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Google apparently now realized the wiki is mobile ready and told me to expect more traffic :p
A bit slow but nice to see that they like it ;)
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[[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Whatsmode * New user account
[[WhatsMode]] !N * Whatsmode * (+3336) WhatsMode is the dream site for every age person who loves to stay updated with latest fashion designs.
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[[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Mic92 * deleted "[[WhatsMode]]": Spam: content was: " == Whatsmode a leading influencer brands store: Wikipedia == == Introduction == Launched in 2014 [", and the only contributor was "[[Special:Contributions/Whatsmode|Whatsmode]]" ([[User talk:Whatsmode|talk]])
[[Special:Log/block]] block * Mic92 * blocked [[User:Whatsmode]] with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
Is this related to spammers posting on the website?
uh oh
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fadenb: So Google started ranking it and the spamming started oO
I thought github accts were reuired to register?
gchristensen: there is also a captcha'd local registration
however, together we can deal with a small number of these incidents. lets just hope it does not become much worse
and the bot posting here is very nice
maybe could disable local registration on the website, and manually create users for people who don't want github
yes that is definitly an option
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gchristensen: I will not disable local registration because I personally do not like the idea of forcing anyone to use Github
But we can change the sign-up question to avoid some human solving it and a bunch of bots using the answer
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[[User:Danbst/Ideas in Limbo]] !N * Danbst * (+3490) Created page with "NixOS unified lots of different people, by providing a new, pretty much declarative way to configure system. It spawned lots of ideas, some of which were implemented, but most..."