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<johnw> does fontconfig work for people here? Does running "fc-list : family" produce a list of fonts?
<johnw> I just get: Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
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<LnL> whoops, did I miss anything?
<clever> not much
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<mitchty> dhess: its dumb, but make -j1 got it further, and oddly the segfault appears to randomly crop up if you loop with make -jN, so you can get to the final stage but eventually you'll get a consistent segfault
<mitchty> also HADDOCK_DOCS=NO helped but i'm not sure that matters much tbh
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<dhess> mitchty: ugh, what a mess
<dhess> given all that, it's odd that we both had a reproducible fault in the same place on different hardware
<mitchty> dhess: yep :) i'm digging through the latest cores i got from trying to link with ld.bfd vs gold, its... confusing, feels like a stack overflow
<mitchty> then again ghc executables stacks are just weird
<dhess> hmm is there a way to increase the stack limit in ghc?
<dhess> does it have one or does it just rely on the OS?
<mitchty> i tried that too, musl libc has an 8m stack
<mitchty> i bumped it just in case but no bueno
<dhess> and only the one reply from upstream, that's disappointing
<dhess> Surprised anyone is getting anywhere with ghc 8.2 on armv7. Are we the only ones using it? :)
<mitchty> heh, well i can confirm the binutils fix there does seem to help
<mitchty> and now i can link with bfd at least, i should compare the objects produced
<mitchty> in either case, some of today is (re)learning more about ghc arm binaries
<dhess> well at least you're learning something while working on this :)
<dhess> I would like to dive into Core at some point as well but no time yet
<mitchty> only problem is i feel like i'm yak shaving
<mitchty> its cool and all but annoying when the goal is to use it more than debug
<mitchty> also means I need to setup my "build arm and x86_64 stuff from git" build jobs
<dhess> hopefully it will be worth it in the long run
<clever> mitchty: qemu-user emulation or proper cross-compiler?
<mitchty> clever: self hosted on hardware
<mitchty> ghc 8.0.2 bulding 8.2.2, when it works takes about 29 hours
<dhess> I wonder how much of my armv7l-linux Haskell stuff I could get away with cross-compiling
<dhess> there's quite a bit of lens in there (therefore TH), but it's probably not the kind of TH that is system-dependent.
<mitchty> i only cross compile the initial "build native compiler" stuff
<mitchty> from then on its reuse things built natively
<dhess> mitchty: well actually that's interesting.... what if you cross-compile ghc 8.2.2, i.e., x86_64-linux -> armv7l-linux
<mitchty> i thought there was a fix for the cross th stuff
<dhess> that would get around this self-building issue
<mitchty> it might, dunno, won't help much since the packaging builders work the way i'm building it
<dhess> mitchty: TH can do things like shell out to the system, apparently, so a 100% cross-compiling solution for TH will need some way to do that. I think angerman is working on that but as far as I know it's not fully baked
<mitchty> dhess: ah yeah that would complicate everything
<dhess> mitchty: yeah won't help you since you're the alpine maintainer :) But for my purposes it's fine. I should look into that.
<dhess> My armv7l-linux Hydra remote builder spent 5+h last night just rebuilding ghc-8.0.2 last night against nixpkgs
<dhess> would be nice to get that time back
<mitchty> well i could try it, i gotta port ghc to x86 and aarch64 yet anyway
<mitchty> and mips I suppose
<mitchty> i think the issue is if your binutils isn't patched and using ld.bfd, cross compiling might just end up the same as native hosted
<dhess> so it's a linker issue?
<mitchty> well i was using, but with the patch in the bugzilla linked i was finally able to use ld.bfd, but now i'm getting different segfaults
<mitchty> but ones that make even less sense than the ones from gold
<mitchty> aka that segfault in libc
<mitchty> really early
<mitchty> but i say try it, might be a musl libc thing
<dhess> If I can figure out how to make nix-build use a cross-compiler I will give it a go
<dhess> it has lots of other benefits for my case, namely that armv7l builders are rare and slow
<dhess> If only the BeagleBoard people had an aarch64 version of the BeagleBone :(
<mitchty> for that i geeked out on a tx2 dev board, 8GiB of ram :)
<dhess> me too! I can't get NixOS running on it though :(
<dhess> But even my TX1 isn't bad
<dhess> and that runs NixOS just fine
<mitchty> will try doing stuff in containers off the ubuntu os
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<johnw> one of the last things that wasn't under Nix
<LnL> I wish we could do something for applications with unversioned urls
<LnL> also, doesn't undmg have an unpack hook?
<johnw> yeah, it probably does
<johnw> oh, wait
<johnw> I was runng into problems with "multiple directories"
<johnw> because I don't know whether Foo.dmg is going to unbundle to
<johnw>, Foo/, or <lots of files and>
<clever> johnw: oh, i have an expression that deals with dmg files too, one min
<clever> this unpacks a dmg file, on linux, and extracts some electron resources from it
<clever> then re-builds it, with the linux electron from nixpkgs
<LnL> undmg basically does that
<LnL> and you can use sourceRoot if it unpacks more then one directory
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<johnw> LnL: where would sourceRoot be used?
<LnL> just as an attribute, eg. sourceRoot = ".";
<johnw> an attribute of the app derivation?
<johnw> not of the src?
<LnL> yeah
<johnw> LnL: why does installing apps via nix-darwin install them in ~/Applications?
<johnw> it's a system package, not a user package
<johnw> I'd expect to see a symlink in /Applications
<LnL> ah, don't remember
<johnw> LnL: sourceRoot worked great, thanks :)
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