nix-community/home-manager#1479 (by happysalada, 1 day ago, open): On unstable channel, home manager can't be built anymore because of manual combined
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infinisil: i'm trying to follow the advice there, after adding the master channel for home-manager and running nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install, it succeeds but there is no home-manager bin. i confirmed ~/.nix-profile/bin is on the PATH but the bin isn't in there
Yeah, you'll need to put something there to override xmonad-with-packages.
rycee: Cheers :)
nicolas[m]1 rycee: so that will install the most recent git revision of xmonad ? it's because the older version of xmonad is missing some functionality that i need to get xmonad working with virtualbox.
That shoud do it according to the module definition
nicolas[m]1 rycee: great, thanks for the help ! i'll you guys know if i was able to get it to work or not.
it appears there's something wrong with how home-manager sets up fish functions? they show up in ~/.config/fish/functions and some of them seem to work, but when I try to run them using the path I get that they're "not executable by this user" which is because they're symlinks to symlinks in the nix store that are executable, but those symlinks are to files in the nix store that are readonly. despite this some of them seem
to work, but my function for ls doesn't work
rycee++ nicolas[m]1++
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rycee's karma got increased to 30
I think this function was working before but stopped working when I added programs.fish.enable to my nixos config
nicolas[m]1: i tried your solution, but rebuilding caused this error: https://dpaste.org/BcDs
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