ChanServ changed the topic of #nixus to: Nixus is an experimental deployment tool for NixOS systems - -
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<infinisil> (That's a bug though, one i couldn't be bothered to fix yet)
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<ashkitten> infinisil: i'm not sure how to use flakes with nixus... is there an example for instance using the NUR?
<infinisil> ashkitten: Well you can't use the `nixosConfiguration` stuff
<infinisil> You'll just have to declare nixus as a non-flake input, then use its function to define the network
<ashkitten> (pretend i don't understand flakes at all and don't even know what nixosConfiguration is)
<infinisil> So Nixus just defines a function in its default.nix which you need to call
<infinisil> How you get to that function, either through flakes or fetchTarball, etc. doesn't matter
<ashkitten> okay
<ashkitten> i don't really understand how flakes work anyways
<ashkitten> i just wanted to use the nur
<ashkitten> cuz i currently have some packages defined in my nixos-config that i want to move to an nur repo
<infinisil> ashkitten: Ah nixus isn't in NUR, I guess I should add that
<cole-h> I would just do `nix run` (to deploy) or `nix build` (to build everything first, e.g. to inspect some files)