#46653 (by lopsided98, 17 weeks ago, closed): linux_rpi: add support for 64-bit Raspberry Pi 3
whew, september was two months ago, right?
yeahhhhhhhhhh ... :D
[[Yubikey]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=2896&rcid=2952 * Mic92 * (+310) Created page with "This article describes how [https://yubico.com Yubico]'s [[Wikipedia:YubiKey|YubiKey]] works and how you can use it. To access the yubikey as user add the following udev rule..."
it really feels like the raspi eats sd-cards for breakfast. now already had 2 corrupted folders in the /boot vfat partition
makefu: don't use SD :)
I have a read-only (by usage) sd card with only tianocore, and boot a usb hard drive using a UEFI-installed nixos
I have the full grub, wiht background, showing up!
yeah i will probably follow your example and use an usb hard drive
the raspberry pi itself, via its usb boot abilities, might have trouble with hard drives
i had to delete /boot, now i am unsure if some fires were required to boot the raspi ...
it may take too long for spinning rust
also not enough power
but usb drive, shouuuuuld work, but maybe you'll butt head against a regression
(which I haven't reported yet since I'm having a mailing lists aversion :()
maybe i find a fast usb-stick (well it will never go faster than usb2 minus the 100mbit ethernet)
probably faster than SD cards :)
especially if you have write workloads
(and find a usb drive which is fine with such workloads)
tbh i never found an usb stick which can work with small writes. same goes for sd cards though
apparently they exist, cost much more (hard to source for me) they are usually called SSD though (not trolling)
I'm talking about the usb drive usual form factor
yeah haha
essentially usb-drives with a sandforce (or similar) ssd chip inside
yeah, I was searching for something like that for this purpose, but had trouble finding anything confirming I can even buy that here :/