
<gwen> nahamu: So something like: Copy the unpacked archive into $out/opt or something, and create a wrapper $out/bin/<program> which does the cd and calls the original executable.
<bahamas> do I have to do something to make nix sign a derivation? I do have a signing key in /etc/nix/
<hyper_ch2> hmmm, I guess I did something wrong when I grepped :)
<error9834> Hello, i try installing nixos for the first time from a ubuntu-live system, and i guess made something wrong or hit a bug: root@ubuntu:~/Downloads# nixos-install --root /mntbuilding the configuration in /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix...error: getting status of '/mnt/hauke/store/3c4ckgj4h3r9yg8dm26g530xgi0xbawx-nixos-system-nixos-19.09pre-git': No
<Athas> Er, wait, something is weird. Looks like restarting dhcpcd *did* have an effect. From the logs: "leased for 7200 seconds". But it did not actually reconfigure the interface!
<dtz> my latest nixos merc is from the hummingbird release :3 I want newer gear but haven't been sufficiently active in releases to feel I deserved something release-specific :3
<bsima> hi, when I do `nix build ...` and it shows the line of `[x/y/100 build]...` how can I capture that particular line in a script? My current script doesn't capture it. Is it being printed to something other than stdout?
<selfsymmetric-pa> DigitalKiwi: You install `pkgs.signal-cli`. Then you can run something like `signal-cli -v`.
<DigitalKiwi> umm am i missing something, it looks like it's only a library?


<Thra11> For some reason, override-ing branch has no effect. (overriding other arguments, such as packages, does seem to work). I wonder if it's something to do with how 4.nix calls generic.nix.
<infinisil> karetsu: I recommend doing something like this then: `services.plex.package = (import (fetchTarball { url = "4cd2cb43fb3a87f48c1e10bb65aee99d8f24cb9d"; sha256 = "..."; }) {}).plex;`
<infinisil> turion: Something to do with Locale probably
<infinisil> So something like `mkDerivation { src = ./foo; buildPhase = "ls ."; ... }` should work
<infinisil> turion: Oh yes it is something special, unfortunately
<turion> reallymemorable: (Something along those lines, at least)
<emilsp> what's the state of updating my laptops firmware through nixos? I've seen fedora has had a _thing_ for it recently, but I couldn't find any info about doing any kind of firmware upgrades in the wiki. Is this something that is applied auto-magically? Looking to do this since I received an email from lenovo about having to upgrade firmware due to issues with thunderbolt
<maralorn> Because right now, I have something on my system which has a pinned nixpkgs and some hackage.nix as ifd dependencies which get redownloaded everyday during auto-update …
<evanjs> dminuoso: yah I figured it was something with power manager or the like. Tried ssh'ing before I rebooted this time... but my phone is usually weird. Guess I could use my desktop next time
<Raito_Bezarius> I'm trying git gc --aggressive but unsure if it'll do something
<otwieracz> (or something like that?)
<pie_> which is a derivation. derp. i want something i can nix-build
<pie_> wedens[m]: i want something similar to what mkderivation gives me as a result
<Athas> I'm interested in making the 'futhark' package in nixpkgs also build and install its manual pages. Where should I start? It is a Haskell package, so it goes through all the Hackage infrastructure. I guess something there should be overridden.
<Gopal[m]> so what i want to do is add something to `environment.systemPackages` in configuration.nix
<ixxie> Hello folks; I have a NixOS docker host used for personal project development that currently has a basic docker/docker-compose setup. I have been thinking of upgrading this a little, but going for something like Kube seems like overkill. What kind of setups do people have for this situation?
<wedens[m]> contrun: proper way would be something like https://paste.ee/p/stdol
<kaliumxyz> something that has collapsible trees.
<earendil[m]> is there something like a jdk-source package for nixos?


<infinisil> Raito_Bezarius: Something like this? `g = { x, y }@args: f (args // { z = x + y; })`
<Raito_Bezarius> without manually doing a wrapper, let's say I have f = { x, y, z }: do something and I'd like to create g = { x, y }: compute z from x, y and do f {x, y, z}
<hpfr[m]> How does the nixos option fonts.fonts work? It takes a list of packages, but is there something different about it than listing font packages in environment.systemPackages?
<infinisil> Should be fixable by running `systemctl restart acme-<cert>`, and I think I've actually heard somebody complain about something like this yesterday at nixcon :P
<niso> uhm, atleast a couple of weeks ago setting up acme with nix was pain, did something new get merged?
<jD91mZM2> Right, so I think something's very fishy with hpfr[m]'s system
<jD91mZM2> (and by skimmed I mean accidentally moved my eye over that section while looking for something else)
<infinisil> meatcar: fetchGit does fetching during evaluation, which I think isn't good for hydra because it increases evaluation time or something
<meatcar> can someone do a brief review of a mkDerivation? It's my first one, it builds fine, I want to make sure I'm not missing something crucial. It was tricky to figure out, as there were nested depenencies on other repos that had to be linked up. https://gist.github.com/meatcar/fc43f8c1c13f8f9d2709be0c2b7ecf0d
<gchristensen> I need to set some quota or reservation or something... but I'm not sure that applies to snapshots.
<jD91mZM2> The crate "anyhow" failed this morning because it seemed to interpret something from the build script wrong and tried to compile stuff with the wrong flags
<jD91mZM2> __monty__: Because Nix wants purity (good) so either you use something like carnix/crate2nix (when it works) to split each crate up and build each crate purely. Oooor... You recompile all dependencies from scratch on every tiny change.
<rardiol> Hi. My pulseaudio isn't working and I suspect it has something to do with session-c1.scope failing to start and XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not being set. Who/when is supposed to set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR?
<mdash> smw_: so you can write something like `buildGoModule { name = "foo"; src = ../apps/my-go-app; ...}`
<MichaelRaskin> Also look what nixos-install does: nix copy or something like that
<simpson> It's something like that, yeah. I think you'll have to set up keys on the other machine and trust it from your first machine, too.
<chris__> Isn't it as simple as cp /nix/store /mount/hdd2/nix/store and then just `nix-serve --something /mount/hdd2/nix/store`?
<chris__> simpson: No, I just remember a lot of packages being removed after garbage collect. Something about the packages not being in the "gc roots"? Haskell stack packages that is.
<tokudan> maybe timesyncd is missing a dependency on something that creates the directory?
<Parlum> I feel like I'm missing something obvious... I am trying to run a binary that depends on the shared library libxerces-c-3.1.so . In 2016, I could've built this against nixpkgs as it was packaged for nix - https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7e9c1a30b3b510650281af2ec5fa31fd618e3167#diff-a4bb8e783870bfd0e950f2b45c88dde4 , but now that the package
<wajsel> is there something else that need to be done to find the includes
<slack1256> There is also a buildFhsEnvironment options when you want something more integrated to nix, don't care about the isolation and you are only after the FHS hierarchy.
<matthuszagh> something like buildCommand = old.buildCommand + '' ... '';
<evils> DigitalKiwi: if it's something you linked on the previous discussion, probably and dismissed it and forgotten it; otherwise, no
<ivan> make sure your text editor isn't saving over the wrong file or something :-)
<ivan> maybe its setup.py does something really dumb
<patrol02> Perhaps I am hitting this (open) issue, but in general no, I haven't tried gnome3 yet. Am I looking at something that other desktop/display managers can't do for some reason?
<patrol02> I am configuring a laptop with NixOS, and I want all the windows that I have opened on a laptop screen to move to the external screen when I close a lid. This is something that Ubuntu does by default, but how do I configure it with NixOS?


<nh2_> I also think it should print something for that; maybe some amount of `-v` flags will reveal it?
<pi3r> clever: is this something that has changed after 19.03 ?
<DigitalKiwi> i had that too i think it went away after a reboot or something
<DigitalKiwi> something hasn't been right with my wifi since the new nixos :<
<worldofpeace> Ilya_G: well the problem was open-vm-tools fail to build and something depends on it? it's probably simplest to use an override in nixos-overlays
<wrl> if i'm doing something like nix-shell, nix maps the dependencies into the usual "standard" linux paths
<simpson> Guest84: Either Don't Do That, or use a shell hook and something like bash's $RANDOM.
<Ilya_G> Yaniel: Cause variable in let does not get evaluated unless something calls it, so I am not even sure how it would tie in
<Ilya_G> Yaniel: I did something that naturally doesn't work. I am not sure about the proper form:
<Raito_Bezarius> I don't understand something with NixOps, how do you override a plugin source?
<Yaniel> this is not really something I'd set up an overlay for
<DigitalKiwi> (almost) shameless self promotion https://twitter.com/grhmc/status/1187691161110171648?s=20 if you're at nixconf and would like one get ahold of gchristensen, and if you're not and would, get ahold of me :) ...or if you would like more or different colors or different logo or something new entirely https://twitter.com/ArchKiwi most of my posts the last few months are art i made
<Neo--> i have a faint recollection that there's something with go packages
<immae> Ah, I expect it to work and I’m almost sure I use something like that
<dminuoso> (I mean it seems it doesnt, but perhaps Im doing something else wrong)
<__monty__> FRidh: Really? Then how do you determine whether something's cached?
<_pash> __monty__: I am trying to get tensorflow installed on line 18 from a different release... it's not installing, am i doing something wrong?
<jD91mZM2> dminuoso: I assume top-down or something, but the order shouldn't matter because you can give certain values higher priority using mkForce and friends
<Twey> __monty__: Hm, I think Nix itself shouldn't give errors. You mean from a `fetchurl` or something?
<jD91mZM2> Are there any downsides to having an overlay that basically defines `{ unstable = import <nixos-unstable> {} }`? The way I see is that this will just make it easier to use unstable software, but at the same time I'm thinking there must be a reason something like this isn't the default
<wedens> thanks. I'm already doint something similar. I thought maybe there is some better approach without intermediate derivation.
<wedens> why does using `dockerTools.buildImage` results in qemu doing something during the build? seems to happen when I add `runAsRoot`
<jD91mZM2> bahamas: So something like `nix-shell -E "(import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub { ... } + "my-file/goes-here.nix"`
<Maise> Umm? https://hasteb.in/ihijelaj.bash `attempt to call something which is not a function but a list, at default.nix:12:15`
<bahamas> jD91mZM2: I assume I can use fetchTarball to get the repo explicitly, save the path and the do something like `nix-shell ${nix-deploy}/shell.nix` or `nix-env -i -f ${nix-deploy}/release.nix`. but which of the nix clis can take this?
<sphalerite> Maise: that said, you could do something like… let tarballs = [ (fetchurl {url = https://downloads.devkitpro.org/…; sha256 = …;}) ]; in lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (p: "cp ${p} ${p.name}") tarballs;
<bahamas> sshow: are you still looking for an answer? I saw your question earlier but was caught with something else
<DigitalKiwi> nix-shell -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-19.03 -p kicad <-- something like this is one way i think
<DigitalKiwi> there's probably some benefit to getting nicer ones but no need to *redacted*... (i was going to say no need to go all out and get something like this https://smile.amazon.com/Lexar-Professional-microSDXC-UHS-II-Reader/dp/B012PKPU5W/ but then i looked at the price and...well, if your hardware supports it, and you have 70...these are awesome, but i don't know that you'll see much difference between this and something half the price or less)
<kvik> it could be that i mucked up something else or had some leftover state from the first failed attempt so i'm gonna redo the dance, but i wanted to check with you anyway if i'm missing something obvious :)
<kvik> hey. it's been a while since i've dealt with manual grub bios/gpt partitioning so i forget if there's something special needed to make it install and boot.
<tilpner> A normal NixOS system has the nixos-option command, but it seems you're doing something unusual
<tilpner> Something like (below) may work, but that's just a guess because I don't know your config
<jackdk> bahamas: I then `nix copy -s --to ssh://root@wherever ./result`, and activate with ssh, by something like `ssh root@wherever "$(readlink ./result)/bin/switch-to-configuration switch"`
<jackdk> bahamas: I deploy to vultr too, but I have nixos running natively. I do something roughly like http://www.haskellforall.com/2018/08/nixos-in-production.html
<hpfr[m]> I understand that, but clever said I might be able to do something about this a few days ago so I thought there might be something I could do
<inkbottle> I'm wondering if there is something else that would "clean the slate when we exit"
<nixtacular> yeah i think you could add that channel and then do something like `nix-env -iA nixos-stable.my-package`
<mightybyte> Anyone have any idea why I might not be getting something from a cache.
<nixtacular> doesn't it seem a bit odd to anyone else...? am i missing something...?


<_pash> wormwood: am i missing something?
<infinisil> __monty__: That looks like a reasonable shell.nix definition to me though, I'd say it's something weird with haskell.nix
<infinisil> But my guess is that you're doing something like `name = "foo-${version}"` and version is unexpectedly an attrset
<pingiun> so what about using something like poetry to install all dependencies in the single derivation?
<infinisil> pingiun: There is a difference: How python does it you get all dependencies as nix derivations, which is something desirable in general
<evanjs> das_j: are you looking for something like this? https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2810
<Izorkin> Mic92: PR #70924 - need to fix something else?
<red[m]> They reflect the cache as I understand it, but check with etu as I misunderstood something earlier
<pingiun> another thing, how do package name clashes work? should I come up with something else than et for this? (there already is a package called et in nixpkgs)
<pingiun> I see that there are very many PRs for nixpkgs, is it still doable to get something like this into nixpkgs as a noobie?
<pingiun> but I'm not trying to build pan, but something that is not in nixpkgs yet
<pingiun> that is something different right?
<pingiun> i am building my own derivation and want to do something similar to nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A pan
<immae> pingiun: you can use the --arg to specify each value of the function, or you can do something like `-Ifoo=$(pwd)/default.nix -E "(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage <foo> {}"` (untested)


<infinisil> -d is not really recommended though, I'd use --older-than 5d or something instead
<jD91mZM2> kaliumxyz: I mean it has basic, but dumb, completion for in-file stuff. But for something more complicated that's going to depend on actually evaluating nix... somewhat at least
<jD91mZM2> kaliumxyz: Oh, cool! Are you aware of nix-lsp? Maybe you could base yours upon that, or something else.
<jD91mZM2> kaliumxyz: The lack of tooling is definitely a valid complaint to Nix, it's one of the main arguments to using GuixSD or something else that doesn't create its own domain-specific language
<jD91mZM2> Hi everyone! I'm trying to finally make a default.nix derivation for xidlehook. I have pushed something to https://github.com/jD91mZM2/xidlehook that works with nix-build but fails with adding it to my list of packages in home-manager because "The option value ... is not of type `package'". Any pointers of what this means and how I can wrap the derivation into a package would be appreciated :)
<simpson> kaliumxyz: I have a vim and a local copy of nixpkgs. If I need to look something up, I grep my nixpkgs tree.
<DigitalKiwi> evils: yeah probably i have another issue i might need to open too anyway for something else
<infinisil> kraem: If something deep down the dependency graph changes, e.g. gcc, then all packages that use gcc will be compiled anew
<exarkun> whether your secrets ending up plaintext in /nix/store matters to you or not depends on your threat model, of course, but it looks like it's not something you have to worry about w/ this use of nixops
<karetsu> primeos: the name I can agree with being confusing, doesn't mean that something is bad or out of use just because it hasn't been developed in a while :(
<evils> but the unstable.nix seems to use some build options and sources from github, so maybe it's worth something for the default.nix?
<tokudan[m]> DigitalKiwi: i'm pretty sure it's not the actual version that's causing the issue but something in your environment. does "nix-env -q" show anything?
<tokudan[m]> yep, got the same path: /nix/store/sl7aaibb1jmz8bp0gb8vv0rlz00nk5jf-kicad-5.1.4/bin/kicad, trying to insert something causes a lot of "library not found", but no segfault
<mdash> eule: not something i've ever attempted, sorry
<mdash> if you want to keep something as a gc root, what's bad about it being in $PATH
<notgne2> eule: not sure if there's a proper way, but you can probably get away with just adding the package to a file in in /var or something, curious what the use case is
<eule> it was looking for /dev/sg# or something on the liveiso


<johnw> hmm.. I wonder if this is something that broke recently
<pittma> I have something like `Xft.dpi: 160` in a
<notgne2> mostly I've had some weird (impurity?) issues where if a service fails to start when deploying a new enableACME host it will fail, and require you to first manually start the acme service, then do a second deployment (or something like that I don't remember too well)
<eyJhb> pbb: try stable channel, 19.09 and see, or try something none-sway
<adisbladis> dsx: Is this something going into nixpkgs or private?
<kyren> it may have something to do with the fact that at one point this system was on unstable with gnome 3.34 and I was trying to switch to 3.32...
<anon> Hi all, I am starting with nixos and I would like to apply my $USER/.vimrc to my root vim, how would I do that ? Should I define something specific in configuration.nix ?
<eyJhb> I think it is something like that, which makes it fail
<dminuoso> bahamas: 30 seconds sounds like something is timing out. :-)
<dminuoso> bahamas: That sounds like an incorrectly set up something.
<hpfr[m]> There seems to be something broken with the steam derivation, fetching from repo.steampowered.com always fails
<clever> hpfr[m]: anything the nixos-rebuild would have built (but was already built), and anything it needs in the future (sources for something it will build soon)


<ShaRose> hmm. With this, is it something that needs extensive testing before the PR?
<infinisil> leo_: Something like `systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "L+ /dest/dir - - - - ${writeText ...}" ]`
<iMatejC> red[m]: howdy is not Finnish so much? or I am missing something?
<AmandaC> How could I use something like fetchFromTarball to pin something like home-manager in my nixos/nix-darwin config?
<uc> mdash, i had thoughts about it but was wondering whether something kinda built-in
<uc> like to cleanup something when i press ^D for instance
<chloekek> infinisil: thanks, I will do something else for now.
<edef> something brittle is better than nothing
<edef> it's just hard to figure out whether something is a module
<AmandaC> WEll that's certinely something: `nix: src/libexpr/attr-set.hh:54: void nix::Bindings::push_back(const nix::Attr&): Assertion `size_ < capacity_' failed.\nAborted (core dumped)` whenever I try and run `nix search foo`


<clever> elux: do you have a .bashrc or something else, that is messing with $PATH?
<jD91mZM2> smw_: There is builtins.toJSON, but that won't work when something errors
<jD91mZM2> I'm thinking something like `boot.loader = builtins.trace config.boot.loader { ... };` and then `nixos-rebuild test`. It's not pretty, but it might work
<SaboteurCZ> That package should also fetch something from network, but it doesn't :)
<Matthieu_> Hi, I'm trying to run a python script that uses an external lib (libgobject-2.0.so.0) that is installed by the package «glib» but the script still can't see it. I thought nix would make those libs available. Fyi, the «glib» package is installed via "buildInputs". I'm not very familiar with this. Am I doing something wrong ?
<jD91mZM2> So it must be something in polybar, I think, I'm getting " (U+f120)" and it works fine in my terminal
<rnhmjoj> wedens: maybe, but there is definitely something else: it also affect xterm fonts. it could really be penultimate
<rnhmjoj> jD91mZM2: i've found something similar with my bitmap font: in some qt application the font is huge, much larger than the reported pixel size
<arianvp> nixos is also something like gentoo if you squint enouhg I suppose :P
<johnnywho2> Something like gentoo
<angerman> how do I debug a derivation? Ideally I'd be placed into the derivation to the point where I can run build or something and it would behave identically to what the derivation with nix-build is doing.
<chessai> grub recently did something really stupid on my machine and me and clever spent forever debugging it
<red[m]> but it seems a bit more work than most would do so I'm guessing i'm missing something
<red[m]> from a practical standpoint - how do I check something doesn't break downstream packages when in a release branch?
<mdash> hpfr[m]: remember there's #nix:matrix.org too if you want something fancier ;-)


<evils> yea, last time i tried i got something like "unknown filesystem" from grub
<clever> hpfr[m]: checked the same thing, and its not a direct dep, but it may be an indirect dep (via something else)
<pie__> (just searched for something that uses perl.withpackages)
<pikajude> usually means it's linked with /lib64/ld or something like that
<evelyn> probably something to do with the keyboard+trackpad combo (it shows up as the same device)
<evelyn> Lenovo emulate PS2 or something
<hpfr[m]> Same, I think it’s kind of a nuisance in the main channel, maybe add a #nixos-news or something if people actually like it
<ArdaXi> tilpner: before I killed it it definitely said something about emptying trash
<kyren> I didn't know if there was some recursive magic going on or something, but I guess it can't work that way


<edef> (you should probably use something more sensible than my thirty second perl fever dream)
<exarkun> Why does `nix-build -I nixpkgs=url ...` do something different than `nix-build -I nixpkgs=./nixpkgs.nix ...` where `./nixpkgs.nix` contains `import (builtins.fetchTarball { url = same-url; sha256 = good-sha256; })`?
<dhess> it's honestly probably more trouble than it's worth. It's not something I need to do very often.
<gchristensen> I think there might be something to the ordering in the substituters list
<exarkun> Did I pick a revision with a broken udev expression or something?
<tilpner> It's a lot of complexity for something many people presumably don't really care about
<mdash> i've been trying to decide if i need something like vault
<edef> i'm tempted to give the HTTP auth backend a shot or something
<argc_> i mean, i can handroll atoi w/ a lookup table or something but i figured i'd find something laying around somewhere that i could use
<Taneb> Is there anyone online who knows much about the internals of buildRustCrate? There's something that I'm confused about which I'd like to query
<clever> sphalerite: i think its something wonky with my binary cache, either cachecache or binary-cache-v6.sqlite, restarting and deleting them fixes it
<adisbladis> I'm doing something interesting for nixcon :)
<sphalerite> bahamas: the django settings thing is a python script, right? You can maybe use os.getenv("out") or something in your settings
<edef> i think we're pretty far XY problem'd on something but it's hard to tell what from here
<ivan> Sigma: is pkgs/servers/dgraph/deps.nix generated with go2nix or something else?
<infinisil> Ahhh right, sorry that's something completely different


<tokudan> and still i tend to search through all of them if i'm looking for something
<tokudan> what's the way to do a logical AND on two booleans? I've got something like mkIf (service.A.enable AND whatever.enable)
<ornx> if it fails on the hashbang, and the path exists, then there must be something wrong with the file at that path
<lassulus> something like environment.etc for the whole FS would be handy
<hilo_> hi, it looks like the nixpkgs-unstable channel hasn't been rebuilt in 4 days - was wondering if that's normal or if something's amiss
<adisbladis> You're gonna have to set it to something
<hpfr[m]> Yup, doing a rebuild and takes me from 75% to full just copying paths. Gonna have to rebuild daily in the future or something so this doesn’t happen
<hpfr[m]> Seems like it would be rather barren compared to something like pfsense or cups
<clever> and if both ends are x86, for something simple like ncdu, you can skip half of that
<clever> if it fails, gc a bit, remove something else, try again
<danderson> hmm. I must have done something wrong. Made a tiny change to my config, and nix wants to rebuild most of my system...


<flokli> We might just want to increase stateVersion to something not matching the release number, like 3000, and then just increment the "suggested value" on every state migration we have to do, or every release
<__red__> then, because of something else - I set my stateVersion to 19.09
<__red__> but of course - now I'm curious if I accidentally reverted something back to the 19.09 version ;-)
<red[m]> but I did notice something else
<c00w> My guess - is that foo.bar.__path__ is set by foo.bar, and if it doesn't know about something it won't set it correctly.
<red[m]> Can someone tell me how to determine which packages are downstream dependancies of something?
<AmandaC> is there something like a combined `nix-build -E ...` then `nix-env -i <resilting nix store path>`?
<gchristensen> runCommand creates a build step which is executed at build time. not something which is run later
<jophish> I think the problem might have been that you were overwriting PATH with something where 'R' wasn't present
<jophish> Squarism: perhaps try something like this: https://gist.github.com/c1d3ef4272179433028fdd2777fd051e
<jophish> Squarism:something like: drv = pkgs.haskell.lib.addBuildDepends (callcabal2nix whatever) [R]
<jophish> You'll need to add something to the options of callcabal2nix on line 35


<evils> euhm, maybe i'm misunderstanding something, but i3lock works here
<tetdim> something is clearly incorrect inside the expr building
<clever> Squarism: why does it want something under lib in PATH? wut?
<clever> Squarism: why do you need to add something to PATH?
<samueldr> things did change between 19.09 and 19.03, even if the default kernel didn't; maybe something exhausts the pool or fills it at a different time?
<Squarism> i find i can write whatever lib names I want in default.nix and nix will accept them anyway. Am I doing something wrong or is it by design?
<Squarism> does nix, when running provide a "clean" environment? I mean if I have global install of something, will it use that during build/execution - even if not specified in the "nix-scripts"
<nakkle> clever: according to https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/issues/584 I need to execute it as a trusted user, as far as I understand it, because "building a derivation" is different from "building something else", but I haven't learned yet what exactly the difference is
<evils> just tried something smaller, it gets stuck at 1/4 of the progress bar as well
<evils> HappyEnt[m]: seems to be working here, though i'm slicing something rather big, i'll let you know if it fails to finish
<jophish> this seems like something nix is well positioned to do
<duairc> infinisil: Yeah, something like that probably seems to be the best bet.
<bahamas> how do you folks handle .env files? do you write them to /run/foo or something?
<duairc> infinisil: Ah, not exactly, but something like that. Anyway I figured out I can use builtins.getEnv "PWD" to disambiguate which project to build
<pbb> I know it was possible to use something sot hostPlatform to i686 when importing nixpkgs and build an iso from that in the past
<Zer0xp> Hey so I updated to 19.09 but while updating, something went wrong I guess cause whenever I restart the system, during the boot, it says that the NTP sync service didn't start
<kaba00> Hi, I vaguely remember some site or GitHub repo or something which listed packages not yet available in nixos but in other more mainstream distros. I would like to help package some of them, could someone please help where can I find such a list?
<pbb> > [21:55] <talyz> pbb: well, it looks like you're on ee, which is what I'm running too.. I guess it could be something in the state directory leftover from an old release causing this..
<kandinski> Wedens, is compositionality of configs in NixOS something awesome or what: https://github.com/musnix/musnix
<wedens> apparently I can do something like `nix-env -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-19.09.tar.gz -qas -A haskell.compiler.ghc864` to check if there is a substitute
<jackdk> Squarism: I think what you need to do is override the derivation to add your R stuff to buildInputs, but I think there are colleagues here who might have done something very similar in the recent past
<jackdk> nick_h: Can anyone spot something obvious here : https://paste.ofcode.org/HDCZQ53HpXmSrVrFmzJd9N ? is the question in particular
<Squarism> Can anyone spot something obvious here : https://paste.ofcode.org/HDCZQ53HpXmSrVrFmzJd9N ?
<ivan> inkbottle: when you run something with "sh" it doesn't use the shebang line


<__red__> btw - next time I think it's a good idea to try and fix something - someone please hit me with a flyswatter or something
<talyz> pbb: well, it looks like you're on ee, which is what I'm running too.. I guess it could be something in the state directory leftover from an old release causing this..
<AmandaC> You didn't do something like make docker use did you?
<AmandaC> is there something like mkEnableOption that defaults to true?
<red[m]> or something of that ilk?
<srhb> AmandaC: If the daemon is running it should still be the one doing the collecting. And I'd just check cpu usage via top or something like that. :)
<red[m]> so, if something has been marked as broken and has no maintainer - I guess that means someone can just pick it up?
<duairc> clever: I'm not sure that quite does what I'm saying. I already have something similar to that. I want to have a single shell.nix for all the projects that gives me the combined "env" of all of the libraries, minus the libraries themselves
<duairc> I'm also doing Haskell nix things right now, and a shell.nix I copied from somewhere ends with drv.env, where drv is ultimately the derivation that callCabal2nix makes. My question is, what is env? Can I look inside it? And is it recursive? Is there an env.env (not literally but something like that)?
<fresheye1> that leads me to believe that something got corrupt in nix-stores knowledge of what it has and what others have
<devalot> In hackage-packages.nix, why do some package releases get their own attributes (e.g., lens_4_18 vs. lens)? When testing my packages with new dependencies I have to dig through this file to figure out what attributes to use. Is there a better way or am I doing something wrong?
<Twey> How do people figure out which things are taking all the space in their Nix store? Something like ncdu but with the dependency graph instead of directory tree?
<exarkun> infinisil: Oh. So I *do* need nginx or apache or something like that.
<infinisil> exarkun: There needs to be something to verify you have control over the server, so you need a web server (there's also a dns version, but that's not implemented afaik)
<pbb> romildo: give me a moment, I'll come up with something for this problem
<pbb> vgnalizliz: depends on how you install something. "nix-env -iA" just follows the path you specify on the nixpkgs attribute set, so it will not even always choose the latest one
<bo0tzz> I think I'm still missing something getting this working. My old workflow is to use nix-shell to start a shell with the tools I need for my development (pipenv, yarn, etc). This is the context where I was having the issue with the attrs dependency. Using nix run like FRidh mentioned does fix the attrs issue, but I can't figure out how to reproduce
<infinisil> So the general idea is to statically encode that it should be influenced by something dynamic
<infinisil> kaliumxyz: Two ways I can see this being possible: One is to add something like `ConditionPathExists=!/etc/systemd-overrides/<unitname>` to the systemd unit you want to disable dynamically
<mg-> adisbladis: ah, running with no config works. So something in the config is fucking it up
<wtv_nick> i looked into that but it seems weird to me to have that solution when it feel like its something nix should do natively


<ornx> is running commands after merging via nix-env something that is intended to be supported ever?
<danderson> and again the trace just shows things failing somewhere in the bowels of nix, rather than pointing to something in my own module.
<WilliamHamilton> I'm looking for a wifi card to use with NixOS; is there something I should know (incompatibilities, etc)? I'd choose a Asus PCE-AC55BT probably
<aswanson> I'm getting a strange error when running `nixos-rebuild switch`, after the step `Updating GRUB 2 menu` : `Died at /nix/store/<hash>-install-grub.pl line 33`. I assume something is missing/broken under /boot but I don't know what
<jntd> srhb: I'm thinking in something like services.collectd.package, but security.wrappers returns a set with a path and a string and there is no mention to the wrapped bin.
<samueldr> services.journald.extraConfig = ''\nSystemMaxUse=2048M\n'' # <- I have something similar in my configurations
<clever> j4m3s__: then something else must be wrong with the cryptodisk setup, are you using luks?, hmmm, maybe grub doesnt understand lvm on luks?
<evanjs> clever: how did you test the compiled program? I must've run configure or something wrong
<evanjs> clever: seems like it's something from 2.3 -> 2.3.1 *shrugs* -- /nix/store/l4zaz0z1x9w549xj0m0y9a2p8fik2w8a-nix-2.3/bin/nix works fine. Anybody else on nix*-unstable experiencing broken nix commands?
<clever> nornagon: this tells nixos how to run a fuse binary to mount something
<evanjs> clever: yeah it was happening with `nix-eval` so I tried with `nixos-rebuild --show-trace` but that killed gdm.... let me try in a vterm or screen or something
<clever> lukash_: is something mounted read-only?
<tilpner> lukash_: It will be created once you install something into it: nix-env -iA nixpkgs.hello
<ornx> man nix is so cool, i tried to build something and it didnt work so i thought "oh god ill have to spend ages figuring out how to compile this"
<nornagon> i'm unfamiliar with nix-shell, something like `nix-shell -p jdk11_headless`?
<ornx> i have my nixpkgs (stable/release and unstable/master) in a git repo on my hard disk (so i dont use channels (i dont think??)), so to do eg nix-shell i have to do -I nixpkgs=/path/to/localrepo -I unstable=/blah/blah etc, is there some way to set these as environment variables (or set my nix channel to use the local repos) or something, so i dont have to pass those flags to nix-env/nix-shell et al every time i want to use them?
<adisbladis> wedens: Iirc it came down to something linking against an ABI version of vaapi that's not around anymore
<aanderse> wedens: when users make something blow up :)
<infinisil> gjabell: You can do this with something like `options.users.users = mkOption { type = loaOf (submodule ({ config, ... }: { config.passwordFile = mkDefault (pkgs.writeText "pw" config.password); })); }`
<mabel> something had to have overwritten it
<mabel> ah, something like boot.extraModprobeConfig ="options vfio-pci ids=${cfg.pciIDs}"; ?
<tilpner> jophish: Something like strace -o /tmp/log -vfefile vim ...
<jophish> Something about being in a nix shell makes os_copy((char *)fname, (char *)backup, UV_FS_COPYFILE_FICLONE) fail
<danderson> but again, removing any mention of name still results in an infinite recursion, so I'm thinking there's something more fundamental that I'm missing.
<infinisil> Or something like that, I don't see a force push in the PR, so it should still be referenced


<ixiqem> The only culprit I can think of is secure boot or something that my dual windows (on a different drive) has done. But I can still _boot_ into nixos and windows
<ixiqem> Nixos seems to have completely broken for me, and it seems to be something outside of generations. Kwin is crashing (can't move or resize windows) it can be fixed by nuking ~/.cache, but only temporarily. Network can't connect to eno1 so I have no network, and this is happening on every generation i've tried (from the latest to the first to some inbetween, all of which have historically not had these
<clever> leo_: your likely doing something wrong, somewhere
<marusich> I expected ${} to be bash parameter expansion, but it seems like it must be something else.
<AmandaC> I'mma make a full log of the thing, and upload that somewhere, maybe I'm missing something
<clever> matthuszagh: you want something like this, to append to it
<AmandaC> clever: ... something seems fucky with my linux VM, but not sure why. It's saying "Cannot allocate memory" even though it's for ~4G free still (I bumped the VM up to 8G RAM )
<rycee> On the train to Prague now. Anybody know if there is a meetup or something there soon? I'll stay until the 20th 🙂
<rnhmjoj> do you know if something related to (bitmap?) fonts changed with 10.09? i now have to specify rgstry=iso10646 in the xfontsel string otherwise i get a ridiculously upscaled version (rgstry=iso8859) of the same font, eventhough the pixel size is the same
<sphalerite> idk what exactly caused it — I'm guessing it's actually new support in the kernel for my laptop or something — but it will now completely drain one of the batteries and turn off, rather than switching to the second battery at 5% >_<
<clever> wedens: for that, you want something slightly different
<spiderbit> it can be a bit frustrating to use nixos from time to time :D github errors take often several moths or get not fixed at all even after months then you upgrade the system because that fixes the issue but something else breaks then irc nobody that can help you and mailing lists are down, too :D
<clever> hpfr[m]: not sure what else could be checked, try doing `nix-store -r /nix/store/foo` using something the remote machine has, but the local doesnt, and also not in the binary cache
<red[m]> ... and something keeps changing /var/lib/bacula to be owned by root