would be nice if some people could build that to see if we all get the same result :D
Ooo, I have an example of a non-reproducible build on macOS. `pass.withExtensions (es: [ es.pass-otp])`
oh gawd thta bug
I vaguely remember something about that :p
Ah, succesfully incepted : >
what was it again?
The pass thing? Install that on one mac, no problem. Install it on another and the tests for pass itself fail. Install pass without the extension and the tests pass.
Hmm, one of these passes is not like the others : >
The Mac where it works is clearly the outlier because nobody else could get it to work
exact same drv?
Just what I wrote but in a home.nix.
They were on the exact same channel version back then.
Same macOS version.
The one it worked on wasn't running nix-darwin.
But I wouldn't expect that to matter.
same or "same"? :)
Well, nix-channel --update within 10 min or so
doesn't mean they are the same, with overlays and whatnot