
<mehlon> I was thinking something like a dynamic config file that is updated whenever you install something
<betawaffle> erictapen: are you sure it's not something trivial like that i'm not specifying any dependencies?
<betawaffle> when i grep the sources, there do seem to be a lot of /bin/bash shebangs. should i be doing something with patchShebangs?
<betawaffle> i assume it's something involving one of the substitute* helpers?
<dirkx__> is there a command to reset the entire store / to be sure you do not have some cruft of earlier builds ? I had a disk full error; and am starting to wonder if something is in an odd state.
<DigitalKiwi> ToxicFrog: when i've had homeless-shelter errors it's usually from something trying to write to $HOME during a build sometimes setting HOME to $TMPDIR fixes
<bahamas> is there a way to install a package in `nix-shell` while at the same time overriding something about the package? in this particular case, I want to install ghc with the time package. the issue is that I want to use a different version of time, which nix needs to build and the build fails
<infinisil> ToxicFrog: But if argv0 is something like /home/user
<infinisil> ToxicFrog: Oh, potentially you could be really tricky: Use makeWrapper to change argv0 to something not in /nix/store
<ToxicFrog> I'm writing a nixpkgs expression. The program being installed needs to be wrapped in a script that, on each run, copies or symlinks some stuff from $out into the user's home directory before actually running the program. What's the best way to do this? writeScriptBin something that takes $out as an argument and then install that in $out/bin?
<gchristensen> if you can guarantee the hash of something you are allowed to provide instructions to get it, so in this case Nix considers the hash and the thing to be interchangeable


<dirkx____> samueldr: you were right - there was something funny wth the gist.
<betawaffle> not one of github's integrated things, more like a webhook or something
<eacameron> Is there a way to use nix-shell like "nix-shell some-file -pA attr" where I get a shell with attr built and on my path? I.e. I want something that's like -p and -A
<o1lo01ol1o> clever: I know, something must have borked something
<clever> which means, something else was already holding it
<dirkx____> Or is this something I can submit as a pull request - and better sollicit feedback that way (it is tested, compiles & works fine as it is now).
<betawaffle> what, is it stuck in D state or something?
<jared-w> awesome. I'll go check some ssh configs for the builtins:local thing then. That might just be something that's oddly missing
<__monty__> dsx: ^ Something like this would help with your question.
<charukiewicz> exarkun: I guess that's more of my question, can I do something like nix-env -i nixops@1.6.1 to roll back to a previous version?
<Yaniel> cyberguy: like, set up a (physical or virtual) machine with ubuntu that serves a simple webpage showing the current weather or something
<Yaniel> but something like ubuntu works too, especially if you don't have enough patience to spend the first day in a text-only environment
<DigitalKiwi> probably something in the doom config you can disable, but i'm not really good at emacs...i use vim like 90% of the time
<Yaniel> do you have something in particular that you want to learn?
<exarkun> If machine B doesn't have tmux installed, `$(which tmux)` resolves to something like
<chris__> Hmm odd... Okay last try here. Can I nix-env a package with plugins the same way I can in a nixos configuration.nix? I'm trying something like `nix-env -iA "nixos.terraform.withPlugins(p: [p.google])"` but it errors stating the attribute is not found?
<Laarlf> when i want to add something to defaults and i have a <name> in the option name, how would i do that? services.x."something".y = options.services.x."something".y.default ++ { "example"}; does not work
<tilpner> Though you could trigger a new build of a similar derivation (change something trivial)
<lovesegfault> clever: issue is I want the name to reflect that this is now bzip'd but if you try to bzip something with .bz2 ext. it ill explode
<lovesegfault> Hi, I'm trying to combine nix-build and callPackage, but I need to set something in the arguments that requires pkgs
<angerman> so nix puts env values (if lists) unquoted into the env, right? so `x = ["1 2" "3"];` ends up being `x = 1 2 3;` and hence iteating over them in bash will yield three iterations instead of two or am I doing something wrong?


<clever> o1lo01ol1o: something could be running /nix/store/cnsvrj5ms471f6mwq4r0xnf508cz1xza-nixos-system-unnamed-19.09.981.205691b7cbe/bin/switch-to-configuration directly
<o1lo01ol1o> clever: I really don't know what. Something would have to explicitly call /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration switch correct?
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: but maybe there is something else, not the deploy script, that is screwing with things?
<andi-> what is the current state of something node (aka npm/yarn/…) to nix?
<clever> if you `hexdump -C $DISK | head -n30` you should see something funny, if it worked right
<thomashoneyman> anyone aware of an example in the wild that does something like this? generate a file and then import the result?
<thomashoneyman> something like let spagoPkgs = import (run 'spago2nix') { inherit pkgs }
<deni> I guess somethings up on my host system... but the project channel (pinned) and the host channel are the same at the moment
<vandenoever> immae: i'd like to go for something mainstream, preferably something that works from nixpkgs with just configuration
<tobiasBora> samueldr: (last message I saw is "might alos be that the fix wasn't backported) => Ok, maybe I should fill a bug report or something. But for now I first want to recover a working system. I'd need to rollback to generation 143, but when I do "nixos-rebuild switch --rollback 143" it fails.
<samueldr> there's a workaround in disabling the AEGIS something SIMD something option in the kernel
<infinisil> thomasho1eyman: The fact that it is getting copied over means something is pulling it with it
<thomashoneyman> I may be able to get away with something like (self: super: { nixops = fetchFromGitHub ...})
<rizary_> I always get error `attempt to call something which is not a function bu a set`
<EdLin> notgne2: yup, I do something like that (with other distros) for KVM/QEMU.
<EdLin> yup, on nvidia cards, nouveau frame-buffer is the default for many of them. also, amdgpu might have something similar.
<clever> zeta_0: i think so, try using ssh to connect to something, gpg should ask for a pw once
<notgne2> also I'm amused by colinux, I had never heard of it but ended up trying to make something similar a few months ago in windows 10


<chrisaw> Using overrideAttrs how do I append to a list? I seem to remember something about using ++ but I could be wrong. *-)\
<notgne2> `(arduino.override { withGui = true; })` or something like that chrisaw
<clever> and something will create a shell-script wrapper, that uses the build-time $PYTHONPATH
<clever> which may be something you didnt want done
<clever> maybe something like this in shell.nix
<o1lo01ol1o> fresheyeball: I saw your pytorch messages and just came across this: https://github.com/nixos-rocm/nixos-rocm. Maybe it helps with something?
<worldofpeace> We have surprisingly little information about software licensing in the nixpkgs manual https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-meta-license, especially when packaging something. I fear expressions get merged that are violative, we could also be requiring reviewers to nudge upstream to make some informed changes.
<pistache> I swear I've read something about this in the docs, but I can't find it anymore
<infinisil> So something that adds phonon from qt4 to environment.systemPackages
<EdLin> I think that it's because it's stderr or something
<EdLin> looks like icon assetts or something
<EdLin> is this something I should be concerned about?
<brightflame> i'm slowly getting used to this strange nixos-y world. why is it that when i install something via nix-env i have to name it like `nixos.lxappearance-gtk3`, but when i run it via nix run i name it like `nixpkgs.lxappearance-gtk3`?
<samueldr> there might be something weird (and not nixos specific) with 5.3 (maybe 5.4 too?) that makes the computer unresponsive for small amount of time
<samueldr> wondering if it's carnix that doesn't do something or what
<clever> fresheyeball: you need to run something to turn it into a cuda_cmake_macros.h
<clever> zeta_0: and must end with something not a /
<clever> something (havent checked what) will add luks support to grub, and grub will have its own pw prompt, before the initrd
<buckley310> download the linux-5.3.nix file from unstable and in your config do something like `boot.kernelPackages = (callPackage /path/to/linux-5.3.nix {})
<EdLin> I'm a bit of a nixos newbie, so I might be doing something wrong?
<EdLin> any password, something I can log in with...
<clever> zeta_0: `-p ghc` auto-generates: with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "something"; buildInputs = [ ghc ]; }
<jared-w> Yes, this is something that's a massive departure from the normal way of doing things. Install everything "from scratch" in every repo or project or folder as far down as possible
<jared-w> zeta_0: did you run something like: nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [p.brick])" --run "runhaskell HelloWorld.hs"


<raboof> is there something like `pkgs.writeTextDir` that rather than writing text to a new file in a directory, copies an already-existing file to that directory?
<exarkun> I suppose it has something to do with `tahoe-lafs = pkgs.python2Packages.callPackage ./tahoe-lafs.nix { };` :/
<zeta_0> yeah i think the ihaskell jupyter kernel broke or something because it freezes emacs
<exarkun> if dontUseSetuptoolsCheck *is* set to something and installCheckPhase is set to something, add setuptoolsCheckPhase to preDistPhases?
<exarkun> instead it should be doing something like `python.withPackages (buildInputs + checkInputs)` I guess
<o1lo01ol1o> Are there any resources for using awslog or similar to get aws `systemd` logs out of an EC2 instance and into something that can use them (ie, cloudwatch)?
<turion> It would be great if someone who understands how broken haskell packages work, writes down something in the nixpkgs manual
<pistache> I was wondering if there's something better than outPath for this
<gchristensen> so put something like: if ! the-lxd-containers-root-is-from "$out"; then ...
<dooms> I think I've seen something like that, when the library version is not published to pypi
<stammon> Hi I need someone with more experience with node and nix to help me. I want to run a npm script in a nix package I'm building. More specifically: I try to build the vim plugin for vscodium from source. I have this repo for the vimplugin https://github.com/stammon/Vim and I want a nix expression that turns it into a built plugin. Something like https://pastebin.com/BtAFxnRj but without the npm ci in the build step since that
<dirkx> in a dependency I've got a nice stdenv.mkDerivation rec { … } that can be reused for this sub-module (with just a different name, description, url) — is there an easy way to simply 'overwride' it — e.g. do something like '{stdenv, coreutils, mothership }; with mothership; stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "extrabit
<dirkx> b.t.w. if I have 1 main package and 6 packages that need that main one anyway — is there a neat way to refer to a convenice fetcher already defined in that main package ? Can you do something like src = mainpgname.myfetcher ….. when mainpgname is already in the {} on the first line ?
<qubasa> Does someone know how to get the c stdlib for 32bit? If I try to compile something with clang I get the error "gnu/stubs-32.h' file not found"
<CMCDragonkai> so something liek this?
<evanjs> Finally back up.... Though I guess I won't know why my login broke earlier today... One thing on my wishlist now though is something that helps flag kernel rebuild-requiring features. Is there a way to tell what options need the kernel rebuilt at a glance?
<clever> ah, that must be something else
<kvda> with global NixOS configuration it seems you can add it to services.postgresql, is something similiar possible in nix-shell or do you need a shellHook?


<jared-w> I've personally found that nixpkgs is updated frequently enough that even updating once a day usually updates something somewhere
<simpson> gchristensen: A few of us (dash, ehmry in particular) are looking at seL4/Genode avenues. How much of Nix proper would be reusable is unclear, and of course dash and I want to use something other than C++...
<kyren> this wasn't meant as a dig against linux, I'm just saying that nix is THAT important to my life now, if there was a NixOS/freebsd or a NixOS/redox or something that's cool, if there's a linux/no-nix I cry
<kyren> yeah I mean NixOS is great, I should have said that if you told me to give up one of the kernel or the nix stuff on top I'd give up the kernel, we could rebuild on freebsd or something
<fZNxeka75> but I'd really need a .nix autocompletion editor or something that can at least dump the whole current configuration/defaults to a file, otherwise I'd be hard to know what keywords are available for me to use/edit modify
<jared-w> In environment.systemPackages I have (neovim.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "master"; src = builtins.fetchTarball URL;})), but that doesn't actually seem to do anything. Am I misunderstanding overrideAttrs or do I need to run callPackage or something?
<acowley> What I'm trying involves something not yet in upstream nixpkgs yet, but what I want is `nix run nixpkgs.foo nixpkgs.jq -c foo | jq ...`
<__Sander__> gdb shows that some OpenSSL function has something to do with it. has anyone run into this before?
<angerman> adisbladis: it's more like I want to throw something in, and have it throw something out. Let me throw something in again, have it computed in the sandbox and retrieve it back again.
<keithy[m]> * mulitboot-helper is something clever has, it generates a kernel, an initrd and a grub-fragment pop them into boot and away you go
<keithy[m]> mulitboot-helper is something clever has, it generates a kernel, an initrd and a grub-fragment pop tem into boot and away you got
<duairc> Does nixpkgs know its own revision? Is there a way from with within nix to get the revision of a particular nixpkgs? Something like (import <nixpkgs> {}).revision ?
<notgne2> but there's probably something in the journals if thats easier
<colemickens> I changed something and now I'm getting stack overflows: error: stack overflow (possible infinite recursion)
<clever> CMCDragonkai: if that happens to be a regular string, then it will wind up impurely pointing to something nix wasnt managing, like /srv/!
<clever> CMCDragonkai: youll need to make a variant of it, that does something different
<clever> keithy[m]: something else that may help, and skip the entire kexec layer, is https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/multi-boot-helper.nix
<lovesegfault> it's annoying that if I change something in postFixup I need to rebuild everything
<keithy[m]> for some reason I thought that was just a snippet, rather than part of something like a repo
<notgne2> when you generate your kexec script, you write a NixOS config for it, normally you can just go for something minimal like adding your SSH keys or whatnot, then once you're booted in you can install as usual


<talvdav> ok there is something fishy with my installation
<alfborge> Thank you, that looks relevant. How about if I want to do something system wide?
<talvdav> hi, i forgot to set my hostname during installation and i wanted to change that afterwards but it dose not work. is that normal or do i miss something?
<scasc> I guess that's all over my head yet. I mean, the reason I want to parallel install is because I'm unsure I can climb the NixOS mountain (given my temporal resources). So screwing with nixstore is probably also something I don't want to do then..
<scasc> That's why I asked about sharing nixstore somehow, because 40G is really something I'd reuse, I guess.
<betawaffle> i'm trying to define some custom types for my module in a separate file. is there something i should be using instead of this: "types = types // (import ./types.nix { inherit lib; });"
<clever> there are string split map, and concat functions, and that can let you add something
<aterius> I'm looking for a way to update my nix home-manager expression to automatically bump the shas to the latest version prior to upgrading my system. I've seen this approach https://vaibhavsagar.com/blog/2018/05/27/quick-easy-nixpkgs-pinning/ and this https://github.com/expipiplus1/update-nix-fetchgit, but was wondering if I was missing something.
<chloekek> Really neat that Nix is a proper programming language, if something’s missing you can just add it yourself. :)
<chloekek> Would be nice to have something like pkg-configWithPackages. I’ll look into making something like that.
<betawaffle> should i be disabling the hostnamed unit or something?
<betawaffle> like i want to generate network unit names from something higher level
<clever> to write to it, import <nixpkgs> { config.retroarch = something; }
<kolbycrouch> anyone know how to use something like nixpkgs.config.retroarch in a shell.nix? Declaring it in configuration.nix works but not when using let/in in a shell.nix
<butchery> setting up a new install, can't get anything from nix cache, machine has network connectivity but timing out on nixos-rebuild, is something up with nix cache right now or is it on my end?


<bdju> I'm getting an error about "priority" while trying to install some packages, a conflict between `mtools` and `mkmanifest`, but the latter isn't something I was installing. It sounds like it's part of home-manager. I'm not sure what I should do here. Any advice?
<pbogdan> maybe I'm doing something silly I can't return what I assume to be an anonymous function from let .. in ..
<JanitorDan> Where should $XDG_CONFIG_HOME be defined? I have `xdg.portal.enable = true; xdg.oortal.extraPortals = [ pkgs.xdg-desktop-portal-gtk ]; xdg.portal.gtkUsePortal = true;` in my configuration. But the environment variable does not get defined. Is this something I should be defining manually, or is there a config option for it?
<genesis> i think something is better than nothing, and we should be a bit more regardless on "init PR"
<betawaffle> from inside a nixos module (something imported with imports = [ ... ]), how can i refer back to something from the whole finished configuration, from an expression?
<ashesham`> just something that would help me on seeing what the problem is that causes the system to lock up and crash
<ashesham`> is there something I can do? I've checked with my hardware: I've run memtests etc. and it all checks out; the hardware seems to be ok. Moreover; I was not experiencing these crashes on 5_1.
<lirzhv> or is there something in the manual about how to make one?
<`_> Yeah I can imagine, I have yet to set something like that up
<srhb> I vaguely remember something like that in winecfg
<srhb> asheshambasta: That's possible, I'm not sure if networkmanager does something graceful here.
<danderson> phantom is heavy because it's doing... something with Qt and whatnot
<clever> lovesegfault: is it in the propagatedBuildInputs of something that is in beet's buildInputs?
<evanjs> evils: oh wow. 4.19 doesn't work either. Definitely something weird on my end
<cryptomonad> I just tried the newest unstable iso - this worked. So there seems to be something wonky with the current iso and creating bootable usb drives for UEFI
<lovesegfault> Why doesn't something like this work? `nix-build . -A 'beets.override { enableCheck = true; }'`


<__monty__> Sounds like something that's relatively easy to do in a wrapper script.
<Athas> Right, I found that header file in many versions mesa, but apparently it has been moved since or something. Maybe I should garbage collect my store...
<Athas> I have a derivation (rocm-opencl-runtime, from an overlay) that fails to compile when I do `nixos-rebuild`, yet it works when I manually try to build it with `nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A rocm-opencl-runtime`. I can see that the hash is different, so there it is building something different (or at least different dependencies).
<hodapp> does 'rustc' package just ship broken or something? should I not be using it?
<tilpner> das_j: Do something smarter for caching, extra crates, and weird input
<exarkun> Do I have to add xorg.libxcb as well or something?
<juxiemaotu> when i use nix-copy-closure to install something from another computer,it prompt getting status of xxxx/found,not such file or directory
<yorick> `_: that's only if you know that it is called rg, otherwise it installs something random
<`_> I must be doing something terribly wrong
<clever> evils: same as any other package, kicad-libraries.symbols.overrideAttrs (old: { src = something; name = "kicad-symbols-1.2.3"; })
<flokli> kisonecat: there's services.udev.packages, where you can add packages providing udev rules. I'm not sure if and where in nixpkgs we ship something like https://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/0/1693795812304458372/


<fresheyeball> something feels right about that
<fresheyeball> I might do something like this
<clever> stereo speakers + mic, something bluetooth cant do, lol
<makefu> frederic_chopwn[: there is something about audio profiles in the wiki: https://nixos.wiki/index.php?title=Bluetooth#Enabling_A2DP_Sink
<betawaffle> hmm, now he says he probably just tried to use it on the wrong month, or something
<srhb> betawaffle: So ideally, each component has something like three options at most. Enable, arguments, kubeconfig. Or at least something to that extent.
<kai_w> I'm doing something wrong with patchelf --set-rpath. When I inspect the binary with readelf, I have RUNPATH set on my binary, but ldd still reports that the libraries are not found
<mananamenos> aanderse, when i change something related this service.moodle and rebuild my nixos, does it throw away all mysql databases, in this case mdl_user and start fresh?
<aanderse> so you added a $ or something bash would interpret to your password
<order> ok, will try and see if I can find something similar to hashlink in the install side
<dansho> __monty__: strange, i guess it has something to do with __functor: https://hastebin.com/okugosejuc.nix
<dansho> like just list the keys or something
<samueldr> or am I missing something obvious?
<samueldr> delroth: is it something like dolphineEmuMaster.nativeBuildInputs ++ dolphinEmuMaster.buildInputs that you want available in the systemd service?
<clever> gchristensen: neighbor advertisement is something different, oh, i pasted the wrong thing above
<delroth> there is a pretty large set of solutions I can pick from if I'm willing to go with something like that
<delroth> I have. I'd like to avoid having a daemon for something that is literally static and only changes when I nixops deploy
<delroth> that seems like something you can put in an rc file and be done with?
<aanderse> anyone done a sftp jail in nixos? i'm not sure if i'm doing something silly or what, but just wondering if there are any "gotchas" i should be aware of?


<tbenst> anyone know how to write a text file to `/etc`? looks like writeTextFile only writes to /nix/store unless I'm missing something
<Athas> Unfortunate. Let's see if rocm will play nice with something newer.
<Athas> Is linuxPackages_5_2 gone from nixpkgs unstable or is it called something new?
<raboof> I find myself doing 'nix-shell -p foo --run foo every now and then when i just want to try out something - is there a nice shorthand for that?
<mabel> hrm. what should I do to troubleshoot? should I try to bisect or something?
<cinimod> So patch the package to use something other than AR?
<yorick> Izorkin: I've asked the fail2ban people when they will release 0.11 and if including betas for it in nixos is something they want


<noneucat> zeta_0: maybe also rename the variables to something like pkgsStable and pkgsUnstable? that's what i used to do
<ottidmes> Ah, that was confusing, so "vesa" includes amdgpu, and "amdgpu" is something different, like some older version? Since when I try videoDrivers = [ "amdgpu" ]; it fails, videoDrivers = [ "vesa" ]; it succeeds, while lspci gives me kernel modules: amdgpu when it succeeds
<Yaniel> nixos-unstable has a lot more tests so if something breaks it is more likely to get fixed before the channel updates
<thoughtpolice> ^^ i love pushing broken commits because i forgot to amend something :( sigh, fix incoming, though if mimalloc has been busted for a month i doubt anyone was using it but me. my fualt
<x123_> something else? It seems like the module wants to copy the plugins over
<tilpner> Although you seem to want something system-wide and for more than opengl? :/
<gchristensen> I think you could blacklist the modules or something via kernel params?
<Gopal-M> wait, there was something in the NixOS on ZFS wiki
<mananamenos> vaibhavsagar, thanks, i've just tried it. Once I select the external, usb connected hdd, i can choose windows/nixos from boot loader, but then loading the os it crashes, something is wrong.
<evanjs> It looks like there's something for 1.38.0 specifically in tree, even.., since 518b5c1ae4bca8ee93b5e709d499061e625c0643, at least
<etu> yeah, something along those lines :)
<clever> zeta_0: 35/36 will then do something with those variables, and in this case, the result is a binary "it worked" or "it failed", so it just always writes "done" to $out
<clever> if its giving an error, then something is probably wrong
<jtojnar> maybe through something like sys.executable
<wrl> thunderbolt devices are tricky – on some chipsets, the controller will only show up if something's connected to it
<gchristensen> I think kworker-pm is unhappy about something in usb


<x123_> yeah, I don't understand this. nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos/tests/timezone.nix>' does nothing, manually running nix-build timezone.nix does nothing....other tests seem to work, I must be missing something completely
<x123_> so in this case, something like `assert some_value == "something", "or a human error message"` ?
<Jarva_> What's the benefit of using HomeManager over something like gnu stow? Or should they be used together? I'm unsure as to how I should be storing my configurations on git
<thomashoneyman> something's not right here
<thomashoneyman> has anyone here managed to deploy something trivial with nixops recently like what's in the nixops manual?
<thomashoneyman> hey folks! today I wanted to try deploying something trivial using NixOps by following along directly with the manual:
<clever> it needs to be -DNIX_SSL_CERT_FILE='"something"'
<philipp[m]> There was a tool that could create something like a flatpack as a static executable with nix. I forgot the name. Can somebody help me out?
<tilpner> And running nix eval -f '<nixpkgs>' lib.version as root (!) gives you something with 19.09?
<dansho> oh it's worse than that was just 1 library or something
<tomberek> Not suggesting we auto-remove that. just that the run-nixos-vm script just does something like "echo 'Reusing existing nixos.qcow2'"
<elvishjerricco> tomberek: I'll probably through a branch up on github tonight or something.
<selfsymmetric-mu> evils: No but somehow I have the man pages for the programs that I have. It's almost like they install them or something. ;)
<clever> and after failing to execute the arm binary, something decided, "well it must be a shell script"
<clever> i just remembered something else ive seen today, that is fairly nasty


<magneticduck> I believe that you never need to reboot unless you do something truly drastic like changing the kernel
<xidica> boomshroom: just looking at my github repo for a project where I needed something to render all sorts of characters, I needed to have these font packages fonts-arphic-bkai00mp fonts-arphic-bsmi001p fonts-arphic-gbsn001p fonts-arphic-gkai00mp fonts-arphic-ukai fonts-arphic-uming
<xidica> hmm, actually, I think the laptop is somehow being suspended even with the logind lidswitch all set to "ignore", so it must be something else doing it. Any idea how I can find out what specifically? I'm just running xserver + lightdm + i3
<betawaffle> which probably ends up being something like diy activation scripts, right?
<jgt> how do I make nginx work locally in a nix-shell? I can of course load it with nix-shell -p nginx, but if I try to run it, I get a couple of permission denied errors because it wants to write a log file (and something else) to a location in the nix store


<avn> dirkx_: something like apacheWithModules should be somewhere around
<dirkx_> is there a way to install / refer to something build with 'nix-build' straight from the /nix/store into an nix-env (--install) ?
<dirkx_> ah ok - something double.
<coderobe> hm, either i'm doing something wrong or i can't find any available nixpkgs on arm.cachix.org
<betawaffle> i think when it comes time to replace this 2013 mac pro with something new, i'll *definitely* be installing nix on here and using it as a server
<clever> betawaffle: something ive heard is that the apple touchpad (on some models) is both usb and i2c based
<dirkx_> clever: txs -- I have a nix-build against a foo.nix file working well -- and am now trying to create a bar.nix that builds something that needs a lib/include fom foo. I though that i could just put it in buildInputs=[ foo ] -- but suspect that it is not seen as nix-build does just build - and not put it in the right place for other builds to be picked up ?
<clever> something about only being able to access recovery mode once you do the initial setup
<clever> if any are writable, something isnt right
<pistache> karetsu: if I may, sometimes (often?) the best way to know how to do something with NixOS is to read module's .nix file
<clever> coderobe: something that you usually set on every single machine, like creating your user, configuring timezones
<xidica> is there some recommended "best practice" for segregating system and user packages? I've read the handful of various ways and settled on just using users.users.USERNAME.packages = [ pkg.blah pkg.blah2 ], it seems to be doing fine for a single user laptop setup, am I missing something or overthinking it?
<jerry20> MichaelRaskin So in this case, something like pash-password-manager will do?
<das_j> dansho: Nvm, it doesn't seem to use rsl by default. It's something else it uses in my case
<clever> something ive wanted to do (but its a major re-design) is to generate output that is compatible with save/restore
<boogiewoogie> so they re-build from something like a rules file on every startup?
<MichaelRaskin> DigitalKiwi: so, to recap, you are acomplaining that scriptkiddies scanning the entire internet in a search of something trivial to hack are not operating efficiently enough?
<clever> dansho: that implies that the binaries where not compiled with the right RPATH entries, and something else is wrong
<tomberek> yeah, and i'm not sure how specific you need to be. something like myGcc.cc.lib ?
<oscarvarto> but I think I need to generate something with stack 2 nix or something


<pingiun> is there something like nixpkgs.servers.mail.dovecot?
<typetetris> adisbladis: You need to tweak something or does unstable work out of the box? (I upgraded xserver amdgpu driver, kernel to 5.4.1 and my 19.09-Branch, but that didn't help either).
<tobiasBora> did I miss something?
<arianvp> could we use something like jitsi for nix office hours?
<nixy37> enteee: I'm not sure I entirely understand but I think it has something to do with your derivation missing a name? From your branch I couldn't list all packages using `nix-env -f . -qa`. Once I replaced `drv.name` in your default.nix it would at least list out packages
<abathur> anyone successfully using apache 2.4+ with php7+ module? trying to set it up on macos but there's no ${pkgs.php}/modules directory; not quite sure if it's a general break, darwin specific, or if I'm just doing something wrong
<rasmusm> hey do anybody know what happend to the avr-gcc pkgs? i can find it in 18.9 but not in 19.9 (but i am new nixos user so i may have overlooked something)
<deni> or something along those lines?
<myme> I'd like to try to create a derivation which fetches some sources over ssh/scp/rsync - anybody have any experience with something like a hypothetical fetchSSH or similar?
<deni> clever: I was thinking of using nix.... and then `import nix/sources.nix` or something along those lines
<deni> wasn't sure if it had something to do with the fact I was using an alias from /etc/hosts
<jgt> I'm trying to deploy NixOS on a Hetzner machine with NixOps, but it's failing at the partition step. Is there something I can do to make Kickstart's output more verbose?
<johill> ok, I found it, something's odd with my mounts and when it tries to move it from /nix/store to /nix/store/trash, it gets -EXDEV
<gyroninja> dependencies it needs. When I packaged weechat-matrix I did something similar, but the upstream version does not seem to do this. Is there a proper way to setup weechat that does not run into this issue? Thanks for the help.
<dansho> it says something about ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix but there is no such file


<tobiasBora> ressources. So ideally I'd use something that is light weight + integrate well with gitea (my website)... Do you think travis CI + nix language deploy makes sense? Or do you have nice advices/general methods for that kind of deployment? Thanks!
<gyroninja> It got to the part when it was stopping a bunch of services and then my sytem crashed or something because my monitors all lost signal
<clever> then youll have something much simpler, and it can sit for a while without bitrot
<infinisil> Oh so it's something in your local branch?
<otwieracz> I am trying to do something like that
<jumper149> and it says: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position
<clever> Shouou: the shell script being used as a builder, then does something with $prepend
<clever> jonge[m]: it would be better to just replace all instances of <nixpkgs> with something like `import (import ./fetch-nixpkgs.nix) {}`
<clever> Jarva: you need to use something like `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system -I nixos-config=./configuration.nix`
<typetetris> Is there something like `--option substituters "<list of substituters>"` for nixos-rebuild ?
<Miyu-saki> (Which is also something that's blocking us.)
<vxid> Ok. I read that it was possible with something like home_manager but I don't know how mature this project is.
<tilpner> But I have something better
<eyJhb> I found I had something like nm-connetion-editor
<clever> notgne2: something ive been playing with lately is bonding, to deal with handover
<eyJhb> I should really do something like.. gchristensen I think then.. But that means I have to reinstall with ZFS as well
<eyJhb> clever: but that is the point of doing that right? Symlinking something impusre
<clever> eyJhb: but if you just shove a quoted path in, that path will stay as-is, and it will symlink something impure!
<eyJhb> There is something "optional" some place
<clever> elvishjerricco: since it heavily uses offsets to point to things, and shrinking something will move everything after it


<coderobe> Ah, I'm doing something similar with the rpi0w
<clever> i just realized something crazy, with the rpi4 .....
<bennofs> does nixos have a way to send firewall log messages to something else than dmesg?
<lucasvo> If I need a temporary filesystem to write something to and then make it available to a process that is running within a mkDerivation, how would I do that?
<lovesegfault> Something is wrong with the aarch64 hibernation test
<meatcar_> clever: looks like it helped! cheers. Definitely feels like something the --repair options should set by default ;)
<pie_> i vaguelz remember possibly having looked at this at some point and my conclusion at the time was something was screwed up with latency and scheduling, but i think that was different
<pie_> ok maybe ^C doing something weird to the output
<pie_> (the whole system is generally not that snappy but i guess id have to test against ubuntu on ext4 or something...)
<pie_> tilpner: if i start typing something into the kde start menu for example
<foxmean> I've install it but I can not export org file in my emacs to beamer. It said "user-error: Unknown LaTeX class ‘beamer’". Does something I need to do with my emacs?
<jared-w> nh2: wtf. I must've been doing something wrong the first 20 times I tried this because it was very easy to get everything working this time around...


<ennui> whats the best way to get the .out path of a .drv? is there something simpler than 'nix show-derivation mydrv | jq ...'?
<jared-w> But, not sure if that's really the underlying issue. Do you need to run something like nix-collect-garbage? or nix-store --optimize?
<nDuff> Howdy -- I'm trying to use node2nix, but hitting what looks like a file-descriptor-exhaustion issue when building a very large project. Trying to fix it without modifying any generated code, though, is something that I'm needing to think about how to do. One approach that comes to mind is modifying the copy of stdenv I pass in on the argument list to node-env.nix to have a mkDerivation that sets ''ulimit -n hard'' -- but is there something easier/saner?
<DigitalKiwi> are there any stats available about that could indicate how popular a package is? like number of downloads or something
<_Lemon_> Should $out always be an absolute path? For example I'm trying to build the serving path for a tftp server. I have a package that builds the contents of the pxelinux.cfg; should this package output to something like $out/srv/pxelinux.cfg/$files or it could just do $out/$files? (I realise I'll then need some other glue to pull it altogether to point tftp.path at it)
<gchristensen> all of a sudden my computer randomly decided to put the keys in a different order or something, and I can't SSH to a bunch of boxes now :)
<ddima> or something there-like. hmpf. maybe it also needs a RESET command or sth. it's quite obscure, but I remember that I had a similar thing a while back.
<clever> dredozubov: sounds like you want something like hydra, which is meant to do CI jobs
<jared-w> nh2: on a static Haskell related issue, do you think you might be able to help me troubleshoot my efforts to setup an aws-lambda-haskell-runtime project to be built statically? It works with their stack template but I've been unsuccessful in converting it to nix and I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding something or if it's an edgecase.
<jonge[m]> hey there. i have a pretty much standard nixos with GDM setup. when i boot the machine, i often end up in tty1 and need to press "alt+left" manually in order to get to the GDM login. do my tty1 and gdm maybe race or something? how to fix that? i am a bit surprised that this happens with a nearly empty nixos config, too.
<Twey> Discovered something weird today… as a NixOS user, my `nixbld` user in the sandbox is only a member of the `nixbld` group. But for my coworkers using multi-user Nix on other distros, build processes also run with `nogroup` in their supplementary groups, even though the `/etc/group` inside the sandbox doesn't have `nixbld` as a member of `nogroup`
<jared-w> either way, the rust setup was very pleasant. It's really nice to have a shell nix + lorri setup so that if I ever run into something not being there in the environment I just... declare it into existence. Yehh
<dminuoso> jlv: The easiest is to set up a shell.nix in which you do something along these lines:
<marcus7070> When making an issue (not a PR) on GitHub/nixos/nixpkgs , can I do "@GrahamcOfBorg build slic3r" or something similar to get the bot to build from master?
<notgne2> lots of computers have these small speakers entirely dedicated to either making ear piercing beeps whenever something breaks, or wasting your time when you try to use weird old kernel modules to play music through it for fun