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<infinisil> ekleog: I also thought about this, but it sounded too limiting
<ekleog> infinisil: so was saying, you could auto-generate a set that defines all identifiers of <= X chars
<ekleog> I wonder how bad nix would suffer
<infinisil> Nix is strict in attrset names
<ekleog> and then allow user to define their own with defLispSymbol
<ekleog> well, so long as it respects lisp naming convention… :°
<infinisil> Let's say there's 64 valid chars for variables
<infinisil> /symbols
<infinisil> With 6 allowed letters
<infinisil> > pow 64 6
<{^_^}> 68719476736
<ekleog> > pow (26 + 1) 6
<{^_^}> 387420489
<ekleog> hmm still too many, likely (counting only lowercase alpha and -)
<ekleog> 5 may be doable
<infinisil> Yeah..
<infinisil> > :v pow
<{^_^}> pow = b: e: if e == 0 then 1 else b * pow b (e - 1)
<ekleog> well, now to get the wanted behaviour, we'd need a JS-like getter for attribute sets
<ekleog> hopefully that never gets into nix :°
<infinisil> ekleog: Yeah that would be very nice!
<infinisil> Wanted that before
<infinisil> functions as attrsets
<ekleog> for something actually useful, or for trollin'? :p
<infinisil> Hehe
<infinisil> I think I had an actually useful usecase
<infinisil> trying to remember
<ekleog> I can see many use cases for trollin', at least
<ekleog> maybe that's enough?
<ekleog> and then with (builtins.funAsAttrs (x: x)); nukes your scope :3
<infinisil> Heh yeah
<infinisil> Actually
<infinisil> How would you represent the absence of an attribute in a function?
<ekleog> well, we'd want the function to return (undefined | defined any)
<ekleog> ideally
<infinisil> builtins.funAsAttrs (name: hasPrefix "a" name) (x: x)
<infinisil> First argument returns true for attribute names which exist
<infinisil> Maybe
<ekleog> oh that works too
<ekleog> I was thinking having the main function either null or [ value ]
<ekleog> (well, or either [] or [ value ])
<infinisil> Ah yeah
<infinisil> ekleog: Ah, i think my usecase was for a port -> service mapping
<ekleog> not really sure this addition would actually be a good thing about the language, though… then well, anyway it can be emulated by just allocating lots of RAM, so…?
<ekleog> “just”
<ekleog> infinisil: hmm… I'm not really sure to see why you'd need a procedurally-generated set here?
<infinisil> Ah right
<infinisil> I was thinking for a mapping { ...; tcp62044 = []; tcp62045 = [ "nginx" ]; ... }
<ekleog> tbh the only convincing use case I can think of would be using along with `with`
<ekleog> otherwise you can always just return the function and have the user use `ret key` instead of `ret.key`
<infinisil> Although, not sure what I'd use that mapping for..
<infinisil> ekleog: Any usecase will have to incorporate the fact that attrsets can't have the same key twice
<infinisil> Wait
<infinisil> That's the same with functions..
<ekleog> then yeah, usage with `with` can be really useful in defining DSLs I guess
<infinisil> there *must* be some proper usecase!
<ekleog> :D
<ekleog> when you first think about the feature and then about the use case <3
<infinisil> Hehe
<infinisil> Let's get rid of attrsets
<infinisil> And use only functions
<ekleog> well, imo the usage is really “populate scope with [functions]”
<ekleog> heh, currently we're more moving towards “let's get rid of functions and attrsets, and use only extensible attrsets”…
* ekleog doesn't really like this idea of encoding the module system of NixOS, which I deem… not really good… into nix
<infinisil> > aandb = name: if name == "a" then "a value" else if name == "b" then "b value" else throw "unknown attribute name"
<{^_^}> aandb defined
<infinisil> > aandb "a"
<{^_^}> "a value"
<infinisil> ekleog: Ah, I actually really like the module system :)
<ekleog> oh that's a good point if we wanted a funAsAttrs the `throw` could serve as “nothing here”
<ekleog> infinisil: you can't really override a module, or have modules whose dependencies are defined by the user :(
<ekleog> like, the idea of a fixpoint is really good, but the implementation of it is really meh imo
<infinisil> There is this nasty `options` hack to override a module a bit..
<ekleog> yeah well, and disabledModules, but… well…
<ekleog> things just aren't composable
<infinisil> Hmm..
* ekleog did , where services depend on each other by an overridable name
<infinisil> Ah I think I saw that before, not bad!
<infinisil> ekleog: So you just use functions for everything?
<ekleog> like, agetty extends `"init"` at , but the user could re-wire it to make it extend another service manager (for a hierarchy of service managers or whatever) by just overriding the `init` argument :)
<ekleog> yeah, it was functions for everything until I recently added functors into the mix, but I'm considering removing those and just having another function attribute
<ekleog> like, the only point of the functors is to simplify writing, and I'm not actually really sure it improves things
<ekleog> some day I'll actually use this in a VM on my NixOS and will make an announcement :)
<infinisil> I see
<infinisil> Now that I see that it does look a lot better than the module system
<infinisil> Without all those recursion pitfalls
<ekleog> well, there are still recursion pitfalls :°
<infinisil> And more like how one would code in a normal language
<ekleog> like, if you put an assert at the wrong place, it'll infinite recurse :(
<infinisil> I see
<ekleog> basically the extender list (defined here ) must not depend on any extender of the service itself
<ekleog> but that happens only for services that are designed to be extended… so I'd guess not so many of them? :)
<infinisil> ekleog: Can you split up a configuration for this into multiple files?
<ekleog> then, one thing that's not possible compared to current nixos is to have one service enable another, but I'm not sure that's a bad thing
<ekleog> infinisil: so long as at the end the attrset starting at is an attrset, there's no issue in doing (import config1.nix // import config2.nix // ...)
<infinisil> ekleog: I'd suggest to implement hierarchies of services. So that there is e.g. a toplevel postgresql, but also a foo-postgresql for service foo which needs a postgresql
<ekleog> basically everything prepares a big state, and `operating-system` resolves the fixpoints (the service fixpoint, and the fs and block driver toposort)
<infinisil> Neato
<ekleog> infinisil: currently my idea is that foo-postgresql would just be foo { postgresql = "ID of the postgresql service"; }
<ekleog> the question that you correctly raised is however how to propagate information backwards from postgresql to foo
<ekleog> for how to connect to postgresql
<ekleog> (question I've been considering with loggers up to now, still quite far from running pgsql I think :°)
<infinisil> Why not each part getting its own instance/
<infinisil> (I might be missing something here)
<ekleog> oh, I meant “foo with postgresql” would be the attrset { postgresql = services.postgresql { pgsql config }; foo = { postgresql = "postgresql"; foo config }; }
<infinisil> So that would use the "global" postgresql?
<ekleog> yeah, basically every service in the attrset must be unique by name
<ekleog> and other services depend on them by name
<ekleog> I haven't found a better way to both handle dependencies and not duplicate dependencies, while allowing to have multiple instances of services running
<infinisil> Yeah
<infinisil> But how about service results ( { ... }) returning both the service itself, but also the child services it needs to run
<ekleog> hmmmmmm… actually thinking more about it maybe my issue with reverse-sending information from postgresql to foo could be solved by doing `rec { postgresql = ...; foo = { postgresql = postgresql.endpoint; ... }; }`? need to think more about it :)
<infinisil> So that you have a service hierarchy { postgresql = { ... }; foo = { postgresql = { ... }; ...; }; }
<ekleog> well, not all “extension relations” are child services, eg. iptables service
<infinisil> hmm..
<ekleog> in your example, would you want one or two postgresql services running?
<infinisil> You could have 2
<infinisil> One global, and one for foo
<infinisil> the services could be named postgresql and foo-postgresql in the end
<ekleog> but then what if I only want one in the end?
<ekleog> (and to have foo use the global postgresql service)
<infinisil> Ah yeah, I thought one would want to avoid that
<ekleog> (with the current design, if I want two postgresql services, it'd be { postgresql = ...; foo-postgresql = ...; foo = { postgresql = "foo-postgresql"; ... }; })
<infinisil> But I guess it makes sense to combine them because postgres can handle it
<infinisil> Ah, that doesn't look half bad
<ekleog> well, that said then I have to take care that postgresql instances are not in conflict myself for eg. files unless I start doing a behemoth where each service defines the files it uses, but… :°
<infinisil> Doesn't QubeOS (or however it's spelled) run every service in its own VM?
<infinisil> That would be fancy and super secure
<infinisil> (but hella expensive..)
<ekleog> Qubes OS runs every “security context” in a VM (it's not designed for server use, only for laptop use, so contexts may be “mail”, “bank”, “social network”, “development”, etc.)
<ekleog> one of the plans of this design is to make it easily extensible to do that, by just having { vm-foo = run-vm (build-vm { cf. current example.nix }); }
<ekleog> (with run-vm being a service that extends a service manager to be run, and maybe iptables to open ports)
<infinisil> Ah, yeah I just read the section on security, neat (I didn't know much about it beforehand)
<ekleog> yeah, qubes os is nice, also for the possibility of mixing distributions / OSes seamlessly :)
<infinisil> That sounds pretty neat as well!
<infinisil> (your idea)
<ekleog> :D
* ekleog happy to not be the only one thinking that
<infinisil> My only worry with this project of yours is that it's too much to write
<infinisil> NixOS configuration is super simple
<ekleog> yeah… it's my worry too, I'll have to re-do each module :(
<ekleog> I think I can make extenders as easy to write as NixOS configuration, but need more work towards factoring typechecking & co
<ekleog> basically, I think I've done NixOS config's `config`, now I have to implement `options` :)
<ekleog> that said hopefully `options` can be just a library of nix functions to combine extenders
<infinisil> ekleog: Do you know Haskell?
<ekleog> and then I'd have to simplify a bit the writing of extenders, but going from [ { extends = name; data = [ {} {} ]; } ] to { ${name} = [ {} {} ]; } is already on the todo-list and should be helpful
<ekleog> I've done haskell only for the troll, unfortunately :°
<infinisil> Hehe I see
<infinisil> I thought about doing something module system like in a typed approach
<infinisil> But haven't gotten very far
<ekleog> yeah, I think I could type my approach if I had a powerful enough type system
<ekleog> like, extenders each have a type depending on what they extend
<infinisil> Yeah, your approach in Nix sounds like the best course for that
<ekleog> the thing I'm most happy with is the separation between end-user arguments and inter-module extenders, tbh :)
<infinisil> :D
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<ekleog> while evaluating anonymous function at /nix/store/8ix2ir94klgxzbxm2081qjx4hlgcywwp-nixos-18.03.133245.d16a7abceb7/nixos/lib/attrsets.nix:224:10, called from undefined position:
<ekleog> ^ didn't notice until now it was possible to make nix burp “from undefined position”
* ekleog got nerdsniped into re-doing the service-solving fixpoint with the nicer-to-use syntax
<ekleog> infinisil: so here is now the fixpoint re-done with attrsets instead of lists, and the format of defining services is now nicer (my most complex service)
<ekleog> hmm wait maybe this should go back to #nixos-chat, actually? or maybe discussing the various ways of doing fixpoints is on-topic here? meh, time to sleep here anyway :)
<infinisil> ekleog: Neat, would probably also make sense for the files there to be an attrset
<infinisil> Good night :)
<{^_^}> Night!
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