ChanServ changed the topic of #nixus to: Nixus is an experimental deployment tool for NixOS systems - -
<infinisil> veleiro: This usually happens if there's internet problems and it can't query the cache in time or so
<infinisil> A narinfo is just a file that describes the cached artifact, like its size and dependencies, et.c
<infinisil> When substituting /nix/store/<hash>-<name>, Nix queries all substituters for <url>/<hash>.narinfo to figure out whether it can be substituted or not
<infinisil> Iirc
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<veleiro> thank you infinisil!
<veleiro> but going to the URL above its a 404 as well
<infinisil> Then there were probably connection timeouts/errors when nix tried to download it
<infinisil> A 404 isn't a problem, that just indicates that that substituter doesn't have the path
<infinisil> The fact that it didn't get a 404 but another error is the problem
<veleiro> it also says in the error: error: unexpected end-of-file
<veleiro> ah. same problem ive encountered before. I mustve overwritten my changes
<veleiro> so when it says '[hostname] (message)' thats coming from the remote machine
<veleiro> on that machine the DNS lookup is failing so that's the problem i'm sure
<infinisil> Oh yeah that sounds like it
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<veleiro> what's that way to read a secret from a secret file instead of it being a string?
<veleiro> ohh i think this is what i mean
<veleiro> there's not much docs on how to use it
<veleiro> the pure nix in this delpoyment tool is unmatchable
<veleiro> it is invaluable in cases where you want to share this and limit dependencies
<veleiro> in order to share my setup using nixus the other will only need nix
<veleiro> i think there was one other popular pure nix tool?
<veleiro> s/pure nix tool/pure nix deployment tool
<veleiro> i'm trying to use services.coturn.static-auth-secret
<veleiro> but i'm not sure if its safe to publish that field in git
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<infinisil> veleiro: Unfortunately options like that, which expect the secret as a string, will end up in the /nix/store
<infinisil> And it also won't work with Nixus' secret module (which explicitly only exposes secrets at runtime, not evaluation time, which would be required for such options)
<infinisil> veleiro: I guess a good way to do this is to have a secret .nix file, which you add to `imports`, and which sets that option to the secret string
<infinisil> Ideally of course the module would be made to work with a runtime-exclusive secret
<infinisil> But that's often not trivial
<veleiro> Oh t hanks for the advice!
<veleiro> yeah it seems like more modules need to use secret files
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