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<cx405> Hello! I am relatiely new to nixos and already had to deal with many problems, some of which were nasty.
<cx405> I have a proposals for wiki page. 1) wiki should be mentioned in putting "unofficial" on it is fine. All wikis are unofficial, since decentric.
<fadenb> cx405: I believe Mic92 also proposed adding the wiki on the website some days ago
<cx405> 2) I don't understand the current layout of wiki. The "resources" page tries to duplicate the front page and is hidden in the text. I think it would be much better if there is a link on the main page, right after the "getting started" block - that simply lists all wiki categories.
<fadenb> I am not sure what the process is to update the website? Perhaps you can find out and just propose the change
<fadenb> I am sure many people will support it
<Mic92> you can propose a pull request against this file
<Mic92> and mention the pull request number if you do so here.
<cx405> Mic92: ok! I am not great with HTML though, I thought about opening the bug first.
<Mic92> cx405: I guess you can cargo-culting the existing code.
<Mic92> from the readme you can see how it is build
<Mic92> a pr will make it faster through then an issue
<cx405> About (2) - all I offer is to place "" right below getting started. Theoretically, "Categories" can "cannibalize" the "Setting up NixOS" too - that could get own category, which would include all these pages.
<cx405> Mic92: Noted, will be working on it :)
<cx405> Can someone comment on (2)?
<cx405> For example, I had a problem with Radeon card and NixOS. A category page would lead me to either "Hardware" or "Video" or "GPU", where I would find article about setting up video drivers. That would prevent:
<makefu> something like this just below the page? sure, why not
<cx405> I have asked a lot of people on #nixos and googled for my issue - until I solved it after one week myself.
<cx405> makefu: exactly this page, it is fully sufficient to get articles started and to have very fast navigation.
<makefu> yes no problem. i am not sure if everybody can change the frontpage, i will try :)
<makefu> should it be part of the "getting started" block below "see also"?
<cx405> makefu: I don't think that Categories belongs to "Getting started" block. Getting started is more for people to read and understand principles of Nix and Nixos. Once they are past this and done basic installation, they will have very specific questions and problems - this is where wiki should kick in, imho.
<cx405> I will create a bug for this too.
<makefu> cx405: maybe you could add your findings to nixos-hardware
<cx405> makefu: sure!
<makefu> what should be the name of the new box?
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<cx405> makefu: Well,... "Wiki Categories"? I think its pefectly fine to just have one link inside one category. listing them would clobber the front page.
<makefu> cx405: okay sounds reasonable, lets wait for a quick response of Mic92, samueldr_ or fadenb
<cx405> I also have a strange feeling about "Resources" page. I understand that this is page for listing all various references, help sources and so on - but that table, is it really worth getting Discussion, Guide, Tutorial, Cookbook and Reference for each of 6 elements?
<makefu> cx405: the resource page was an effort to get an overview of which pages we actually need and which we have. i am fine with updating it to give users a better overview
<cx405> Is this correct, that "Resources" is collection of usefull links to external sources; where "Wiki categories" is then auto-generated list of wiki articles (internal "useful links"). TL;DR - resources is for external help, categories is internal (in-wiki) help.
<cx405> ^ forgot the question mark, sorry.
<cx405> Oh, Domen Kožar is doing cookbook. I have recently asked tilpner@#nixos if something like "configuration.nix snippets" exists, when he told me about trick to automatically backup configuration.nix with every nixos-rebuild.
<cx405> All this is actually stuff that belongs on the wiki...
<makefu> yes exactly, for example a nix reference should be preferably external (and generated) to give an overview of all function
<makefu> yes domen already has a `not-wiki` but tbh contributing is too difficult
<makefu> how to automatically back up configuration.nix is definitly fitting the wiki
<makefu> for example there is a quite nice article about printers in the wiki
<cx405> Ok, I see now that Getting started is more a selection of internal (in-wiki, from Wiki Categories) and external(from Resources) links that would fit for the new user.
<cx405> makefu: Can I ask why "Resources" page then contains the in-wiki pages? Perhaps it would be better to have in-wiki articles listed on the Front page instead, along with "Wiki Categories" and dedicate "Resources" to external help?
<cx405> Please don't see it as if I am trying to shredd the existing layout. I am sure there are internal policies which I don't know yet. I am only and only trying to be useful.
<cx405> cya soon!
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<makefu> Reaktor|krebs: tell cx405 the current wiki is still quite young and there is a lot of room for changing the existing layout. there are currently very few "internal policies" :)
<Reaktor|krebs> Consider it noted.
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<samueldr> makefu: the frontpage isn't specially protected (yet?) but you have to use the link in the footer
<samueldr> and as for me, the only thing I really did on the frontpage was making it look better, I (initially) just dumped the same links and same headings there were
<Mic92> makefu: what is exact question, if we should have a `Categories` page?
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<makefu> Mic92: if we should have this page on the frontpage
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<Mic92> makefu: I think adding interesting categories manually from should be enough.
<Mic92> we do not have too many
<makefu> maybe adding the most interesting and a link to all categories?
<Mic92> there is already a link to all categories on the frontpage
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<makefu> ah you are right, it is simply not very prominent on the page