<andi-> The channel bump a few hours ago was automagically picked up \o/ During the night I was thinking of adding a diff of "reports" so that one can see what has changed. This could then be used to have a list of "new" issues as they appear... Using AMQP for the channel bumps might be a good idea soon. Right now I have a bunch of sytemd timers polling the channel list once every hour.
<LnL> nice, btw I love the domain name :D
<andi-> I gave up looking for something nice with "NSA" in the name..
<andi-> Mhm, this code needs more quality of life changes.. having a indirection betweeen retrieving a reports id and the report isn't nice :/
* ekleog is not really sure a diff between reports would be a good thing
<ekleog> it means issues that have been overlooked at previous reports would be much more likely to go unnoticed
<ekleog> having the tagging system to tag this “doesn't need attention” sounds more fail-proof to me :)
<andi-> Yes.. I still want to do that in a delclarative fashin. Like the discussed TOML/YAML/.. files for each issue
<ekleog> (and it would make things “hidden” from old as well as from new reports, hence making all more easily visible)
<andi-> I will have to implement filters at some point (?old, ?unclassified, or whatever..
<ekleog> my fear is that if a “diff-only” mode is added, it might in practice supersede the tagging scheme, and people may stop caring about tagging unimportant issues
<ekleog> all conditionals, but well… if that's less stuff to implement… :)
<andi-> Well I have to do some boring dayjob python foo now... This feels so terrible.. hopefully I can continue in the evening.
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<andi-> So, I revisited the format for tracking our decisions/gatherings/... on a specific issue. I incorporated the feedback from ekleog: https://md.h4ck.space/KwFgDAZghgbDAcBaa8BMiQEYCcB2RU8AzGBrlETIWGCBGEA=?view#Example-v2 I think that could work but less strict structures also come with a cost..
<ekleog> andi-++
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