gchristensen: if i update my nixops master can i start adding mypy to plugins and updating to python3?
second question: will they stop working if i don't update them to python3? i'd expect so (unless somehow they're already compatible...but not hopeful)
i think the first ones i've seen 2 different ways that i think did the same thing but if they didn't i'm not sure what the difference is
is the stuff adisbladis (i think it's them) doing for the persistent in AWS/shared among developers...is that something i can/should implement in other plugins?
and can you use it for the other services as is ? like if you only wanted to use AWS for that part of your deployments
nixops#1270 (by adisbladis, 28 seconds ago, open): WIP: Add support for non-root deployments
DigitalKiwi: if you're interested in doing a python3 nixops plugin port, it may be helpful to look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/1258 and the linked nixops-aws ticket
nixops#1258 (by bhipple, 1 week ago, open): Plugin instructions do not build if plugin is not python3 compatible
jbgi_ has joined #nixops
alsothere are new instructions on packaging a plugin
in the poetry2nix plugin RFC PR, under `docs/`
It looks like there are a lot of open PRs to OfBorg that may not be relevant and can be closed and/or rejected as well (adding users to known users is no longer required IIRC, except for the trusted MacOS builds?)
I see you went on a taking-out-the-trash PR closing spree for NixOps :+1:
back in like 1h, sorry :)
nice to keep the backlog clean!
Ok, obviously not urgent, just cleaning up some markdown whitespace lol