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<Mic92> here is giraffito again:
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<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ARM]] M * Samueldr * (+129) Adds PINE64 A64-LTS
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<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ARM/PINE A64-LTS]] N * Samueldr * (+2635) Creates page with basic informations
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<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ARM]] M * Samueldr * (+7) Fixes PINE64 A64-LTS specs.
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<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/upload]] upload  * Samueldr * uploaded "[[File:Pine-a64-lts.jpg]]"
<nixoswikibot> [[File:Pine-a64-lts.jpg]] M * Samueldr * (+72) 
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ARM/PINE A64-LTS]] M * Samueldr * (+84) Adds photo
<makefu> its beautiful!
<makefu> at some point we will have better documentation for small devboards than openwrt
<samueldr> I hope so!
<samueldr> though, I need to re-do my shots
<samueldr> I'm using a cellphone camera, but I derped the lighting on most of the pics
<samueldr> the sun was shining brightly enough and at a good angle this afternoon
<Mic92> I should also do a photo of my rock64
<makefu> with instagram filter, sparkles and a nice ribbon
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<samueldr> and document as much as possible on the wiki ;)
<samueldr> it seems a couple users have the rock64, but I don't know how coordinated the effort is
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<makefu> my guess is that this is currently not coordinated at all :)
<makefu> everbody is just happy that they get nixos running
<samueldr> that would be my guess too,
<makefu> the cool thing is that with nixos i really would think about getting such a board just for the sake of it. the next step would be to provide the resource to some kind of consolidated build farm of and for shitty devboards :D just imagine being able to consolidate all these resources
<samueldr> don't give me any reason to continue collecting them
<makefu> :D
<samueldr> though I now see the Raspberry Pi 1 model B in the back is almost all hidden
<makefu> i have a beagleboard xm laying around here - maybe at some point in the future the board will also be supported natively (or at least have a wiki entry). it has a cortex a8 at least
<makefu> wow even photographed in a white photobox
<samueldr> * folded white cardboard
<makefu> same same
<samueldr> in a way, it is the same :)
<makefu> but you actually made the effort to put them there AND fold the cardboard box
<samueldr> editing it on a non-white background would have been hell
<makefu> haha true
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