but if I'm swapping away from a master to a new master, I'm never going to use that master as a master again
but if I'm swapping away from a master to a new master, I'm never going to use that old master as a master again
its *not* the usual master-slave setup. Its database as disk replacement.
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ekleog: no, I don't care about a small partition for /
eleog: _building_ /etc/ is a sad legacy in NixOS. I don't build /etc/, it is a symlink into /nix/store with symlinks out for mutable things
ekleog: perl scripts: one more reasons why I don't want mainline NixOS. I prefer POSIX shell to Perl (and you cannot avoid knowing shell well if you want to be comfortable developing Nixpkgs, anyway)
gchristensen: the idea that a full system rebuild is a requirement for changing a password is actually not that attractive for me.
I actually want it to be a possible request from a non-root user to a daemon to crait a persistent subordinate user with a constant UID recorded in /etc/passwd
gchristensen: re: spam bots — I guess mentioning more than 15 people in a minute would be a rather hard restriction for such spambots
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MichaelRaskin: oh never thought of symlinking from the store to a mutable location, thanks for the idea! :)
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Please tell me that approximately all the NixOS services do not in effect refer to mutable out-of-store paths
`find /etc -type f | wc -l` -> 27, for mew
ssh keypairs, tinc keypairs, resolv.conf, dhcpcd, group, passwd, shadow, sub[ug]id, sudoers… apart from resolv.conf not much that should be mutable I guess?
ekleog: mew?
sphalerite: well, that typo may have given a whole new meaning to my sentence, let's say pokemons run on NixOS :D
oh right the -w was "minus w"
MichaelRaskin: being the sole user of my computer systems I somehow like having immutable users :)
ekleog: FWIW I run nixos on a bunch of servers which are all named after pokemon :D
one of the servers is called mew, but iirc I haven't installed nixos on it yet
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sphalerite: luckily you can scale up to ~500 unique servers with the latest edition of pokemon
makefu: yeah, probably not going to happen though :p
that reminds me, I need to add colour MOTDs to more of them