clever: delete that in my home dir on the deployment host, you mean?
try nuking it on both your user, and root, on both machines
nix will re-create it any time its missing
oh ok
dhess: looks like it should be fine
clever: ok here is something that just occurred to me. I run this NixOps command on my deployment host. It's a Mac, so it builds the product on one of our remote NixOS builders, then copies it from there back to its own Nix store
now of course the product isn't in the binary cache because neither the builder nor the Mac write products to the cache
only the Hydra does
so why is NixOps assuming it's there?
anything nix needs to build, will obviously fail to be found in the s3 bucket
seems to me here the issue is as I summarized above: the builders (Mac & its remote NixOS build host) don't write to the S3 nix cache, only the Hydra does. But whenever I enable the S3 nix cache on a remote NixOS machine, NixOps for some reason starts looking in the S3 nix cache for narinfo files upon deployment, but they're not there.
and in this case the *only* thing that has changed is that I've enabled the S3 nix cache on the target NixOS machine
(the target NixOS machine is not the same as the remote NixOS build machine, though in the past I had the same issue when I tried to enable the S3 nix cache on the remote NixOS build machine.)
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how do i have nixops machines refer to other machines in the network?