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<ekleog> indeed, though I think this can't be achieved with changes to the fixpoint… however, I can add in a `files` function that takes an attrset and returns this list :)
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<ekleog> hmm… anyone knows an equivalent of builtins.toJSON but that returns nix code, in the same way builtins.trace outputs it? I can't find anything oO
<gchristensen> there isn't
<gchristensen> well
<gchristensen> hmm
<gchristensen> > let toNix = data: ''builtins.fromJSON ("${builtins.toJSON data}")''; in toNix { a = "b"; }
<{^_^}> "builtins.fromJSON (\"{\"a\":\"b\"}\")"
<ekleog> huh x)
<ekleog> yeah, ok, I guess that's technically correct, though I was hoping for a more user-facing version :°
<ekleog> (apart from quoting issues, I guess :p but that can be worked around)
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