
<pbb> `vim $(which nixos-rebuild)` or something
<cole-h> To build something with nix, you must specify a source. There are various ways to consume this source (e.g. fetchgit, which will use the underlying .git pristine for the files). However, since .git is stateful, there's a chance that using `fetchgit ./.` will end up pulling in "something that changed", signalling to Nix the project needs to be rebuilt.
<jarlg> I have a git project where I often have to change branches and rebuild, and some of the rebuilds are unnecessary (e.g. switching back and forth between branches with no edits). With Nix, would it be possible to cache these builds? I know it's possible to hack something together by tagging builds with their "git write-tree" hash, but I'm hoping Nix can get me this?


<andi-> Grab a newbie and let them package something for with a flake. I bet they'll be confused about it.
<Gaelan> My NixOS RPi 0 W is reporting its uptime as about 50 years, i.e. since the epoch. This makes enough sense—the Pi doesn't have a RTC, so it *does* think it's 1970 at early boot, however some googling suggests Raspbian doesn't have this problem. Anyone know how to get uptime to report something more useful?
<cole-h> qyliss: hehe, I figured something similar would have happened, too... :P
<{^_^}> cole-h: 8 hours, 46 minutes ago <qyliss> I was expecting something like this to happen lol: #109353
<attila_lendvai> i'm following the instructions, but it's either outdated, or i'm doing something wrong: https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/unstable/index.html#sec-building-parts
<Ke> I guess I could just always add postDeviceCommand that links them or something
<flokli> you can use systemd.link to give it a fixed name, and match on something else that's static
<AmandaC> Is there any way I can make a USB ethernet device always have the same interface name? It seems somewhat random what one it gets, and I'm not clear if that's because my linux kernel changing, ro something on the device's side.
<eyJhb> Not sure if this is just me, but when "no" audio is coming out of my laptop, I will have a lot of white noise. But if I then mute my audio out, it will go away. Seems like something is up? Not sure if that is just puleaudio
<dutchie> if it was me, i'd put "weird sshd config" less likely than "i'm doing something dumb and connecting as the wrong user/uploaded my key to the wrong server"
<dutchie> it'll say something like "enter passphrase for ~/.ssh/id_rsa:"
<qyliss> (assuming you mean a systemd service) use a NixOS module to set the options you need, possibly using lib.mkForce if you need to override something
<qyliss> ,tell cole-h I was expecting something like this to happen lol: #109353
<qyliss> pinpox: I've seen that error too but assumed it was something with my install
<pinpox> not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a bug
<inquisitiv3> Yeah, it looks part of the key list or something and not some general information about the argument.


<cole-h> You might want to look into something like nixus or morph or nixops.
<DigitalKiwi> do you do automatic updates or something
<fresheyeball> I have something like callCabal2nix "servant-rawm" "${servant-rawm-src}/servant-rawm" {}
<noonien> i have a flake with configurations for different nixos machines, can i do something similar to `nixos-rebuild switch|boot` remotely, without copying the configuration to the machine?
<betawaffle> i've tried doing the things i was able to find on the web, and something is still wrong
<gchristensen> or something like that :) have your Nix expression be a trivial fromJSON, then some json
<supersandro2000> attila_lendvai: wrote you something
<mdash> something has to have changed in how zfs or mounting works in the past couple months
<jdally987[m]> what's the easiest way to do that? what would I have to call in configuration.nix. I tried something with `callPackage` or something like that before but I totally forget the syntax now


<noonien> i'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that when the connection was created, it was not made available to all users, so probably the secret is stored in a user-specific place, even though i did make it available to all users and changed the password afterwards
<infinisil> Seems like not something that really benefits a lot from doing it with nix
<eyJhb> Damn. having such thing managed with Nixos is trivial, but if you want auto-update, then I should have something that updates my repo of .nix files where all my servers are configured, and then deploying it with nixus
<matthewcroughan> Similarly to the reason you might want to write your config files in home-manager. So all your bash aliases end up being `something = /nix/store/`. Seems complicated.
<dutchie> i just saw something very similar today, as it happens. switched to flakes and my wifi didn't work
<attila_lendvai> i'm building something with buildGoModule. it depends on some header files (native libs), so i tried adding buildInputs = [ hidapi secp256k1 ]; but it doesn't seem to help
<thibm> esotericnonsense: you could then do something like : { "3.9" = "15f80m41…; "3.8" = …; …}.${python.pythonVersion}
<esotericnonsense> there might be a better way to do this by defining a set and using the python version as a key or something, but this at least seems to work
<thibm> immae: something like `… [ hello (gcc.overrideAttrs (_: { buildInputs = assert false; []; })) ]`, then `nix-env --dry-run -f /tmp/default.nix -i` I get the assertion error
<esotericnonsense> basically I want to do something like this; if isPy39 then "foo" else if isPy38 then "bar" else assert isPy37; "baz";
<esotericnonsense> is there a way to 'assert' in a derivation? something like 'if this condition then exit'
<l-as> you can just use passwordFile or something
<l-as> I *think* you can do `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system.config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel` or something like that, but I don't remember the exact command
<eyJhb> So not sure which packages I should choose. Or are you thinking something like nix-build -I nixpkgs=/some/path linux-5_10 or whatever
<madonius[m]> the thing is that ideally the reboot would only happen if something relevant changed (Kernel, libc etc.)
<bparker> I heard that NixOS does not have a graphical installer... is this something that's being worked on, or would work on one be welcome?
<fuzzypixelz> this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/nixos-20.09/pkgs/data/soundfonts/fluid/default.nix#L18 doesn't build properly for me, it just ouputs a derivation. If I build the derivation with nix-build it just outputs a tar archive (what?). In regular linux, you're supposed to have these files under /usr/share/... and select them through a gui or something
<b00n> I can't get the bqv version to work: "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix"
<aterius> I feel like we should add something on the wiki about recovering your EFI with refind
<DigitalKiwi> 00:27 phrik: Pastebin.com is swamped with advertisements and random captchas. Malware found on pastebin.com has resulted in it being blocked for some users. It injects CRLF line-endings. Please, use something else. Use something sane like https://gist.github.com https://bpaste.net http://ix.io https://paste.rs
<bqv> (and actually, for something you need to use in a lot of places, it's not even easier)
<K0kada> Anyway, I do think module is something more advanced, considering that someone is starting using a let is fine
<K0kada> I remember that I was having this exactly issue, it didn't allow me to set something like myUser
<bqv> i want to use it for something but every filesystem i have is either EFI system or part of my btrfs disk
<K0kada> @boon You can always define a set, something like this: { ProtectHome = true; }


<supersandro2000> I probably ran a few in batch and did something else in the meantime
<abathur> repeat: anyone know why something built with buildPythonApplication would leak its propagatedBuildInputs/PYTHONPATH into build environments that use it as a buildInput? my understanding was that this is the opposite of the point
<abathur> anyone know why something built with buildPythonApplication would leak its PYTHONPATH into build environments that use it as a buildInput? my understanding was that this is the opposite of the point, so I may just be holding it wrong
<turion> But there seems to be no appropriate type in types.nix for something like this
<mikroskeem> 3y old post but maaaybe you'll be able to find something under it
<RaunoV> builints.split came in nix 2.0, was there something similar previously also?
<elvishjerricco> DigitalKiwi: So you just enable the nixos options for xmonad and plasma and nothing else? The haskell wiki says you need to set KDEWM or something
<notgne2[m]> probably something like `nixpkgs.overlays = [(final: prev: { mpv = (import someOtherNixpkgs {}).mpv; })];`
<DigitalKiwi> i am working on something better anyway


<Raito_Bezarius> how to do something like cfg.someAttrSet.someName.name = someName automatically in NixOS module system?
<noonien> i'm not sure if should just copy the output from the original derivation, or do something else
<AmandaC> Unless you're doing something fucky like writing to the nix store from something not managed by nix
<donofrio> what directory do I cp to get all of nix install copyed, I was suggested nix-copy-closure but that seems to be over networking when all I want is a local copy in case I brake something?
<DigitalKiwi> fuzzypixelz: manjaro doing something is probably a good reason to not do something :)
<DigitalKiwi> in any case it doesn't work :( it goes to a black screen with the spinner and then eventually that goes away and i have a gray screen with xmonad working but no plasmashell (and it's only gray because i enabled compiz before it would stay on something that looked like the spinner had stopped spinning and i thought it was frozen...but it just doesn't refresh the screen anymore)
<betawaffle> (or something else)
<eyJhb> Seems like something is changing the output of the .well-known
<adisbladis> Iirc people thought it was too spammy or something along those lines
<itai33[m]> or are the dependencies dynamically linked or something
<itai33[m]> but it still downloads a bunch of dependencies for it to compile though, i thought binary caches were supposed to prevent that or something
<mikroskeem> ^ let me know if something is missing. i'll gladly take any help, those are my first contributions to nixpkgs
<pinpox> Any neovim + nixos users here? I'm trying to install this plugin https://github.com/josa42/coc-lua with :CocInstall coc-lua. The plugin installs fine, but the binary wont run. I tried to see if it ldd was missing something, but the paths' seem to be set to the nix store https://gist.github.com/pinpox/66faa86fd91bd9a8fbe353ff17d0dd9e
<Yaniel> it does sound like something that should pull in the package automagically
<srxl> I was able to try get something going with cabal2nix on the project, but it seems like some dependencies are marked broken at the moment
<typetetris> I usually used 'nix repl <nixos>' and tab completion to browse available packages. Is there something comparable with flakes?
<Orbstheorem> From the top of my memory, in a nutshell the main issues were: Upstream clears the session envvars before calling pam, Hardcoded paths to binaries and there was something 'weird' about the way it requested the tty.
<s1341> eyJhb: something like what?
<eyJhb> You would have to add something ontop of it
<pjt_tmp> you could get away with something as simple as networking.wireless.networks.thenetworkname.psk = "bestpassworpd";
<ZaraChimera> Oh right I think I had to something with the connman technologies as well.
<ZaraChimera> I'll revert and see if I missed something in ly's ini file.
<pjt_tmp> that's def something that can be fixed
<ZaraChimera> To enable the us-international layout, would that be something entered under the services.xserver.layout option in configuration.nix
<tpw_rules> nix copy copies to a directory so you have to pack everything up. the stuff on that pages copies to one file which is easier. in neither case is anything compressed though, you'll have to run it through zstd or something
<donofrio> what directory do I cp to get all of nix install copyed, I was suggested nix-copy-closure but that seems to be over networking when all I want is a local copy in case I brake something?
<cole-h> Well, yes I'm sure it probably works the same. It just seems useless to have something that upstream already has (e.g. we're not "overriding" the "what" and "where", but just the mount options).
<armin> energizer: that could pretty well mean nothing special. it could well be that it actually tries to do something on a shell script (which i would consider a serious packaging bug, at the very minimum), it also could be that something breaks (i wouldn't think so, but i'm not sure enough to be ablet to tell you that won't happen)
<energizer> I'm seeing a bunch of "patchelf: wrong ELF type" in a build log. Do I need to do something about that?


<samueldr> lcvass: I want to check something, how can I reproduce the error succintly with pandas? I never used that
<lukegb> e.g. `networking.timeServers = lib.mkAfter [ "time.cloudflare.com" ];`, although it's possible I've forgotten something that would mean that doesn't work
<__monty__> Used as an input -> dev output, installed in and of itself -> out output, something along those lines.
<betawaffle> I recall something like nested, but can’t remember the name.
<edcragg> have i somehow caught it at a time that the CI has incomplete builds or something?
<veleiro> is there something like that for system configs?
<bqv> unless i'm missing something
<bqv> something's gone very wrong with my fonts
<thorn_> modprobe iwlwifi or something?
<thorn_> is there something i should run to set it in motion, or would i expect it to work after a nixos rebuild?


<colemickens> lush: probably like gtk3 or something
<colemickens> lush: assuming that your nixpkgs is tracking nixos-unstable or something, you're fairly safe in assuming it works.
<colemickens> something like that ^
<lush> colemickens thanks! this is the first time I'm packaging something, how can I add something to nativeBuildInputs?
<fuzzypixelz> ZaraChimera: I would say something like `services.xserver.displayManager.job.execCmd = "{pkgs.ly}/bin/ly"
<viq|w> I'm trying to write down docs for myself, and especially since I was doing this multiple times having something I can copy-paste into terminal made my life easier ;) And here is result of my attempt to trim it down to just the initial stuff, without what I'm trying to add to the machine - which is a mess, since it's my first real contact with NixOS ;)
<hyper_ch> even patching that manually until it goes to master/unstable|small does not help because now some perl golib something is marked as broken
<kini> Dumb nixpkgs question - is there something like lib.overrideExisting but for package arguments, i.e. similar to packagename.override ?
<duckfullstop> not afaik, it's obviously not going to be as fast as something like ceph but the tradeoff is worth it
<sphalerite> if that doesn't work I guess gdm doesn't support it or something, but I am absolutely not an expert on that stuff.
<leo60228> if something is doing `boot.extraModulePackages = [ x ];` is there a clean way to make this a no-op if i control x?
<eyJhb> services.mautrix-telegram.* ( https://search.nixos.org/options?channel=20.09&from=0&size=30&sort=relevance&query=services.mautrix-telegram. ) creates a file called registration.yml (something along those lines), but it uses DynamicUser. What would be the correct way, to get this to be a file that can be read by others as well? E.g. a group, etc.? The registration.yml is needed by matrix-synapse, and
<mtreca> bqv: Something like programs.bash.initExtra = builtins.readFile "${pkgs.emacsPackages.vterm}/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/vterm-*/etc/emacs-vterm-bash.sh"; ?
<mtreca> Hi all. The emacs vterm package bundled in nixpkgs provides a sh file to source in order to properly set the terminal prompt from Emacs. I would like to directly append it to my bashrc using builtins.readfile, but the issue is that the path of the sh file within the derivation is version dependent (something like ${pkgs.emacsPackages.vterm}/share/emacs/vterm-2020-12-12/extra/foo.sh). Is there any way to match this file without manually
<simonpe^^> so I guess I should somehow rename the output file to something different
<qyliss> I would like binary-based packages to be something you have to opt into, like unfree software
<veleiro> something along the lines that DigitalKiwi says about assumptions
<bqv> Most recently, wondering if I can shovel this https://github.com/sahib/brig into something correctly shaped to be a secrets flake input
<veleiro> are you using ipfs for yourself or in production for something bqv?
<bqv> Like I said, not something you need to do, you can just have it as a flake input
<bqv> I just changed it so much it seemed more sensible than making a patch or fork or something
<veleiro> which is why its something seemingly needing solving for a system configuration
<veleiro> or something like that
<bqv> I have something like 10 of them...


<tpw_rules> something equivalent to cp -r ${pkgs.firefox}/* $out/ i think
<akavel> One more question: I once tried moving some commands from `buildPhase` to `preBuild`, but they didn't seem to do work then; does something like `preBuild` even exist? or should it work and I just made a typo or something?
<nomeata> Thanks! I guess I should … but then, I am just a thankful user, who only very occasionally needs something.
<Ashy> i'll try to pastebin something useful
<aveltras> Anyway, ubuntu found the drive even with intel vdm, not sure that s not something that could be done with nixos install scripts, seems quite the edge case though
<ehmry> oosl: firefox is built, but a file referencing to firefox was not built, this has something to do with how dependencies and the gc works
<KarlJoad> All I see during the main ofborg evaluation is "ofborg-eval --- doing something (vague)". I would like to see what it runs or its outputs while running.
<cole-h> I don't know how it would fare with a metacharacter like * or something though.
<KarlJoad> I have no clue how something like that could be happening, but your shell starts with a set of environment variables, and if you change them while the shell is running, the shell doesn't get the updated values.
<KarlJoad> If I have a package for something with the exact same name as another for nixpkgs, what should I do?
<aveltras> the thing i find puzzling is that ubuntu found it without problem so i dont find that s something to change in bios
<donofrio> lukegb, should I make a cp of the /nix/ directory in case something breaks?
<lukegb> donofrio: if you drop something like https://gist.github.com/lukegb/aa76a4957b46bc95bdb75d92316ccc5e into a shell.nix (make a new directory somewhere), and then run `nix-shell --option substitute false` - does the youtube-dl you get out of that work or does it still crash


<clever> but its also lazy, and will only parse if something tries to eval the `import ./foo.nix`
<clever> `or` is only special if it follows something in the form of `set.key`
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at (string):460:1
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at (string):460:1
<fuzzypixelz> surely that's can't be something nix-build adds in by itself?
<pushqrdx> so for instance the way i build something is by manually overriding --prefix to a local folder, then run the built binaries with LD_LIBRARY_PATH manually configured to point to my install directory
<qyliss> It improves things a tiny little bit, but there's no reason to do that when we already have something much bett.r
<esotericn> i want the remote builder to build, and then save the contents there, and then you'll (ideally, if dogpiling etc doesn't exist) only ever build something once
<immae> You say "im getting libpq: failed (bla bla)", I’m asking *where* you get that error. It must come from something right? Without context I cannot help you
<immae> You started something to get that error, right?
<kini> thibm: I don't know if there's a standard pattern for something like that, but how are you running pytest directly in your old Nix expression? Python must be an input of the expression, right? Then maybe you can build a custom Python which has the stuff in ./python/ installed as well, and use that instead?
<KarlJoad> Ok. Then, how about a single field? meta.fullName (or something similar)?
<lukegb> donofrio: bashbug's a shell script iirc, probably just something being overzealous with making sure things are correct
<lukegb> from the package - if you want to replace it with something (a more recent build?) you'll have to do that yourself
<iddt> lukegb: so after i've specified hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware, i assume i need to add something else to the configuration.nix?
<lukegb> So: nix thinks that /nix/store/xrhz3kqph9yq9bb1zc4n05yih12qvcdi-pianobar-2020.04.05.tar.bz2 is alive because it's referenced by something referenced by a result symlink; the carefully is because if you do a Nix GC it'll eat all of your built toolchain bits
<lukegb> (I'm sure there's something Very Silly I'm overlooking)
<abathur> while I can add a `passthru.tests = ANYTHING;` to an existing derivation in nixpkgs, and `nix build . -A blah.passthru.tests` just yields something like `attribute 'tests' in selection path '<blah>.passthru.tests' not found`
<abathur> I'm a little flummoxed by why I can run something like `nix-build . -A spago.passthru.tests` and get a failure that indicates it at least tried to run the tests


<rmcgibbo> Also, especially relevant maybe to supersandro2000: I was thinking about trying to make a github bot that runs nixpkgs-review every hour or something against open nixpkgs PRs using github actions. Or maybe it would need to evaluate only a subset of the packages that aren't that slow to build, I'm not sure how much I could fit in the free tier.
<kunrooted[m]1> I mean, I can still build stuff from sources myself, but it's still, sadly, less convinient than just `yay -S blackarch-forensics` or something
<kunrooted[m]1> also, is there a way to use AUR or something? because most of the tools which I use I got from AUR/BlackArch repos
<obadz> Nigel[m]: I tried with systemd-boot, it didn't work any better. Something about this PC's BIOS I guess. I disabled secure boot and fTPM and it still refuses to boot linux
<lukegb> ElXreno[m]: well, you can get the set of packages in linuxPackages_5_10 using something like "pkgs.linuxPackagesFor (pkgs.linux_5_10.override { stdenv = pkgs.ccacheStdenv; })"
<Reventlov> Boot on some live medium and change everything ? Or is there something easier ?
<lukegb> it's possible that there's something that's mis-detecting AVX
<lukegb> donofrio: well, the 16 hour build time is going to suck, but if it's still broken something suspect is going on at least
<lukegb> then if you try building something it should build from source
<dhess> Anyone around who uses pkgs.dockerTools.build* and can explain something to me?


<peskygee> on both systems. I got to be missing something I just can see!!
<pushqrdx> i think either i am too dumb or something is broken
<lordcirth> pushqrdx, maybe cadence wrote something to your homedir as root earlier?
<lordcirth> pushqrdx, possibly? I dunno. It has to have written something somewhere
<pushqrdx> so you mean jack wrote something to /etc that affected it's store which in turn broken all my generations
<lordcirth> pushqrdx, did jack put something in /var/ ?
<petrichor> emilsp: do you need to link it manually by adding something in `environment.etc`?
<Vanilla[m]> dycan: if you use `--output`, it should generate something like this: https://dev.danilafe.com/DanilaFe/custom-nix/src/branch/master/blog/required-packages.nix , which you can then import. Its attributes should include `expo-cli`
<cole-h> bqv: "oh cool" -> streamlink bump? or something else?
<cole-h> Pseudocode-ish, but something like: `script = writeScript "focused-window" (substituteAll { src = ./focusedwindow.py; inherit python xset xprintidle-ng; });` and call it a day
<lukegb> you can also probably do the packageOverrides thing to do something similar, but I tend to prefer (at least so far) just doing it locally to the thing I'm working on
<lukegb> You can put something ~similar in a shell.nix if you're using that, but you should get the general gist of what's going on?


<Ke> KarlJoad: sure it's a hack, but most important is to get something working at first, though I guess that's not why you are here
<KarlJoad> Can someone point me to a package that uses python during the program's runtime? Meaning the program in question calls out to Python to do something
<KarlJoad> Ke: It's something fixed that I provide through a combination of $out and a fixed name. `echo $out/.octave_packages >> /writable/path/to/octaverc`
<Ke> like is it something fixed you have in a file, or something generated fomr nix variables
<Yaniel> there is a module for making the dongle work too (xow) but something is wonky with the udev rules in that
<wucke13_> How can I add something to a list only if an attribute in the argument is not null?
<lukegb> in particular: derivations need to create outputs, and you usually have the "main" one named "out", which means the builder needs to create something at the path specified by $out
<matthewcroughan> just the guys at this place I'm living atm are all really into nix and want to do something nix related
<samueldr> maybe first run it through your lawyer? since you're starting something commercial?
<matthewcroughan> Such as something that uses nix, that pays homage to nix in its logo via the colors
<matthewcroughan> samueldr: is there licensing I need to be aware of if I wanna use the nix color scheme to do something commercial with nix?


<Yaniel> read the issue I linked and other fontconfig issues, maybe there is something useful there
<Yaniel> the broken flag is set manually so it is possible someone simply forgot to flip it off again after fixing something in a different package
<Yaniel> maybe it was something unrelated that has been fixed on that channel already too
<fresheyeball> I think this can be solved by setting an ENV var or something
<KarlJoad> tpw_rules: Something like that, yes.
<patagonicus> But maybe the cachix source has something about how it detects what's needed.
<colemickens> (if we're throwing out other suggestions, flakes+flakes-compat is maybe something if it's not been considered)
<infinisil> energizer: Are you sure there's not something missing that all other services have?
<abathur> or use something like `find -name 'result' ~/` maybe
<supersandro2000> let me try something
<supersandro2000> every time something builds tensorflow or lumo my entire home network starts to fall apart
<supersandro2000> I assume however you disabled AVX did something weird or case insensitive FS


<pushqrdx> so i keep hitting this `error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set` every now and then and i still don't understand it
<colemickens> pinpox: I think so, something like that anyway is more what I expected
<naom> samueldr: interesting! in this case i broke something else, thanks :P
<samueldr> am I missing something in the answer?
<supersandro2000> abathur: don't know. Downloading something wrong. try to run nix-collect-garbarge
<pushqrdx> why isn't it easy to do something like this http://ix.io/2Kx8 i want the import <nixpkgs> to propagate down to these derivations
<abathur> I'm not sure; definitely something weird here
<donofrio> this is why I was compiling....at least it was working, I must have messed something up ;(
<brano543> mikroskeem: I try to run the build as "nix-build --argstr system 'windows'". Maybe I am missing something, I have literally read every documentation I could find on this topic
<mikroskeem> it must be something else
<mikroskeem> no clue; maybe you'll be able to find something by grepping those paths
<aasg> @danderson yes, I was doing something similar but it ends up in an infinite recursion if I then use `flakes` in `imports`, hence why (as I understand it) I need `specialArgs`
<aasg> Just to check if I'm missing something: there's no way to pass `specialArgs` to container configs other than calling eval-config.nix or nixosSystem yourself, right? I'm trying to pass a flake's inputs down to containers so they can pick which modules to import.
<immae> So instead of conditionnal import I can import everything and then in the import itself decide if I do something of it or not
<akavel> and in main config you'd have something like: `hostname-foo.enable = (hostname == "foo")`
<akavel> immae: could the infinite recursion be result of something else? can you import the file if you hardcode the path?
<abathur> donofrio: these tend to go 1 of 3 ways: you set `nixpkgs.config.allowUnsupportedSystem = true;` and 1.) it just works (and PR to update the package platform); 2) it doesn't work and you have to find/PR fixes for macOS; 3) same as 2, but eventually fix your way to something that is intrinsically incompatible
<abathur> pushqrdx: generally ~standard build processes should work without much more beside specifying the dependencies, unless a few things need patching; I'd guess you'll end up with something like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/e7fe577d9803885d1191c6612b95c246cb605dde/pkgs/applications/radio/soapyhackrf/default.nix


<akavel> before I finally went and started learning home-manager, I think I tried to build something similar on my own based on something like this gist
<akavel> if something gets you annoyed enough that you start trying to improve it :)
<itai33[m]> it's been a while since my last bat at nixing but i recall something being odd with nix search
<bqv> exarkun: concrete example, I change an unrelated flake attribute (so something even entirely out of scope of the manual) and they still get rebuilt
<aterius> I get a lot of complains from friends trying nix from guix that declarative user package management isn't described clearly in the documentation. Is there something other than home-manager I can point them to? The nix manual mentions it briefly under changes here: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/#ssec-relnotes-1.6.0 but I feel like this is probably said more explicitly elsewhere
<akavel> is there something I can do then to run scripts with /usr/bin/env hashbang?
<akavel> oh; thanks; I was completely flabbergasted and thought I'm doing something dumb
<MichaelRaskin> bqv: I remember something about enabled options leaking into the manual build, but I have not used NixOS proper for a long time.
<skep> whenever is install something nix on droid
<bqv> Even if I change something that doesn't affect them at all
<pushqrdx> can somebody please tell me why this http://ix.io/2Kqr is throwing attempt to call something which is not a function but a set
<palo> q3k[m], Mic92 lassulus I don't couldn't really make progress. The setup is more or less running, but still something's off : https://git.ingolf-wagner.de/palo/nixos-config/src/master/terranix/jitsi-cloud/plops/configs/nixserver-host/workadventure.nix
<donofrio> well in "Network" on the mac pro in basement I have 97 files all named "Mac24-2020-12-31-06-img/sda2.dd-img.**" so I'm wondeirng how do I assemble them into a dmg or iso or .dd or something that will be viewable?
<hyper_ch> on nixos unstable something is totally broken with systemd
<bbigras> could you just override the youtube-dl to disable avx or something?
<siraben> something about flakesCompat IIRC
<notgne2[m]> there's also probably something like `nixpkgs.packages.x86_64-linux.callPackage`
<notgne2[m]> siraben: don't you need to do something more like `(import nixpkgs {system = "x86_64-linux";}).callPackage`?
<{^_^}> "something\"something else"
<bbigras> > ''something"something else''
<noneucat> you could do something like services.phpfpm.phpOptions = builtins.readFile ./php-options.ini
<noneucat> pushqrdx: maybe it's picking up a schema from your path or something?


<peelz> that's something I haven't looked into... how do you configure display managers to speak wayland under NixOS?
<notgne2[m]> as stupid as it might sound I generally prefer xrandr scripts over xorg configs because (in my experience) xorg is extremely fragile and I'd rather be left with 1 monitor or w/e than a broken system when I inevitably fuck something up
<pie_> so if i have two binaries with two different glibc directories in their RPATH, can I do something with env vars to force one of them to take a certain search path?
<aveltras> has anyone tried to package a nextjs app or something similar ? seems to be some kind of nightmare
<supersandro2000> I am going to test some new really cool modifications to nixpkgs-review. It will be more automated and informative. If you notice something really off which I did not catch please let me know asap.
<chpatrick> hey, I want to package a python package that's built by cmake and builds something called `apriltag.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so`
<maurer> That's the bot - when you prefix something with >, it tries to interpret it as a nix expression
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at (string):460:1
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at (string):460:1
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at (string):460:1
<Reventlov> Right now I just use a buildGoModule, but maybe there is something nice to copy such files
<Reventlov> I want to package something (a go package) that has some static files that I also need to ship; how should I do that ?
<noonien> it's just another build. you can switch back to the old one if something doesn't work (which is not usually the case)
<noonien> leibniz[m]: hehe, that's something nix/nixos/nixpkgs is awesome at, you can install packages system wide, or you can just get them in scope for a single shell with the same amount of effort
<tejing> I never used to mess with some stuff, not because I didn't know how, but because I knew I'd forget what I did and it would mysteriously revert later or something
<leibniz[m]> Yaniel: I have a markdown-based log file in my dotfiles. Whatever I do with my OS, and I mean whatever!, I add a line into that explaining it, so if something acts up, I know what package/binary to blame.
<noonien> i do remember reading something about using nix on routers though. however, most routers have very low persistent memory
<noonien> i'm guessing it has something to do with the the instructions to remove boot parititon
<pie_> well im lost, sometimes i van get niv to give me ghc 8.10 with some nixos branch other times its 8.6.5 or something
<infinisil> energizer: Something like that yeah, check `systemctl --user status teardeer/tealdeer.timer` and `journalctl --user -u tealdeer/tealdeer.timer` for debugging
<energizer> so something like this? https://bpa.st/BPNQ


<KarlJoad> peelz: OHH! I though you sent something to put the two devices together. My b.
<peelz> KarlJoad: right... although I suspect something in there is not playing nice. Last time (many many years ago) I tried using a generated X config, I had similar issues. Not sure why.
<worldofpeace> pushqrdx: you mean pantheon probably. I didn't test it so I don't know if it works exactly, but I'm pretty certain that is the way to do it. If you have any issues feel free to gist it or something
<KarlJoad> peelz: So, running the command given for xserver-command `sudo /nix/store/hash-xserver-wrapper` did something.
<peelz> KarlJoad: I think the wrapper script expects some args from lightdm though. Perhaps `/path/to/xserver-wrapper :0` or something like that?
<immae> Hey! I’m trying to build a collection of flakes, but it seems like there is no way to have a single repository with a bunch of flakes (with inter-dependencies), in the sense that I cannot target a subdirectory of a git repository in the "inputs". That would mean that I need to provide a single git repository for each of my flakes? Did I miss something in the documentations?
<ronny> oO - taking a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/tests/enlightenment.nix is pytest subtests being used or something else
<KarlJoad> peelz: That seems to have done something. TTY7 is now a different screen, and the X logs indicate everything is working. I need to do a full reboot to find out.
<vsiddharth> peelz: I had this problem that whenever I lock my computer I couldn't open it, even with the right password. I searched it up and it had something to do with PAM as swaylock couldn't access unix_chkpwd
<sephi[m]> I know I could use something like NixOS containers or Docker to have each website isolated, but I was wondering if there are already best practices or examples on how to solve this problem?
<Ericson2314> the benefits work with or without something like IPFS
<vsiddharth> Or is this something that needs to be done at a system level
<pushqrdx> oh i think you got something wrong, i am on nixos-unstable channel
<aveltras> seems the problem arises from having some node dependency trying to install something, is there a way to access the log indicated from the error message ?
<immae> Are there methods to ensure an increasing version number for git sources without tags? (for instance something that calls git describe behind the hoods)
<bbigras> simpson: charging money if a bit weird with something like ipfs where people are providing the hosting.
<bbigras> I if it would help if I ran `4s cachipfs daemon`. Maybe it's taking longer since the tool is not using my cache or something.
<simpson> bqv: Sure. I expect something more like NDN which is more censorship-resistant overall, though; as currently designed, IPFS could be censored by ISP-like middlemen and not just by last-mile services. Folks are not incentivized to try to improve access, but rather to funnel access to a minimal hot set of files, ala AOL.
<bqv> simpson: trust is something Ericson2314 is actively working on, iirc
<pushqrdx> simpson yeah makes sense, i was just thinking it has to be something more twisted lol
<pushqrdx> the libgnomekbdui is something different from libgnomekbd for somereason
<pushqrdx> can someone help me with this error i am getting, it seems to be something nix related as i can't find any traces of it anywhere
<sphalerite> so negation clearly works, there's just something wrong with your rules
<{^_^}> nix#885 (by copumpkin, 4 years ago, open): Deprecate builtins.filterSource in favor of something that takes a a few regexes (perhaps different regexes for files/symlinks/directories)
<energizer> i dont know about go, there's probably a nixpkgs guide for it. also you can look at the logs for this channel (/topic) i think someone said the answer within the last few days. it's something like "buildGoModule" or "buildGoPackage" i forget
<fzakaria> here is what i came up with; seems like a lot to achieve something simple
<boxofrox> fzakaria: I think I tried something similar to that. I just recently started using home-manager, and it didn't work. I'm not sure what I messed up in the configuration, but home-manager isn't setting that env var in my [non-nix] zsh shell, and my nix apps still weren't happy with glibcLocales. *shrug*
<Gaelan> joys of being on unstable, every update breaks something and fixes something


<DanC> https://hydra.nixos.org/build/115931128/download/1/manual/manual.html#sec-deploying-to-physical-nixos shows an example .nix file but doesn't say what to do with it. should I be looking at something else for hello-world nixops docs?
<tmpnick4> considering i'm not a genius, i probably did something weird... but afaik i just followed the manual: booted from usb, created filesystem, created a very simple config and did sudo nixos-install
<tmpnick4> hi! when doing a new install does nixos built all the packages from source? it's been an hour, and i'm wondering if i did something wrong
<Heffalump> is there a generic way to add something to /nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto/ ? It's not being made by nix-shell but I'd still like to have control over it getting disposed of.
<supersandro2000> kini: never seen that. I have only seen python{,3,27,38}Packages.name: something
<m1cr0man> I figured that was a user preference or something? Lol


<aterius> I do something like that in a let block, and then install from nixpkgs.nixos-unstable.emacs
<emilsp> say, I have a configuration.nix that I want to pass to <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/make-disk-image.nix>, it seems like I have to do something extra to make it work, since my plain jane config file does not contain all the attributes that are expected.
<bbigras> Yaniel: do you think it would work if the font is based on nerdfont but patched or something like that?