
<qyliss> It sounds like what you're describing isn't really an issue, more of a question of how to do something


<red[m]> is there a default or something for it?
<worldofpeace> spiderbit: I think the release notes maybe have something about this
<wucke13_> gchristensen: And something more: Please have a look at the PR's for ofborgs known-users list soon :) Cheers
<clever> AmandaC: havent gotten that one solved yet, but i have seen signs that something related may already be in nixpkgs, need to look into that when i get a chance
<catern> I guess then you could do something with nix-shell --expr but that's no better than --command zsh
<catern> or something
<fresheyeball> I would think an env var would solve something like this
<wrl> simpson: i also don't like being surprised by it opening when i have explicitly set something else to
<infinisil> And it's "source" or something by default?
<wedens> should I use something like `linuxPackages_latest = super.linuxPackages_latest.extend(sf: sp: { mymodule = ... });` in overlay to add the module?
<__monty__> Hmm, is that ssl error local or something up with the cache? Updating channels and rebuilding didn't help : /
<gchristensen> so if you're in a NixOS configuration, make sure it starts with { pkgs, .... } (the "...." is probabl ystuff like 'config, lib' or something) and then do ${pkgs.whatever}... in your string blog
<minall> arianvp: Can we get something with that output?
<minall> arianvp: Can I give you my configuration.nix?, maybe I configured something wrongly
<makefu> wedens: if you are looking for something like that, check out https://tech.ingolf-wagner.de/nixos/krops/
<freeman42x> __monty__, this is what I understood you wanted me to try: https://gist.github.com/razvan-flavius-panda/b470541e8417df76622783774e0dd3de ? was it something different?
<freeman42x> simpson, oh, I remember you saying something but I lost the history and did not get to try it :( what was the property to set?
<GlennS> Has something changed about where journald stores its logs from NixOs 19.03 to 19.09? `services.journalbeat` has stopped working, and I think it is because it can't find the journal files in the default place.


<AmandaC> not sure what it's broken for you then, unless something's fucky in the 19.09 release
<jtojnar> leo_ I always start by looking at the source code in question if something changed
<leo_> Do you want me to do something? Open the issue? Try and fix it?
<fresheyeball> I would love to use something else
<ajs124> Ariakenom: sounds like you'd need to use something like nixos-shell for that. Although I've never actually used that. Mic92, is that how this works?
<clever> the default.nix defines a function, so you need to at least add a {} at the end of my example, to call it with something
<asheshambasta> https://gist.github.com/asheshambasta/1f34a11689d693bb7420720eae2ffe4f#file-errors-txt -- for this, I think I'm probably missing something in my custom derivation; my naive way of reasoning about it, it seems like the results are being put somewhere they're not supposed to be put.
<kyren> talyz: I'm debating on whether trying to switch to nixops and imperative containers, or to do something else entirely, or to try to not change very much but just somehow manage keys sanely, I know keeping keys in the nix store is not great but I'm trying to find the easiest direction to go from here
<kyren> talyz: I'm actually not using nixops at all right now, for the purposes of discussion I'm using something similar to the morph tool if you're familiar with that (but I made it myself and it sucks and I'd like to switch to morph or nixops)
<hyper_ch2> although something weird happened last night... it froze the displays at a certain time when I didn't use the notebook for a while... no idea
<aanderse> ahh... right but the actual folder requires group of keys or something


<kyren> I'm looking for advice like "yeah declarative containers take some babying, I wouldn't turn on automatic upgrades" or "there is a better setting that makes upgrades not wait on containers to fully start" or "something is deeply wrong go find it"
<eacameron> infinisil: Where ".git cleansing" is something other than "rm -rf .git"?
<eacameron> infinisil: Unless you mean something else by ".git cleansing"
<niksnut> sure, but if you've declared something statically, it shouldn't be overriden dynamically
<gentauro42> niksnut: and infinisil it's like something that should be "changable" ...
<arianvp> ah so this is something something related to containers specifcally. I'mdoing weird funky things
<__monty__> I was gonna suggest a plugin that checks whether something's a valid command and asks for confirmation if it is ; )
<elvishjerricco> So now I have something that properly responds to dpms, and to loginctl
<hyper_ch2> eyJhb: I just adjusted the evdi package to point to the latest commit on github and built it with latest kernel. I did not get any warning or something - so rebuild on nixos was fine, but I need to test if it actually works :)
<wedens> can I just change nixos config to disable systemd-boot and enable grub? or do I need to do something manually?
<wedens> it registers key release and turns on display. or something like that


<hyper_ch> eyJhb: you make it sound like that's something bad
<tokudan[m]> hyperfekt: boot an old working generation, ensure that /boot is mounted, change something like users.motd = "hello!" to ensure you get a new version and then rebuild?
<azazel> ravndal: maybe it's better if you ask something starting by explaining what are you trying to achieve
<eyJhb> I think it is something like ... nix-prefetch-url FILE://$PWD/displaylink.zip
<ivan> ofc I have no idea which thing evaluates it but maybe something that uses libkscreen
<ivan> something is up with the release-19.09 branch, error: Package ‘kscreen-5.16.5’ in /home/at/code/system/nixpkgs/pkgs/desktops/plasma-5/default.nix:94 is marked as broken, refusing to evaluate.
<hyperfekt> hm, why is it trying to to load something from the store? that's not even decrypted yet - it should be loading the initramfs


<tmplt> infinisil: but I can do something like `home-manager...programs.zsh.plugins = [{ src = pkgs.fetchFromGithub { ... }; }];` in an imported file. Is that different?
<kyren> Hey, so I did something dumb and upgraded on day 1 to macos catalina :D Is there a possibility of a working multi-user nix install right now on 10.15? It seems to work after following the instructions here: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2925 but I'm stuck trying to use nix tools as a user, I think it might be a permissions issue with creating the user profiles?
<oscarvarto> Is there something like mirrors that can be customized to get better speed?
<exarkun> is `-A all` magic or does a derivation do something to support it specifically?
<Ariakenom_> infinisil: so .. the env file had kept something that now refered to the wrong zlib?
<AmandaC> gchristensen: how will I give it my overlay, though? Unless I'm missing something, it then infinate recursions when I add an `overlays = [ import ./overlay ];` to the `import <nixpkgs>`?
<Baughn> (Honestly, this seems like something the rebuild script should do for us. `nixos-rebuild switch` already tells us if there are services it can't restart, so logically that should include the kernel.)
<etu> inkbottle: So it's the same derivation with the same build instructions. It's just more "exposed" or something...
<boolman> ij: I'm asking because Im having issues with it, something I can't reproduce on my ubuntu machine
<clever> mishac: when you re-build something, and re-copy it with nix-copy-closure, only the derivations that have changed will get copied
<clever> evils: and the name of the job itself, is an attr of release.nix, so `nix-build path/to/release.nix -A something`
<jlv> clever: The error was throwing me off "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set". I guess the `/` was expecting a function, and it was calling the derivation a set instead of a path (because it is both)?
<clever> mishac: i think you have an echo in your .bashrc still, its printing something about an hmac hash?
<lambda-11235> The module compiles but insmod complains of an invalid module format. Is there something else that I should do?
<clever> or let something like nixpkgs do it for you
<clever> and that something else, is what chooses those flags
<clever> freeman42x: something else must `cabal build` and `cabal install` those things


<clever> freeman42x: so you can either force change the version of something, or add missing things
<notgne2> pop-up Nix "OS"s are something I find very fun
<m1cr0m4n> fuzen: Yeah like I had my fair share of time with Arch that now if I'm setting up something weird in Nix like this it's a good source of info :)
<sondr3> I really just need something in the 5-10$ range
<kraem> always thought that was systemd defaulting to suspending the system, never tried to change it since I like it - learn something new everyday..
<clever> evils: ah, then run xscreensaver-config or something, and adjust cfg
<ekleog> Anyone has feedback on elk vs. graylog+elasticsearch for a nixos install? I've heard good things about graylog, but they also sound like “you can configure with GUIs,” which sounds like something relatively antithetic to NixOS's configuration.nix
<mishac> @1 min, i think i did something wrong
<clever> kindaro: did you try something similar to the haskell-init code?
<__monty__> freeman42x: systemctl status toxvpn, you might have something running on the interface toxvpn wants to bind to.
<freeman42x> __monty__, ok, but where did you get these steps from? could you link to some tutorial or something please?
<freeman42x> __monty__, is there a toxvpn / tinc tutorial or something anywhere? and why are 2 things required to do 1 thing?
<aanderse> tilpner: well given my proxy i assume i need to setup something for that?
<MichaelRaskin> Nix allows to run frankensystems in a very safe and transparent way, if something gets stuck
<tilpner> So what do we do if something triggers -Werror=format-overflow?
<clever> mishac: something is not right with that, can you pastebin the nix file you used to build it?
<clever> evils: nix hashes all inputs, but a drv to fetch something, has curl as an input
<philr> clever: Sounds like something we'd rather avoid
<red[m]> there's a delay between something being in master and going into the channel
<clever> notgne2: if you want something more dynamic, nix-env -iA foo.nim will use whatever nixpkgs this file loads
<clever> in this case, i start a very simple WM, then just exec something, so the user has no choice over what desktop manager runs


<tilpner> hpfr[m]: Something like KERNEL=="uinput", SUBSYSTEM=="misc", MODE="0666", GROUP="input", OPTIONS+="static_node=uinput" might do it, but I have no idea how that interacts with the existing rules, and am not exactly a udev expert
<erba> clever: I get: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set (with import <nixpkgs> { config = { android_sdk.accept_license = true; }; };)
<infinisil> tilpner: This happens to me when I search for something like "foo"
<erba> Is it possible to set something like android_sdk.accept_license = true; in shell.nix?
<clever> evils: let ouiFile = fetchurl { url = "http://www.example.com/oui.txt"; sha256 = "something"; } in ....
<ajs124> freeman42x‎: you shouldn't have killed that, that was your window manager. you could have backgrounded it or something, though.
<freeman42x> ajs124, I assume I would need to reboot or relogin or something for it to work, right?
<HKei> also if I do something like `myPackage = import ./myPackage.nix { stdenv = clangStdenv; }`
<HKei> yes, but if I just do something like `callPackage (myPackage) { stdenv = clangStdenv; }` that only changes the stdenv used for the package itself
<__monty__> Did you rollback a channel or something?
<__monty__> Might be possible to reconfigure where nix looks for configuration.nix, or its permissions, or import something from $HOME.
<freeman42x> clever, should I reboot or something?
<clever> __monty__: is the remote host nixos or something else?
<HKei> elux I'd assuming something like docker containers running nixos
<__monty__> Sounds like something that *could* be interesting to many. Lowering the barrier to coreboot is a noble cause, imo : )
<jluttine> perhaps no *.otf in iosevka, need to use something else for that..
<jluttine> clever: it does..? in the releases. or am i missing something..
<jluttine> anyone else using polybar on nixos? i'm not able to get unicode icons to show.. just getting "Dropping unmatched character". i wonder if there's something nixos specific about it, as i've tried to set up the fonts
<HKei> I thought you meant black screen as in your login manger doesn't work or something like that
<MichaelRaskin> dmesg should say something about USB devices turning out to be storage devices
<cdepillabout> But an actual path (like ./.) becomes something else? Or a string as well?
<infinisil> jluttine: There's something here: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-package-naming
<infinisil> cdepillabout: paths are something different than urls
<notgne2> you can probably get away with `nix-build -E 'import ./default.nix (import <nixpkgs> {})'` or something like that too, but I don't know enough about callPackage to say for sure


<red[m]> I was trying to statically compile something and the language authors told me that I needed to be on a "muscl libc"
<HKei> so I did succeed in changing *something*
<exarkun> I am building it with `nix-build --keep-going -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/5d5cd70516001e79516d2ade8bcf31df208a4ef3.tar.gz nixos/system-tests.nix` but the fishy changes seem to pin nixpkgs to something else
<infinisil> slabity: I'd try first removing pkgconfig files from something in nixpkgs to see if it doesn't work without them
<bsima> does the guile package omit the info manual, or am I missing something? I don't see it in my INFOPATH
<Ericson2314> rig up something build2 style where you do the preprocessing in a separate step
<arcnmx> selfsymmetric-mu: Clearly instead of nixos-rebuild we should all be using something like nix run -Lf '<nixpkgs/nixos>' system -c switch-to-configuration switch
<slabity> I'm having trouble getting a derivation to build correctly. It keeps failing to find a library, but one of the `buildInputs` is a package that includes that library. Is there something else that needs to be added?
<Ericson2314> bendlas: so if the build changes too much in between releases, or the rebuilds are due to e.g. stdenv changing or something, I am not sure how much incrementality will help you
<exarkun> well, ~10 years or something...
<clever> it only waits for a batch if tis already busy doing something else and must wait
<gchristensen> domenkozar[m]: maybe you're previewing the channel. what happens if you say something?
<tilpner> rmk35: There's also users.users.rmk.packages if you don't want to install something globally
<inkbottle> I had to reboot, something was mixed up with plasma, logout wasn't working anymore; that might explain
<tilpner> exarkun: If you say "the cargoSha256 of this is foo", and there is something with that hash in your store (regardless of how it got there), it will just take that
<exarkun> it generated something
<exarkun> If I change the cargoSha256 to something obviously wrong I just get a complaint that the obviously wrong value doesn't match the wrong value encoded in that expression. It doesn't try to fetch anything new.
<exarkun> Alright so yesterday clever and tilpner helped me understand that https://github.com/LeastAuthority/privacypass/blob/master/ristretto.nix#L26-L29 is bogus and the Darwin hash there is correct and the other is junk. But my NixOS system still likes the junk. I don't know what I need to do to ... clean up my nix store, I guess? So that my stale cached something goes away and I get the same behavior as a fresh
<Yaniel> I'd prefer to use something like the output of `git describe`
<zfnmxt> I saw a few packages with something like "version = "git-2019-08-05"".
<Yaniel> next.version-pre1 is something I did while waiting for a new release of renderdoc that fixed some issues with the nix build


<inkbottle> is it something in configuration.nix?
<l33> 'need to have something with a GUI'........
<freeman42xxx> I want something with a GUI
<tetdim> feel i may have done something wrong
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):266:1
<elvishjerricco> leo_: Just a thought: You probably want something where the state file is never decrypted on developer's machines. It's better to only have one place the secret could be stolen from rather than a bunch.
<leo_> With git-crypt or something?
<leo_> Bad practice or would break something?


<elvishjerricco> There's always `Started Sync ZFS pool "unimportant-pool"`, then something about usbuxd.service, then it varies from reboot to reboot. This time, I got the `kernel: BUG` message again, but a lot of call trace output afterwards (maybe one for each core?), and then more ZFS messaging
<elvishjerricco> Ok the hanging reboot thing just happened again. So that wasn't caused by --force-reboot. Though I still bet --force-reboot had something to do with my rebuild not taking that one time
<elvishjerricco> I rebuilt and the activation output indicated changes were made, so I guess the rebuild didn't take last time or something
<hoppfull> I don't understand this. I ran nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A nodejs-11_x and were put into a new context but commands npm and node doesn't exist. Did I miss something?
<infinisil> This issue is the same problem I encountered just a couple days ago for something completely different
<arcnmx> hm, does the nix daemon have any interface that could be used to get info/progress about ongoing builds that were initiated from somewhere else? or like a dbus event interface or something?
<exarkun> how do I clean it up? can I `nix-store something`?
<bgamari> " has something to do with it
<otwieracz> Last time I have developed something few years ago I was using my own fork of nixpkgs system wide.
<dminuoso> So Im nixops'ing our mail setup. As part of writing config for our dovecot, I need to bring a bash script that uses an executable from dovecot. Would something like `{ writeText, dovecot, config }: writeTextFile { executable = true; name = "foo.sh"; text = "#!/usr/bin/env bash; ... ${dovecot}/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda ..."}` be acceptable?
<andi-> I also have something like that on my todo list.. I've been working on Nix managed weechat plugins including a mechanism to declare dependencies of each individual script.
<manveru> Praesnor: i'd make an issue on github and mention oxji, maybe he's got something he forgot to share
<Twey> Hm, that should only be 32 bytes or something though
<Twey> What's the deal with doCheck these days? I see something in nixpkgs about the semantics changing?
<cinimod`> I think it's something like this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/45775
<ivan> I guess I don't really recommend copying someone's configuration until you have a need for something to be different
<__red__> now for compiling - lemme show you something - sec


<exarkun> "attempt to call something which is not a function but a string with context"
<teto> anyone using coc-python ? executing .config/coc/extensions/coc-python-data/languageServer.0.4.24/Microsoft.Python.LanguageServer says the file doesn't exist though it exists. "file" says its interpreter is /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2. How can I rewrite this to something sensible ? (even if hackish)
<aria> hi! i just updated my system after a few months and as i was trying to compile a local project that uses `pkgs.haskellPackages.callCabal2nix` it's giving me a strange error trying to compile something nix related. src/Distribution/Nixpkgs/Haskell/Derivation.hs:115:41: error Variable not in scope: disp :: PackageName -> Doc full log: https://gist.github.com/ar1a/979682ce95f8de2a09feb6f1ae5d2d0c
<iqubic> clever: Actually, something weird is happening here. I just ran `nix-channel --update` followed by `nixos-rebuild switch` Both as root. I then checked what version of cabal2nix I had, with `nix edit nixpkgs.cabal2nix` It was still at 2.14.4
<iqubic> But it's highly possible I'm missing something.
<disasm> doesn't seem to have any negative effect but I get `[/etc/tmpfiles.d/var.conf:19] Duplicate line for path "/var/cache", ignoring.` every time I rebuild switch on 19.09. Anyone else seeing this? Trying to determine if this is my machine or something affecting everyone.
<notgne2> oh that's true, something about it still bugs me though, but I guess using files is just as good as any other method of internal signaling in a "real" init daemon
<notgne2> commonly worked using ordered services, before SystemD made them concurrent, something that can instead by replicated in a Nix expression
<notgne2> clever: mine takes a single specified service by name (if I decide to include runit or something I may let it take a list), and it only itterates for the purpose of finding oneshots which want to run before the specified service


<infinisil> There's actually one that does something like that already: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/57975
<michaelpj> simpson: I spent a while digging into this some time ago and I definitely found a case where firefox was ignoring one of the XDG files, I think it was maybe an `.defaults` file or something. I've forgotten the details now
<chrishill> things and the Nix filesystem won't let me do that... or something like that.
<hyperfekt> infinisil: My thinking would be to output a warning if apply changes something so users can understand what is happening and why instead of magical effects outside the module system's rules of mkForce etc...
<hyperfekt> What's the second suggestion? This approach doesn't seem like something we want to expose generally.
<HSteffenhagen> I tried adding something like `inherit (super) gcc9` but that didn't do anything
<HSteffenhagen> and yet another stupid question: I'm trying to override my C++ compiler for a project (and recursively for its dependencies). I keep reading I'm supposed to be able to do that with an overlay, but if when I'm trying to do something like `withGCC9 = self: super: with super; { stdenv = overrideCC stdenv gcc9; };` I'm getting complaints I've
<hyperfekt> I still don't understand where the recursion is coming from, because we are depending on one value for the value of another, something which happens all the time in NixOS.
<martyet-o> and CfP is still open, so if you want share something in your talk, dont be late with signup :)
<samueldr> Notkea[m]: yes they should; there is no automatisation to do so, so if you see something missing, please ping the relevant people
<HSteffenhagen> another maybe silly question; How do I prepend something to `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` before `cmake` is run on my build? I did try to do something like `export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="myPath:${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}"` in a preConfigure script but that didn't seem to have any effect
<infinisil> gchristensen: Something like this? sudo sqlite3 /nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite -csv -noheader "select registrationTime from ValidPaths where path = '/nix/store/rr3y0c6zyk7kjjl8y19s4lsrhn4aiq1z-hello-2.10';"
<logzet> I figured that I need to use something like allowedDevices = [ { modifier = "rw"; node = "/dev/fuse"; } ]; in the container configuration (it's declarative)
<gchristensen> something gitkraken depends on might
<srhb> Something that's not Displaylink
<Jenz> Frankly I dunno, there's just something about nixos pulls my attention, but I barely know anything about it, so it's a wholly immature problem
<dminuoso> gyroninja: Well presumably you could rig something yourself and nixops.
<dminuoso> I mean in the current state of affairs, doing something like `{ foo = let ... in someShortdef; bar = let ... in anotherShortDef; }` is rather tedious (when you have to abuse attrsets as modules in particular)
<eyJhb> Damn.. There should be something for PRs as well, as there is a TON of them...
<dminuoso> manveru: Because you get to focus on the definition of something first, without going through supplementary bindings.
<lovesegfault> Lots of times I wanted to write something, I'd google it, I'd write it, and it didn't work
<lovesegfault> Something like that
<lovesegfault> simpson: Okay, but if I'm an user the last thing I want is to spend my day going over some Nix expression to find out why something I had working broke, no?
<infinisil> samueldr: Would be cool if that error included something like "did you mean to use toString?"
<Henson> this is a dumb question, but how do I convert an integer to a string. I've tried something like foo = 12; string = "hi ${foo} there" but it complains about coercing an integer to a string
<gchristensen> in the end, home-manager probably does something similar to what that shel snippet does


<worldofpeace_> infinisil: would something like https://gist.github.com/worldofpeace/c1f6c14b890e687f459b92120c9fcd32 work?
<Acou_Bass> peanutbutter144: are you submitting a whole new package or are you submitting an updated nixpkg for something that already exists?
<otwieracz> Hi. I haven't developed any nixos packages for years - and I need to create one. Where can I find any guidelines, best practices, etc? Also how can I, with stable system, test bleeding edge packages? I remember something with packageOverride?
<ddellacosta> I'm trying to add some iptables rules and getting 'can't open lock file /run/xtables.lock: Permission denied'. Is this known behavior on NixOS, or is there something else going on with my environment?
<Henson> infinisil: thank you for the suggestions. I found something similar for a system-wide overlay in the NixOS wiki, and I guess extending that to nixpkgs also works.
<Henson> yuken: I started learning Nix by writing packages that mangled closed-source binary software into nix packages. Quite challenging and mostly undocumented. Learning how the nix expression language works is very helpful. Whenever I get stuck in understanding how something works, reading the source is very helpful.
<infinisil> To package something into nixpkgs you'd add such a callPackage call in all-packages.nix, and a file that takes such arguments at some path in nixpkgs/pkgs
<infinisil> Ah something else that causes the error, yeah probably
<jluttine> infinisil: ah, thanks. ok, then it's something else
<jluttine> so maybe the problem is something else then
<worldofpeace> tyrion: So I think something is actually broken on nixos-unstable right now with dbus
<gyroninja> that's why when you try reading something from /proc/ with a size of 0 it will just give an empty string
<jD91mZM2> Thing is something like "${...}/bin/thing" requires the package ${...} to be evaluated before the rest of the string can be
<Guest84> If you look at this- the problem isn't even with purity, the problem is nix just fails to read something that the kernel is exposing as a file.
<jluttine> jD91mZM2: oh, interesting! i've looking for something like that. :) let's see if that solves my problems with screensaving+screenlocking in x :)
<jluttine> how can i set `setterm --blank 1` so that it'd be the global setting and effective even if nobody logs in? i tried `environment.extraInit` but that seems to be something that gets evaluated when a shell session is started.. :/
<durka> can I make it put that under /tmp or something


<clever> something i do to mess with people, is i say hunter2 outloud, as i type in my real password
<pie_> hyperfekt: apparently bluetoothctl may have something _similar_
<durka> oh so this is basically built in, it's not something defined by the xserver pkg?
<pie__> clever: the problem is im trying to access the bluetooth in an android vm and its not working. it may or may not be because the host system is still poking it or something idk
<pie__> i cant get systemctl to stop the bluetooth service, something keeps restarting it...
<pie__> ill add something, but its going to be a "better than nothing" because im distracted
<clever> 2019-09-28 11:48:09 < pie_> ah ok, but i just meant for the usersapce, like nix-shell -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-unstable zfs or something
<clever> dsg: nixops modify -d name foo.nix -I nixpkgs=something
<pie_> ah ok, but i just meant for the usersapce, like nix-shell -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-unstable zfs or something
<xok> is that something that has been developed in NixOS ecosystem?..
<clever> pie_: and the nixos gc roots, wont allow you to gc something grub can still refer to, the GC'ing wont have broken it
<pie_> it might be possible that i garbage collected the recovery boot and grub didnt update? (if i turnd off the entry or forgot to add it or something)
<jluttine> if i want to set something with `setterm` in nixos configuration.nix, how could i do it? for instance, i'd like to set `setterm --blank 5 --powerdown 1`
<pie_> and i cant get boot.zfs.enableUnstable to actually work, it builds but then the zfs doesnt get updated or something
<yuken> Thanks, srhb. I knew I was doing something wrong.
<yuken> I'm unsure how to permanently import a custom CA certificate, I can't figure out how to apply GTK2 themes (Hexchat, for example, uses one) - GTK3 works fine with something like lxappearance-gtk3, however lxappearance (gtk2) will not apply themes.
<azazel> myme: for that I would investigate if the product has something like a debian package so you will know which version of libgobject is expected to load
<azazel> I had to do something like that in an android FHS earlier this year, and I had to add also X11 libs to the mix, or else I had also incurred in libGL loading errors
<xok> something like amazone beanstalk or similar...
<jluttine> i feel that this must be something wrong with dbus in general because kbdd has a similar issue
<rixed> manveru: sure but if there weren't a better way then this channel would be flooded already. Or maybe there is something very wrong about mine. Here it is: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/58449
<charukie1icz> I have a Haskell project where I'm using builtins.fetchGit to define my pkg set, using nixpkgs-channels repo with ref = "nixos-unstable". According to https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html?channel=nixos-unstable&query=time-1.9, time-1.9 and time-1.9.3 should be available, but when I do a nix-build, cabal selects version 1.8.x. Am I doing something wrong?
<samueldr> (something that might cause issues if you use blueman-applet and bluetooth_
<infinisil> durka: You can put something like `{ nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; }` in ~/.nix-defexpr/default.nix to have `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.hello` work
<durka> hmm ok so I'm going to do something like `nix-shell -p rustc -p gcc` and I can compile in there
<worldofpeace> Unless you're begging people to please don't do something :P As many notes as possible
<disasm> is there something really stupid I'm missing?
<samueldr> yeah, I have yet to look, but it may be that it's using source for something that's from git


<samueldr> waiting on something, then will reboot and fsck it
<samueldr> hmm, am I missing something with nix, to clear the contents of /nix/store/trash?
<simpson> bsima: I expected it in lib/lists.nix but didn't see it. You can improvise with something like `cons = x: xs: [x] ++ xs`
<Baughn> chrisaw: Poke, incidentally. Dunno if you've been doing something with this lately./
<infinisil> Is it the monitor that's on the right side that flickers, or that all monitors flicker on their right side or something else?
<infinisil> iqubic: I suggest doing something like `let pkg = ...; in pkg // { env = pkg.env.overrideAttrs (old: { buildInputs = old.buildInputs or [] ++ [ haskellPackages.cabal-install ]; }); }` in default.nix
<ajs124> iqubic: can't you use mkShell and pass both as buildInputs or something like that?
<aleph-> And something broke.
<Baughn> inkbottle: Don't use `nix-env -i` if you can avoid it. That's an opinion of mine, but it's easy to forget to update those, and it's not something you can easily put in a git repo.
<Baughn> Something like this, perhaps. Though you can also use home-manager.
<__red__> any time I see something where versions are based on animal names it makes me this of the 25th annual putnum county spelling bee
<werner291> Quick question: what's the correct syntax to replace a package's source code with something from GitHub? Here's what I have so far: https://hastebin.com/jesipisusu.bash
<exarkun> maybe usb5 will be wireless and have a chance of working, or something
<exarkun> but I'm not super familiar with this layer so maybe I've misunderstood something
<zfnmxt> There's a "storage spaces" utility on windows. Search for it, maybe you can shrink it on one volume or something.
<zfnmxt> I dunno. Maybe Speccy doesn't know about WSS or something.
<dminuoso> clever: Im just wondering because in the entirety of nixpkgs I dont see something like `assert (builtins.typeOf foo) == "bool"`


<mrSpec> If I did changes in my mounted zfs datasets, it is safe to call nixos-generate-config to get new hardware-config, or should I call something else?
<exarkun> just about end of day here. so, thank you (and gchristensen and clever) for the help. I technically accomplished something today. ;)
<exarkun> That looks like something that might make me want to puke
<pie_> so just something like postpatch = old.pathcgphase; patchphase = null
<pie_> nulling it worked? ok. i was thinking of trying to use removeattrs or something
<pie_> exarkun: i dunno..to just get it to work id probably copy the phase out and add code for my patch or something...
<pie_> or something
<pie_> or...something like that https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/56785
<exarkun> like override patchPhase to do something different
<exarkun> maybe the twisted derivation does something dumb
<exarkun> something is definitely screwed up about the patch phase but I can't see what
<exarkun> well, something changes
<pie_> nix-store --tree or something like that and then search the output
<pie_> you can find out for failing ones with something under nix-store --query or something like that
<exarkun> but also weird stuff happens. like I just changed the version number of twisted in my overridden version, and now it's rebuilding twisted. so it seems to think it is a dependency of _something_.
<exarkun> something changed but still not the right something >:O
<clever> exarkun: something like that
<exarkun> that seems a lot like something I tried which didn't work but I guess it must not be exactly the same ... but it suggests I need to change what's in these repositories, anyway, to expose the packageOverrides value instead of exposing overlays
<alexarice[m]> if you need to use something other than stdenv.mkDerivation you can use mkDerivationWith
<TheSirC[m]> > [TheSirC](https://matrix.to/#/@TheSirC:matrix.org): and matches that of something else
<TheSirC[m]> So... I found something...
<sphalerite> TheSirC[m]: and matches that of something else
<emily> not sure how you can *remove* a directory with -I, but maybe -I nixpkgs-overlay=/var/empty or something works
<emily> the overlay thing does sound like it might cause issues, if your overlay is specified in your nixpkgs configuration or something?
<emily> hmm, I usually use 0 rather than X for that, but I guess it's unlikely you have something in your store with the hash XXX... lying around :)
<srhb> It's also the only option you have, short of doing scary indirect links or something.
<evils> etu: is there already something that builds snaps?
<s34n_> I installed something from nixpkgs, but it doesn't work.
<s34n_> contrun[m]: I'm guessing you think I was responding to something you commented before I joined


<Ericson2314> something like that
<shyim> Is something known that the entire usb devices freezes after some time on 19.09 channel?
<clever> exarkun: that is something i have wanted to solve
<tetdim> did you get stuck or something
<clever> sondr3: something of note, the only programming course ive ever taken at school, was visual basic, in grade 11
<jg20> Maybe rather than explicit bash scripts, generating bash scripts using Nix like you said would work, that's something I'll take a look at :)
<jg20> It's just an idea - I've found Nix solves this problem really well of coordinating a large CI/CD pipeline by using derivations, and whilst it might be impure and technically not a valid use case of Nix, it solves a lot of problems as otherwise I'd be writing a load of bash to do this, unless anyone knows of any other tools that could do something like this instead?
<jg20> exarkun: Hmm maybe, but if I have let's say 10 different stages to a pipeline, let's say each one uses Terraform, with Nix I can nicely define those as derivations and pass variables between those derivations based on outputs (by using import from derivation) and then all of those stages run nicely with a single `nix-build` call. If I use Nix to just set up the environment then I lose this ability and would have to use e.g bash to achieve something similar
<Ashy> twoolie: no idea, but someone else in the channel might know, alternatively you might have to go grepping through nixpkgs and see if any other derivations do something similar
<twoolie> @Ashy is it possible to do something like 389ds = mkDerivation { src = fetchurl {...} ; lib = buildPythonPackage { inherit src ; setupPhase = "cd src/lib389" }; }; ?
<mattyu> hi all - I just upgraded from 18.03 to 19.03 and something is off when using sddm
<adamt> equivrel: Oh, sorry, I misread, I thought you were talking about something like `nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 7d`
<sevcsik[m]> graf_blutwurst I might have screwed up something with my /boot partition, I'll check that out. Thanks for the idea
<srhb> Cool! Hmm, didn't someone try something similar recently? Or perhaps that was you :)
<DigitalKiwi> my idea was i could do something like nix-channel do-agent https://github.com/yvt/nixpkgs/archive/init-do-agent-2.tar.gz and then use that
<iqubic> Not sure if something later down the line wil break.
<DigitalKiwi> i'm updating the docs to something i think is good