rycee changed the topic of #home-manager to: Support and discussion around the Home Manager project (https://github.com/rycee/home-manager) | Logs: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/home-manager
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<DamienCassou> I can't start Chromium and Element on non-nixos. "The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now."
<DamienCassou> is there anything I can do?
<cole-h> rycee: Maybe it's time to change the URL for this channel, now that you moved to nix-community ;)
<{^_^}> nixpkgs#97392 (by Infinisil, 2 minutes ago, open): Introduce `types.dagOf`
<cole-h> 👀!!!!
<antifuchs> yay, down with warnings!
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<infinisil> antifuchs: warnings?
<antifuchs> the "trace: `types.loaOf` has been removed and mixing lists with attribute values" thing, right?
<infinisil> antifuchs: Oh no that's something different
<infinisil> loaOf is deprecated, no way around that :)
<energizer> what does "loa" mean?
<infinisil> Though I actually have plans to introduce a better loaOf type with improved semantics :)
<infinisil> energizer: ListOrAttributeset
<energizer> i hope your version has a name in english :)
<infinisil> energizer: The name I currently have in mind is listCoercingAttrsOf
<infinisil> As in, it's an attrsOf, but lists can be coerced to an attrsOf
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<fzakaria> Is there a reason many of the programs that home-manager manages just create their files in the $HOME rather than wrapping the program ?
<fzakaria> A good example would be git;
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