<andi-> Making some progress \o/ Got some API up and running... past 2am so lets see how productive the next few hours will be..
<gchristensen> !!!
* andi- bets that the second I try carnix again it will explode..
<pie_> car-nage
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<andi-> Yay, importhing all the unstable things.. Lets see if that works out better then the old file based appraoch.. API is a bit rough around the corners but at least it does work on some endpoints. Will check it in the morning :) http://boolean.h4ck.space:8082/reports/91/issues Is an example of one variant that is currently implemented. Affected commit range is still a bit foggy but I'll get there...
<andi-> Still a few rough edges and features missing but I started to deploy it to https://broken.sh :) Feedback welcome.
<ekleog> wow looks great!
<ekleog> I'm just wondering, do you think for /reports/*/issues it would be better with eg. { report = …, channel = …, issues = { "CVE-…-…" = … } } , ie. hoisting “identifier” one level up? (and similarly in /packages hoist attribute_name up)
<gchristensen> awesome domin
<andi-> ekleog: i can change that, thats a minor detail for now :-)
<andi-> I am currently trying to optimise the channel import.. e.g. a parser for gchristensen's channel bump history etc..
<gchristensen> I can also send you webhooks or rabbitmq messages
<andi-> I know... but for now that is easier.. I had a bash script for a while (which broke, thus the domain)
<gchristensen> lol
<gchristensen> sure, no worries
<ekleog> andi-: yeah, I don't have any big-picture thing that looks wrong from my pov :D
<andi-> ekleog: yay \o/
<andi-> As soon as I start working on this for a few days in a row it also goes a lot smoother.. I should get on vacation to finish this..
<andi-> Next up: issue lists/details/patches and classification.. And also thinking about UI...
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<andi-> So, got a preliminary endpoint for each known issue (e.g. https://broken.sh/issues/CVE-2016-9296 ) & finished the nixops deployment.. Lets see if it runs successful in an unattended fashion..
<gchristensen> wwow
<gchristensen> !
<andi-> the current source is here: https://github.com/andir/nix-update-tracker I feel kind of bad for having abused the project to get into rust (again).. needs refactoring :/
<gchristensen> haha you need some excuse to learn a lang