dhess: i just know the firefox build is a lot faster on it than on one of the old TU Delft servers! :-)
samueldr: thanks. I'm about to provision an x86_64-linux builder.
aristid: :)
there's a nixos user shilling^W ensuring good support for NixOS on packet.net 'round here :)
samueldr: "just $1 per hour" uh
I know that Packet.net is really nice to the Nix project, but damn, their hardware is expensive.
dhess: i guess you get better quality & service than from hetzner or so, but the price difference is ... real :D
I was also saying that since NixOS is supported
while generally not an issue otherwise, supported out of the box is nice
aristid: yeah Hetzner is exactly what I always compare it to. Granted, Hetzner is about 20 minutes of hassle at the start to run clever's kexec or whatever, but after that, it just works.
dhess: you don't need kexec for their physical boxes, at least
dhess: are you referring to their VMs?
aristid: really? Do they have a NixOS boot image now?
No, I mean their dedicated hosts.
dhess: no you can boot into one of their recovery linux images and then just use the nixos installer
dhess: or nixops can also do it automatically for you
granted it's been a while since i did that
aristid: oh. I actually prefer to use kexec to boot the NixOS installer image.
It would be nice if they booted into the NixOS installer image directly. I was hoping you meant that. :)
dhess: i think i just chrooted to use the nixos installer
dhess: why is that worse than kexec?
I wouldn't say it's "worse." But with kexec, I can basically pre-configure it precisely for the hardware on which it's being installed.
dhess: where can i find the documentation for this "kexec method"? :)