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eyJhb has joined #nixos-officehours
How big of a PR are we talking?
eyJhb: pretty much any
what do you have in mind?
We did talk about "impactful" PRs in #nixos-dev yesterday, maybe some of those?
gchristensen: I just really want to get #68850 merged, as I am currently using it without problems.. It is nothing big, just couple of lines and already reviewed by tilpner
infinisil: those sounds a lot better than mine :p
eyJhb: I intentionally didn't approve it, because I'm not certain the pkgconfig removal was correct
It uses pkgconfig, and it may have bubbled into availability, but you don't declare it anymore
(Because I told you to, yes)
Oh, I might have misunderstood you then tilpner ! Sorry
But I am using it as I told you, on my server without any problems as far as I remember
Yeah, using it as-is in the PR, so it seems correct
eyJhb: So my problem is that pidgin propagates pkgconfig
That allows your PKG_CONFIG vars to work at all
infinisil: that would be great -- could you remind me of the list?
And I can't decide on whether it would be more correct to have pkgconfig declared or not
It's not important though for now, and maybe not ever
Ahh okay, but is there anythin that should be done about that ? Because as you said, it might not be important at all
we can take a look during the call! :)
So, it might as well be taken at that time, IF it becomes one, right?
Will "join" or look, when I have finished somewhat burning my dinner+eaten it :p
gchristensen: These are the ones I mentioned (warning: botspam incoming): #44196, #47237, #57123, #63103, #67809, #68020, #68193, #68897, #69057
from when infinisil said it was there until I we saw it on the stream :)
pie_ has joined #nixos-officehours
gchristensen: looks like your video has blue/red mixed up
thanks hexa-
erictapen has joined #nixos-officehours
looks good now :)
the "black screen" problem is because I have to keep Zoom focused for Obs to be able to record it :/
Hm, if "unstable" is part of the version, it will get ordered before eventual stable versions for sure though
Which I think is something good
I love how that while worldofpeace is doing things on Zoom, and I can see it, I get he email before the ation is done :p
worldofpeace: ^
<<--- Not familiar with most things. All info lovingly accepted.
woohoo :)
(still at the "cargo-cult / 20+ comments before any of my PRs are accepted" stage)
those are cool review steps
infinisil: I think that it won't, because it won't use the `version` attribute, but the nix built-in parsing of names that splits versions and names
*but* that's just an "actually technically" thing, in reality it's a bit messy
worldofpeace has such a peaceful voice, loving these review steps!
How does it know which version of the expressions to build?
shoot, __red__
i'm not familiar with that hub tool... but it sounds like it would save me a load of time
Curious as well, how do you change to the PR branch that quick? Didn't see that magic
huh, never heard of hub.
anything using libpurple, so pidgin, bitlbee
Answered mine as well
so nix-build -A foo uses ... the nixpkgs you're in?
or ythe system nixpkgs?
nix-build will default to building ./., so ./default.nix
-A gets an attribute on the result of ./default.nix
Basically my usecase is that I use it with bitlbee, as a input to `services.bitlbee.libpurple_plugins`
so `nix-build -A hello ./default.nix` is equivalent to `nix-build -A hello`
__red__: hey, you're back again :)
is "hub" a part of git-hub?
samueldr: I think eventually we'll want to not use builtins.parseDrvName to detect the version, that's probably why we split pname and version to begin with
Should just be `platforms = pidgin.meta.platforms`, no?
aanderse: I am - It took a long time for me to get over my post-defcon depression :-/
infinisil: yeah, something along the line, I was just doing the annoying "well actually" bit :)
__red__: sorry to hear :( but yeah sounds like you had a really good time, so coming back to the real world can be a bummer sometime
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lemme try this hub magic...
because having `pname` xx-yy-unstable is going to be an issue once a "first stable" version is out, how does the user upgrade to it automatically? :)
infinisil: if unstable is part of pname, `xx-yy` stable is a different package than `xx-yy-unstable` for nix-env
worldofpeace: sorry for it not being easily testable! :(
samueldr: Which sounds like something bad right?
both situations are not ideal
though we may want to shelve that discussion (position of "unstable") for a later time :)
* infinisil
Is there a gentoo/"masked" equivalent in nix?
you may need to explain the feature
does nix-env know about pname? it doesn't AFAIK
If you have an old version of nixpkgs - doesn't that mean you're stuck on everytyhing else?
removing EOL software is concerning to me were I to use NixOS in the enterprise
LnL: that's it, it doesn't
__red__: you can just grab it from an older nixpkgs version
You can have multiple nixpkgs channels at once. I typically have nixpkgs-<version> as a channel name, and my system is a mix of packages from different channels.
Okay - so "masked" in gentoo basically means that it will not install or build unless you put *the explicit package* in a "I know this is stupid, do it anyways" file.
then you can add software with oldstable.pkgname
Having multiple channels nixpkgs / channels is a foreign concept to me. Might actually answer my question I was pending for in the Q/A
looks like the mic broke /:
__red__: definitely ask then :D if you don't know likely others don't know either
Love it, good kitty. Annoying its owner by demanding scritches :p
Shell has joined #nixos-officehours
oh - hub is awesome - thank you!
I think I'm going to learn more just watching the workflows that I will from any questions I had pending
Curious, what are the conventions when someone has opened a "conversation"? E.g. when worldofpeace has opened three conversations regarding changes, is there any good practice? E.g. currently I comment something like "I have fixed this now", and then mark it as resolved for each conversation. (also, purple-slack should be good now!)
eyJhb: that sounds good
Question: My daughter is dragging me over PR #68175 (minecraft) -- It's not my PR - but all my workstations we play games on in the house are on the unstable channel
worldofpeace: Resolve via UI, or resolve via UI *and* comment that it's resolved?
oh - nm
tilpner: respond to all comments and mark as resolved
__red__: Ah yeah, I'll take a look at that one later, thanks for the reminder
Great! Thanks worldofpeace :D I was also in doubt regarding if I should push first, and then mark, or the other way around. Thanks for clearing that up! :)
So then - as a more general question
__red__: That PR is finished I think, it just needs final review and merging.
if I'm in a situation where something isn't ready to merge but I still want to use it
how would one go about getting that PR branch into my nixos-rebuild?
okay - thanks
I did the nix-build so have a ./result which I can execute like ./result/bin/minecraft-launcher
an overlay could work; an overlay where you copy the minecraft/default.nix and callPackage it into
but I guess I'm looking to see if there is a cleaner way
(if there isn't - I get it - honestly - the hub pr checkout - nix-build -A was gold to me)
how do you nix-env a symlnk?
using nix-build and result is fine too
(thanks btw - I feel spoiled) :-)
Btw, really cool, we had a person from mojang helping us out directly
Just show me the line - you don't need to rebuild your whlle system :-)
oh nice
Apparently he's the linux guy for minecraft
man, seeing this work reminds me of how magical Nix is
that's amazing
* mgdm
tries to package something built with cmake
If you want to know why nix is magic? Try doing the same in ANY OTHER distro
This is all a feature that is driving me rapidly back to NixOS.
You can stick that in your systemPackages
Yeah I saw peterix post about them pushing for Linux releases and doing the AUR package so I thought I'd just ping them, very happy it worked out.
worldofpeace: I think a fork is a bad-ish option here :/
Fancy way to uninstall packages, needs fzf installed: nix-env -q | fzf | xargs -I{} nix-env -e {}
Really want to get some cake, but I feel like I cannot miss anything from this
adisbladis: that's amazing - thank you
__red__: If it doesn't depend on any other file you can just do callPackage (fetchurl...) to get the package from a PR.
worldofpeace: Beware, that is dynamic and will fetch later expressions
How long is the officehours? Do they stop in 5 minutes?
Thank you, worldofpeace and gchristensen
thank you =)
seriously, thank you.
Thank you guys ! <3
savanni: You're welcome, I hope we get talk together in the next edition
worldofpeace: only if I have something to contribute, tbgh
Now, cake
thanks - checking the links
To the authors of the PR's I've reviewed, I'll be merging them/doing the last checks now.
SOunds great worldofpeace !
yeah its nice that you can fetch a pr with a github url like that and then import it
As far as I remember though, hub is Github only, right?
pie_: Careful about the one shown on stream though :c
__red__: I've set up a nix channel for my own things. But I've done something wrong and it doesn't behave as a channel. I have resorted to importing it into my expressions and can share that if you're interested.
please do
that's basically what I want to do
at a high level - I want to run unstable... with my additional packages basically
I tried using overlays and drowned in configuration issues
Folks: should I go to a direct message to avoid cluttering the channel?
maybe go to #nixos-chat instead? :)
worldofpeace: Do I remember right, that you used nix-remove and that it does some cool stuff? If you could you share a link about it/where to get it?
or even #nixos
it is super on topic, interesting stuff
tilpner: i actually am/was not on the stream so i have no idea about all the cool things i missed
This is what worldofpeace mapped to nix-remove probably
tilpner: but yeah use something that thakes thw sha256
nothing like swapping red/blue to make me look like a very very sick person lol
infinisil: ah ok, thanks!
maybe a good subject for a future office hour is a Q&A about nixos on arm, with first pre-submitted questions, and then some from the room (and hopefully other people in addition to myself to answer)
hmm, would like to talk about nixos on arm samueldr or maybe mobile nixos :D
samueldr: I just added that to the list :) thank you (maybe we could get WorksOnArm to join too!)
worldofpeace: I don't use it with pidgin ever, I use it with bitlbee using this option - services.bitlbee.libpurple_plugins
So basically enable bitlbee, add the plugin, join it, and if it loads and lists, it is "fine". I have it up and running on my own bitlbee instance atm. but that doesn't help you much :/
Ahh, I see the slack proto in pidgin now
can't test slack but it sounds tested
Thanks for taking the time out, for such a small PR! :D And giving a walkthrough of everything, really is great knowing how you do reviews
Feel like I should giving you cake, instead of just eating it myself
Our treat I guess eyJhb I was happy to do this for you ❤️
worldofpeace cake on me if you are ever in Aalborg then! ;) - Btw. I think you are one of the first people, to ever pronounce my username :D
eyJhb: I believe I did it correctly right?
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I have never decided upon it worldofpeace , so I guess you have set the standardfor it :p I have basically chosen it because I had worked a lot with some reverse engineering of a mobile banking app, where all encryption encoded string started like "eyJhb" (`{"alg"`), and jhb are my initials :p So it just made sense
btw everybody subscribe to the channel so we can get the NixOS URL
TBH I think i'll do that unless someone feels like fixing it better.
I keep getting nerd sniped gchristensen :D
my entire experience with NixOS started with a nerd snipe
ooh, what detail? I'd say it's the same for me.
I was doing immutable infra with chef-solo, Packer, AMIs, and auto scaling groups and thought "Man, this probably can't be topped."
someone said "hmm.. you might try ____"
I said "mmmm I don't know, I don't believe it."
they said "well ... you might try it."
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Hah, you sure did
and substitute topped with ascended to a new haven of computing
the configuration.nix for one of my production servers at the time was like 50 lines of nix.
erictapen has joined #nixos-officehours
and I didn't have to wait for an EC2 server to boot before finding out I had a syntax error in my Chef code!
I always find it interesting, how programs can influence the way we think about thing and the program itself. Just because of the experience it gave us.
that is so true
like if you even watched David Heinemeier Hansson talk about ruby, it's not a perfect language, but they feel it's really impacted their life in a meaningful way. and dispite the tools flaws you'd really just like to share that experience because you can.
(I think I'm on a TED talk idea here or something :D)