing zfs-user-0.8.2 but when I kexec and run modinfo zfs it is 0.7.13
I guess my question is, what is the correct way to tell nix to use zfs unstable/0.8.2?
hmm, is it possible to find why i have installed 5 different versions of gcc?
can i get the derivation attributes from which the hash was computed?
so i can diff the differences between them
m1cr0man: Even stable (19.09) has 0.8.2 right now, no need to go with boot.zfs.enableUnstable (but that's how you would do it otherwise)
m1cr0man: Check (or paste) the nixos-generators (which I assume you mean) inputs for recent nixpkgs versions
uh that could be a bug in nixos-generators
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[nixpkgs] @Lassulus pushed commit from Michel Weitbrecht to master « python3.pkgs.graph-tool: 2.27 -> 2.29 »: https://git.io/Jepui
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anyone here familiar with how amazon bills for AMIs? I'm using the nixpkgs machinery that builds a vhd, uploads to S3, imports that into a snapshot, and then creates a few AMIs from that in different regions.
m1cr0man: That warning suggests your NIX_PATH is being ignored
a few questions I have with that: can I safely transition the data on S3 to something like glacier to minimize storage costs, or is that data actively used when spinning up instances? Also, google tells me that "S3 backed AMI" are only billed for the storage taken up on S3, but I'm not sure this correctly describes the process.
m1cr0man: Try with -I, as suggested in the README
tilpner tried that and the warning disappeared. That's odd because I essentially did what the "Using a particular nixpkgs" section tells you to (export NIX_PATH)
m1cr0man: Please check if that changes the installed zfs version
tilpner: Yep going to try nit now, give me ~5 minutes
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Is there a way I can add paths as-is to the nix store? I'm already kexec'd on my server and the kexec files need to go into the nix store
m1cr0man: In nix code just "${./the-path}"
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Yeah neither of those will do it in this case, I've compiled the kexec on another machine and the output of it is a tar containing a nix folder, and a script with hardcoded paths
maybe i can just edit these paths..
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ah, nope, because all the elf paths are wrong too. Ok gotta build locally then
m1cr0man: Are you trying to kexec on NixOS?
yes but the kexec im extracting is from another machine
That shouldn't matter
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Can you try moving the hosts /nix out of the way?
but all the paths are absolute, it doesn't work. In the README it explains the contents of the tar must be copied to root
Why is it a problem that the paths are absolute?
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because they point to /nix/store, I can't copy the missing files to the right place. It just doesn't work. This kexec tar is meant to be used on a non-nix OS
But can't you just mv /nix /old-nix before extracting?
If not, you'll have to explain "just doesn't work"
Ok so the steps for using the kexec from nixos-generate are 1) build it 2) copy generated tar to target machine 3) extra to root of filesystem and run. I can't do that on a NixOS target machine because it is creating a nix folder, and all the scripts in this tar have absolute paths. I can extract to a different folder and even try chroot .
/kexec_nixos but that also fails with "No such file or directory", because all the dynamic libraries the binaries are linked to are also not there :P
You still haven't explained why you can't move /nix out of the way
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it's read only?
And that will surely break the shell I'm currently in
... yep, that was a bad idea
mount -o remount,rw /nix or something like that
Then it should be able to extract right into it
No need to move or delete it anymore
yeah that isn't allowed either I tried that. I'd give you the error but the machine is dead in the water now
Pretty sure that is allowed
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* tilpner
netcat kexec_tarball to vm
m1cr0man: That works
m1cr0man: Make sure to remount /nix/store instead of /nix
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[nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 3 commits to release-19.09: https://git.io/JepgI
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afics: yep exactly
what you also see very often is rename 'services.keepalived' in your import to 'services.keepalived2'
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makefu: I intend to upstream my changes, so I'd like to keep it as close to the original as possible
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afics: that is great! afics++
afics's karma got increased to 1
Hi! I have got a default.nix file from someone, and with nix-build it compiles a project that I can launch if I go in ../result/bin . Now, what is the command so as to install it in my nixos just like other package accessible on the command line ?
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[nixpkgs] @lourkeur opened pull request #76938 → nixos/gnunet: Add types to the options → https://git.io/Jep2v
[nixpkgs] @lourkeur opened pull request #76939 → nixos/tsocks: Add types to the options → https://git.io/Jep2f
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when creating a whole encrypted pool on nfs, should i use "-O mountpoint=none" ?
exemple without encryption from wiki : zpool create -O mountpoint=none -R /mnt rpool $DISK-part1
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exemple with encryption from wiki : zpool create -o ashift=12 -o altroot="/mnt" -O encryption=aes-256-gcm -O keyformat=passphrase zroot /dev/sdxy
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eoli3n_: Yes to mountpoint=none
thx tilpner :)
(And you scared me with the "create a zpool on nfs storage" typo)
and firefox is installed by adding firefox to environment.systemPackages
in configuration.nix
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anything I missed here?
gchristensen: hope you are well. I would like to contribute regularly to nixos how does one become a code owner so I can help with reviews and doing more?
and I also restarted firefox
ptrcmd: AFAICT you've done everything right, but I don't know what's wrong. You might need to read the code behind the `enableAdobeFlash` flag.
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(Didn't Firefox recently, in their latest release, remove the compatibility layer for hosting Flash? Maybe you need an older Fx version.)
softinio: You don't need to be a codeowner to get notifications btw. If you're a maintainer for an expression ofborg notifies you.
I am using firefox 71
[nixpkgs] @Pamplemousse opened pull request #76941 → bash_unit: init at 1.6.1 → https://git.io/Jep2X
Heya, when in a nix-shell, is there something extra required to make cabal acknowledge the provided `hsc2hs` rather demanding it be downloaded and built ? I cannot seem to make it work
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[nixpkgs] @prusnak opened pull request #76945 → python.pkgs.tensorflow: fix build with cudatoolkit 10.2 → https://git.io/JepwZ
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I'm trying to modify the soulseekqt derivation from nixpkgs, but I can't even build the unmodified one. I'm using the following command to build it: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { }; callPackage ./default.nix { }'
and it just says anonymous function called without required argument mkderivation
does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
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Hey folks. Sorry my laptop died earlier and I didn't report back. Got kexec to work and I'm getting my host back online. Thanks for the help :) There's nothing wrong with nixos-generators lassulus, it turns out that I had used clever's repo on its own before and I was copying the wrong file. I feel pretty stupid for that, but sure I know better
i git clone my nix-config in /mnt/etc/nixos
not so strange :)
just a sec, need some explaination
so configuration.nix is under /mnt/etc/nixos/hosts/$HOST/configuration.nix
yeah, makes sense -- looks fine
inside i import ./hardware...nix
a sec :
what's strange is that if i generate config in /mnt/etc/nixos, it doesnt find /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware...nix
so i need to create that link
that's because nix does not evaluate current path ?
nix resolves the symlink before evaluating the file. your configuration.nix probably has imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ] ... and that relative reference is relative based on where the configuration.nix actually is
ok so that's it
thx gchristensen
so just delete the symlink, and move the hardware-configuration.nix in to /mnt/etc/nixos/hosts/$HOST/
gchristensen: yep i gitignored that file
no need to gitignore it, no need to have it
[nixpkgs] @thoughtpolice merged pull request #76762 → pythonPackages.unicorn: redesign to become a wrapper package around unicorn-emu → https://git.io/JeAxM
[nixpkgs] @thoughtpolice pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/JepKA
How can we set up remote builder for non-NixOS machines?
I looked to the wiki and they says basically just adapt NixOS config to Nix options
Raito_Bezarius: Set builders in nix.conf
tilpner: what is the syntax? is there some docs somewhere?
I'm not really sure, sorry, I used the module to set mine
Raito_Bezarius: Yes, documented in the nix manual : )
"builders A semicolon-separated list of build machines, in the format of nix.machines."
That's what nix --help-config has to say, but what is nix.machines?
I can see that I have i3lock in my nix store, but idk why, how can I trace this? i.e. how do I find what I have enabled that causes this dep?
cc. gchristensen
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lovesegfault: I'm going to let somebody else handl ethis :)
Maybe why-depends?
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__monty__: Yeah, but that's the beginning; what do I point why-depends to?
❯ nix why-depends i3lock ???
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❯ nix why-depends -a /run/current-system nixos.i3lock
The store path?
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This is a very domain specific question but has anyone attempted to build rstudio server with nix?
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I am playing around with nix and I think I can convince my team to use it but it won't go far without rstudio server
I may be also interested in attempting to package it although it may be more than I can chew
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nix-newbie64: apparently, rstudio is already packaged
maybe it's possible to from this to package rstudio server
to go from this*
doesn't seem to be packaged yet, but given that there are packages for other distros i don't think it'd be a ton of work...
well it depends whether it's a proprietary weird binary
you'll have to patch it, etc, it's a bit annoying AFAIK
that being said, nix-newbie64 why do you need to move all your team to NixOS?
you can go partially for nixos and gradually adopt it so that rstudio server will be packaged once you go full nix
(or use a non-NixOS distro with Nix support, like Arch Linux)
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(so that does not prevent you from having some impure packages and a FHS)
(but you won't have this very sweet feature of nixos-rebuild && configuration.nix)
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looks like it builds from the same source as rstudio?
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I think server is proprietary? I'd probably start by trying `steam-run`. the nix rstudio works great on ubuntu, too. is rstudio-server source available?
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I have a function writeFooConfig that writes a config file to the nix store with writeFile. I have many of these to make, so I map writeFooConfig to make all of them. I assume this is now a list of paths to the nix store. In another derivation, I need to create symbolic links to each of these files in relative directory during `buildCommand`; what's the most ideomatic way to do this?
[nixpkgs] @jtojnar opened pull request #76955 → docbook-xsl: Fix reproducibility when building docs → https://git.io/JepPt
o1lo01ol1o: buildEnv maybe?
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i'm thinking maybe symlinkJoin will do something I want . . . I guess the contents will be a symlink to each of the files, could I just '' ln -s ${theSymlinkJoined} foo/''?
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gchristensen: that is amazing and simple. so cool. thank you
o1lo01ol1o: it was an lol at grumble's quit message
does anyone know if its possible to turn off efifb for a specific gpu? i have 2 in my system and would like to ensure efifb is off for one
or alternatively, could i tell the kernel/boot-loader to us a specific gpu?
gchristensen: damn, thought you had good feeback
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i use systemd boot loader btw..
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how do I manually build a nixpkgs derivation that I copied from the github repo?
when I run nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { }; callPackage ./default.nix { }' it always gives me an error about an anonymous function called without the required arguments
and I have verified that everything works when I use nix-shell -p
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gchristensen: im getting the error error: The option value `boot.kernelPatches.[definition 1-entry 1]' in `/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix' is not of type `attribute set'.
i tried, `kernelPatches = [ ./navi-reset.patch ];`
elux: kernelPatches has type list of attribute sets.
inherit, super, override, etc.. its not quite adding up yet, i haven't spent time with this language
not so much voiila for me
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the "and voila" was due to ryantm basically giving the answer
if you look to his link, you can see the way patches are defined
which is indeed { name = <string>; patch = <path> }
hehe ah yes. this seems to be building properly, but i dont know if it correct.. `kernelPatches = [ { name = "navi-reset.patch"; patch = ./navi-reset.patch; } ];`
the kernel is rebuilding tho, i can see it happening now
it is correct, otherwise you'll end up with a error somewhere
amazing, cant wait to learn more about nix. i know its awesome and powerful .. would be nice to finally understand more of it
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the kernel patch worked great. i love how easy that was to apply + rebuild
elux: also it's easy to rollback if your kernel patch breaks stuff!
yea, very nice feature
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btw, another basic question.. what is the name of the boot sequence that goes from the loader to once it loads the kernel? specifically the stage when it switches my graphics from what is low resolution and looks like DOS, to something high-resolution
i notice once it runs `udev.. dm_mod..` then my monitor goes black, then switches to a higher dpi or something
Raito_Bezarius: mixed content, its trying to load css over http, not https
Raito_Bezarius: i'll have a look into that sometime this weekend
elux: it sounds like you're mentioned the "before modeset"
you're mentioning *
also called kernel mode setting (KMS)
this is nixos-independent, it is something you can configure at multiple levels
some people don't care, some people care and want mode setting as early as possible
"want mode setting" does systemd boot support this mode setting?
so i could get into the higher resolution (i presume this is call kms) sooner?
it sounds like you can use UEFI to do this
my system has 2 graphics cards, and im having a bit of an issue in that on boot the boot loader is usually good about picking the primary card, but then when it switches mode, it often gets lost and ends up switching the mode to the other gpu, its quite annoying
i'm no expert unfortunately and I don't have 2 GPUs, but I guess what controls everything would be efifb
so you should try to look "dmesg | grep fb" for example to see what is going on
and focus your efforts on configuring efifb to what you want ™
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wonderful, that is very helpful.
ive also read about vesafb .. what is vesa vs efifb ?
vesafb is another implementation of efifb for non-UEFI systems
<stuff>fb are framebuffers implementations which enables you to have some graphics in the console
ive read some people recommend turning off efifb completely, i will give this a try, but ideally i can turn it off on a specific gpu, or tune it somehow, i will do more searching
elux: what are you planning to do with your 2 GPUs?
thanks though, piecing together the mechanics help me understanding this
some usual scenario is to GPU passthrough the second to some VM
don't forget in this case to use intel_iommu=on for some cases
Raito_Bezarius: single desktop / monitor, and running linux as host with windows10 and macosx as kvm/qemu systems with gpu passthrough
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yep, i have the gpu passthrough working :) its pretty sweet. its just that when i boot up my computer, i have to turn it on and off multiple times before it selects the right gpu to load on the host, lol.. super annoying