
<Infinisil> nix-env -iA something.irssi -I something=$(pwd)/nixpkgs.nix
<adisbladis> rycee[m]: I can do it :) Been meaning to do something to hm :)
<Infinisil> if you want to use efi booting this should output something with vfat
<cocreature> so something™ must be leaking to somewhere and make nix look for the dist-newstyle folder
<cocreature> I guess I might need to nuke something in /nix/store but I’m unsure what
<cocreature> Hey, it seems like by using "cabal new-build" inside a nix-shell I’ve somehow managed to mess up something and now when I try to enter the shell again it fails to find some package-db http://lpaste.net/357356 any ideas how to fix that?
<clever> that makes it imposible to run something like a full bitcoin node, without getting root and messing around with things
<Infinisil> clever: Well that's something I guess
<dhess> also clever has something similar I think, or maybe Mic92's is the same
<Infinisil> Nobabs27: If those engine things don't work, just run lxappearance from terminal to see stdout, maybe it reports something weird
<Infinisil> I can set the dbPath option to something else
<Infinisil> mpcsh: checking `which command_not_found_handler` does indeed return something
<mpcsh> can someone confirm for me that `nix-env -i nixos.bspwm` does not result in `bspc` being executable? I think I'm doing something wrong
<Infinisil> clever: Eh, I wouldn't remember everyone I've done something here with too
<Infinisil> Being able to run something at compile- and runtime would be nice, this could replace stuff like these parsers, and also maybe replace bash
<Infinisil> While nix can be used to hackily parse some stuff, doing something even remotely complicated is impossible
<dhess> "issue-blame" or something like that.


<dhess> I have something very similar in my nixops deployment repo that sets things like that.
<grantwu> Infinisil: use SASL or something?
<grantwu> or something like that
<Infinisil> I'll have a look through nix's GH issues to maybe find something about using ARC for the store
<Infinisil> maurer: If I feel like documenting something bigger I'll do something like that yes :)
<Infinisil> Currently writing something in the release notes.. XML ughhhh
<Infinisil> FRidh: Oh another thing, you apparently got an automatic code review for this PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27809 (because of the codeowners file or something)
<Infinisil> They all take some arguments at the top, something a la { stdenv, lib }
<srhb> What we *could* do (though I don't see the need) is make something like packages/all-packages/auto.* get generated (or even auto generate), but it sort of messes up the structure a bit.
<Infinisil> Or do i misunderstand something
<deltasquared> I'm thinking it's something to do with nixos's declarative configuration making the process of these kinds of changes so much easier
<Infinisil> I feel like I'm missing out on something, I'm not an expert with Haskell
<johnw> something along those lines (I now always use this with recursion-scheme type data representations)
<clever> grantwu: so you will need something like git.override { openssh = pkgs.openssh_with_kerberos; }
<hodapp> huh. I did something perhaps unconventional, in that this build does nothing more than generate a build script to be run inside of a specific nix-shell, but I suppose it works
<hodapp> err, so I have something created with pkgs.python35.withPackages; how do I get from this to the Python binary in some kosher way? .interpreter, .executable aren't doing it
<rodarmor> adisbladis: Yeah, I believe you're right. Not having a DE is like playing some kind of survival game where you're dropped onto a muddy beach with no clothes and the first thing you need to do is find a rock and bash a tree until you get wood and then make wood pants or something.
<clever> something like this
<dhess> Can't get the postUnpack hook to run. Anyone done something similar?
<Infinisil> Oh well, I got 2 PR's for nixpkgs done, that's something
<clever> contrapumpkin: most of the time, if i'm modifying something where the source is available (i tend to ignore the license), i just put my changes up on github and call it done
<sheenobu> Will a nix-based OS always be non-posix? could you use Nix to build something resembling debian?
<Infinisil> Maybe something about pretty much all of the OS being on the immutable filesystem /nix
<Infinisil> kriztw: It's certainly not retarded, we've all had issues that took a while to figure out but turned out to be something simple in the end :)
<Infinisil> Do you have something like that?
<mpcsh> or at least, is it possible to fetch something from a different location?


<mpcsh> Infinisil: ok yeah I see it too. Maybe I was running nix-shell wrong - should I be doing something different than just `nix-shell keybase.nix`?
<Infinisil> mpcsh: Hmm so I can't build it, because of something I've been wondering for a while now
<Infinisil> mpcsh: Have a look into nixpkgs/nixos/modules, it's how to declare options and make them do something
<Infinisil> Definitely something you're capable of
<Infinisil> Oh, nice that you found something :D
<clever> pie_: something like that
<mpcsh> let me ask something more specific then. How do I pass the output of builtins.fetchurl (a filename) as input to builtins.fromJSON?
<mpcsh> seequ: yeah but based on what? I'd have to have something continuously monitor the website
<Infinisil> People always say to look at the mail archives, but how do you actually search for something? The website is horrible to find something
<mpcsh> hey there, is it possible to use a GPG signature to verify something from fetchUrl?
<srhb> kiloreux: Or something to that effect.
<Dezgeg> dunno, maybe nix-push or something creates stuff that doesn't go away until next gc cleans that directory up
<LnL> right, I was thinking it would be something like that
<rydnr> Is there a cache or something?
<tilpner> Is there something like python.withPackages for Lua? It's not obvious how to make installed packages available to other programs
<pie_> is there something for getting a mutable environment while youre doing dev work?
<kiloreux> You mean something like "opencv = pkgs.opencv;"
<gchristensen> domenkozar: but combining this change + a huuuge break to basically all nix code using lib functions wasn't something I wanted to do together :P
<ixxie> If a configuration does not change, can something cause a nixos-rebuild to fail when it succeded before when I am on the stable channel?
<LnL> are there a lot of drv files in the store or something?
<LnL> talking about large directories, is there a reason nix doesn't do something like git creating a separate dir for the first to characters of the hash
<deltasquared> gchristensen: makes me curious as to how nix handles binaries that want to be setuid, I haven't encountered that thus far. does nixos just not allow them or is there something else there
<gchristensen> v0|d: sorry, I'm really out of my league here. I had no idea this is something we did.
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: now _THERE_ is something with a meaty reason!
<gchristensen> NickHu: many people don't like docbook, which is fine, I think we'd be open to switching to something else
<NickHu> Is there something horrifically wrong with standard manpages/markdown?
<NickHu> moredhel: That's not something that is built into nixos as of now
<dhess> kuznero: maybe just keep paring back until you get something that builds.. though it might not be very useful :)
<dhess> kuznero: I tried Cabal = super.Cabal_2_0_0_2 and it made no difference. Something (probably cabal-install) was still pulling 1.24.2 in.
<kuznero> Ok, that had something to do with me explicitly setting up pulseAudio. I commented out all the lines related to pulseAudio and now it simply fetches pre-built bits of chromium :)
<LnL> or there's something different in nixpkgs.config/nixpkgs.overlays compared config.nix
<MichaelRaskin> Something about user's NIX_PATH and root NIX_PATH?
<srhb> Say for instance that you overrode the default gcc version or something.
<kuznero> srhb: but it is stated as a systemPackage and nothing else... so, I assume it is the default input... Or am I missing something?
<srhb> kuznero: Did you maybe modify your chromium configuration with like pdf viewer settings or something and forgot about it?
<Infinisil> I just found someone say this on HackerNews: "Moreover, I wouldn't see basic HTML or CSS as specific knowledge. This is something every coder knows (like English)"
<sauyon> oh I'm thinking about something else then
<Infinisil> cmcdragonkai: A mv is dirt cheap when it's moving something on the same fs, but a cp allocates space in all cases
<Infinisil> clever: Hmm, but why? It shouldn't matter really, unless something weird is going on
<dalaing> I'll try that next - currently I've bumped something of ours that is upstream of this project to try to permute things a bit
<clever> normally, if you want something off, you just turn it off in the nixos config, and it ceases to exist
<cmcdragonkai> If you're packaging something that has separate downloads for 32 bit and 64 bit, are they meant to be in separate packages default.nix, what is the naming convention for it?
<Infinisil> It certainly isn't garbage software. It mustve done something right since it's this popular
<Infinisil> Ohh because of the disk label maybe, which needs to be NIXOS_ISO or something
<Infinisil> adelbertc: Ahh, not sure what to do, but you should find plenty of things online. Just search for "Windows put iso onto usb" or something
<Infinisil> But I don't know what to put there, on system services it's usually "multi-user.target", but I think it's something else for user services ( mpcsh )
<Infinisil> You could have it autostart by setting `systemd.user.services.keybase.wantedBy = [ <something I don't know> ]`
<Infinisil> But I can't really get around not polluting ~, since a lot of programs just expect something there
<clever> dalaing: rebooting is the simplest way to clear them all, something has come up now
<tilpner> mpcsh - That option doesn't exist in your version of nixpkgs, you'd need to upgrade to something more recent
<tilpner> mpcsh - Something like services.kbfs = { enable = true; mountPoint = "/something/else"; };
<tilpner> And I awk can do the filtering for you, something like /cpsc.gov/ { sub(...) }
<Infinisil> Umm, replace the last supported with something else
<clever> and if you launch something from the xfce panel and such, stdout goes to the same stdout as the display manager
<Infinisil> Like the js console? When i type something there?
<Infinisil> sauyon: I feel like it's some attack or something for bad configured dns servers, dunno. The requests were in bursts of 5-15 requests in a second, about 5 different ips per hour
<sauyon> is it an internal site or something?
<clever> Infinisil: and sublime has 10 backups of something, that each include a 4.5mb eval.gif
<dalaing> hmm, I appear to have done something bad to my hydra instance while trying to fix up something related to the non-determinism in GHC 7.10.3
<clever> something that runs an opensource build of the darwin kernel, with a custom launchd, that only has sshd and nix-daemon
<clever> Infinisil: something i have planned in the distance, is to make a nixos-like image based on XNU
<Infinisil> clever: So, you need to know something about macOS?


<pie__> youve told me something like this before but i dont understand why
<joepie91> it was something with "stealing your boss' print job" or so
<LnL> something like a 1024 dsa I think
<clever> LnL: even something as simple as having it curl a url and watching the access-logs can help
<bhipple[m]> 1. Add something to nixpkgs
<clever> wait, 30 is just checking, but something else definitely adds the -i and does that
<Fuuzetsu> it seems that if I add something to nativeBuildInputs, it _must_ have `bin` directory in it in order to get added to PATH during build; however this sucks if you're adding a package with multiple outputs and one of them is "bin" output where package.bin has binaries at top level (i.e. ${package.bin}/your_binary); what's the right way forward here? make sure the bin output actually puts things in ${package.bin}/bin/? seems wrong..
<simpson> joepie91: Relatedly, E's website has this quote at the top: "We do not influence the course of events by persuading people that we are right when we make what they regard as radical proposals. Rather, we exert influence by keeping options available when something has to be done at a time of crisis." It was decades ahead of its time; capability-safe languages are only now being demanded as we enter a period of
<clever> tilpner: something like that, but i think it has to be done after the 2nd set of args are passed in
<tilpner> clever - I was arguing for the buildEnv in nixpkgs to be something like buildEnv = lib.makeOverridable (callPackage ../build-support/buildenv { });
<tilpner> Infinisil - What do you mean? It's definitely not easy enough to remove paths from something that was built with buildEnv!
<joepie91> because it's something that's easy to call bad if you don't think through the technical rationale, but makes a lot of sense when you look at the rest of the language.
<joepie91> ecmascript is something very different, heh
<joepie91> so you end up with something that's considerably less flexible than JS, and considerably harder to build abstractions with... at no clear benefit
<joepie91> I'm currently only trying to test something out, which is why I'm trying to use flags to nix-shell directly; I've already specified dependencies using -p flags, but it's still not finding eg. libXcursor despite specifying -p xorg.libXcursor
<clever> so something else must have differed
<clever> kaydee: if its building things in parallel, it may hang on something else, and the url from something that ran quickly will be the last thing displayed
<clever> it only has 3gig of ram, and just opening something like an appveyor log in the browser hangs it for 5 mins
<clever> so when i want to install something new, i add it to the list, and nix-env -iA nixos.mystuff
<pie_> well i mean i vaguely remember something about nix running on cygwin? or am i mixing it up with something else..
<clever> then i can have a nix managed build of something windowsy
<pie_> im so braindead but i really want to try something before i go to bed xD
<slabity> So wine-wow just finished installing, but I can't get it to run any 32-bit applications "Err 1359". Is there something else I need to do to my nix config?
<clever> the closest thing is that you can bump something to the top of the queue
<catern> clever: the manual refers to a file remote-systems.conf, is that something different?
<acertain> can i put something in makeFlags to cause that to happen?
<Enzime> what's the easiest way to set up something that automatically rebuilds packages from latest git commit?
<Enzime> oh I thought you meant by adding the default.nix to the repo, it would let me more easily install it or something
<joepie91> catern: right, that was kind of my thought; it sounds more like dependency containerization than something Nix-like


<contrapumpkin> I'm guessing something odd going on with S3 based on https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=180357
<gchristensen> something I like about it is a new strings function doesn't necessarily get put automatically in to the lib scope
<bhipple[m]> I see this thing, but what I'd like is to auto-login to something like plasma5: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/x11/display-managers/auto.nix
<ghlaw> Anyone seen something like this before?
<deltasquared> could be worse. got an old pentium IV system that likes to have kernel panics after putting it into suspend... it'd work for a while but *something* was causing memory corrupts. not sure if bios or GPU
<M-liberdiko> The error was something like : "your module doesn't exist" when doing "sudo nix-env -f ~/os/nixpkgs -i 'emojione.*'"
<gchristensen> so here is something, evaluating all the nix tests with the fndocs from moretea adds less than 1s total time
<simpson> Huh, which package is $(dig) in? Alternatively, should I try something else? I'm not particularly attached to it.
<Infinisil> Expect maybe my fear of deleting something important
<Infinisil> clever: Linux Filessytem it is, I can do better than that though, I'll modify this to something
<cstrahan> puffnfresh: drats -- I didn't read the part where Docker states that osxfs is closed source. have you, by any chance, looked at whether or not it would be feasible to leverage their binary (not being able to directly distribute it would be un-ideal, of course, but at least that's something)?
<oborot> Maybe I got something wronge... gonna try again
<Infinisil> UUID is something different though
<clever> use the i command in fdisk to compare it to something known-good, or gist the state
<Infinisil> But i feel like somewhere I done something weird for having to set the string manually
<Infinisil> clever: Okay I definitely messed something up with lvm, getting an error "No space left on device"


<LnL> cstrahan: you should talk to puffnfresh, he's been working on something like that
<Infinisil> Currently I fear having something like this happen to me. While I backed up the most important stuff, there's still lots of things without redundancy
<srhb> I suppose grub might be doing something different from systemd-boot, or whatever its name is these days.
<hodapp> editing video is just something I do basically never
<pie__> srhb, something something nix tutorials....
<lassulus> under output devices there either is something like dummy-device (which means the real device is somehow locked) or something like 'built-in audio analog stereo'
<hodapp> wonder if I could use a separate webcam just for audio or something...
<clever> something critical is wrong in the opengl, but it runs fine under things like xephyr and xnest
<hodapp> Intel something
<clever> Infinisil: something in there is doing it, the .vimrc is empty
<Infinisil> Just every hydra build or something
<aowiergjer> Hi! I'm a new Nixos fan. Can't believe how I lived life without nix-shell before. I'm often creating a shell and then running the program the shell was created for. I'm wondering if Nix-shell can do that all in one go - something like `nix-shell -p git git status` to create a new shell with git and run a command in it?
<joepie91> so that I have something to open an issue *about*
<joepie91> Infinisil: there are a few significant issues with in-code docs that have led me to try and build something that works with separate files; ie. anything that involves "modifying the Nix source files" is out of scope for what I'm trying to do
<Infinisil> joepie91: Had a discussion with gchristensen once where we thought about using something like a `doc` attribute in nix itself to make structural docs
<Infinisil> seequ: Hmm, that's the same for me, I didn't think something would be wrong
<GlennS> worth reporting, or have I misunderstood something?
<pie__> ok i think the hash is cached or something and its trying to build a different package 0.o
<pie__> that apparently did not disable tests or something...
<LnL> something like defparameter or builtins.addFunctionDocs
<gchristensen> FRidh: my understanding (and this is all second hand from someone who knows this better than me) is there isn't really a symbol table that we can attach docs to, much like the problems in documenting lisp. everything is locally scoped. we may largely know it as lib.concatStringsSep but it could just as easily be renamed to something else somewhere else and who knows
<joepie91> gchristensen: sure, but like I said, once something is merged it gets harder to replace :)
<gchristensen> joepie91: but again, if you come up with something cool after this merges, this isn't permanent
<gchristensen> joepie91: I'm all about great docs, but the effort can't be held up just b/c it isn't perfect. we can start somewhere and replace it when something better comes around, it is possible :)
<joepie91> which I hope to eventually turn into something like https://gist.github.com/joepie91/95ed77b71790442b7e61 (which I maintain for JS / Node.js)
<joepie91> mbrock: end goal is to produce an Actually Usable end user distro, something that can legitimately compete with Windows in terms of usability and integration, and something that's very reliable in operation; NixOS plays an important role in that last part
<mbrock> something along those lines seems like a possibly desirable state of affairs, because it would let those distros be opinionated in their various UX ideologies
<joepie91> good example of something that recognizes documentation as being part of usability; the Rust compiler
<joepie91> gchristensen: fwiw, this is something I'm working on; producing tooling to allow a more focused usability improvement effort; the exact shape of that tooling is not very strictly defined yet, but eg. the Nix parser I'm writing is a part of that
<dhess`> how well is Docker support working in NixOS these days? Last I looked, it couldn't work with the new registry or something like that


<taktoa> like, have a SQL column for the file in which the `builtins.memoize` was used, then preload all those rows when you start evaluating something in that file
<taktoa> I'm talking about a sqlite database that would live in ~/.cache/nix or something
<simpson> So glxinfo might say "software rasterizer" or something like that.
<Infinisil> sphalerite: I think it should be possible to create a new python package set with something like pythonPackages.override { ...}, then you could use that for other dependants
<dtzWill> Infinisil: hmm, what would be something nixpkgs could do or facilitate if it handled versions in a different way?
<sphalerite[m]> something something cloud
<Infinisil> sphalerite[m]: And this happens down to block-level (4K or something)
<Infinisil> And if something like ninja2nix gets integrated into every build process, then you could even cancel at *any* point during a build and resume
<Sonarpulse> I could use ${!something} to choose names on the fly
<LnL> Sonarpulse: so the salt is something like HOST/TARGET when doing a cross build?
<Sonarpulse> so not knowing the status quo is no impediment for coming up with something new!
<Infinisil> pie_: Here is a decent example of something more complicated: https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/blob/master/update.nix
<catern> I want to do something as official and goodly as possible
<catern> is there a way to get something simple working quickly?
<catern> I want to reimplement something like callPackages for my own Nix tree thingy
<pie_> i think it might have something to do with this double shebang thing
<avn> globin: error: attribute ‘zfsStable’ missing, at /home/avn/nixos/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:13:2 (looks like you break something ;))
<peti> Well, people who run cabal2nix to generate build instructions for their development project may need those overrides in place for the build to succeed, and then those overrides must be known to cabal2nix. If that information is in Nixpkgs, then that won't help them because they aren't necessarily building something inside of Nixpkgs.
<sphalerite[m]> pie_: something like with pkgs; runCommand "nix-shell" {buildInputs = [packagea packageb];} ":"
<pie_> unrelated, is there a url that redirects to the latest unstable nixexprs? so i can do something like nix-shell -I unstable=https://nixos.org/channels/[...]/latest.tar stuff
<mpickering> I'm trying to build a haskell package but something is going wrong with hs-source-dirs not being taking into account. It tries to find the executable file in . rather than src/ (as specified in the cabal file)
<ikwildrpepper> or is yarn at top-level just an alias to node packages or something
<bennofs> gchristensen: pong did i break something? :)
<manveru> is there an easy way to do like (import <nixpkgs> {}).override { somepkg = something; }
<ikwildrpepper> anyone else getting email notifications from some hydra instance from awakenetworks.com or something?
<srhb> If it doesn't, I *think* something is wrong in your setup, as the profile isn't being picked up correctly by some of your programs (PATH, etc.)
<Infinisil> Okay I think something is messed up, happened before I unplugged it forcibly though, it must be the reason i couldn't unmount it
<hodapp> taktoa: anything that makes Haskell builds easier is something I'm supportive of
<Infinisil> I really want to write a nix function that does this using a package, so that you can just do something like `lib.validate (g: g.haskell) "<haskell program here>"`
<Infinisil> taktoa: Only instance I could think of where performance would matter is when you build something for the very first time without having all the cached derivations, then using IFD is strictly slower than a builtin, but everytime something gets updated IFD would probably be faster
<Infinisil> taktoa: But if people are already content with IFD, then there's no reason for doing it in evaluation-time.. Only when people start asking themselves "Gee, I sure wish I had the AST of this string", then it's something different
<Infinisil> It only rebuilds and sends a confirmation email when something changed
<hodapp> ugh. what's the proper place for modifying something in the unpacked source?
<hodapp> well, I'm running into something else now, which is that I can't run what I need to because the /nix/store/whatever is read-only
<gchristensen> yeah but when does that happen? my linters happen when the only result is a file on disk or something
<taktoa> gchristensen: if you want to do something with the output in Nix
<gchristensen> I'm worried about it being wrong and preventing a user from doing something that is valid, that our validator barfs at


<Infinisil> taktoa: But isn't this already possible by using something like `runCommand "validate" "${pkgs.myparser}/bin/myparser ${script-derivation}"`
<Infinisil> taktoa: But what's a useful usage example? Like an option or something that would turn out to be much simple/more correct
<Infinisil> joehh: Doesn't look like that's something you could get around, the warning is probably there for a reason
<Infinisil> Seems like something one might want to have
<Infinisil> Yeah nope, something went wrong there
<hodapp> so... nix-shell -A foo gives me a build environment in which I may build 'foo'... but what if rather than 'foo' I want a more complicated expression, or something from my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix?
<tnks> am I missing something?
<tnks_> I feel something might have changed from when I last used it.
<Infinisil> Maybe I'll find something interesting
<hodapp> probably something needing BLAS/LAPACK
<hodapp> if I have something defined in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix, how would I do something like nix-shell -A over this?
<LnL> is let ... in syntactic sugar for that or something?
<dtzWill> (I had to define 'hello' to something, so I did 'hello = {}' previously)
<dtzWill> clever_: what version of nix causes nix-repl to do something special w/the snippet you gave? Or should it be on all? Trying on my 1.11.x version just shows the result is '{ type = "dummy"; }' which is disappointing :#
<LnL> I want something that gets cleaned up when the indirect is removed
<gchristensen> `man nix-store` something something indirect roots
<sphalerite[m]> or something like that
<gchristensen> is there something likebuiltins.parseDrvName but to get "git-2.13.3" out of /nix/store/6q1sa7w2xbf0c162d6jdyxmhp88wdx1d-git-2.13.3 ?
<radvendii> amarolo_: I'm wondering if this is an ELF problem, which is something I've had to deal with before in the context of wine
<disasm> bennofs: typically that happens to me when I do something that causes the terminal to receive a bad character, either a bad copy paste, or a cat of a file with nasty symbols etc... If that's happening from a clean terminal, I'm at a loss.
<NickHu> It basically didn't backspace because of something to do with terminfo
<amarolo_> every time I try to do something slightly complicated on nixos, i run into issues with nowhere to go for answers... like where is the wiki?
<hodapp> sadly this is also a bit of code I was hoping was working right because I need to extend it for something >_>
<joepie91> because the stars align just right for something to 'click'
<radvendii> joepie91: I suppose, but it does sometimes cause problems if something like `#!/usr/bin/env python` slips through in the code, and therefore calls the runtime path version instead of the version you actually needed (say python 2 versus python 3)
* jgarr is thinking of something similar to yum install --root /nix
<jgarr> I do feel like flatpak is trying to work backwards from a docker container and build something simpler like nix. I was just trying to understand how nix accomplishes the environments and what layer (shell vs system) they were isolated
<hodapp> with something like "nix-shell -p python35Packages.numpy python35Packages.toolz" (as in the manual), does this automatically include Python as a dependency?
<copumpkin> ikwildrpepper: that'd be great. Pretty sure if anything takes 8 hours something's wrong :)
<copumpkin> is that something I can do from the Hydra UI so I don't have to bug y'all when I see it?
<clever_> sphalerite[m]: and something nixos sets up in /etc/profile auto-creates it
<gchristensen> whether something is running from system packages or its own packages, it is important to keep them up to date
<deltasquared> I'm just glad I wasn't brought up to be casually racist or something worse
<deltasquared> inb4 different header versions or something
<pie_> bennofs, ok idk i broke something somehow just by existing, i redownloaded it and that fixed the issue \o/
<deltasquared> it was something about basically cludging inode numbers.
<gchristensen> but next time I expand it maybe I'll write it in something that isn't bash
<magnicida> something like??? installPhase = "mkdir -pv $out/bin; cp -v $src/somefile.hpp $out/include/";
<globin> niksnut: is it really running from the currently last successful eval, not that something got stuck that time the channel went back to the past?
<ocharles> I want to use the ideas in https://blog.wearewizards.io/how-to-use-nixops-in-a-team, but all the nix expressions are absolute paths, rather than local to the state file (or something)
<mpickering> I thought I saw something by Gabriel Gonzalez where he had per module derivations but can't find it now
<joepie91> maybe something relating to HTTPd config?
<clever> nh2: in reply to something you asked a few hours ago: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24844


<copumpkin> whoa writing a parser in something other than bash? that's wild!!
<globin> nh2: you can always add a different gcc/clang version to nativeBuildInputs if you need something special
<taktoa> it's fine if you're doing something small and local
<taktoa> catern: think of Nix as a string templating language on top of a primop that creates a drv file (which consists of the data necessary to build something)
<grahamc> Deployment.ec2.initialebsvolumesize or something like that ocharles
<sheenobu> content-addressable filesystem? something proprietary?
<et4te> or its something nixpkg related?
<LnL> was probably added for the docs or something then
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Was just wondering, how do you feel about putting premade non-specific modules into home-manager (or something else)? E.g. I just cobbled together a webdav contact/calendar server thing and it would be nice if other wouldn't have to struggle as much as I did and just do premades.webdav.contacts = true or something like that
<Infinisil> mpickering: I feel like you're doing something nix wasn't intended for
<mpickering> If I see this warning "warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory", have I done something wrong?
<GlennS> does I need to rebase my pull request onto a newer master or something?
<Myrl-saki> How do I run something as a background in a package?
<ocharles> domenkozar: ok, do I have to do something to get it?
<copumpkin> something funky going on with the queue runner I think
<FRidh> gchristensen: yes, but. Most if not all of those i686 packages are proprietary. Those are therefore not build by Hydra so that would mean it also wouldn't build their dependencies. I think we should therefore explicitly list packages or something.
<ikwildrpepper> spear2: looks like there is something called psensor in nixpkgs-master
<spear2> is there something like psensor (displays a system CPU/GPU, etc. temperature graph) for NixOS?
<sphalerite[m]> Do we have something like debootstrap? I'd like to set up a chroot with nix
<zx2c4> something nuts like that
<zx2c4> which is why something sort of crappy that uses gpg (like pass) is probably good enough
<zx2c4> yea. it turns out it's not enough to encrypt something. you also have to add an "authenticator tag" -- usually 16 extra bytes -- that demonstrate that the encrypted text wasn't tampered with
<zx2c4> (we can take this conversation into #pass or something if doing it here is obnoxious)
<Infinisil> gchristensen: You wanted to tell me something?
<nh2> zx2c4: for me the use case of pass-on-the-phone is for emergency mode. If I'm somewhere without my laptop and I have to fix something via some other computer or even SSH from my phone, I can retrieve the passwords if I have to
<zx2c4> maybe i dont use enough apps or something?
<nh2> zx2c4: I think the approach was pretty good given the circumstances and came at the right time -- for me at least, it solved my password issues in exactly the way I wanted in terms of simplicity and behaviour (sure, I'd prefer something memory-safe as a replacement for gpg and something sane as a replacement for bash from a technical perspective, but from a user perspective I don't see them)
<Infinisil> zx2c4: There are some tools that allow you to choose between multiple store formats, maybe something like this could work
<zx2c4> so for more powerful databasey things, you probably dont want something quick&dirty with the filesystem
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Yes and also because sometimes you want to query something more complicated, maybe assign tags, maybe sort them into categories, a schema for username/email/whatnot would be nice. A database would provide lots of possibilities
<zx2c4> "use the filesystem, and something that's around like gpg, with bash and git and whatnot, and then the thing will remain uncomplicated and reasonable secure" vs "invent something new, and make a beautiful minimal implementation with spaceage cryptography"
<Infinisil> There must be something better than gpg now, right?


<et4te> the naming confused me because i was looking for something that fixed the binaryCache problem
<et4te> like via BTC or something
<copumpkin> catern: if you want something more structured, you can also spit out some JSON into the builder and have something inside it consume it
<copumpkin> you can speculatively change something
<copumpkin> the threat being that someone observes you reading nixos manual or intercepts your conection and convinces you to install something that isn't nix, while making you think it is nix?
<gchristensen> if something (A) depends on a job (B) that failed and you restart the failed job (B), you also have to restartA
<copumpkin> I'm never quite sure when something gets cached as a failure and won't retry
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: something on staging must have broke darwin boot