
<vaibhavsagar> or is it something we'd have to build on top of NixOps + Disnix?
<ixxie> sphalerite, Profpatsch - something like { 'Getting Started With', 'Daily Use of', 'Configuration of', 'Understanding'} x { 'Nix', 'NixOS', 'NixOps', 'Hydra', 'Nixpkgs'
<kuznero> When I start nixos without X in VirtualBox I get a pretty small screen resolution. I can tweak i18n.consoleFont to something like sun12x22, that solved part of the issue, but how can I make it bigger?
<pmeunier> I'm probably going to change the name to something like carnix (if you have better naming ideas you're welcome to suggest)
<sphalerite> pmeunier: but I seem to recall explicitly passing -fdiagnostics=color or something like that to GCC to get it to colour the output
<sphalerite> pmeunier: I think it's something that isn't usually done, because it makes the build logs all weird and stuff
<adisbladis> hyper_ch: At least that's something..
<etu> lars__: The keycaps are amazing at steering fingers to use the "right" finger for the right column. Which is something I'm terrible at. I also like how compact it is that you can put the parts on stands if you want. You can also put halves together and have a really short cable so my desk is less messy. Also the built in wrist rest feels amazing :)
<hyper_ch> hmmm, do I need virtio or something as module to be loaded in the guest?
<vaibhavsagar> cool, maybe there will be something in there to surprise you :)
<srhb> gfixler: Something like that.
<vaibhavsagar> I believe even windows would let you do something similar
<gfixler> clever: but aren't you running that ubuntu container on something, like another ubuntu?
<gfixler> that was something I presumed - that setting up the container in the first place is probably just as hard as getting anything to work on my pc
<gfixler> srhb: I've realized I don't grok the difference between shoving dependencies into a container and using that and spinning up a nix-env something-or-other
<matthewbauer> it will give the last updated commit, if you're waiting for something
<FreakingOut1987> I think there was some caching going or something
<vaibhavsagar> I'm trying to do a nix-copy-closure and getting an error that something 'lacks a signature'


<sphalerite> kyren: the overlay itself would look something like `self: super: {netatalk = super.netatalk.overrideAttrs {name = "netatalk-x.y.z"; src = super.fetchurl {url = …; sha256 = …;};}; }`
<kyren> I felt like I should have been able to figure it out from the documentation, but I might be too noobish still to get traction with it, I suspect that I can do something like download the default.nix, modify it, stick that file in /etc/nixos/, then include it in an overlay in configuration.nix right?
<kyren> hey, I have a question about the best way to do something, and I suspect the answer is "overlays", but I'm not sure
<copumpkin> something has to run the git checkout for you, so I can't just evaluate nix in isolation
<georgiy> Hey folks. I'm trying to get use Python with Protobuf on NixOS. While everything works fine on Fedora when I try to import the python file output by protoc I get an error saying that the google module wasn't found. I'm probably doing something wrong but an not sure what. Please help.
<Lisanna> would something like that work?
<disasm> rnhmjoj[m]: maybe I'm missing something but that essentially looks to me like both if branches will be skipped all the time, which means their worthless code, right?
<clever> Lisanna: but it has the downside, that something as simple as nix-env -i hello, has to download your source always
<rnhmjoj[m]> i came up with something like this
<ryantrinkle> woffs: yeah, i've got something to do that
<bbarker> i wondered if that might have something to do with the different nix store hashes
<betaboon> sphalerite: you're right on the docs. nix realy excells on that front. but removing the need for a developer (in a team of developers) to look into the docs is something i found to be an advantage
<neonfuz> so would even something as simple as whitespace change in the nix file cause the hash to be different?
<tejing> when I try to move from wine to wineStaging, for some reason, nixos-rebuild is trying to downgrade my version of samba to something old that won't install due to security issues. why would this even be happening? how can I stop it?


<dhess> When I have some time I need to look into IOHK's deployment thing written in Haskell. I could use something like that
<Lisanna> so in a nix expression in a runCommand for runInLinuxVM, I guess that would literally be something like "nix-store --export ${drvname}"
<Lisanna> or something like that
<Lisanna> I think I remember reading that the buildInputs get mounted as a special filesystem or something in the QEMU? Could I do a copy from there into the disk image's native /nix?
<Lisanna> It's not NixOS, it's a RHEL or something, but I've installed Nix on it, so /nix exists
<Sonarpulse> bgamari-: oh that is just something let-bound in the linked code
<taaperotassu> Is the xarchiver from nixos unstable something that we should correct by ourselves manually?
<Phillemann> I'd like to write a simple script to check if nixos-unstable has updates for me (in other words, nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade does something). What would be a good way to do that?
<kuznero> srhb: does it work on nix-build in general or there is something like nix-test? Is it pure?
<sphalerite> You could use xdotool or something to script it but it's very nasty
<stph__> sphalerite: this afternoon I just try to have something more or less running, even if incomplete. I'll see about deleting packages and upgrades afterwards.
<tobiasBora> Mic92: Well, something like "please run a new NixOs instance, in a Lxc container, with the following configuration"
<sphalerite> something like docker is probably in between, but ew docker
<joko> MoreTea: cool, I guess I have to do something similar with python.buildEnv
<c0bw3b> or if you have something "not so useful" to remove in your $HOME, now's the time :)
<lunaris> nix-env -qaP "*.node.*" doesn't list any nodePackages items, so I imagine I'm missing something obvious.
<tobiasBora> ixxie: something like that yes. So for now, I guess I'll write a function that create the file for one user, and then map this function to all users...
<srhb> globin: Regarding the gitlab tests (of which you have fixed some things locally?) there also seems to be a missing webserver. Afaik the current gitlab service definition doesn't open any tcp ports at all and instead relies on a proxy like nginx in front, forwarding to http://unix:/run/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse.socket or something like that.
<FreakingOut1987> maybe something to do with power, just glad it's working
<Unode> clever: yeah was thinking of something like that. Right now I have 2 things on the table. 1) a rogue script that removes more than it shouldn't. 2) I have /tmp as tmpfs and rebuilding nixos somehow triggers a cleanup.
<jsgrant> You have to do something weird in fish to set persistent paths ... again don't remember -- sorry, really tired.
<clever> there is something systemd related that does that in /run/user, but not /tmp
<pxc> jsgrant: to get your Fish environment to set up Nix correctly on Fedora, did you use something like the foreign-env plugin for oh-my-fish, or do you use a POSIX shell as your login shell and then launch Fish from there?
<clever> boomshroom: you would need to do something like mplayer does, with runtime cpu feature detection, and auto-selecting the right version of the function


<tilpner> You could do something like that, yes. It doesn't mutate the original list though. I see no advantage over defining systemPackages as usual though
<tobiasBora> tilpner: but you cannot for example do something like : " let p = [emacs] in .... let p = [firefox] ++ p in ... env.systemPackages = p", where p is always a fresh variable ?
<tilpner> tobiasBora - I meant something like: { ... }: let firstPackages = [ ... ]; secondPackages = [ ... ]; in { environment.systemPackages = firstPackages ++ secondPackages; }
<tilpner> tobiasBora - Updating a list is not something you do in Nix. Why do you need to split the definition?
<tobiasBora> I'd like to know, is there an "efficient" way to deal with nixos, so that when I want to install a new package, I can get it within a few seconds ? Because on my raspberry pi, when I run "nixos-rebuild switch", it takes something like one minute to achieve, while my configuration file is nearly empty. So if I want to install a new program, I "lost" at least 1mn for nothing...
<justin-sleep> has no one gotten android development working successfully? or am I missing something?
<vcunat> (but of course, if your expressions change hashes to something that's not in binary cache, you're out of luck, regardless of that change being caused by overlay or whatever else)
<judson> I'm wondering if something like nox could do something scons like with the .nix files it loads? I guess the problem would be that it would take as long to check the ages of files...
<Lisanna> I feel like that might violate the Nix contributing code of conduct or something...
<Lisanna> also, I'm getting a syntax error for something that looks like valid syntax to me, does this look like valid syntax? in [ c // { name = "${name}-${c.name}"; foo = foo'; } ]
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: nixos wireguard has no options for adding execstart or something
<sphalerite> it is for something or other, I don't know exactly though. I think it's only for non-nixos systems. I really don't know what I'm talking about :p
<sphalerite> maybe NIX_SSL_CERT is getting unset or something
<sphalerite> you could also do something like `nix-shell -p 'rWrapper.override {packages = with rPackages; [foo bar baz]}'` to get the packages you need
<MichaelRaskin> Whatever, not something where a user can press a single button and wait for update to install.
<MichaelRaskin> Something locks up, a 30-second watchdog gets it.
<sphalerite> lars_: they don't necessarily know what they're doing, they might have just googled how to do something and found these instructions that say to run sudo make install
<clever> ive been wanting something that can parse it into an AST, apply some mutations, then serialize it back out
<clever> joehh_: if you use grub, that "something else" can be https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/rescue_boot.nix
<clever> joehh_: and you need to boot from something else to perform that mv
<marantz> manual? ofxclient docs don't know about nixos, but there is something in nix-pkgs for it
<lars_> and how would you say you are doing something _fast_ or _sloppily_ and such?
<ldlework> if you think there is something lojban cant do, its probably you just havent learned it yet
<radvendii> is there something else I need to do to install idris properly?
<doublehp> sphalerite: youtube-dl fails internally, on some links; work for 95% links, and fails sometimes; always the same links; so it has something to do with an internal call of youtube-dl
<Mateon1> FreakingOut1987: On my system it takes 70 gigabytes, but I never ran a garbage collection (Cause I'm unsure how to prevent something I built but didn't install from getting deleted).
<sphalerite> Looks almost like you're still on 16.09 or something D:
<Mateon1> A while ago I asked about breakage in the unstable channel, it seems that there is a nix syntax error there. Is that an issue on my side (something outdated), or did unstable break?
<ArdaXi[m]> Though, nix-index provides something similar
<gfixler> does Nix ever give such information about what to install when something is missing?
<sphalerite> yegortimoshenko: I think we already have something like that, hang on
<Mateon1> Is that an issue on my side (like outdated nix), or did something break on unstable?
<sphalerite> why does nix-env from nixUnstable always give me "unexpected end-of-file" if I try to install something? I use `nix-shell -p nix` to revert to 1.11 temporarily as a workaround, but it's not nice
<sphalerite> Something like `systemd.services.myvm = {serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; wantedBy = "multi-user.target"; script = "${pkgs.virtualbox}/bin/VBoxManage startvm myvm";};`
<kyren_> I could always make some kind of custom systemd script or something, but I didn't know if there was a simpler / better way
<sphalerite> And rpath has been around for a long time, you're probably just using it wrong. Since it's a linker option, it has this really nasty way of being called, something like -Wl,-rpath
<MichaelRaskin> there is a parameter of fetchgit called something like leaveDotGit
<__monty__> I must have something not set up right because everything's still happening locally.


<ahstro> MichaelRaskin: Yeah, I'm sure there's something special going on, but I'm not completely sure what. I generated the .nix file with cabal2nix, so going to read that source
<MichaelRaskin> do you use something special like buildHaskellpackage?
<sphalerite> kuznero: something else has grabbed sound maybe
<MichaelRaskin> (as opposed to something weird based on Nixpkgs and pieces of NixOS)
<rycee> infinisil: Yeah, my idea was also to use something like symlinkJoin to merge the original package with one having the wrapped bins.
<manveru> i feel like i'm missing something obvious, because the nixos/tests/installer.nix works fine
<manveru> i mean, in theory you could whip something up with ncat... which would be terribly insecure
<manveru> maybe dmesg or journalctl say something about the (un)plugging?
<sphalerite> I don't know how, but I seem to have got my sound card into a bad state or something. I'm not getting sound through my headphones anymore. I've tried various combinations of plugging/unplugging them, restarting pulseaudio, and reloading the snd_hda_intel module, to no avail. Any ideas?
<MichaelRaskin> hyper_ch: you would go to nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services, pick a random example and try to do something by analogy.
<gfixler> it has Ubuntu something or other from a few years back, and 0 personal stuff on it
<srhb> Needs -merge or something
<srhb> Yes, it should b v${version} or something like that
<srhb> Hrm. gitlab takes a looong time to start up in the nixos test. Is there something I can tweak aside from virtualisation.memorySize?
<srhb> theseriousadult: Usually people add these things as overlays or something to be able to simply use nix-env with it :)
<cocreature> also is there something that I can throw money at to improve nix error messages? :)
<Guest18> I'm trying something very basic with overlays, but it looks like I can't get it right. I'm trying to override one of the early phases of a cabal build. I don't really care where it happens, but "postUnpack" sounds good. I basically want to add an `ls` command to see what's been unpacked.


<Sonarpulse> but something about "linking tests when we shouldn't be"
<lfish> woffs: I get the same error messages unsetting LANG, and setting it to something else
<LnL> acowley: there was something similar with chmod in a package recently, but somebody else fixed it
<orivej> Is there something like `nix why-depends pkg dep` that can tell why the build of pkg depends on dep? (nix why-depends tells this about the runtime closure, and hence needs to build the pkg to answer this query)
<freeman42x> I'd rather just install something that provides all required build tools for it
<gilligan_> Can anyone tell me something about using S3 as binary cache? It seems like there is some hydra plugin or so.. How about building a binary cache on S3 without hydra?
<tobiasBora> I just installed nixos on my raspberry 1 model a, by using the pre-made image linked in the wiki, and then I just enabled openssh, and now the raspberry pi is compiling, for something like 2 hours...
<ArdaXi[m]> hyper_ch: It seems like it would be easier to fix this in the snapshotting service than to roll your own entirely, but if you want to go the latter route I'd really just look at something similar in nixos modules and copy that
<Profpatsch> DiThi: Hm, when you depend on some check(out) that is side-effecting, you will have to download something on each rebuild.
<kuznero> And list of all evaluations is empty. I am probably missing something very obvious
<kuznero> gchristensen: I am sorry for asking lame questions, but my understanding of a substitute is - using string interpolation like this: "... ${something} ..."
<Lisanna_> What happens if you try to install something from a nix-channel that isn't in the binary cache? will it pull the expression down and build locally?


<samueldr> > A list of names and e-mail addresses of the maintainers of this Nix expression. If you would like to be a maintainer of a package, you may want to add yourself to nixpkgs/lib/maintainers.nix and write something like [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.alice stdenv.lib.maintainers.bob ].
<samueldr> oh, something which I haven't yet taken the time to upstream
<samueldr> the contributor might have renamed the branch or something else
<tanonym> Seems like something is corrupted somewhere along the line.
<tanonym> Either I really messed something up in my install or something else is going on.
<tanonym> It should be there, other people have found it, so something's glitched on my end.
<tanonym> Something's missing in my setup, but I can't figure out what it is.
<manveru> you can set NIX_PATH to something else, but usually it searches for packages you can actually install without adding another channel
<asuryawanshi> I figured out I could do something like this environment.etc."my.cnf".text = "${pkgs.myCnf}";
<rycee> jack: I'm sure it has something to do with 42.
<jack[m]> So, I have a set of derivations that can have a *really* expensive (in time and space) output that isn't used all of the time. If I use multiple outputs, I may not have to keep the expensive output around, but I still have to pay for it. If I uses a sub-derivation, then I don't even need to generate it unless something wants it. Other pros/cons?
<Dj35> I think it has something to do with the "default = true" flag. It seems that the acme service, can't reach the needed url "https://acme-moodle.example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/". Because everything was redirected to the default entry..
<disasm> WilliButz: how did you say you disabled xautolock when you have something running?
<srhb> I feel like it would be lovely if I had something akin to value constructors to express this. (MkUnsafeString foopassword vs. MkSafeFilePath /path/to/thing)
<joepie91> I bet it's something stupid like a missing DBus config or a typo somewhere
<joepie91> maybe something changed in a recent update?
<ma27> or do you try to build something from nixpkgs?
<copumpkin> 3) grab options.services.mysql.confFile.default or something and use that locally in your environment.etc
<copumpkin> or just that you need something else and it's a PITA to figure out where the conf file s?
<hyper_ch> working wifi is something desirable
<nixOp> tilpner: I tried something like balancer.networking.hostname = pkgs.lib.mkForce "balancer"; but it didn't work because pkgs in not there
<kkini> I assume that nix-build sets $HOME to that or something
<benley> if you're using nix on non-nixos, you can do something like `nix-env --upgrade --leq` to install the latest version of things in your user environment
<kkini> Maybe a dumb question, but suppose I find there's something wrong with something in nixpkgs, say foo/default.nix, and I fix it and make a pull request, but I don't change the name or version of the derivation. If someone had run `nix-env -i foo`, at what point will they get the updated version of the package with my changes?


<Unode> I mean, I can probably do it with a full blown derivation, but since I'm bumped into other zlib issues recently, I'm wondering if it's just be fumbling or if there's indeed something missing.
<LnL> Fuuzetsu: should be a symlink to /etc/static/nix/nix.conf or something
<globin> Unode: do you have something to reproduce
<Unode> unless I'm doing something wrong. NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE you set inside the shell right?
<Unode> any suggestions about my zlib question above? I was looking for something I could solve with a simple one-liner.
<LnL> if something changed in there you need to rebuild everything in the stdenv to build any package
<rycee> ldlework: Hmm, maybe something like `home.file."foo".source = builtins.toPath "${package}/some_foo.ext";`?
<waleee> tilpner: https://pastebin.com/m0y5cE53 , something except enableCompletion that might cause bash's load time?
<rycee> Ralith: Something like `xdg.configFile."nixpkgs/overlays/mozilla".source = builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/archive/master.tar.gz;` might do the trick.
<guillaum2> tilpner: thank you, I was trying to do something like that and was blocked at the \n removal ;(
<tilpner> guillaum2 - Do you mean something like this? https://gist.github.com/85adb5e0b3aac194f1e74953f45f8fd9
<LnL> did something break?
<ldlework> Thought you needed something like home-manager
<jsgrant> Maybe I'll just trawl Ebay & try to get a 100-150usd-ish Thinkpad or something.
<gchristensen> I think [0__0] does something like that maybe but I don't know =)
<dtzWill> do we have a karma-bot or something? gchristensen++
<dj_goku_> so the convention would be something like /root/openvpn/some_key.file
<bencoman> that sounds like what I would guess it to do, but following those example instructions under "Using nix-shell for package development", I don't "see" that happening - unless I'm missing something
<cransom> maybe my question is, if you do your deployment via a docker-compose file and you want your dev to look something like what your production is, a different process for testing and running your dev env than production is going to prop up some issues at some point
<ldlework> cbarrett nix-shell is more like using an attached Docker container with bash as the entry point or something
<ghostyy> i am having a strange problem where gp exits with segfault approximately 50% of the time i start it? has anyone else had something similar happen to them on nixos?
<adisbladis> Could probably have spent even more time fixing that with musl or something but meh, too much work.
<adisbladis> orivej: I was looking for something like that not long ago :)
<orivej> Thanks! I've used it once, but a few more people used it once too, so that's something :)


<garbas> layus: doesn't work, i thought i was doing something wrong
<MichaelRaskin> Erm, no. You are supposed to be direct and honest, that's all. It is OK to push a WIP PR where something non-trivial has been done, and there are questions that only make sense in the context.
<bencoman> Within nix-shell, is there something like/more-than `set -x` and then issue command to "build whole package just like it normally would" and I can trace through what is normally done, rather than guessing at the order to manually run commands?
* tilpner has created something terrible: https://gist.github.com/6c30125069b62ea67622b820f6af2149
<ArdaXi[m]> Actually, it builds just Nix there, so… you'll really need to mount something over it
<ArdaXi[m]> Good question… either install less or mount something over /nix
<srhb> gchristensen: Is this initiative something beginners can help out with? Not sure how much is time zone and how much is skill set. :)
<srhb> pie: So I guess we're doing something wrong there. :)
<gchristensen> hyper_ch: something like pagerduty
<ldlework> Because everytime I try to "convert" to a single-user install, something or another breaks.
<bencoman> So I tried something simpler `nix-shell -A banner` and then immediately `unpackPhase` which drops the sources into the root nixpkgs directory. Should I have changed to pkgs/games/banner folder first before doing unpackPhase? What is best practice?
<srhb> bencoman: I'd go for something much lighter. :)
<hyper_ch> as quickly as tilpner pleaded not guilty there's definitively something fishy there ;)
<Phillemann> And I'd still just write something clever inside "patches = [ ... ];" than run some unpack command myself.
<thoughtpolice> It's better to think of it as "Nix always ensures you can reproduce the same steps, every time, to install some software". It does not guarantee "steps to install software" will be bit-for-bit reproducible. So nix ensures that if you run './configure; make; make install' -- you do that the exact same way, every time. But perhaps 'make' does something fiddly, like embed timestamps in source code.
<srhb> So to reproduce something like what nixos-rebuild switch does I'd set the profile (to the path of the system closure), then run /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration switch
<dtzWill> srhb: something like that, yes
<cmcdragonkai> however your suggestion did make it do something different
<numerobis> Hi again, nixos! I think I did something stupid: I changed users.mutableUsers to false before I knew that this would delete existing passwords set imperatively, and I hadn't set the hashedPassword option. Since I also disabled root access via ssh, I can only ssh into my machine as my user but can't sudo or su to gain more priviledges. Is there any way to recover my priviledges? Thank you!
<jluttine> hmm.. how should i set the channel in configuration.nix? i tried using: nix.nixPath=["nixpkgs=https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-17.09/nixexprs.tar.xz"]; but this just causes nix to download that tar.xz almost everytime i do something related to nixpkgs..
<paperdigits[m]> tilnper, the necessary path for hugin 2017.0.0 is something like bin/hugin/hugin


<tilpner> MichaelRaskin - Something about being unable to track indirect roots on unmounted partitions
<betaboon> can anyone tell me how to do something like this `5 * "v"` => "vvvvv" ?
<samueldr> ah, though it's a good step jophish__, it's something with grub
<rycee> Should be OK to just replace any character not specified in that function by '_' or something.
<ahstro> I'm trying to configure tmux but getting an error saying "the option `programs.tmux` [...] does not exist". I'm trying to use it with home-manager, do I need to prefix it with something or what can I do?
<srhb> But it's hard to tell if that would break something for someone.
<srhb> I need a usage survey or something. I think nobody is using the zabbix modules (probably) since they're quite old. I rather feel like ripping out parts rather than updating what exists.
<infinisil> Actually, I'm trying to download something from the cache right now, and it doesn't work, but that really might just be a problem on my sidde
<dysrupti0n> hello! new nixos user here. I've added the nixpkgs-unstable channel to nix-env, but it seems that for example spotify isn't found via nix-env though it is installable when I place it in the systemPkgs in my nixos config. is nix-env missing a channel or something?
<ldlework> vincent_vdk do you use something like home-manager?
<rycee> toogley: Typically you would use something like `${config.networking.hostName}` where `config` is defined as a module argument.
<srhb> Something about imports/callPackage
<srhb> numerobis: Maybe something weird is going on with the mix between users.users and users.extraUsers. Perhaps try changing that extraUsers to users
<hyper_ch> then something seems wrong with that box
<srhb> I don't actually have a router personally, but I would expect something like that to be necessary. :-)
<pie___> domenkozar, the reason i inged you was because some python wheel building wasnt working, it was complaining baout an invali wheel name or something, and some lokgs i found on gogle suggested you knew what to do, but meanwhile i managed to cannibalize an expression from the other result to get it to work
<DavidEGrayson> I'm using nix version 1.11.15. Once in a while I encounter a problem where I have written something like "cml = ./CMakeLists.txt;" in my derivation, and nix-build populates the cml environment variable with a name like /nix/store/...-CMakeLists.txt but that name is wrong and doesn't actually exist in the Nix store.
<k_sze> No seriously, unless I have amnesia and totally missed the prompt for my password, I think something is really really wrong about the installation script being able to create /nix/
<Unode> something like that?
<pmeunier> domenkozar: I'm having *lots* of problems on GCE, I guess most people use something else then?
<ahstro> rycee: That symlinks to something in /nix/store, which I've been told not to touch. Using the GitHub master link works though, so if they're equal, release should be fine. Thanks!
<ahstro> If I don't set `options.xdg.enabled = true`, I get `attrubite 'xdg' missing` instead, so it's doing something, just not what I want
<tnias> while updating i lost power and now have some corrupted binaries. i tried to repair them with `nix-store --repair`. this does not work as expected. am I doing something wrong or shall i file a bug report? https://gist.github.com/91e876b46772eba7e3f0e3f81f2103d9
<Harekiet> play with arduino's or something I guess :)
<alp> sphalerite, that would be something I'd use.
<codygman> How can I agree to the terms and conditions of the androidsdk nixos derivation? It seems to fail because it creates a file to confirm acceptance in /nix or something?
<codygman> iqubic: no prob... I'll debug some more after I grab something to eat


<rycee> Ralith: Ya, there is something wonky about it. The setup follows the upstream one from what I can tell but it's not working quite as expected.
<rycee> Ralith: Something like `nixpkgs.overlays = [(import (fetchTarball https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/archive/master.tar.gz)) ];`
<ldlework> Ralith well I guess I'm doing something slightly different
<ldlework> rycee if I wanted to write multiple files at once to the home directory, is the proper way to do that by creating an attrset with each filename as the attributes and someting like { text = "the content"; }; and then merge that against home.files or something?
<ldlework> I'm thinking there's something I can do so that the mkDerivation automatically applies undmg to the result? I dunno
<c0bw3b> FRidh: you mean it reduces the size of the .out with only the shared lib right? and you pull out the .dev output only when you need to build something
<Harekiet> srhb well I can run nano now for instance, something must be enabling that
<srhb> chrishill: The derivation isn't bad, it appears, but something odd is happening in Nix.
<srhb> ylwghst: I mean, those messages might be from something before grub.
<srhb> XPS something I think
<ylwghst> i memorized few words there is something like
<LnL> it's packages built/downloaded and something else
<Harekiet> So I should be able to build packages as well when I change flags orw ahtever, sorta read something about that
<pie_> i mean is there a package for them or something?
<srhb> (I imagine a lot of modules add something there)
<hueFilystyn> It is something I would expect as default settings
<Baughn> katyucha: That isn't inevitably always true, but something needs to tell python where to find them, and using withPackages to create a wrapper script is by far the easiest way. Also see the manual.
<srhb> We're honestly considering just running something like ansible to copy a configuration.nix and just run nixos-rebuild switch
<freeman42x> I think it might not have been directly related to octave. I had a python package that needed some custom nix since it was broken. Something might have changed to it
<adisbladis> It could be worse.. It could be nodejs or something like that
<adisbladis> ahstro: Then xbindkeys or binding in your wm and calling something like pamixer is a pretty good option
<ahstro> So, I saw ts468's talk on NixUP at NixCon and it sounded promising. Do y'all think it's worth the wait or should I jump on the home-manager band wagon? He mentioned something about mergint the two? Will my work carry over if I start using home-manager now and NixUP finally arrives in a few days?


<sphalerite> You may want to try running nix-store --verify --check-contents or something like that (can't remember if that's the exact command and I'm on my phone, check the nix-store manpage if that doesn't work
<sphalerite> In any case, at the first glance it looks like an issue I had with disk corruption, a stuck bit or something, which was screwing up all the output.
<MichaelRaskin> This approach is basically nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A "$something" -o "$something"
<MichaelRaskin> There is a way to have something that allows adding without updating.
<MichaelRaskin> But I generally prefer a consistent view, so I put up with that, or build a small environment for a single use if I want something Right Now™
<srhb> Say I install something with nix-env -iA foopath.bar
<rycee> Something like `ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels $HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels_root` perhaps
<tgunb> srhb: yes, did that. but the result segfaults when i want to play something.
<adisbladis> It's like scout badges or something
<chrishill> rycee: How do I do that? ☺ Do I just need to update some channel, or something else?
<hyper_ch> so, time to make something to eat
<hyper_ch> (ok, it's like 20 something years that it took for this developement but still)
<hyper_ch> anyway, gotta go to the office... gotta work on something :(
<michaelpj> so - something else


<mitchty> it looks like the read function has a $ in the string used, if I switch it to $$ all is well, I can't be the first to hit this I'd hope, did something change recently how nix evaluates things?
<michaelpj> work_: I think you can do something like `xfce-panel -r` to restart the xfce panel without having to log out and in again, that usually cleared things up for me
<work_> I think it would be great to add it in `part 11` in `Chapter 2. Installing NixOS` ... something like, "If you have other system in your hard drive... "
<ldlework> maybe editor is set by something else later
<rycee> ldlework: Does `home-manager build` something if you change `home.packages = [ package ];` to `home.packages = [ (lib.traceShowVal package) ];`?
<Dezgeg> or something else, I don't know about home-manager
<adamt> fpletz: basically I'm having a hard time even figuring out how to get it to start, since it seems impossible to avoid the PID-file (does Kea fork? =/), and the current way it's built with --localstatedir=/var causes kea to try and write the PID-file to something like '/var/kea/jl8gngsvx4jacz5dw24izc8vh3yylh6c-kea.kea-dhcp4.pid'. Do you know of any workarounds?
<adamt> alp, it must be something like that. I also noticed that using serviceConfig.Environment, things are added to the bottom of the list of env vars in the unit file, while vars created with the upper level version create the vars along with the auto generated ones (PATH, TZDIR, ..). Hmm.
<infinisil> ahstro: I see, got an example of something you think could be done better?
<pie_> anyone know how to get xclip to work with plasma? :/ or something like that
<lebel> I'll test that... I don't think I did that specifically. Anyway, the thing is, something broke between two generations on my system, and I don't see anything major that was changed in my configuration.nix.
<ldlework> rycee by what mechanism does home-manager get automatically updated? Is it from the mere fact of being installed as a Nix package? Or is home-manager using home-manager as a builtInput or something like that?
<sauyon> stepheng: it's probably something you use packageoverrides for
<sauyon> or rhythmbox or banshee or like mpv or something
<sphalerite> I did something like that. It only supports efi, idk if that fits your use case, but I think it can be adapted for legacy booting too
<Unode> I've configured mlocate to be the default locate service. After the first indexing seems to work fine. The code however warns: "trace: warning: mlocate does not support searching as user other than root" which doesn't seem to be true (maybe it was in the past). Is this something worth of a bug-report?
<edef> hmm, I'm fairly sure there's something for having it mount the overlayfs from elsewhere
<ertes-w> i even have something like a mini-NixOS for that
<ArdaXi[m]> The location of the nix store is pretty hard-coded, this isn't really something that's possible to make very easy outside of a chroot
<adisbladis> joko: I think maybe you have PYTHONPATH set to something funky
<sphalerite> Yeah check LOCALE and LC_ALL. If you just try running something like echo hello using subprocess you'll probably get the same error
<jluttine> but is it nixpkgs that i need to set or something else?
<michaelpj> the other one is something about setting some nixos option I haven't seen before...
<michaelpj> jluttine: that'll get you what I think you want with the channel mechanism, you can also do something like https://garbas.si/2016/updating-your-nix-sources.html if you want to pin to a specific hash
<jluttine> can i specify in configuration.nix what nixos version/channel to use? that is, can i set something to "https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-xx.xx" and change that value to make version upgrades? would it make sense..?
<michaelpj> work_: normally you should get everything from the binary cache, you should only end up compiling things if you've asked for something it doesn't have
<vaibhavsagar> xelxebar: I think so, without the parens it means something different https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#idm140737318068176
<xelxebar> I'm thinking something like nix-instantiate -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { permittedInsecurePackages = [...]; }; foo'
<xelxebar> I'm guessing that I'm wanting to write some kind of wrapper function or something
<work_> Guys, I don't understand well this command: `mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt` ... shouldn't this be something like: `mount /dev/sda5/nixos /mnt ` ???
<xelxebar> I want to do something like '{ nixpkgs.config.permitInsecurePackages = [ "foo-1.0.0" ]; }; foo;' to install foo, but this is clearly wrong


<schell> looks like it’s not the installPhase at all - must be the buildPhase’s cmake script or something…
<schell> should i just replace the default installPhase with something else?
<schell> i haven’t written any explicit installPhase yet - seems something is happening automagically
<greymalkin> clever: I think I've found something -- the openssl derivation included in the environment is libraries-only -- no headers.
<clever> Synthetica: ah, then something must be wrong with policykit/pkexec
<sphalerite> nixos1022: he linked me something useful recently, I'll see if I can find it
<disasm> nliadm: it's completely valid to pass it around, doing something with it, not such a good idea
<Lisanna> Yeah, I see plenty of that... unfortunately what I meant was something less pure... as in, there is a resource out on the internet / LAN that absolutely cannot be contained on a local machine running Nix, and I want to write tests that are dependent on it doing something or another.
<Lisanna> I'm thinking about writing tests that use something other than runInLinuxVM, specifically tests that might require network resources. Is having a test be a fixed-output derivation not feasible?
<bgamari> it looks like it's doing something similar
<jumblemuddle> I recall some journalctl message that was run every time st was started while the mouse wasn't working about utf 8 mouse mode or something.
<TweyII> Maybe if it only sends backspace if you have a cursor over the terminal, or something silly like that
<jumblemuddle> Yeah, that's what kept me from looking into that. I guess st and/or zsh are doing something weird there.
<jumblemuddle> Strange that it randomly breaks though. :/ Perhaps a combination with synergy or something.