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<DigitalKiwi> # Not sure when I'd have more than one interface from the DO
<DigitalKiwi> # API but networks is an array nevertheless.
<DigitalKiwi> the answer is if you have private IP :)
<DigitalKiwi> why doesn't it let you have periods in hostnames anymore
<DigitalKiwi> and if you have private IP and the first IP in the list of IPs ends up being the private one then the default gateway is nil....
<DigitalKiwi> activation finished successfully
<DigitalKiwi> :D
<DigitalKiwi> (that was not my comment btw someone else wrote it)
<DigitalKiwi> adisbladis: ping
<DigitalKiwi> so there's an IP that digitalocean needs for floating ips anchor
<DigitalKiwi> but it's not always the same
<DigitalKiwi> nixos-infect detects it by grep on ip addr or slt
<DigitalKiwi> ...and it's not in the api afaict
<DigitalKiwi> so uh, not sure
<DigitalKiwi> { address=""; prefixLength=16; }
<DigitalKiwi> i can do multiple of those >.>
<DigitalKiwi> { address=""; prefixLength=16; }
<DigitalKiwi> { address=""; prefixLength=16; }
<DigitalKiwi> { address=""; prefixLength=16; }
<DigitalKiwi> one of those has to be right! (well i've seen them as high as 8
<DigitalKiwi> )
<DigitalKiwi> can i grep it from /etc/nixos/networking.nix :| (which gets generated by nixos-infect and has it)
<DigitalKiwi> or do what nixos-infect does...the problem is if it's on a new droplet the interface is there...after that it's guessing
<DigitalKiwi> i think there are a lot of things this does that only work right on a new droplet :/
<DigitalKiwi> or while creating the droplet i mean
<DigitalKiwi> how do i enable a service :(
<DigitalKiwi> the only place i see writing nix options is in get_physical_state and it's the state and i need access to the config/defn
<DigitalKiwi> so it's always false :(
<DigitalKiwi> ("services", "do-agent", "enable"): self.enableMonitoring,
<DigitalKiwi> i want to do that
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<polezaivsani> Soliciting more Nix{OS,Ops} advice - could two configurations be deployed onto a single machine? e.g. having a webserver and mailserver configurations - is there any way to deploy them onto a single machine?
<polezaivsani> I have a hunch that the answer would be a no, in which case i'd glad to hear any ideas on how to address such a case, or if it's an outright bad idea
<adisbladis> polezaivsani: Sure there is! The simplest way would be to just use imports
<polezaivsani> adisbladis: oh, cool, then i just need to learn it some more! thanks!
<adisbladis> {}: { imports = [ /path/to/mailserverconf.nix /path/to/webserverconf.nix ]; }
<adisbladis> polezaivsani: Another option is to use NixOS containers
<polezaivsani> i'll go read the section on imports (which i skipped thus far) as anything with a container in it has gained some bad connotations with me :)
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<chiiba> Is it possible to deploy a DigitalOcean VPC using NixOps v1.7? Or at the very least deploy a DO droplet in an existing DO VPC?
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* DigitalKiwi is currently working on private networking in nixops-digitalocean
<gchristensen> ixxie: I'm super incredibly busy these days and just don't have much energy to think about things :(
<gchristensen> but I know about this: https://github.com/Hoverbear-Consulting/nixos-digitalocean and I'd like to get it as an official OS for DO customers
<DigitalKiwi> speaking of... ixxie lol when you renamed doDroplet to droplet...they were origianlly digitalOcean
* DigitalKiwi had to edit the sqlite file again
* DigitalKiwi currently has ~80 ssh keys
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<DigitalKiwi> adisbladis: oh
<DigitalKiwi> so uh
<DigitalKiwi> can i make nixops call that command on a running droplet?
<DigitalKiwi> and then update the config
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<DigitalKiwi> adisbladis: sometime when you're free could you explain how the different attributes link together between the nix code and the python
<DigitalKiwi> adisbladis: and between the state and the definition
<DigitalKiwi> and how they interact
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<DigitalKiwi> AttributeError: 'DropletState' object has no attribute 'run_command_get_stdout'
<DigitalKiwi> but it has run_command?
<DigitalKiwi> is it new?
<DigitalKiwi> # ip addr list|grep 10\.10
<DigitalKiwi> inet scope global ens3
<DigitalKiwi> tada
<DigitalKiwi> and i can ping the floating ip!
<DigitalKiwi> it is not new enough that it should matter...
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<DigitalKiwi> how can i get to the instance of a machine definition from the state?
<DigitalKiwi> or in general update the state from changed settings
<DigitalKiwi> right now it only works in the create phase
<DigitalKiwi> ...so changing settings doesn't do anything ?? :(
<ixxie_> DigitalKiwi: we should fix the naming again to digitalOcean so you don't have to fiddle with SQLite
<ixxie_> gchristensen: thanks for that link; I will try and reach out to them for help!
<DigitalKiwi> ...because sometimes i might have to call a digital ocean api to change a setting, but others i just need to update the generated nix
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