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<yl[m]> Is there any performance hit when using `with pkgs;` at the top of the function over using `pkgs.xxx` everywhere in the same function?
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<infinisil> yl[m]: Possibly, but almost certainly negligible
<infinisil> I think.. but I haven't thought it through very well admittedly
<yl[m]> infinisil: is there any performance tools for nix?
<infinisil> ,profiling yl[m]
<{^_^}> yl[m]: Use NIX_COUNT_CALLS=1 and/or NIX_SHOW_STATS=1 to profile Nix evaluation
<yl[m]> oh that's awesome
<yl[m]> thanks infinisil
<yl[m]> infinisil: is there any resource on the internals of nix?
<yl[m]> presentations or books
<infinisil> Not that I know of, but I've often just looked at the source to figure stuff out
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<yl[m]> It would be great if you or someone else did some presentation on the subject. I feel it' s always helpful to get at some information to help reading the source code
<yl[m]> s/get at/get/
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<Profpatsch> infinisil: These {^_^} , rections should have shortened links to wiki entries which expand on the topic …
<Profpatsch> Mic92: Are there shortened link for nixos.wiki articles available through MediaWiki?
<Profpatsch> Or alternatively we could add a URL shortener to s.nixos.wiki and auto-feed it with the wiki’s sites.
<infinisil> Profpatsch: feel free to add wiki entries and link them :)
<Profpatsch> infinisil: Is there a bot help?
<sphalerite> ,foo = bar
<{^_^}> foo defined
<sphalerite> ,foo
<{^_^}> bar
<sphalerite> ,foo =
<{^_^}> Undefined foo, was defined as: bar
<sphalerite> Profpatsch: ^
<sphalerite> you mean factoid definition, or…?
<Profpatsch> sphalerite: General help
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<infinisil> ,help Profpatsch
<{^_^}> Profpatsch: Use `,` to list all commands, `,foo = Foo!` to define foo as "Foo!", `,foo =` to undefine it, `,foo` to output "Foo!", `,foo somebody` to send "Foo!" to the nick somebody
<infinisil> And the special commands output a description if invoked without commands
<infinisil> ,
<{^_^}> Special commands: find locate tell - Commands sorted by use count, page 0 (use ,<n> to view page <n>): library tofu dnw profiling help pr -A imperative pills unfree unstable escape'' paste ping pinning ask callPackage declarative error escape" nixlang++ overlay stateVersion upgrade IFD NUR allah cloudfront dentalplan escape-special exec haskell info loot runtimeDeps tias timer whomademe wololo wrapper arm bootfull channels context fancy-uninstall
<infinisil> s/commands/argumets
<Profpatsch> ,allah
<{^_^}> All public channels of freenode are receiving spam about Allah doing things. Freenode is working on the problem. It helps if you read 'doing' as the sound of someone being launched from a spring (rhymes with 'boing')
<Profpatsch> ,wololo
<Profpatsch> I see. :)
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<sphalerite> lol wololo
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<Mic92> Profpatsch: I don't know.
<Mic92> andi-: the github-refined extension is definitly useful to cope with all the pull requests in nixpkgs.
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<andi-> Mic92: yes :-)
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<qyliss^work> Mic92: wow, refined GitHub is going to change my life
<infinisil> Mic92: What features are you using of it?
<domenkozar> :O
<gchristensen> how!!
<infinisil> gchristensen: Hint: You need to keep the tab open for it to work
<gchristensen> ah!
<simpson> Because GH pages are bad at getting status updates.
<simpson> Always refresh PRs before doing anything with them.
<hyperfekt> never would anyone just keep force pushing new and improved versions to a PR branch >.>
<infinisil> I wish there was a history of PR HEAD's
<infinisil> git branch history when
<gchristensen> hmm
<gchristensen> what for?
<infinisil> E.g. to know what changed on a --force push
<colemickens> https://reviewable.io/ can track changes to the PR HEAD, so there must be a way.
<gchristensen> ofborg already knows
<gchristensen> might could expose it :)
<hyperfekt> everyone will know how bad my inital versions are D:
<gchristensen> hyperfekt: same :')
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