angerman changed the topic of #haskell.nix to: - alternative haskell infrastructure for nix; logs at
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<michaelpj> typetetris: you may be interested in the 'collectComponents' function
<typetetris> Thank you!
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<michaelpj> time to drop 19.09 support? 20.09 seems fairly stable now
<DigitalKiwi> lol i'm about to drop 20.09 support in something if it keeps giving me problems
<michaelpj> well, we use 20.09 so we're keeping that for sure :p I was considering suggesting we drop 20.03 after a few months ;)
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<shapr> Is there a haskell.nix tutorial for doing advent of code?
<shapr> from what I've read about nix, I get one version of each lib from hackage, is that right? or is that only stack2nix or something?
* shapr flounders cluelessly
<shapr> ok, after reading I'm sure this is what I want
<shapr> I want to be able to use even the very latest libraries from hackage
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<shapr> chessai: do you use haskell.nix for your development?
<chessai> shapr no i just haven't switched over yet
<shapr> chessai: do you think haskell.nix is a better approach than standard nixpkgs?
<shapr> it looks like it is to me?
<shapr> Also, we use haskell.nix at work, so I might as well go with this.
<chessai> For the most part yes
<shapr> ooh, what's the tradeoff?
<shapr> ok, let's see if this works for fermat's last margin
<shapr> :-D Warning: The package list for '' is 18592 days old.
<shapr> 51 years old?!
<shapr> ah there we go, all my cores are busy now
<shapr> that's worrisome: patchelf: wrong ELF type
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