horrible is returning SVG or PNG based on sniffing Gecko version in UA string
isn't that comment in the CSS file "wrong", according to the logo page?
what I mean is that it looks like there's already a workaround for that
I understand it
so even the "for browsers" version one uses features that firefox <83 doesn't support
samueldr: correct
there's no way (that I know of) to get that effect in SVG in Firefox <83
I misread that initially and thought it meant that the inkscape mesh gradient was the conic gradient
yeah, in my opinion as an ex-webdev, and still dabbling, SVG is "broken" on the web for multiple small reasons :(
as soon as you stray from simple use cases it becomes a chore
though it's saddening to see that a conical gradient is not a simple use case
Web is broken for a miriad of small and not so small reasons… as soon as you stray from a static text websites…
basically yes
but what I mean here is that it's even broken where most developers would tell you "it's not" or "it totally works well"
basic things, or things that should be basic just don't work as one would expect
SVG backgrounds are (apparently, verified by a trusted third party) not rasterized, but always treated as a collection of elements in firefox!
so the more complex your SVG background is, even if it doesn't resize, it will cause your rendering to be slower
or something along the line, so basically SVG as background elements are a no-go when they are complex
(sorry to completely go off-topic here :))
so it's even broken when you assume the "basic brokenness" works
Off-topic except as a reminder why browsers need to be isolated by a ten-meter concrete wall around each single-page-displaying instance…