ckauhaus has joined #nixos-security
ckauhaus is now known as ckauhaus[away]
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<andi-> Anyone up to a bit of a sprint on fixing open stuff/declaring things insecure etc.. before the branch off? It would reduce the commits/PR/... by 50% ;) (if we ignore 18.03...)
ckauhaus[away] is now known as ckauhaus
<ckauhaus> andi-: good idea
<ckauhaus> I could invest a bit of time right now
<andi-> I can only do that tomorrow evening onwards..
<ckauhaus> ic
<gchristensen> I can be part of a sprint!
* ckauhaus checks the calendar
<ckauhaus> ok, tomorrow evening is not optimal for me but I'll try
<gchristensen> let's find a time where we can do it together
<gchristensen> is there a list we can work from?
<andi-> Thats what I was about to propose
<andi-> we should start picking open issues that each of use thinks are important
pie_ has joined #nixos-security
<ckauhaus> I'll prepare a vulnerability roundup as one input
<andi-> I would start going through my list and pick what might be valid thing to waste time on :)
<ckauhaus> I was on holidays during the last 2 weeks, so we're a bit behind
<andi-> Or maybe I'll open the mailbox.. lets see.. Can do that only tomorrow.
<ckauhaus> I'll be able to join in around 2000 CEST
<andi-> one thing that I would like to have fixed/work on: All services that we support exposing via modules. Those are very prominent for users..
<ckauhaus> first and foremost would be to unblock Hydra
<ckauhaus> both nixos-unstable and nixpkgs-unstable are dated 2018-08-24
<ckauhaus> does anyone know details?
<gchristensen> OfBorg will be undergoing some maintenance very soon and may have a bit of down-time. If you notice problems, please drop by #nixos-borg. Some are to be expected, but please be proactive in reporting them.
<gchristensen> Most of the OfBorg infrastruture is now updated. I'm now begining the upgrade procedure for the core of the infrastructure. New messages to ofborg will be lost while it is down. It should only take a few minutes.
flokli has joined #nixos-security
<gchristensen> Due to an upstream provider issue, the final piece of maintenance won't be performed today. We're done with today's maintenance and everything should be okay.
<pie_> \o/
<pie_> thank you
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