LnL7/nix-darwin#147 (by eraserhd, 22 hours ago, open): port autossh service from nixos
but here's another question: say I wanted to make some private modules for my work. Set up some environment variables and private keys, for example. How could I do this?
I mean, publish this in a private git repo for other cow-orkers? Do I need to just maintain a fork?
I'll take a look after dinner if I have enough time
LnL: much appreciated, thanks
as for private stuff, you can import extra modules from your configuration.nix unless you want to override existing stuff
configuration.nix is a module, which can import modules and define new options, just like all the other modules in darwin or nixos
I'm sketchy on how some of this works, but seems like any module can add options, set config = mkMerge ...? aha! https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Module
This is really nice. I think I can probably make one nixos module and one nix-darwin module for work, compose them from other modules.
marek has joined #nix-darwin
depending on the modules you depend on it even work with a single one
except for things that don't make sense most of the options are compatible