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<domenkozar[m]> LnL: let me know if you have time to chat about https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/issues/149
<{^_^}> LnL7/nix-darwin#149 (by domenkozar, 48 minutes ago, open): Allow enforcing linking etc when file exists
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<LnL> didn't we tak about that before?
<gchristensen> seems a bunch of the builders are unhappy again. looking.
<LnL> hmm, any idea what's causing this kind of stuff?
<gchristensen> I'm thinking it isn't GCing enough
<LnL> min-free might help for that
<LnL> was about to propose for m in $(hydra-bad-machines); do virsh destroy $m; done
<LnL> but that wouldn't help if that's the problem
<gchristensen> oh yeah okay
<gchristensen> I only run it at 3:15 daily and then the disk fills
<gchristensen> and if it fills enough ...
<gchristensen> it can't delete because it can't write to the sqlite db :)
<gchristensen> LnL: is there a nice `nix.gc.interval` value for "every 30 minutes" or something?
<LnL> I don't think you want to gc that often
<gchristensen> yeah fair
<LnL> deleting stuff as well as finding memory roots (on darwin) is pretty slow
<gchristensen> right
<gchristensen> do you have favorite min-free/max-free values?
<gchristensen> in the past I've used, if dropping below 20G, free 20G
<LnL> depends a bit on the fill rate, the gc service doesn't delete everything either right?
<gchristensen> right
<gchristensen> nix.gc.options deletes up to 25G
<gchristensen> the disk has 125G
<LnL> but min-free = <max-build-size> max-free <disk-space / 4> or something like that
<LnL> hmm, that's not a lot
<LnL> min-free 10, max-free = 60
<gchristensen> I could probably make it bigger
<LnL> note that it's in bytes tho
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> I do everything in Gb and convert
<LnL> just making sure, it wouldn't do much otherwise :)
<gchristensen> :P
<LnL> pretty sure I did that once
<gchristensen> oh cool packet's API is down
<gchristensen> ideal time for an outage :P
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<disasm> haha, we're troubleshooting packet nixops plugin right now :) I'll tell the guys not to redeploy any instances!
<gchristensen> good choice :)
<domenkozar[m]> LnL: did we? I don't remember sorry :/
<aminechikhaoui> disasm what's packet nixops plugin ?
<gchristensen> oh yeah disasm, aminechikhaoui and ikwildrpepper probabl ywant to hear about that
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<disasm> It's nowhere near ready for prime time though :)
<disasm> and requires our fork of nixops with the plugin management
<disasm> I don't have a good way for getting the physical spec, so currently it only supports c1.small and g2.large instance types
<gchristensen> I'd love for it to import the physical spec from the machine
<aminechikhaoui> disasm that's cool
<aminechikhaoui> I had a branch as well where I try to support packet https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/compare/master...AmineChikhaoui:packet-backend
<disasm> I think we'd need a way for python to parse that into a dictionary. oh and hashes in the filenames are evil to automate...
<aminechikhaoui> generating the physical is likely better than grabbing whatever the installer does though (I think)
<gchristensen> filename hashes is fixable
<gchristensen> I would strongly prefer we not duplicate the logic in nixops from what is in the installer tools
<gchristensen> but it is possible ...
<aminechikhaoui> so copying stuff from the machine is fine ?
<aminechikhaoui> But also if we want to do directly netboot with iPXE then NixOps needs to generate the remaining hardware config to be able to deploy
<aminechikhaoui> I mean if we want to netboot without running an installer
<gchristensen> netboot has easier problems to solve
<gchristensen> long term installs are trickier
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