gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-officehours to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siR3pvmxFlU
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<eyJhb> At what time is the office hours again?
<gchristensen> 3pm america/new_york -- 2h10m
<eyJhb> That's enough time for a movie, thanks gchristensen ;)
<gchristensen> :)
<infinisil> > ET
<{^_^}> "The time in ET is currently 12:15:41 (UTC -5)"
<gchristensen> nope
<infinisil> Wait no
<infinisil> Huh wait, why is that wrong?
<gchristensen> we're in EDT, -4
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> ET, Eastern Time
<gchristensen> is either EST or EDT
<gchristensen> and right now it is EDT
<worldofpeace> you shouldn't be doing time in nix anyway 🤣
<infinisil> Oh, so ET shouldn't even be defined here
<gchristensen> I always use America/New_York
<worldofpeace> well, ET should be defined relative to whether it's EST or EDT?
<gchristensen> right
<infinisil> > ET = throw "Use EDT in spring/summer, EST in autumn/winter"
<{^_^}> ET defined
<gchristensen> tricky
<gchristensen> because EU and US don't do dayliht savings time at the same moment
<gchristensen> and it is squarely autumn but we haven't switched yet
<worldofpeace> idea, the bot returns links to a web service 😁
<samueldr> we'll be switching during nixcon, and I'll be switching *again* just after coming back home!
<gchristensen> again?
<andi-> how many DST switches can you observe in 7 days?!? :D
<eyJhb> Daylight savings is generally a delight...
<samueldr> Sunday
<samueldr> , October 27
<{^_^}> Invalid command syntax
<samueldr> Sunday , November 3
<worldofpeace> eyJhb: well that depends if you can always count properly and know the day
<samueldr> first in europe, next in north america
<worldofpeace> eyJhb: and there's a 50% I'd mess either those up :D
<eyJhb> Well.. :p It just messes things up so often, and it is somewhat a weird concept, that we still use it
<eyJhb> Also reminds me, that South Africa is actually in "two timezones", but they just flat out ignore it :p
<andi-> Sane people. They just use either of them and are continuously confused?
<gchristensen> China officially has one timezone, but unofficially eight
<eyJhb> andi-: they just use one of them oficially :p
<andi-> to bad, they had a great opportunity there
<eyJhb> gchristensen: damn, that is quite a lot. Much be... "confusing", or quite dark/light at times
<eyJhb> Great opportunity for confusion? :p
<gchristensen> they're a big country!
<eyJhb> Well... They want to be bigger
<eyJhb> Anybody throwing up a countdown ? :D
<worldofpeace> not sure if this timezone converts https://itsalmo.st/nixos-office-hours-v9ih
<worldofpeace> eyJhb: ^
<adisbladis> 1 hour
<adisbladis> 10 minutes
<adisbladis> 33 seconds
<adisbladis> Works great
<worldofpeace> correct and counting
<adisbladis> I really appreciate the sub second precision :D
<worldofpeace> exactly! don't thank me though, the search engine :P
<eyJhb> Hmm.. Split between staying at home waiting for office hours, or just driving around (and being kind to the environment)
<worldofpeace> can you thank the trees out there for me eyJhb ?
<worldofpeace> like every walk up to a tree and be like, "thanks boo ✌️"
<eyJhb> Trees love when someone blasts MyRock from their car, right? If so, sure!!
<worldofpeace> maybe I'm weird :D
<eyJhb> I did hug a tree once in the millitary? Does that count?
<eyJhb> Also once gaffaed a tree, so I guess it cancels out..
<worldofpeace> sorta, but you have to greet the environment for it to count
<worldofpeace> eyJhb: trees forgive too
<eyJhb> It got taken down real quick... I think a day with worldofpeace would be interesting :p
<adisbladis> Trees4lyfe
<worldofpeace> literally
<eyJhb> I think a grown man hugging trees in the dark would not go well...
<eyJhb> And then adding talking to them :p
<worldofpeace> well you don't say hey with your words, but tbh out where I am no one would really care :P
<eyJhb> Well, I am close to campus so there are SOME people here, and I think they might run away
<worldofpeace> well in that situation you just have to glance at it and be like "wassup, this is between u and me. one day they'll get it"
<eyJhb> worldofpeace: I somewhat expect tree talk now :p
<gchristensen> anyone have PRs or topics they would like to make sure we discuss today?
<tilpner> Any boring PR?
<aanderse> if you don't have anything else i am interested in other peoples opinions about one PR...
* aanderse searches
<gchristensen> we're having a bit of trouble reaching disasm this afternoon, so we might be doing a more casual PR review / discussion call
<worldofpeace> tilpner: I'm pretty exceptional about this, so every PR is teachable
<eyJhb> ^^^ so true
<andi-> I do have a Nix PR if that counts ^^
<aanderse> alrighty, found it
<aanderse> the mysql and postgresql services in nixos have the ability to provision very simple databases and database users automatically for you
<{^_^}> #68353 (by Scriptkiddi, 5 weeks ago, open): nixos/mysql: add authentication option
<aanderse> they only utilize local account, socket based authentication
<aanderse> this works reasonably well for services
<aanderse> @ScriptKiddi, among others, want to extend the ability to provision databases and database users
<aanderse> my question is
<aanderse> is the ability to provision mysql/postgresql users above and beyond the basics of what nixos can currently do something that people want in nixos?
<aanderse> i know some people would say account provisioning is not the job of nixos
<aanderse> so i'm just curious if people have opinions on that
<eyJhb> I would have loved it, when I setup my MySql database
<eyJhb> But also, the MySQL module seems broken when using MySql, and not MariaDB
<aanderse> i came up with a reasonable implementation for mysql and included examples of how to use it in the linked PR
<aanderse> if you run out of things to talk about and think it is appropriate topic feel free to mention
<aanderse> depends how talkative people are feeling today...
<aanderse> sometimes people just like to listen during office hours and not voice their opinions
<aanderse> if that is the case today then discussing this wouldn't be of much value
<aanderse> eyJhb: I'd love to hear more about that
<aanderse> and fix it
<aanderse> asap
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<worldofpeace_> omg
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<worldofpeace_> uhh quassel is soo not pretty too me
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<worldofpeace_> Hello everyone in the channel, NixOS Office Hours will be starting in about 5 min. Join on zoom with https://zoom.us/j/120295959 or view it on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3vIimi9q4AT8EgxYp_dWIw
* gchristensen waves for questions
<gchristensen> anyone on youtube? is the audio good?
<infinisil> Yeah audio is good
<gchristensen> w00t
<gchristensen> finally! :D
<infinisil> I heard Taneb has offered to be a new release manager
<gchristensen> oh cool
<aanderse> i heard that too
<aanderse> ... right now, from infinisil :)
<worldofpeace_> sam is on his phone so that's why the audio is like this
<samueldr> audio for disasim is fine, scratchy phone, but fine
<samueldr> disasm*
<adisbladis> It's fine, you can hear what he's saying just fine
<worldofpeace_> I noticed Fedora has a basic release criteria https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Basic_Release_Criteria
<worldofpeace_> (19.09 was actually released with a pretty problematic issue in networkmanager)
<samueldr> hey now, that's not a requirement, but a goal to fix stuff! :D
<samueldr> some of them, in my two releases, were already broken :)
<adisbladis> worldofpeace_: That's an amazing checklist for future nixos tests :)
<adisbladis> How much work (in hours per week) is it to be a release manager?
<adisbladis> worldofpeace_: gchristensen: ^
<samueldr> hmm
<infinisil> gchristensen: Oh actually, Taneb didn't want to be release manager for the next release but for 21.03 haha
<gchristensen> ah :)
<samueldr> in my experience it was "whatever time I had"
<infinisil> Here's what Taneb said for reference: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat/2019-10-03#2645829;
<gchristensen> +1
<samueldr> though there was one thing that was important, was to daily take the pulse of the known issues
<worldofpeace_> I did notice this when you managed samueldr
<adisbladis> Also re release management: We don't really have a clear set of responsibilities?
<samueldr> in my opinion, ensuring all PRs, at all time, get a release note item when they are merged if they need one
<infinisil> Some time ago we discussed to have a small release team
<samueldr> that may be what's the biggest lack right now in managing PRs
<samueldr> it technically already should be done :)
<worldofpeace_> hmm samueldr?
* samueldr searches for the right manual section
<samueldr> Ensure that changes that are not backward compatible are mentioned in release notes.
* adisbladis would be very happy to join a team of release managers but would not volunteer as it is right now
<adisbladis> I think it would break me mentally
<worldofpeace_> hmm
<samueldr> an ad-hoc "NixOS/release-helpers" team to ping might help, something you can jump in and out without friction
<adisbladis> Indeed
<samueldr> though learned recently how teams are frictionful
<edef> i worry it'd worsen bystander effect / increase communication overhead
<adisbladis> A release manager could be responsible for delegating
<gchristensen> edef: same
<samueldr> hmm
<edef> if we have specific subsystem overhauls we could probably reasonably have someone in charge of those
<adisbladis> ++
<edef> like, the example of overhauling the network system for example
<adisbladis> I think this also ties in to the discussion of platform tiers
<edef> right now it's not clear how large changes like this work
<edef> and ideally they'd be coordinated with release management
<samueldr> gchristensen: he *has* to do it again
<samueldr> :D
<edef> we've probably got stuff like wayland-by-default way down the road and that'd definitely be more work than just a release manager's work
<adisbladis> worldofpeace_: yy.mm
<samueldr> YY.MM worldofpeace/worldofpeace_
<worldofpeace_> thanks
<samueldr> why change tradition? :)
<gchristensen> edef++
<{^_^}> edef's karma got increased to 6
<worldofpeace_> edef: wayland-by-default is chosen by upstream?
<edef> worldofpeace_: ?
<gchristensen> we could push sway over i3, for example
<edef> gchristensen: qyliss and i joked about writing a variant of the eternal september date program but by NixOS release
<gchristensen> lmao
<adisbladis> worldofpeace_: Well, if you enable a plasma desktop we should default to wayland
<adisbladis> Ideally
<infinisil> I wouldn't mind having branchoff at 1 February/August so the release can happen in March/September
<worldofpeace_> eventually, WIP I believe
<edef> early branchoff would be welcome yeah
<worldofpeace_> I'd want a different branchoff date for sure
<adisbladis> How much of the release manager work could be automated?
<adisbladis> That's not currently automated
<samueldr> some at release time
<samueldr> there's a couple manual steps
<samueldr> though done only twice yearly
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<edef> i should probably get a better sense of what release manager duties feel like from the perspective of actually doing it
<edef> (i'm on zoom as well, but typing because i have a hard time cutting into voice convos)
<gchristensen> :)
<samueldr> release management, as it is, shouldn't be about goals for a release, but wrangling the current sate, imo
<adisbladis> nixpkgs subsystem maintainers ++
<gchristensen> edef: want me to make space for you?
<infinisil> samueldr: +1 to that
<edef> shrug, i think this works for me right now
<gchristensen> okay :)
<gchristensen> (did I miss your hand, by chance?)
<samueldr> like, not "wayland for 20.03", but "wayland ASAP" if desired
<samueldr> no
<edef> i don't know how to do the hand thing actually
<samueldr> and whenever wayland by default lands in master, next release has it
<worldofpeace_> edef: participants window raise hand
<manveru> wayland has no nvidia support still, i think
<adisbladis> manveru: "It depends"
<infinisil> I really don't think we could get rid of x11 support anytime soon, maybe in 10-20 years
<adisbladis> It's up to each compositor to implement eglstreams
<infinisil> If at all
<edef> fwiw i did not mean to push wayland-as-default as specific thing to like, plan or whatever
<gchristensen> x11 is losing its last maintainer
<adisbladis> Nah, no point in getting rid of x11 any time soon
<edef> more in terms of "large, realistic overhaul" we've likely got coming soon
* adisbladis is saying this as someone stuck on x11
<infinisil> And neither x11 nor wayland is default. The default is nothing at all
<gchristensen> +1
<edef> thing-requiring-coordination
<samueldr> my opinion is that big goals are tagential to release management; releases being a snapshot of a known state
<aanderse> infinisil: mhm mhm, x will be here for a **long** time to come
<edef> i'm very curious what usage numbers for stable look like
<samueldr> my feeling from "known" users on irc, is maybe about half, but it's not necessarily representative
<edef> like, i've never actually run nixos stable myself, i really don't have a sense of what using stable is like
<adisbladis> gchristensen++
<{^_^}> gchristensen's karma got increased to 164
<infinisil> edef: It's really just unstable without the occasional breakage, it shouldn't feel any more magical :P
<edef> i think that makes a meaningful difference
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<edef> like, if you break compat in unstable, sure, you can do that twice, and you get to update release notes twice
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<edef> but i think we oughta size up the release notes and actually figure out "are we delivering the fewest / least disruptive breaking changes we can"
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<gchristensen> aanderse: you up to talk?
<aanderse> unfortunately no working mic atm :(
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<aanderse> gchristensen: should have tested mic ahead of time :\ 1 sec
<gchristensen> no worries :)
<{^_^}> #70226 (by jglukasik, 2 weeks ago, open): nodePackages.carto: init at 1.2.0
<gchristensen> aanderse: we moved on for now, and we'll try to get back to it after a PR revietw
* adisbladis waves
<gchristensen> thank you , adisbladis :)
<gchristensen> oops did I miss your hand?
<samueldr> view option -> fit to window in the green pill at the top if it's all weird for you too
<aanderse> mmk. ok played around with mic, might work now... if time after i can talk
<gchristensen> aanderse: thanks
<aanderse> if mic doesn't work just move on though :P
<edef> hmm. eternally unsure what PRs are worth pointing like two dozen eyeballs at
<aanderse> i don't want to awkwardly hold things up
<gchristensen> edef: a super cool thing about worldofpeace_ doing a review is they're really good about describing what is in their mind during the review
<gchristensen> honestly I learned a lot :)
<gchristensen> so even "trivial" reviews are good
<edef> the two i'd like another pair of eyes on are https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/71334 (where the maintainer hasn't been active in a while afaict) and https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/71339, which has a question attached
<{^_^}> #71334 (by edef1c, 7 hours ago, open): Clean up git-series packaging, use OpenSSL 1.1
<{^_^}> #71339 (by edef1c, 7 hours ago, open): i3blocks: handle multiple XDG_CONFIG_DIRS elements correctly
<edef> namely, i3blocks-gaps, which is a fork of i3blocks, is in our tree
<gchristensen> cool
<edef> but i3blocks-gaps has been merged back into i3blocks, and i think the release we package is post-merge
<edef> i *could* backport my fix but that seems kind of pointless
<edef> and i think the actual fix is to remove i3blocks-gaps
<edef> (it is explicitly unmaintained, the repo is archived with a "go away, use upstream, we merged")
<samueldr> sounds appropriate
<samueldr> with the appropriate mkRemoved in aliases.nix (or something like that)
<edef> i *think* aliasing with a warning is probably friendly
<samueldr> I don't think someone that can type properly under pressure is human :)
<gchristensen> +1
<edef> oh
<edef> fuck, the youtube stream is super delayed audio-wise
<aanderse> edef: this isn't a nixos specific issue... this is an upstream bug for sure. upstream is incorrect to handle as a single element.
<aanderse> freedesktop specs are very clear on that
<edef> sure, yeah
<gchristensen> ack, edef, I can try a different latency setting next time
<edef> it's a bug in upstream, it's just one that's particularly relevant for us
<edef> switching to proper audio
<aanderse> i've had upstream developers tell me that nixos is great at annoying them into following standards :)
<aanderse> ha ha ha
<gchristensen> haha
<gchristensen> GOOD.
<samueldr> or lack thereof... *cough* shebangs *cough*
<samueldr> worldofpeace_: might look at strace?
<edef> default XDG_CONFIG_DIRS setting on NixOS is valid
<edef> strace is what i used to debug this yes
<edef> yep
<edef> we ran into the bug, strace'd it, found the bug, wrote the patch while stracing a lot
<infinisil> Sparkles!
<infinisil> Nice
<aanderse> worldofpeace_++ simply for sparkles
<{^_^}> worldofpeace_'s karma got increased to 1
<edef> this expression is the last use of the cargo hook
<edef> or, was
<infinisil> Maybe it's better to look at this PR without the time pressure?
<infinisil> Technically, we could just leave the call running for the people interested
<adisbladis> Thank you \o/
<gchristensen> infinisil: I try to make them finish up on time so they are really predictable
<worldofpeace_> everybody say love! 💓
<adisbladis> This community <3
<worldofpeace_> thanks for coming
<infinisil> <3
<gchristensen> <3
<adisbladis> You're all remarkable people in the best possible way
<infinisil> worldofpeace with the fancy emoji heart
<gchristensen> that is super true
<worldofpeace_> edef: my personal mission for the next hour. review your pr's :D
<worldofpeace_> I gonna do it, beat my goal from last release on PR review
<edef> that's like eight of 'em i popped out of my ~/src/nixpkgs/outbox today q=
<adisbladis> worldofpeace_: Just a question.. When do you sleep?
<worldofpeace_> adisbladis: I have a really powerful skill, and I told gchristensen about this, with not really needing rest. Just really long blinks sometimes and a deep breath
<adisbladis> :O
<adisbladis> Teach me your ways
<worldofpeace_> y kno, maybe eat an olive
<adisbladis> I eat plenty of olives
<adisbladis> Doesn't really help
<samueldr> long blink is only another word for sleep
<samueldr> right?
<worldofpeace_> adisbladis: Nixos Office Hours #8, worldofpeace's 48 stream let's do this
<worldofpeace_> * 48 hour
<gchristensen> zzz.gif
<adisbladis> worldofpeace_: You're reminding me of one of my favourite tv programs when I was younger
<infinisil> I've been thinking about streaming Nix stuff
<adisbladis> They had that twice per year
<samueldr> next stream, 48 hours of me failing to input the password for sudo
<gchristensen> bahaha
<adisbladis> You can really see how the program goes down hill over time :D
<adisbladis> And the last few hours they basically just sit there
<samueldr> tig
<samueldr> oops
<worldofpeace_> lol, NixOS office hours #9. Does worldofpeace need sleep? haha adisbladis, nice joking with you
<gchristensen> I had half a thought of doing a special office hours at the conference
<gchristensen> OH SHOOT
<gchristensen> I had a really important announcement!
<infinisil> gchristensen: Like stream some hackday stuff?
<gchristensen> yeah
<infinisil> That would be neat
<adisbladis> gchristensen: What did you miss :O
<adisbladis> Totally not office hour related, but I was inspired by http://retreat.mirage.io/ . I think we should have something similar once per year.
<gchristensen> /!\ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Go to peti's livestream of hacking on haskell packaging! https://www.twitch.tv/events/wMB5ytBITPCcLsyyyXLWpA /!\
<worldofpeace_> gchristensen: !!!!
<worldofpeace_> gchristensen: what if office hours had a remote edition for nixcon?
<worldofpeace_> I patch in from mexico that week and you do the panel in person
<edef> adisbladis: that'd be fun but would also have some serious ingroup effect
<gchristensen> let's relocate to -chat?
* adisbladis relocates AFK
<adisbladis> o/
<gchristensen> \o
<gchristensen> btw we reached about 25 people today
<gchristensen> and we're almost 50% to getting a custom channel name
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<tilpner> I dropped out today because the audio quality was so horrible I couldn't understand a thing
<gchristensen> ouch
<tilpner> That was possibly on my end, just mentioning in case others experienced the same
<edef> gchristensen: custom channel name?
<tilpner> I reloaded the page a few times, which helped clear up the audio for a minute or so
<worldofpeace_> gchristensen: guess the upload of your local recording may be better quality
<edef> how does the current recording/streaming mechanism work?
<gchristensen> edef: I have a system here which runs obs and zoom, and it records and streams from that machine. it is a different machine from the one I actually use to participate
<edef> right
<gchristensen> interesting
<gchristensen> youtube seems to not have saved the stream today. no matter. I have a copy of it.
<samueldr> it did
<samueldr> though youtube seems (again) quite weird, right now you're scheduled for 5:00 PM for office hours
<gchristensen> interesting
<aanderse> eyJhb: please let me know about broken mysql when you're around as I'd like to fix that asap
<gchristensen> samueldr: that is weird, I can't find it
<eyJhb> aanderse: I think it is basically if you do any provision thingy with it, that it breaks
* aanderse thought we had nixos tests for that
<aanderse> hmm
<eyJhb> Aww, missed office hours.. :(
<eyJhb> aanderse: I might be able to find the config later
<eyJhb> But not sure if I still have the breaking thingy in it
<aanderse> eyJhb: much appreciated if you can
* aanderse runs nixos tests
<eyJhb> I would pull it now, if it wasn't because they still have blocked outside SSH access to the server..............
<aanderse> test does not test provisioning
* aanderse slightly modifies and tests
<eyJhb> Go go! I can see I have deleted the conflicting thingies
<eyJhb> I think it is something with ensureUsers,ensureDatabsaes or something along those lines
<eyJhb> Oh, where did rootPassword go? Might also be that
<gchristensen> ensureUsers :(
<aanderse> yeah root password nuked
<gchristensen> `ensure*` is not nice for a declarative system
<aanderse> #no-more-passwords-in-nix-store
<aanderse> gchristensen: exactly
<eyJhb> I think it might have been the rootPassword thingy
<aanderse> the changes proposed are not declarative
<gchristensen> -1
<aanderse> they provision things on a best effort basis
<eyJhb> But why no passwords in nix store? :(
<eyJhb> => pointing to a file
<aanderse> gchristensen: what we currently do for "ensureUsers" works out reasonably well
<aanderse> the account will be created, and the access will be granted
<aanderse> it is very simple
<aanderse> but yeah, extending ensureUsers the way described in this PR makes it very much so "best effort"
<aanderse> much more room for things to go wrong, and become not so reproducible
<gchristensen> IMO we shouldn't include options which are best effort like that
<aanderse> hence my question if these changes are desirable for nixos :)
<aanderse> and this is the type of feedback i was hoping for
<gchristensen> cool
<aanderse> i can use nixops deployment.keys to push sensitive mysql scripts to my boxes and create users that way
<gchristensen> having an "ensureUsers" means later on we'll have a "ensureDeletedUsers" junk like chef and puppet do
<aanderse> gchristensen: that sounds unimaginably terrible :D
<aanderse> but ensureUsers for simple system accounts is something i continue to support as it makes modules which need a database much nicer, and generally doesn't cause problems ;-)
<aanderse> gchristensen: please leave your opinion in the PR
<gchristensen> link?
<{^_^}> #68353 (by Scriptkiddi, 5 weeks ago, open): nixos/mysql: add authentication option
<aanderse> thanks gchristensen!
<gchristensen> thank you!
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