infinisil changed the topic of #nix-lang to: Channel for discussing Nix as a language - - Logs:
__monty__ has joined #nix-lang
sphalerite has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
sphalerite has joined #nix-lang
Mic92 has joined #nix-lang
<Mic92> what is an idiomatic way for a function called foo that does the following
<Mic92> foo ({serverAliases = ["" ""];}, {serverAliases = [""];}) == {"" = null; "" = null; "" = null;}
<Mic92> this is not precise: foo ({vhosta = {serverAliases = ["" ""];}; vhostb = {serverAliases = [""];};)
<Mic92> I think I found something
<infinisil> Mic92: Why not just take a list of strings?
<Mic92> infinisil: I was iterating over nginx virtual hosts to generate san certificates
__monty__ has quit [Quit: leaving]
<Mic92> added for nix boilercode snippets
<{^_^}> LnL7/vim-nix#23 (by Mic92, 59 seconds ago, open): add snippets for UltiSnips
<Mic92> anything that I forgot?