Hi there, what are the support nixpkgs versions? 20.03 or already 20.09 ?
How can I change the ghc version in an ad hoc development environment?
I have both `https://iohk.cachix.org` and `https://hydra.iohk.io` as substituters and keys `iohk.cachix.org-1:DpRUyj7h7V830dp/i6Nti+NEO2/nhblbov/8MW7Rqoo=`, `hydra.iohk.io:f/Ea+s+dFdN+3Y/G+FDgSq+a5NEWhJGzdjvKNGv0/EQ=`. Why is my hello world project, that should be build with ghc8102 still downloading ghc844 ?
Okay, so it will probably the nixpkgs version I am using. Its not the one from haskell.nix.
The other stuff is as stated in the docs.
sadly it's pretty hard to get reliable cache hits across many revisions of nixpkgs
michaelpj: Yes. And I don't blame haskell.nix for that :)
For non haskell dependencies, is it necessary for them to be taken out of the nixpkgs used for the haskell.nix tooling?
uhm. not sure. I think generally mixing nixpkgs is probably risky, especially with libraries, but I don't know of anyone who's tried it, so you could find out for us :p for example, haskell.nix will pull out the native dependencies that cabal specifies from nixpkgs, so you might end up with multiple versions of C libraries being linked if you're not careful
Hmm, yeah with libraries it is probably not a good idea. I will try to build the haskell project and join it "externally" with the other stuff needed for the whole project. So its like mixing static executables and should be unproblematic.
then probably? I guess that would be like pulling an executable from unstable to mix with a stable nixos system
might do the job for you
Hmm `nix-shell -A shellFor` builds a lot of libraries like time for a project only depending on `base` (some hello world project). What could be the reason for that? (I am not using default nixpkgs suggested by haskell.nix)
Ah, I guess its compiling cabal.
yeah, if you're not getting cache hits you'll need to build nix-tools for the evaluation, which will take a while
also `shellFor` has a hoogle in it by default, which adds some stuff
Yay, have cabal and ghc 8.10.2 now via haskell.nix. Now for haskell-language-server :) There seems to be stuff prepared for that?
yes, as of recent master you should be able to pull it in with the `tools` argument to `shellFor`
but `modules=[{ packages.esqueleto.doHaddock = false; }];` did work. But I don't understand, why `modules` is a list.
Also via cabal.project would of course be better.
you know, I don't know why it's a list either (angerman might). I'm quite surprised that the `cabal.project` thing doesn't get picked up...
can you file a bug for that?
modules is a list, so you can combine muliple modules
but why would you ever do that?
rather than just... making one attribute set?
to target different configurations/ architectures/ ...
I don't know, wether I have the time to make a minimal example.
let me find an example.
angerman, that sounds right
doesn't `mkIf` handle that?
michaelpj: Maybe its because of my directory structure .. but that sounds weird even to me. (Have `dir/cabal.project` for packages in `dir/a/a.cabal` `dir/b/b.cabal` and have `dir/a/shell.nix` referencing `src = ../.;` to pick up the `cabal.project`. I mean it did find packages `b` so it is picked up somehow).
angerman: just delete all those intermediary braces ;)
typetetris: maybe it's something with how we setup the packages for the hoogle database...
Yea, doint it via the `cabalProject` function and a `modules` argument is fine by me for now.
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Strange. I checked for typos multiple times .. so it seems cabal only recognizes the first entry of `allow-newer`. ...
looks like it runs the tests for all local packages ...
so `cabal.project` again?
`run-tests: False` in `cabal.project` didn't help.
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typetetris: hmm, I'm not sure if we obey `run-tests`, I think we might always run them just based on `tests`
can you open an issue for that?
Yes of course. But using `nix-build -A package-name.components.exes.exe-name` didn't run the tests. I accidentally did a `nix-build` without any options.
When are the tests expected to be run?
there are derivations to run tests in `hsPkgs.<package>.checks`; `hsPkgs.<package>.components.tests.<test-component>` just builds the test executable
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would using ccache make my haskell builds faster?
is there something like ccache that i could use?
I think cabal's nix-style builds do all the caching you could.
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