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<payas> Hi
<payas> I am new to emacs and IRC in general
<payas> and nixos too.
<payas> So I set up my system with flakes, and I added emacs-overlay as inputs to my configuration and flake inputs
<payas> I want to use emacsGcc with vterm, and use the emacs daemon
<payas> So I added following to my config:
<payas> services.emacs = with pkgs; { package = ((emacsPackagesNgGen emacsGcc).emacsWithPackages (epkgs: [ epkgs.vterm ])); };
<payas> However, when I try nixos-rebuild, it gives me following error:
<payas> error: --- EvalError ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nix
<payas> at: (303:28) in file: /nix/store/cig3zz9li4b3cv2pvh7f32glb2h7l4c2-source/lib/modules.nix
<payas> | ^
<payas> 302| value = builtins.addErrorContext (context name)
<payas> 303| (args.${name} or config._module.args.${name});
<payas> 304| }) requiredArgs);
<payas> attribute 'emacs-overlay' missing
<payas> Any help appreciated!
<selfsymmetric-mu> Weird…I just do nixpkgs.overlays = [(import (builtins.fetchTarball {url ="";}))];
<antifuchs> payas: if you're using flakes, I made a `let` definition for it like so, `emacs-overlay = { pkgs, ... }: { nixpkgs.overlays = [ inputs.emacs-overlay.overlay ]; };` then I put emacs-overlay into the `modules=` list for my darwinConfigurations and nixosConfigurations outputs
<antifuchs> (adding the overlay in my modules' conditionalized configurations themselves resulted in an infinite recursion, so I have the flake definition reach in and put it there)
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