after finding an issue on the hugoThemes repo about how many hugo themes broke in version 57 when they made a breaking change, and observing this real gem: "Perhaps we should communicate this breaking change through Hugo's official twitter account?", I (appear) to have only needed like 8 fairly small edits to jump from 0.37.1 to 0.73.0
for those keeping score at home, the words "break" and "breaking" do not appear in hugo's 0.57.0 release notes
and the documentation of the actual API breaking change at mention here is in a section titled "Notes"
I like hugo, but I swear to god if they don't eventually go 1.0 and start properly telegraphing breaking versions
* gchristensen
pets jekyll
I *will* replace them with bash and post about "How I replaced a static site generator with over 45000 stars on github with bash alias" or something stupid
but if you put a space at the inside of the end of the quote
it'll also try to alias-expand the next word
<3 hakyll
though I'm not certain if it'll do expansion in a contiguous word like that
I think you'll see another problem with that quote one though; I tried something similar with the json and did have to give up and use cat to hack it
which is roughly that bash seems to want to be able to find a close character as soon as it finds the open one
and it doesn't appear to expand any new aliases before finding it
unfortunately that blunts the chaos/hilarity that can ensue a bit :(
alias PROCEDURE=function .="() {" "STOP"="}" "RUN."="" DISPLAY="echo"
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