michaelpj: I just did a Niv of the latest "master" branch of haskell.nix. Also updates the dependencies of everything else. And also bumped my index of Haskell to a recent timestamp. I'm still getting an error message telling me about issue #884.
i also did a pretty aggressive `nix-collect-garbage`, freeing up all my auto-managed GC roots. Maybe it's something to do with the substituters I've set up?
A while ago, I set up both the IOHK substituter, but also the IOHK Cachix substituter. So both are enabled right now. I could try switch each off respectively, but I might need to do that aggressive `nix-collect-garbage` run as well. These are kind of shot-in-the-dark ideas.
Kind of late here. Might have to save this for another day.
tnks: ah, you're getting an error from `haskell.nix` that mentions #884? that means you're hitting the guard we put in to prevent this happening again. AFAIK we don't know why it happens, so if you have it happening that's very useful! hamishmack might have questions for you!
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has anyone encountered a problem where some build complains "LICENSE: copyFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)"? From the get-go, cabal complains "Warning: The 'license-file' field refers to the file 'LICENSE' which does not exist.", but that LICENSE file exists in the original repository, so I'm not sure why it does not make it to the derivation's source, or how to debug this some more
ptival: is it in `extra-source-files`?
it is not!
time for a Troubleshooting entry :D
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ptival: I guess it's in `license-files`? I actually wonder if this is a haskell.nix bug
if it's in `license-files` we should include it
so that's not it
michaelpj: it is in `License-file` (without a 's')
ptival: I *think* that should work
is it a symlink, by any chance?
it is not a symlink
oh I have an idea to at least minimize the problem on my end
I'd be interested to see if changing it to `license-files` makes any difference. Maybe we're failing to pick up plain `license-file` somehow?
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seems to fail equally on `license-files`