ok, so I have a "local.nix" as part of my config on each machine for stuff that i don't want to commit to git (mostly because i don't want it going up on the internet)
is there a way of doing that compatible with flakes? flakes obviously ignores the file because it's not in git so `includes = [ ./local.nix ]` doesn't work
do i need to use something like https://github.com/rien/agenix to encrypt it and get it under version control?
i guess this is sort of counter to the intention of flakes to be completely reproducible
Jez (he/him): Don't have a good answer other than perhaps it would be possible to use something like git-crypt to keep an encrypted version of the file in the repo? https://www.agwa.name/projects/git-crypt/
<futile "that seems somehow really unfort"> afaik you've always needed to be root for that when your home-manager config is part of your system config, but you can always do a user-specific install of hm as per https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager#installation
supersandro2000 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
it looks like it just sets a bunch of env variables
So, I think it's like `en_US.UTF-8` or something that you want.
ok, so I assume it should be the same than in the `locale` definition
btw, do you know how to add new locales to the system configuration ?
normally, I would add them into `/etc/locale` , and run `locale-gen` or similar
<BlackBeans "ok, so I assume it should be the"> Ya, you can look up the docs for each of those variables and figure out from there how you want to set each one.