
<samueldr> I don't recall if you need to do something after --add
<samueldr> steveeJ: yep, hopefully at some point there will be confidence in something to handle that
<steveeJ> samueldr: I see, and agree. I think that the nix-community is the place where we can have something stable enough to opt into ;-)
<steveeJ> I'm looking for something that I can share maintenance over and not build and maintain for myself
<samueldr> iqubic: something related to home-manager, I don't know the details, but look around in their issues and/or PRs
<iqubic> I am quite perplexed now. A recent update to Firefox has completely removed all my extensions. Appearantly something changed, and I now can't have manual extensions with nix extensions?!?! I'm on Unstable if that helps anyone.
<hexa-> and if I need something more like


<joepie91> LilleCarl: yeah that's something from my own config. if you don't need any custom nixpkgs config or overlays, it can just be an empty hash, {}
<LilleCarl> Though combinedOptions is something that isn't defined anywhere in my configuration
<Yaniel> LilleCarl: yeah that is something you can do when channels are lagging behind
<betawaffle> am i imagining something, or is the version of kea in nixpkgs *really* old?
<jeeger> Hey! I'm trying to override a python override in shell.nix (specific pyparsing version). I've copy-pasted https://paste.debian.net/1175742/ from the wiki, but I get an error ("attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"). Any tips on how to proceed
<pinpox> There was something you can do with github actions to have it build on push and rollout the changes
<siraben> What's the easiest way to nix-shell into a Nix package expression? I'm doing something like `nix-shell -E "with (import <nixpkgs> {}); callPackage ./foo.nix {}"` right now
<patagonicus> Well, I managed to find the problem in the script, but I still have no idea how to log something. :D
<patagonicus> I'm trying to debug a systemd.shutdown script, but neither stdout nor systemd-cat seem to be shown in the serial console - how can I log something from that script?
<simpson> KarlJoad: Yes, builds can write to the build directory; that's how other configure scripts work. Something else must be going on. Do you want to share the package that you're working on?
<KarlJoad> simpson: The way I see it, there are 2 ways to solve this. 1) Write `config.log` to /tmp and let the write happen normally. 2) Somehow change the fact that the store is RO for this build and let the `config.log` file be written. Am I missing something?
<KarlJoad> simpson: So `sed` the config.log out for something else? In that case, what should I convert it to?
<DigitalKiwi> infinisil: of course it's not quite right :( something fails to build that should build (it builds if i do it from an aarch64 server)
<DigitalKiwi> i might have something...
<DigitalKiwi> infinisil: i have a script you wrote i was wondering about something...
<DigitalKiwi> hmm shouldn't it be possible to use wrapProgram or something and use $(pkgs.time)
<pumpy> evanjs no what i mean is, shouldn't something put an empty file at .config/nvim/init.vim so :checkhealth doesn't complain?


<Cadey> how do i get the /nix/store path for something in `nix search`?
<veleiro> so something must still be using it
<cap_sensitive> Hi. Suppose I migrate my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to something flake-based, and I have multiple machines. Given that there's only 1 flake.lock, is it true that all my machines will be forced to use identical versions of `nixpkg`?
<Lordcirth> vifon, depends on what you are building - were you compiling something from source? Often the linking stage will OOM.
<LilleCarl> Probably not very NixOS specific, but since I'm running NixOS i hope this'll work. Anyone knows of a way to make systemctl isolate rescue automatically continue back to graphical.target? (well or something that does kinda the same thing as systemctl isolate)
<adisbladis> I think you're looking for something like https://github.com/hercules-ci/arion
<asdf58> hi, I'm relatively new to Nix. I'd like to start a PostgreSQL instance when entering a Nix shell and stop it when leaving the shell. I'm thinking about using the `trap` shell command. Is there a better, more idiomatic way in Nix to achieve something like that?
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at /var/lib/nixbot/nixpkgs/master/repo/lib/attrsets.nix:279:20
<yorick> hr, I get error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at /nix/store/3b0q8ax860diqv5vhz2ps2smhzbaxhqx-nixos-21.03pre255600.24eb3f87fc6/nixos/lib/attrsets.nix:279:20
<patagonicus> The latter should work since there nix knows that you're referencing something from the nix store and not just some random string (that happens to start with /nix/store).
<growpotkin> I had asked this a while back but nobody could tell me: Is it possible on NixOS to split the store across multiple drives? I wanted to place my kernel, and my most commonly used packages on SSD, but leave other junk on HDD. My dream was something like `environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ junk ]; environment.ssdPackages = with pkgs; [ shit-i-use-a-lot ];`
<beandipper[m]> "too many" would be reducing my ssd's lifespan by something like 20%
<andi-> infinisil: the actual issue was with an inherit { inherit (something) somewhere; } and somewhere didn't exist anymore :/
<halfbit> can I ${self.version} it up or something there


<energizer> aaabbbbbbbbbb: `nix-store -qR /path/to/system` or something like that maybe
<jasom> jlamothe: manually adding it to the path in preUnpack fixes it. I suspect it has something to do with how the python specific derivation builder works
<pikajude> nginx tries to chown something inside /var/cache/nginx, but that path is owned by root and doesn't grant exec privileges to the group (nginx)
<srhb> pikajude: You probably named your machine something easier.
<srhb> Guest16519: You're welcome. Channels are a bit of a mess, so it's easy to accidentally something here. :)
<tpw_rules> lukegb: oh so it will. i must have messed the syntax up or something earlier. thanks!
<Lordcirth> Weird, libkeyutils.so.1.4 is in steam-run. Guess it must be tarred or something
<mrlizard> Maybe something between chair and keyboard? :)
<azazel> typetetris: I think there is an operator for something similar
<Duponin> maybe I could tinker something with CI/CD
<Duponin> *takes note* I'm looking into something where I can put servers config refactored, like a git repo
<Yaniel> if so then nothing to worry about, but keep that in mind if you have trouble with something video-related at some point


<cole-h> Do you not get added to the group? Does wireshark not let you do something with it because you're not part of the wireshark group?
<samueldr> and I thought something was supposed to be up "for [all] packages" :)
<fuzzypixelz> Yaniel: unless I messed something up, it doesn't prompt for a password that way
<Mic92> fuzzypixelz: I think network manager uses something similar
<Lordcirth> Henson, --verbose should do something like that?
<mindtree[m]> I ran a `nix search btqca` and nothing shows up. I'm happy to make a package for it myself, but just thought I'd check here to see if anyone can point me in the right direction or towards an example that might help. I'm also not sure if I should be making a whole separate package seeing as this is already in the main kernel repo - perhaps I should just be enabling this via some other kernel config or something rather than
<betaboon> did something change about python-packages in overlays recently? super.callPackage is missing when doing `super.python3.override { ...`
<thibm> Reventlov: do you know what did you change in the configuration? (I assume you changed something)
<rogerr> now i get an error missing cargo.lock from src. what's the current best way to build a rust app that overrides something in pkgs? like http://ix.io/2Ge1 does
<codygman__> You get a segfault with instructions from master, you can update nixpkgs to something recenet and it builds. But then for some reason X11 doesn't come up for me.
<codygman__> Has anyone recently built https://github.com/nrdxp/nixflk? I'd like to grab a working nix configuration based on flakes and customize it but they all seem broken or I'm doing something wrong.


<o1lo01ol1o> if someone happened to have erased their configuration.nix, where would you tell them to look to copy-paste something that might be workable. asking for a friend.
<thornAvery> iirc you can go (callPackage ./path/to/nix/file {}) or something to that effect?
<jlamothe> Am I missing something?
<thornAvery> im trying to write a derivation where i preprocess a file as part of the configurePhase (which i override), however its telling me it cannot open the file, even though it exists at the path its telling me, is there something special I have to do? the file is in a subdirectory of the dirvations src attribute
<dsal> I just ran into something that looks like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/3382 which seems to be a bunch of years old.
<tpw_rules> yeah i was surprised about how it mostly worked the first go. only issues i found are this locale archive thing and that the config file parser overflows something and dies if the firmware files are installed to a path that's too long
<thibm> tpw_rules: extracting it is one thing, making it works in Nix world is something else ;)
<eyJhb> I thought that paths was relative to the file ? Eg. if A imports B, and B want to import C, the path to C is relative to B? Or am I missing something?
<Fare> if callPackage does the magic, what is the proper way to look inside the callPackage to modify something?
<evanjs> What was the thing I read about the potential ZFS license dispute on NixOS? "We'll cross that bridge when we get there" or something like that? :P
<evanjs> I believe I encountered this issue, but can't remember how I addressed it. I feel like it was something like HM or etc. being a bit behind or idk
<evanjs> benschza: I _think_ it was something like documentation.nixos.enable
<eyJhb> Remember to do something like ${pkgs.tool}/bin/tool
<alvaro121> Is there a way to have nix-direnv do something equivalent to `nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { }; callPackage ./default.nix { }'`? I get `error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value ('stdenv')`
<supersandro2000> Not really but I generally nit pick people with something like: nixpkgs-fmt plus don't put 100 inputs into 100 lines, don't use let in for pname, version, try to write readable but minimal bash code and for python always docheck or pythomimportscheck


<Orbstheorem> infinisil: I seem to remember you had something similar to what I want in your config?
<ben_> How can I get a builder script to write something basic to a file? A script like `echo test > file.txt` doesn't seem to do what I'm expecting.
<hello90> I sense that something is very wrong
<gchristensen> something about a registry probably
<Profpatsch> Something like nixos.org/releases/20.09/git-revision, but which always points to the latest stable nixos release
<fzakaria> but i think there's something neat there to play with.
<simpson> Are there any practices within nixpkgs for marking Nix expressions as generated by tools? I am fixing a file which was hand-edited several times, and would be glad to include it in some list of files which generate a warning when edited or something for maintainers.
<Lordcirth> You definitely want to document and/or have something checking for deps that are old
<gchristensen> something like Chef's "Supermarket" would be useful here
<Ke> not saying it's really something that could be done today
<fzakaria> gchristensen: something that comes up a lot for me + when I review PRs is namespacing
<Ke> maybe it came through via staging or something
<red[evilred]> the examplehostfile is something added with nix-store --add
<simpson> Nothing's hidden from you; you can change literally any of that stuff. Nix merely prevents you from forgetting that you changed something.
<rogerr> something is clobbering/resetting the $PATH addition. it's probably xrdp the rdp server
<thibm> sphalerite: siraben: something like `import <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix> { modules = [ (import ./configuration.nix) ]; }` can be enough
<simpson> siraben: The upshot of what sphalerite is saying is that, if you override NIX_PATH for just a single nixos-rebuild, then you can switch over to something on a temporary basis.
<numkem> gchristensen: should have went through the whole manual... I was looking for a --substituters or something similar. thanks! gchristensen++
<risson> that way you'll see if something goes wrong at that point
<risson> I meant doing something like `echo $PATH > /tmp/path-$(date)` right after the `hm-session-vars.sh` has been sourced in your xprofile
<risson> rogerr: have you tried displaying/storing in a file yout path right after hm-session-vars.sh has been sourced? to see if maybe something goes wrong in there
<rogerr> which means PATH must get clobbered or something
<octe> but maybe that means something to someone else?
<teto> thibm: mostly a mapping (package, license). I asked because I thought nixos would already have something like that. check-meta.nix for instance but it is run on the mkDerivation call. Apparently there is a recurseIntoDerivations I could use
<thibm> teto: do you mean something like `map (p: p.meta.license) [ hello gcc ]` + flatten + unique?
<thibm> pinpox: I suppose the "getting attributes of path" means that Nix (or any child process) is using attr_get (or something related) on this path
<fzakaria> am I doing something dumb ?
<energizer> `nix-store --repair --realise /nix/store/by7b4hy789sq88dx6ylgh99gc97sznr0-glances-3.1.5/bin/glances` does something


<simpson> Oh, whoops, something happened to my antiquote.
<KarlJoad> How can I unpack 2 different sources (using fetchTarball) to different directories? Also, nix-build is building in the directory of the default.nix file. That feels wrong. Am I doing something wrong?
<MichaelRaskin> That sounds like getAttrByPath + setAttrByPath. But maybe there is something better in attrsets.nix
<Fare> I want something like (update-in pkgs ["gerbil-support" "gerbilPackages-unstable-params" "gerbil-crypto"] (overrideGerbilParams ./.))
<MichaelRaskin> I think there was something specifically for CUDA
<aasg> Just to confirm I'm not missing something, is there a function to parse hexadecimal numbers in Nix or Nixpkgs?
<KarlJoad> How can I unpack 2 different sources (using fetchTarball) to different directories? Also, nix-build is building in the directory of the default.nix file. That feels wrong. Am I doing something wrong?
<KarlJoad> Also, nix-build is building in the directory of the default.nix file. That feels wrong. Am I doing something wrong?
<srhb> Well, I guess I may be mistaken about the last breakage then, which is something at least.
<srhb> Right, there'll be something like import <nixpkgs> {} -- or something like that
<srhb> iqubic: And does that project use a default nix or something like that where nixpkgs is imported?
<rogerr> i have home.sessionPath=["~/.foo"]; in home.nix. when i ssh in, $PATH shows it but not if i rdp in. i verified __HM_SESS_VARS_SOURCED=1 on both, so something must be overwriting PATH when i rdp in. how can i figure out what and fix it?
<lukegb> Reventlov: you could, in theory, do something complicated involving an overlay mount, but it would be completely unsupported and likely to break
<matthewcroughan_> I am desperate to understand something here


<rogerr> ya but atleast it would be something
<kyren> yeah an assert or something in the gitlab module would be nice
<Wulfsta> I found someone encountering something similar here: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/2020-08-05
<bourbon> I know nix is doing something screwy to keep me off the paths
<bourbon> I assume I need to declare the paths as outputs or something
<srhb> TheSirC[m]: I think the right approach for you hear is to cut down until you have something that works, then add in things until it breaks.
<colemickens> infinisil: hmmmm. okay. I was going to try to update nss since it seems liek that's where the certs come from? Otherwise I'm not sure how I could've even managed to affect something like "CAs visible to fetchers". I don't even know how those bits works.
<sbock> hey, does anybody has an example configuration.nix for LUKS on LVM? my efforts resulted in the bootloader waiting for the lvm container to appear :/ i think i am missing something.
<matthewcroughan_> whereas home-manager.programs.thing.enable, is something that will work outside of nixos by design?
<jophish> Mic92: thanks, cachix would be good for this but I'm using my space allotment for something esle
<abathur> but it's probably easier to just infiltrate one of your package's sub-deps or something...
<siraben> Is hardware-configuration.nix something to be kept secret?
<colemickens> It's possible something else is going on, like a bug was making the related script output both grub and systemd-boot entries?
<bbigras> I might be wrong. I might be thinking about something else for the overlays.
<colemickens> zeta_0: it seems like a big take-away with the confusion around ~/.nixpkgs/config/overlays being very special. It might be good if you could find somewehre for that to be printed in bolder text, or something like that
<colemickens> bbigras: something like that? 14GB is big though. I don't know how to check "what nixpkgs rev is my running-system running on" with channels unfortunately, to confirm.
<zeta_0> colemickens: so how was it working correctly before, then stop working correctly, does the order of evaluation change or something? i'll execute that command now, one second!
<colemickens> Did something change? I'm getting SSL errors all of the sudden with mercurial? anything regrading CA certs and nix-shells or anything?
<simpson> zeta_0: Guessing that you changed something about your system overlay configuration.
<Raito_Bezarius> ah, sounds something that broke in node 12


<selfsymmetric-mu> It uses something strange called `bundleApp`.
<MichaelRaskin> General policies… well, once mechanisms are perfect, those who are not competent to just write their own policy in an hour could be given something
<cyrinux> Hi :) I'm new no nix, i try to install it with zfs encrypted, systemd-boot and efi, i can't get the passphrase prompt at boot, this stay stuck on something like zfs import .... but no prompt. I found this that match my problem but this doesnt help me https://discourse.nixos.org/t/zfs-encrypted-boot-installation-no-password-prompt/5179/14
<cole-h> energizer: If you want to take a picture of something and have it use OCR to recognize the problem... maybe :)
<MichaelRaskin> Go and actually use firejail at least for something
<cole-h> If you're editing .envrc's enough for it to be annoying, just create an alias or something to `$EDITOR .envrc && direnv allow`
<cole-h> That's a pretty nihilistic view. I don't necessarily disagree, but just because something "can" be dangerous, doesn't mean we should make it easier to do so.
<jfb> like, there's some nice stuff in gnome, but I really want to use xmonad or notion or something
<rawtaz> thibm: good chiming in! :) is this because the previous one for that specific position has to quit or is it a routine to have one per year or something like that?
<rawtaz> or more six months from october, or even something else?
<siraben> Hmm, it still shows 83! I wonder if it's something to do with home-manager?
<cirno-999> can I convert file contents to a string? something like toString but with file contents
<gchristensen> I thought we reverted that function or something
<euandreh> something like 'pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ mozilla-overlay ]; }'
<bigvalen> Is 'wine' broken for everyone, or just me ? ' nix-env -iA nixos.wineWowPackages' gets 'error: while setting up the build environment: opening file '/nix/store/vzar2msj3v5n53yq3y66fai9wr1j4ww9-user-environment.drv.chroot/nix/store/fn1la2j5v58mnjw18wsrfjvyv705lq9r-wine-mono-4.9.4.msi': Permission denied' - not sure have I broken something locally, or what.
<civodul> hi! did i break something? :-)
<supersandro2000> evils: something like this should be enabled by default and disabled for the 5% packages it fails for
<mizukota[m]> Is it possible to write nicely nix-packageable cross-compileable games in something other than C?
<sphalerite> lassulus: I really don't mind, something that lets me use and modify and redistribute it :p
<adisbladis> simonpe^^: I was just thinking you could do something along these lines:
<simonpe^^> thibm: usually the derivation says something like `nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];` but it SHOULD be `nativeBuildInputs = with buildPackages; [ cmake ];`
<thibm> While we are talking about cross compilation, I have a package which doesn't build when cross compiled because of an input set in nativeBuildInputs. That does not make sense to me, I guess something is broken in the dependency package (asciidoc)
<patagonicus> common stuff into a common.nix or something.
<tomturbo> hello, I have a shell.nix which I use to develop. now I would like to use it to create a container which can be used as a jenkins build slave, so that the dev and ci environments are the same. is something like this possible?
<gulplante> raboof: Thanks. Something weird is going on with my config. I tried moving the offending unfree packages to a file separate from the unfreePredicate declaration, importing this. Now it works.
<Reventlov> or is there something more suitable ?
<zombinedev> I thought it should as simple as `import <nixpkgs>/development/compilers/dmd/binary.nix` or something like that, but this doesn't seem to work for me
<SomeoneSerge> I still can't find the flags for strip, but I noticed that `readelf -s` has 1033 lines for .so in nix store, and 18527 for one outside, "which is suggestive of something"
<SomeoneSerge> I must be missing something very obvious...
<cole-h> Maybe it's missing something, so it has to dlopen it, introducing latency? (idk)


<notgne2> shapr: you need `programs.zsh.enable = true;` or something
<theduke> Is there something like a forum thread or that goes into pros and cons of this? Or is it just too early to tell?
<shapr> ah, so I don't need to do something like the shell trick I'm used to: export PATH = PATH : $PATH
<shapr> something like: nix.binaryCaches = nix.binaryCaches https://hydra.iohk.io
<Reiser> How can I write something that only runs for go-modules
<cirno-999> > You can install a set with extra packages by using something like (texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) scheme-medium xifthen ifmtarg framed paralist titlesec; })
<Reventlov> like, is this expected to have home-manager conflicting with man-db on something ?
<Reventlov> https://0x0.st/iRIe.txt Am i doing something wrong ?
<simpson> SomeoneS1: While I don't know if we support them, there exist possible configurations where *indirect* *software* GL is available, and in those cases, the whole song and dance would still be done in the standard way. I agree that surely something better ought to be possible, but it's not clear what.
<simpson> matthewcroughan_: Ah, the calculus changes somewhat when you're being paid to use something else. Wondering who you were thinking of killing; coworkers~?
<Steelwire> VirtualBox doesn't show any logging. However, I can see that it's trying to do something / something is locked up, there's a load of around 66% constantly (I've just let it run for the last 15 minutes or so)
<Steelwire> lukegb: Yeah, I had a NixOS 20.03 VM before where this worked. That was ~3 weeks ago or something like that. Now it doesn't work anymore in both a 20.03 and a 20.09 VM. I'd assume something broke, but I'm not sure where to start debugging this issue / how to do so exactly
<red[evilred]> I don't know how many other maintainers have tape robots at home to work on it... so I should probably do something about it.
<dutchie> iirc it was some permission error, my guess is that it's trying to touch something outside the sandbox
<mizukota[m]> etu on your $dayjob shouldn't money be your courage to handle this "feedback"? I cant accept what you call "feedback" or "criticism" to be something that helps people or software to get better, because i see that "feedback" as a big stream of negative energy towards a human
<pinpox> Could anyone help me out? I ran into ACMS's rate-limiting due to too many failed attempts at authenticating. I'm trying this config, is something wrong with it? https://gist.github.com/pinpox/dc9c70776c6f4a5b1e5d8f8a7e434da9
<red[evilred]> V (IRC): also when you type something and it shows in your channel version - before you even join the channel in irc for real
<V> seeing someone join and then reply to something said before they entered is... interesting
<Mic92> supersandro2000: you can script something yourself: https://github.com/Mic92/nixpkgs-review#using-nix-review-in-scripts
<supersandro2000> now I need something that works with nixpkgs-review
<mizukota[m]> thing about cross-compilation. When you build something for windows, you use pkg-config for linux to discover dependencies for windows. So pkg-config is nativeBuildInput. NativeBuildInputs are needed only for build-time and for native architecture you run nix from. All cross-compilers for example should go to nativeBuildInputs. Cmake shoud also go there
<DigitalKiwi> https://simplelogin.io/ :o i've been thinking about making something like this for a long time >.>
<veleiro> to have it like docker-compose or something
<supersandro2000> I see if I can do something
<eyJhb> pinpox: source a .env you don't commit? -E PASSWD=$SOMETHING_PASSWD
<DigitalKiwi> maybe something to do with this https://www.coindesk.com/coinbase-margin-trading-binance-pickle
<raghavsood> SplitFire[m]: I'm not too familiar with how locales are handled in Nix, but perhaps you could do something similar to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/84cf00f98031e93f389f1eb93c4a7374a33cc0a9/pkgs/tools/text/multitran/data/default.nix#L3 ?


<octe> am i doing something wrong or could i be meson/ninja overriding something?
<octe> i'm creating a package for something built by meson/ninja, the build works but it's installing the wrong files
<lukegb> The details of where they come from is a bit magic but basically "config" lets you refer to other bits of the config, and "pkgs" contains the contents of nixpkgs (and maybe something else? I'm sure flakes does something magic here)
<lukegb> At the top of your configuration.nix you've got something that looks like { (something) pkgs, (something) }:
<rogerr> so every time i wanna do something in rust i have to run a nix-shell -p rust command?
<Abdullah> so I think I don't have to do something
<Abdullah> I think wiki told me to do something like dpi = 80
<Abdullah> just search for it inside wiki. HiDPI or something like that
<simpson> phalange: What does /var/log/X.0.log say about all of this? It'll usually say something if it's overriding your user-chosen configuration.
<vika_nezrimaya> if you wanna build something inside of a docker container you'll either have to pass a nix-daemon socket OR host nix-daemon inside with a separate store and push to a binary cache
<Abdullah> supersandro2000: The repo should have something special for nix? or it will work?
<mkaito> so why does something like `lib.mkMerge ([(flip mapAttrs' cfg.secrets` work
<tazjin> a minor change, but something that's been missing and should be included for completeness sake
<etu> za1b1tsu: I know I have seen something else at some point as well... But all I remember is that it was a repo on github... :D
<pushqrdx> thibm one other question though, if i do `cachix use` it modifyies /etc/nix/nix.conf adding the used cache, how can i remove something that i used?
<Abdullah> vuko: what's best strategy to install those python packages? using pip --user or something else exists?
<omasanori[m]> my optimistic thought: less maintenance cost, breakage, something → less burn out → less idle maintainers
<pushqrdx> aterius i don't think i ever fiddled with something about overlays before
<bourbon> I think you'd do it by specifying a different version of nixpkgs much like you would for pulling something in from unstable to stable
<red[evilred]> vigoux (IRC): Firstly -=- Welcome! Secondly = I'm going to say something somewhat inflammatory about systemd and follow it up with a "But..."


<euandreh> I think you can do it with symlinksJoin, or something similar
<NemesisD> is there such a concept in nix as a derivation that's simply a collection of other derivations? i'm trying to bundle up a bunch of dependencies that can be included into a shell derivation or a docker image or something. i could probably just export a list but giving it a name that will show up in the builder seems preferable
<pushqrdx> no afaik nixos switched from something else before to systemd and systemd is here to stay
<infinisil> Yeah maybe it would be nice to have something like `cfg.generatedConfig` for this :)
<aanderse> infinisil: the format is 100% representable by nix (ish), but srhb needs to do something imperative
<raghavsood> Anyone with experience packaging something that depends on rust, go, and a number of other mini builds?
<Abdullah> I tried to edit sudoers file. I just want it to don't ask for password for my user. But it said I have to do something else in nixos for this. Can someone explain it?
<srenatus> hi there. I've got a package that's defined in nixpkgs. for my local `default.nix` (to be used with nix-shell), I'd like to use that other package's buildInputs. this strikes me as something simple, but I just can't figure it out right now.
<V> DavHau[m]: do you mean the commit hash, NixOS version, or something else?
<clever> daf66: youll want a default.nix that does something like this:
<daf66> just hoping to do something smooth and build a project with nothing but a single tool and source file :-)
<clever> daf66: you want to use something like yarn2nix
<lukegb> but in any case: you might want to do something similar to the node tools bundled in nixpkgs (and use something like node2nix); searching around, https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs@master/-/blob/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/spacegun/default.nix might help
<jonringer> then autoreconfHook should definitely be doing something. or else tehre would be no ./configure for you to run


<JonReed> Why could possibly something work when it is started inside xsession, but have bugs when it is started via a systemd service? I was trying to start `xbindkeys` as a systemd service in NixOS for hours now and nothing I try works. Eventually, I found this https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/2017-10-07#611290 comment saying that they also weren't able
<raboof> I'm trying to build graphviz in nix-shell, but it seems I'm doing something wrong.
<supersandro2000> like buildinputs, maintainers or something similar
<ryantm> r-ryantm currently targets staging at 100, should I change that cutoff to something else?
<NieDzejkob> Hi, what's the status in this PR of mine? Am I supposed to do something? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/102516
<jmercouris> it seems to be doing something now...
<Abdullah> lordcirth: so ZFS is something like to create RAIDs? I have only one SSD and no other hard drive.
<Abdullah> I just want some new distro to try. getting bored in this installation and its almost a year I haven't tried something new
<tobiasBora> lordcirth: hum... also, if it helps, I've home-manager running, not sure if it changes something
<srhb> aanderse: Is there a way to utilize include directives in postgres in 20.09? It seems that all options get an equal sign in `settings` -- just checking if I'm missing something.
<qwfpmluy> thibm: just putting it in environment.systemPackages seems to not be enough because `echo $PATH | grep '.cabal'` shows nothing. I thought of using `pathsToLink`, thinking that it would then symlink the cabal dir into something like `/run/current-system/sw/bin`
<qyliss> gchristensen: re: pulse in ro ~ the other day, you can set PULSE_STATE_PATH to $XDG_DATA_HOME/pulse or something
<mkaito> when I say local binary file, I don't mean something you can provide in nix-shell, but state you have to manage yourself in order to keep nixops working.
<mkaito> I do something similar with rust. Migrations embedded in the binary.
<__red__> you see the interpreter is set to /lib64/... something
<__red__> np - let me check something here
<growpotkin> okay so my bet is that bash can't find something, but it's not telling you what it was looking for ( crappy error message )
<spacetato> anyone seen something like that before?


<nf> i mean, both lambdas could be rewritten with const if you really wanted to, but i suspect you're asking something else
<xenophile> Hello. So I have nixOS on my laptop and I really want to install it on my main machine but the only thing stopping me is windscribe vpn cli client isn't availible as a nix package. Is it fairly difficult to package something from a .deb or .rpm?
<das_j> shapr: Go further up. You're looking for something in pkgs/
<srhb> It should be something like... nix-instantiate -E 'with import <nixpkgs/nixos> {}; config.build.system'
<shapr> my first guess is it's something like byobu which does use a python wrapper around tmux
<shapr> My first guess is that I need to change my system.stateVersion from "19.09" to something newer?
<mananamenos> any idea what is failing? Maybe i have to setup up something in bios?
<nf> my idea now is to replace imports with something like config = mkMerge (the profiles)
<{^_^}> Escape this in " strings with: something \${not_a_nix_expression} else
<{^_^}> Escape this in '' strings with: something ''${not_a_nix_expression} else
<V> ,escape something ${not_a_nix_expression} else
<tokudan> got some issues with string escaping in nix. what's the correct way to escape '' something ${not_a_nix_expression} else '' in nix? example: http://paste.debian.net/plain/1173853
<__monty__> I'm not sure what the point is of including something in both targetPkgs and multiPkgs unless the packages have both libraries and binaries.
<kgriffin> I'm seeing something where where the systemd units that are in my profile aren't correctly linked in /etc at boot in nixOS. Activating the same profile (like with a rebuild) fixes the link and causes the units to start.
<lejonet> MichaelRaskin: there you did indeed mention something, but iirc it was added in 20.09, but yeah I could always see about going back to 20.03
<lejonet> so now I'm in some type of limbo land where somethings want to use ld-2.30.so and somethings want to use ld-2.31.so and I cannot upgrade services at all
<siraben> had no idea something like infixSalt was renamed to suffixSalt and causing the issue
<FRidh> and for other users, they can do something like nix shell nixpkgs/nixos-20.09#hello which is quite similar to using channels
<MichaelRaskin> lovesegfault: probably the latter, and maybe to enable experimental features or something
<patagonicus> lovesegfault: Thanks, I'm not super worried, just want to double check I'm not doing something really stupid. So nix-diff might work.
<matthewcroughan_> strace man home-configuration.nix provides something like: access("/usr/man/cat0p/home-configuration.nix.0p.lzma", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
<matthewcroughan_> so something's definitely screwed with my setup
<matthewcroughan_> This is something I've failed to wrap my head around, it's not magically portable, you have to make sure you don't import stuff that wouldn't work
<porphyrogenetos> I recall something like that when I was playing around with steam, not sure how to go about it, I guess you would make a default.nix that has the core one by default and can be passed the optional one to create the union?


<lejonet> It must be the age old "Jit is doing something stupid that some new hardening feature doesn't like" or something along those lines lol
<ivan> lejonet: testing official older firefox binaries might yield something too
<xenophile> Hello. So I have nixOS on my laptop and I really want to swtich to it on my main machine but the only thing preventing me is windscribe vpn cli isn't availible as a nix package. Is it fairly difficult to package something from a .deb or .rpm?
<beertoagunfight> Okay, thanks for the pointers. I had a feeling that something doesn't feel right :-D
<supersandro2000> fzf and xclip are probably something for a wrapper.
<simpson> beertoagunfight: You're certainly close. You'll want something like `mkdir -p $out/bin/`, followed by `cp unipicker $out/bin/`. You can think of $out as holding an entire (slice of) the FHS inside of it; if you need /bin or /share, just mkdir them.
<leo60228> yes, though you'll need to do something like `nix-shell -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./julia.nix {}'` so it can find its dependencies
<leo60228> for the former, something like `julia_15.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { src = /my/src/path; })`
<cizra> cmcaine: https://paste.ee/p/SZyke - something like this. Drop this into a file called shell.nix, and type nix-shell.
<jdnixx[m]> but `environment.systemPackages = let something = stuff in ` works
<jdnixx[m]> `let something = stuff in environment.systemPackages =` doesn't work
<simpson> Oh! GL is *not* Vulkan; GL enjoys GLX, an X11 extension which allows for GL to be sent over the X11 protocol ("indirect rendering") but IIUC Vulkan refuses to do that, and you'll need something like EGL.
<aasg> infinisil (IRC): That worked nicely, thanks. Now to remember where else I needed something like that…
<mindtree[m]> I think you can also do something like `nix-env --list-generations` and then choose a specific generation if desired
<Cadey> yes, your default.nix would have something like this: https://github.com/Xe/xepkgs/blob/master/default.nix#L11-L62
<pinpox> Also stuff like personal scripts and such, that is not something that would be useful to submit to nixpkgs
<Cadey> fuzzypixelz: what do you mean? like using something such as DWM instead of a full desktop environment like KDE?
<patagonicus> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/5ee383ea8c31cd7c8489c2b076aac9c51f63b55c this added it and places it in configuration.nix. It doesn't say why there instead of hardware-configuration.nix. Maybe because it's something you'll likely change (if you're using static addresses) and thus you wouldn't want it to be overwritten by rerunning
<typetetris> Never considered using something else, since I started using it. (Just sometimes an arch vm for stuff I am too lazy to package and which goes to /opt or /usr/local.)
<patagonicus> deadpixels: Don't worry, I've done much stupider things. :D Once you get a NixOS system running, the great thing is that you can always figure out what change made something break (for example I'm currently looking for the change in nixpkgs that is breaking mpv for me, while having the system mpv pinned to an old version that works).
<supersandro2000> jared-w: maybe something is overwriting it somewhere?


<tokudan> basically i want something like: kexec.targetConfig = "... networking.nameservers = ${lib.dumpList config.networking.nameservers}";
<srid> And I'll choose ext4, unless there is a reaso to try something new ...
<pushqrdx> package metadata migh contain "erase-name": "foo" or something along these lines
<rogerr> maybe im missing something
<gchristensen> rogerr: I dunno, I don't have .pcsc10 so something you've configured or executed has created it
<clever> something in your config, is enabling a bug in nixpkgs