
<armin> energizer: there likely is, as tty's are some relict of the past i don't think you can easily use truetype fonts or something, but i might be mistaken and that could well have changed over the last decades
<euank> But can you also see if that happens to fix things just in case it's something that simple
<armin> btw i had no idea that's something i always wanted, but being able to customize the colors of the console using console.colors in nixos is super nice.
<risson> kalbasit told me that clever might know something about this
<clever> hexo: i would expect `systemctl list-jobs` to show something, not sure where the hang there is
<eyJhb> Wait, something is funky with kexec clever
<EatThem> Is there something like nix search foo for the package options?
<eyJhb> clever: Wouldn't that implementation go a long way? Or? (curious, not sure if I am misunderstanding something)
<eyJhb> But that can be set in the API some other way? I just mean, for a generic way having something like cloud-init would be nice, because then we can tweak it afterwards
<__monty__> Anything's fine but something that *doesn't* make sense would be better.
<sphalerite> jakobrs: try journalctl -kf and then press alt+printscr+/ or something and see if anything shows up
<wedens[m]> EatThem: do you have `{ pkgs, ...}`: or something at the top?
<euank> EatThem: you have two possible things you can do here: 1) a pkg per script, 2) a single pkg with each script in its bin folder. Or something in between, where there's N packages, and a meta-package that symlinks em all together into one folder
<sphalerite> Ericson2314: as far as I understand, nix-shell -E 'with (import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgsCross.aarch64-multiplatform; mkShell { depsBuildBuild = [qemu]; }' shouldn't be building "/nix/store/qnq1pzmc0qgndw5gmf79x5p0mk78yl7k-qemu-4.2.0-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.drv" but getting a native qemu for the build system? Am I misunderstanding something, or is something going wrong?
<euank> If you do something like `strace -ff nixos-install ....`, that'll give you a file-per-pid and will be handy for pinpointing the failing bindmount syscall, and what happened in that thread around it
<eyJhb> Hmm. let me see if I can find anything. The permission denied I got when I did _something_ wrong at boot one time...
<quinn> cole-h: you're probably right. so long as it's fixed it's not worth programming something to deal with it in the future
<cole-h> I'm sure it could be. But it happens so infrequently, what's the point of putting in the effort for something that will only see use maybe twice a year?
<euank> Just something's causing that file to be recreated more often, presumably autoupdates
<euank> You can verify that by doing something like `ls -i /var/run/docker.sock` or `stat /var/run/docker.sock` to see the inode, and then observe the inode inside the docker container is different
<euank> kayg04: does it happen when you specifically do something, like run a nixos-rebuild switch or restart dockerd?
<jonreeve[m]> euank: Do I add that BASH code to postInstallHooks or something?
<energizer> i can't detect any of three M.2 SSDs on either my laptop with the builtin M.2 slot or my desktop with a usb M.2 slot. suspect i'm doing something wrong but can't imagine what
<jonreeve[m]> cole-h: maybe with the recent change something is different
<quinn> dramforever: did you change something in /boot in the iso?
<dramforever> It's how these bootloaders work: even if it's configured to be silent with zero timeout it still responds to key presses for a split second or something
<quinn> cjpbirkbeck: i don't really understand your question. are you asking what path grub-install is on your system, where the installed bootloader is, or something else?


<euank> Maybe `buildPythonPackage` does something wrong with nativeBuildIputs
<euank> sshow: something like `gitSrc = fetchgit ....; tarSrc = runCommand "tar-src" {} "${pkgs.gnutar}/bin/tar -cf $out ${gitSrc}"` I think would work. Untested though.
<euank> sshow: the naive way that comes to mind for me would be to build two derivations. You could use the runCommand derivation helper to make that pretty easy. So something like so... (one sec)
<sshow> euank: I'm not sure how to tar something in nix. and I'm not even sure that's a thing :P
<sshow> can I tar somethings I download with fetchgit for a derivation that expects a tar archive?
<euank> You can then have an additional file that will not be suitable for upstream which glues nixpkgs to your package. Specifically, it would be something like `let nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in { seweedfs = nixpkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/seaweedfs {}; }`
<colemickens> KarlJoad: if you're using channels, you can do something like `nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable unstable`, `nix-channel --update` `nix-env -iA unstable.mu`
<KarlJoad> Or, is this something that can only be done by using `nix-env` and `nix-channel`
<quinn> i think it has something to do with /run/postgresql not existing
<quinn> mgdm: i have something similar already actually, but i get waiting for server to start.... stopped waiting
<mgdm> quinn: https://labs.mgdm.net/psql-shell.md.txt something like this
<srk> alexfmpe: I think dialout group works as well but better to give it a name instead of just /dev/ttyUSB or something
<betaboon> Knuxfan: dunno, maybe? i think it would be good to add something like `console=ttyS0 console=tty0` and maybe `ignore_loglevel` to get all the good stuff
<srk> asheshambasta: yup, same, something prevents pulseaudio user service the access to the socket, not sure what
<pinkieval> I feel like I'm missing something obvious
<ramses_> Do I need to do something specific in nixos to be able to use iptables extensions like physdev ?
<asheshambasta> also, stopping the jack service and attempting to start it with qjackctl leads to a permission denied: something with futexes.
<liminal18> also not sure how I caused it but I am assuming I did something wrong with a build.
<betawaffle> so i feel like there's something i'm missing
<srk> you can even modularize your own configuration.nix, having something like my.audio.enable which would do all the jack/pulseudio setup
<srk> usually something with DNS resolution, pinging IP?
<asheshambasta> I rebooted my system numerous times to get jack/paudio to work together and I seem to have broken something with networking where my network now seems extremely slow. It seems unrelated to me but you never know.
<jakobrs> eyJhb: Might something like this help? #86967
<jakobrs> Ideally I'd do something similar to how flatpak can sandbox applications (I believe)
<asheshambasta> there is something that definitely looks wonky here
<clever> ldlework: you usually want something more like: phases="configurePhase buildPhase" genericBuild
<dkjii> any way to grab the build logs when something fails?
<dkjii> hey, how would I got about having 2 expressions in the same nix with? I do something like this: with import <nixpkgs/nixos> {}; with config.nix.package; [ pkgs.gnutar ] && with config.system.build [ nixos-install ]
<ldlework> maybe this error means something to someone? https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/06c04af3b3b628c7fedcd5c6f0bcd6c7


<energizer> can i do something like config.nixpkgs.pkgs = fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/ca2ba44cab47767c8127d1c8633e2b581644eb8f.tar.gz";
<asheshambasta> I'm seeing something like `Unable to contact D-Bus session bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11` in the ogs now
<srk> phirsch: something is weird, it worked but no longer does now :D
<evanjs> Like I totally agree that images like that are sort of insane, it would just be nice to have some clarity on what's happening, especially if something might fail, etc
<evanjs> right yeah. more just wondering if there's a way to add "bumpers" or something to make-disk-image.nix, etc.
<evanjs> just something that tells the user "idk if this is going to work" :P
<evanjs> clever: alright I'll play around with that a bit and see what I can find. I wonder how/if this could event be addressed in the context of cptofs. Like even something like nix's "doing something that needs more than X MB of memory... this may fail" or whatever it was
<simpson> gchristensen: Hey, IMO this is the most proper that this module has ever been~ But yeah, I would love to get something like this upstream. I want to spend a few weeks with these metrics first and see whether they're even effective.
<clever> evanjs: and then use something like qemu-img to just change the length of the disk image, without touching the contents any
<goibhniu1> I don't manually start PA, but maybe something (plasma?) does that for me
<asheshambasta> or something like musnix.
<kenran> Is there an equivalent to something like 'writeShellScriptBin' that does "give me those files here as a nix derivation" without having to use a full-blown mkDerivation?
<chagra> but sometimes I just wanna run something instantly
<cole-h> You could try adding something to your `shellHook` (I think that's the name0
<mtn> (By adding a line to my `shell.nix` or something)
<cole-h> Why not just `ln -s $src $out/src` or something?
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a boolean, at (string):316:1
<colemickens> energizer: I thought maybe I'd broken mine, something must've broken somewhere, it used to work


<bqv> something in that chain is not correct, because i'm not seeing things in emacs-overlay but not nixpkgs at all
<LnL> update-ca-certificates doesn't sound like something that would work with nix
<jakobrs> Yeah obviously there's no way to guarantee that nothing will break. A system service updating its database format would be an example of something that's impossible to prevent
<MtotheM> I'm not sure how I want to do it yet. but the plugin manager is something I think nix should manage (adding it)
<xwvvvvwx> I wonder if it's worth adding a nix.preferedSubstituter option or something?
<gchristensen> steveeJ: it tells us something is different about yoru system than most systems, since most systems would say: system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.4pre7534_b92f58f6, channels(root): "nixos-20.03.2059.05a32d8e771", nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos
<steveeJ> so nix-info should grab something from inside that directory to be helpful
<infinisil> Not sure about the exact syntax, but something like that
<dminuoso> gchristensen: Okay that works, and what if that option was a list and you wanted to do something like...
<asymmetric> gchristensen: so if user A has a substituter configured locally, and user B tries to build something, nix will try to get user B's package from the substituter configured by user A?
<fps> __monty__: maybe i'm missing something else though. i was just happily fiddling with a package definition and noticed a GC run didn't cause the package to be rebuilt
<fps> hmm, something keeps a store path "alive" and i have no idea how to find out what it is
<thibm> I'm packaging something that uses pytest and xlib (at least) for testing. If I add `(python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ pytest xlib ]))` I got an error `python3: No module named pytest`
<sphalerite> mtn: yes, that's an unfortunate limitation of python. Something node got right IMHO
<jakobrs> The problem is that it might not be called glibc but something like musl instead
<{^_^}> "*:something\n*:something2"
<adisbladis> > lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.concatLists (lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v: builtins.map (x: "${n}:${x}") v) { "*" = [ "something" "something2" ]; }))
<sphalerite> > concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: value: map (val: "${name}:${val}") value) { "*" = [ "something" "something2" ]; })
<sphalerite> > concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList ({name, value}: map (val: "${name}:${val}") value) { "*" = [ "something" "something2" ]; })
<adisbladis> > concatMapStringsSep "\n" ({name, value}: map (val: "${name}:${val}") value) (builtins.attrsToList { "*" = [ "something" "something2" ]; })
<sphalerite> > concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList ({name, value}: map (val: "${name}:${val}") value)) { "*" = [ "something" "something2" ]; }
<sphalerite> > concatMapStringsSep "\n" ({name, value}: map (val: "${name}:${val}") value) (lib.attrsToList { "*" = [ "something" "something2" ]; })
<sphalerite> > concatMapStringsSep "\n" ({name, value}: map (val: "${name}:${val}") value) (attrsToList { "*" = [ "something" "something2" ]; })
<sphalerite> > concatMapStringsSep "\n" ({name, value}: map (val: "${name}:${val}") value) (attrsToList { "*" = [ "something" "something2" ] })
<eyJhb> If I have a attrsOf listOf str `{ "*" = [ "something" "something2" ] }`, and I need to generate a string of `*:something\n*:something2`, is there a good way to do that?
<etu> Yep, and you can also report it if you find something weird. Since that weird thing would continue to be weird in nixos-20.09 whenever that is branched off unless it's fixed
<jakobrs> I'd imagine if I run into something that completely breaks what I'm doing I'd just rollback until it is fixed upstream
<bahamas> I had something similar happen when I used nixos in virtualbox. if I ran `vagrant halt` as opposed to `vagrant suspend`, I couldn't ssh into the box after bringing it back up
<evils> `nix-locate '.py' | grep "\/bin\/"` seems to do something approximately right
<jlv[m]> Am I missing something about containers `privateNetwork`? I set `privateNetwork = true` and `forwardPorts`, but I'm just getting "connection refused" on the forwarded ports. It worked before enabling `privateNetwork`.


<evanjs> Currently trying to create a VMDK and it is stalling when specifying something like 100+ GiB (default is 50GB)
<eyJhb> Then I would need to split the string or something, which I have no clue if is ugly
<eyJhb> This might be a stupid question, but how can I get a list of attrs, to end up being a attrs of attrs? e.g. [ { name = "foo"; something = "bar"; } ] -> foo = {"something" = "bar"}
<simpson> cixel: That approach might not work cleanly for something like Python; we have `python36Packages`, `pypyPackages`, etc.
<cransom> there's `requiredSystemFeatures`, is there a also something like a `forbiddenSystemFeatures` or a way to replicate that behavior?
<MtotheM> Thanks, i thought the system might be broken or something.
<tyrion-mx> Hola, I am trying to use an usb ethernet adapter with nixos. It works for a couple of minutes and then stops (it works fine on ubuntu and osx). This is the output of dmesg: https://pastebin.com/rvRRK28E something is obviously crashing but I have no idea what is wrong. If anybody could give a look it'd be awesome. Thanks
<exarkun> maybe I could do something different after I port my tests from the perl driver to the python driver
<betawaffle> is there something like `builtins.filterSource` where i can just specify explicitly all the files i want included, rather than defining a function to match them?
<pbogdan> is there something out there that would take cabal's plan.json and generate a haskell package set based on that?
<LnL> I know, but did something that I was expecting would fix it
<simpson> Not really, but also yes? They're pre-parameterized on pkgs, config, and probably something else. I think that it's possible to override that calling convention and add arbitrary parameters, which might break modules that don't have a `...`
<cryptix> Hi! I’m having trouble rebuilding my system using nixos-enter from the live install system (broken my bootloader) I can get my file systems and enter the chroot but when I run “nixos-rebuild switch” I get “writing to file: Operation not permitted” ... any clues what to do? I searched issues but only found something on Debian about user namespaces but this is on the nixos installer and nixos-enter worked fine AFAICT
<kenran> srhb: sorry, I found the error immediately after having eaten something :)
<jakobrs> On the other hand `nix build --no-net` is something I would like to have "backported" into nix-build
<jakobrs> Is there something analogous to --no-out-link for nix build?
<sheepfle1ce> Hello! How can I make lorri respect builtins.filterSource? Or am I doing something wrong? I want to rebuild my environment only when .cabal file changes, so I wrote this https://paste.debian.net/1151317/, however lorri needs to be explicitly restarted for a new environment to be evaluated.
<romildo> Can the forced push be done in this scenario, or should something else be done?
<kenran> srhb: hum, then I must be doing something else wrong, let me check!
<srhb> kenran: (Unless you're doing something like basing everything off the root of the src by hand)
<euank> hazel: something like https://gist.github.com/euank/bca98108788fb2d86db839d59c26831c gets further along at least
<zeta_0> hazel: ok, thanks, just making sure it didn't have something to do with nix, i guess i could post this as an issue in the pkgs github repo, so the maintainers of the pkg can get that server back up and running again
<LevelChart8> Need something to let off steam now and then.


<selfsymmetric-mu> clever infinisil: here's something interesting I found. I have `/nix/var/nix/profiles/system-846-link -> /nix/store/jz78if7mpwxabjysdmvyqydbgs9dgn7i-nixos-system-mus-20.03beta874.b0c285807d6`, despite the fact that `nix-env --list-generations` only lists `1 2018-05-27 18:10:40 (current)`.
<jakobrs> What should I do if something is only distributed as a Snap?
<jakobrs> Am I doing something wrong then or is this a bug?
<clever> DigitalKiwi: something must be breaking the permissions, youll need to figure out what you did to break it, and check /dev/zfs before and after running that cmd
<clever> Athestus: just stick (nerdfonts.override { withFont = "something"; }) into that list of fonts
<clever> Athestus: pkgs.nerdfonts.override { withFont = "something"; }
<energizer> home-manager has something for that avaq
<leungbk> Oh, someone else merged something conflicting in the last couple of hours
<simpson> euank: Seems so. That's why I'm trying to understand the nature of the environment.unixODBCDrivers setting, and how to debug it when I've got something even more complex than SQLite.
<euank> simpson: you're saying the file that unixODBC complaint it can't find shows up in strace as something it successfully opened?
<infinisil> Ashy: Something like that yeah
<Ashy> infinisil: possibly something along these lines? https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/330852


<hpfr[m]> I feel like it’s gotta be something with GNOME because everywhere on the internet says it just works but that doesn’t seem right either
<cransom> you probably need something similar in hydra.conf/the hydra configuration. i haven't done anythying with flakes in hydra as of yet.
<energizer> iqubic: why do you think something is weird with your filesystem?
<srhb> energizer: If it's something like a ramdisk, it may just be full for the very short while it takes to fail, then clear up all the temporary space.
<Thra11> Also, what's the threshold for something to be considered a "mass rebuild" (approximately)?
<srk> like you can also do init=/bin/bash on kernel command line but not on nixos I guess.. that would require something like init="/usr/bin/env bash" if that even works
<iqubic> Well, something's screwed up on my nixos box.
<asymmetric> mouse selection doesn't work either, i.e. clicking on something and dragging the cursor while keeping the button pressed
<Mic92> betaboon: you can use something like nix show-derivation to capture this
<Mic92> betaboon: Ok. I think the issue is that this header file comes from the x86 python rather than aarch64. I have seen something like that before. I suspect the way we do python cross-compilation is wrong. Maybe open a ticket for that and cc FRidh
<Mic92> betaboon: It should need a cross-compiled go to build docker. I would say something in the docker build is wrong
<AmandaC> isn't there something called something like sysconfig for stuff like that?
<alexarice[m]> and somewhere in that chain there will be something you installed
<alexarice[m]> After the error message in the rebuild it usually says `Failed to build X: some reason` or something like that
<Ericson2314> (! was always something like a join, but the first argument had to be `pure _`)
<angerman> Let's make IFDs painless. That's something I'd really like to see.
<sheepfleece> Hello! I've tried home-manager recently, and my whole config file looks something like this: https://paste.debian.net/1150870/ . And I don't really know how to abstract over the pattern. Essentially I just want Nix to take every file in my folder and link it to ~/.config (or ~)
<mica[m]1> If I want to make a backport PR, what branch should I use? `release-20.03`, `nixos-20.03` or something else?
<evils> simpson: if most are built the same way, that seems sensible, here's something similar done https://git.io/JfDTn
<clever> if its something you built, then your own nix-daemon has to sign it
<euank> Or do you mean something else


<gcoakes[m]> Hey, I'm hoping someone here can help me with something. I'm trying to do string expansion on a file using builtins.readFile. Is that possible?
<someone92> I'm in the NixOS installer but not sure if it's worth installing atm because of systemd, but if it's something coming soon that won't require reinstalling the system anyway then maybe it's worth installing!
<someone92> Is it something being worked on?
<emilsp> infinisil: seemingly it's trying to build an x86 kernel when I try to build an image for my raspberry pi. Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought that the target architecture would be inferred
<Thra11> Is there a 'special' way to set an environment variable for the build phase, or do I just do something like `preBuild = "export VAR=something"`?
<chloekek> Thanks. I’ll find something. :)
<angerman> clever: yea. I fear something else must be going on as well. Maybe it’s apfs on the usb3 ssd. I get 5-10s delays.
<angerman> one really weird thing I noticed recenty was that apparently every application I start from within the nix store has a delay. I wonder if that's because it's on an external disk or if there is some additional malware detection going on, I did prevent apple from calling home, but it appears there's something more going on.
<clever> angerman: and yeah, youll need to deal with the ip and dns yourself, enless your using something like the aws backend
<clever> you could then use it with the above -i $[something}
<clever> so if you did something like `something = pkgs.runCommand "nixos-123" {} "mkdir $out; ln -sv ${pkgs.path} $out/nixos"`
<clever> next, you need to use nix-env --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels -i ${something}, against a derivation with the right name and with the right contents
<clever> if i ever break something, i can just --rollback that profile, and it will boot once more
<clever> ninjin: you want nix-env --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set ${something}
<nixbitcoin> energizer: Is there something better out there?
<jakob_rs> It's happened a lot with me even when using the live usb so it can't be something I'm doing wrong; it's definitely a bug
<nixbitcoin> I'm building a Nextcloud instance that is supposed to handle some pretty sensitive data. Usually I would go for OpenBSD in such a project, but I've been fascinated by the ease and clarity of system administration with NixOS. Do you think NixOS is ready for use in such a security-critical project or should I wait and use something with a more solid security reputation like OpenBSD?
<pjt_014> is something up with hydra? It's kinda slow and aria2 is giving me weird errors with it
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /var/lib/nixbot/nixpkgs/master/repo/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:345:55
<euank> Again, the wiki page talks through this. Let me know if you don't understand something or run into an issue though with the wiki!
<euank> LevelChart8: `ldd ./ProgramName` will probably show something it can't find. Probably the interpreter
<euank> It looks like something that uses qt5 callPackage has that handled for it. I grabbed a package using that at random.. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/a69f9e5a69c5a46c9c60d1bd4f7f671bb5cacba4/pkgs/development/tools/tora/default.nix#L47-L49
<euank> One thing that helps me while I'm iterating is to use something like `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; libsForQt5.callPackage ./default.nix {}'` to locally build the package like all-packages would
<iqubic> Can you give me a link to something I should look at?
<iqubic> Now I just need to fix up the first line to change from an import statement to something that just requests the proper inputs.
<iqubic> I'm also going to need to change the first line from "with import <nixpkgs> {};" to something that actually only imports only the correct dependencies.
<euank> Wasn't sure if you were trying to package a gradle-thing or not, and I found that project handy for packaging something a bit ago


<adisbladis> Just that something was wrong with wheel selection
<colemickens> DigitalKiwi: I finally spotted calibre in the --show-trace and that aligns with something about python2 and deprecation and eh, I'll probably just remove it from my system and move on
<energizer> unless something's pinning Pillow==7.1.2 i dont see how that could even happen
<evanjs> gchristensen: indeed it is. I also love being able to contribute without always fully committing to something (I know maintainers are good but bah)
<jakobrs> Is it possible to get estimates from cache.nixos.org for how long compiling something should take?
<hyper_ch> Mic92: is something wrong with ofBorg?
<alexarice[m]> anyone know if `services.xserver.videoDrivers` still does something if you're using wayland?
<pjt_014> git submodule --help doesn't really make it clear. If I want to be sure, can I make/reapply a patch or something?
<pjt_014> hi! I'm trying to use this thing ( https://github.com/illegalprime/nixos-on-arm ), but the nixpkgs submodule is months out of date and is at version 18/09 or something.
<ldlework> hmm i must've pasted the wrong traceback or something strange
<jakob_rs> So something like `local?root=/other/root&nix-store-path=@nix/store`
<ldlework> clever: someone could do something like `imports = fetchgit { ... };` against something like this? https://gist.github.com/dustinlacewell/2f882f453d4b3674e6716278daaa89de


<gchristensen> look at: systemctl status display-manager and see if that leads you to something
<hodapp> anyone know the 'right' way to force update of items in the Applications menu of XFCE? Its entry for IntelliJ IDEA refers to a completely nonexistent path in the nix store instead of just /run/current-system/sw/bin/idea-community or something
<evils> anyone using something wayland based that's not sway? want to try out `grimshot` from #88577? i suspect it's not sway specific (except for the "select a window to screenshot" feature)
<avaq> Ideally to be used like: `overlays = [ (self: super: { dmenu = makeWrapper "${super.dmenu} --bg '#FFF'" }) ]` or something
<gchristensen> infinisil: any time I run something with docker
<manveru> dutchie: i guess you'd need to add something like `<include inore_missing="yes">~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf</include>` to `/etc/fonts/fonts.conf`
<garbas> Maybe something was caching your requests
<fps> dkjii: something like: nix-shell -A pkgs.gnum4 '<nixpkgs>' --pure
<fragamus_> hello I have been struggling with something and I have come to ask for help
<hpfr[m]> clever: so mkMerge does what recursiveUpdate does except for merging lists? Because you have to pick something in the case of stuff like numbers and strings correct


<energizer> but something goes wrong after that
<cole-h> lovesegfault: Maye something like `// { maybe = args.maybe or "something"; }`?
<simpson> No worries. I have no idea how to measure "cool". ncakerlist, my point was that in NixOS, reproducibility is the default rather than something special that has to be sought out. We *do* still have a r13y project like Arch's, but we enjoy day-to-day purity without much effort.
<simpson> I dunno, I don't personally do this. But something like that.
<simpson> Sure. Something like `let name = ...; in { networking.hostName = name; imports = if (name == "foo") ...; }`
<jlv[m]> If you want something to run a startup, you can always add a systemd service.
<deech> I have installed NixOS on my Dell Precision M6700 and having issues getting wifi to work. I get a message saying that my wlan interface can't be brought up because "Operation not possible due to RF-kill". I see a number of articles about unblocking with 'rfkill' but am I doing something wrong in my configuration.nix?
<evanjs> lassulus: alright, so clever's advice seemed to work fine. Not sure if that's something most will know how to do or if an example would work in the README
<OmnipotentEntity> always something.
<OmnipotentEntity> Thanks for your help, glad it was just something really stupid.
<kenran> That is, I'm trying to have something like this: let mkMyShell = f: pkgs: doSomething pkgs (f pkgs); here, doSomething is a function that takes two arguments (the packages and another set), but I get "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set" at (f pkgs)


<balsoft> adisbladis: yeah, I know that part, I just don't remember if it's something more than just (self: _: packageOverrides self)
<radvendii> is packageOverrides just deprecated, or used for something else?
<energizer> is there a way to get something like `pkgs.withOverlays [overlay1 overlay2]`?
<balsoft> Something like pkgsCross = super.pkgsCross // { mingwW64 = super.pkgsCross.mingwW64.extend (self': super': { SDL2 = super'.SDL2.overrideAttrs (...); }); } in that overlay...
<radvendii> I tried just changing it for my derivation, but the derivation also has as an input something else that uses SDL2
<adisbladis> Yaniel: That only works if something is in $PATH.
<balsoft> The fact that it fails is something I leave to you to fix, because sadly I'm not interested in that at all, and the effort seems to be more than something I would do just for fun.
<exarkun> maybe I should invent my own package name, "acmepkgs" or something, require NIX_PATH to be set, and import <acmepkgs> everywhere?
<exarkun> probably something better I could write than this, huh?
<exarkun> If I were going to build something myself I'd probably make some half-baked service that can receive a GitHub webhook and then turn around and get the source, do the build, and run some `morph` command.
<simpson> exarkun: system.autoUpgrade can be given channels, and otherwise configured to give something sort of like CD. But you probably want something that is more flexible?
<tudorr> greetings everyone, i am quite new to nix and i am trying to do something rather strange
<cole-h> fmzakari: Since you use `with import...`, you'll want to do something like `let rbenv = import ./rbenv.nix; in ...` and then you can add rbenv to your packages list.
<cole-h> fmzakari: What does your derivation look like? Does it have something like `{ stdenv, somedep1, dep2 }:` at the top, or is it `with import <nixpkgs> {};`?
<fmzakari> hmm something with libnss_cache
<evanjs> lassulus: so when I say "more generic", I mean something like "ova-image.nix" rather than "virtualbox-image.nix"
<betawaffle> i assume there must be something i have to enable
<emilien> Something like: `./logstash-plugin remove foo && ./logstash-plugin install bar`. What would be the Nix way to configure that?
<monokrome> seems something changed
<bahamas> I guess I could generate an ISO and then use VirtualBox to convert it to something that DigitalOcean accepts
<bahamas> LnL: something I can upload to digitalocean, so qcow, raw, virtualbox, vmware
<manveru> FRidh: did that bump gcc or something? i don't know much about C level errors...
<LnL> what are you looking for exactly, iso or something else
<LnL> but if you really want something local a vm also works
<kenran> When trying to build https://pastebin.com/x1KFsfh2, I'm getting "java.lang.Exception: Couldn't create directories: /homeless-shelter/.lein". Is there something I'm doing wrong in my nix expression?
<ph88^> clever, i suspected something like this
<energizer> why would i put something i want to keep in a minefield like mutable filesystem :P
<energizer> what's a good way to do something like nfs (share files from my server to my laptop) without getting pwned too hard
<jlv[m]> How can I run a Steam game without the Steam client? The game runs fine when I open it from Steam, but if I try to run the '.sh' file directly, it gives an error. I assume it has something to do with the way Steam is wrapped.


<fresheyeball> make a new variable in your let block, that binds to a new variable called "nixpkgsCabal3" or something
<TheSirC[m]> Wait I am missing something on the chat ?
<srhb> burkelibbey_: As in, you have something like ./bar referenced, and it is different from the corresponding store path?
<srhb> jasom: Yeah, something like for s in /nix/var/nix/profiles/system*; do echo $s: $(nix-store -qR $s | grep nouveau); done -- refine to taste.
<wedens[m]> something that fails a build if placeholder is not filled or dependency doesn't have any placeholders
<srhb> jakob_rs: Unless you changed something related to the display manager, I don't think that should ever shut down, so something's already gone wrong at this point in the log.
<jakob_rs> Something somewhat interesting just happened: I ran "nixos-rebuild switch" and the screen froze and then turned off"
<evils> still hasn't built in a few days, on the latest tracking issue someone asked about the age report, something to do with the scraper and they pointed to the grafana
<simpson> Sure, there are spots where something like `assert x -> y` happens, right? So if one option is set, and another isn't, then you'll get an assertion error.
<bahamas> kenran: there's a store repair command or something like that. I don't remember the name
<JJJollyjim> i wanna say something like "this folder of python code, with these dependencies from pythonPackages, should be in the environment"
<infinisil> energizer: activation scripts should be as few and as atomic as possible, so whenever something goes wrong, the system isn't borked in some intermediate state


<migy__> hi, I want to configure my brother scanner with nixos. Until now I couldn't manage to get it working, but I found out the issue. It looks like something depends on LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which should point to the driver libraries of the scanner. this is not the case. scanimage -L lists my scanner if I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/nix/store/...-sane-config/lib/sane. without setting this, it doesn't. so i managed
<veleiro> it must be something else then
<clever> betaboon: what about something like iscsi and squashfs?
<reirob> With stack, before I installed nixos, what I did I was pinning it to an old lts set, where pinchot still worked. But I don't know if there is something similar with nix
<kreetx> yes, a cookie or something
<jakobrs> Presumably permission errors or something since I accidentally reset the ownership of my home directory recursively
<mchasard> i just would like something simple and light
<mchasard> may be it lose something


<flokli> colemickens: depending on your privacy needs, there's indeed a lot of things to consider. I'd probably go with something specifically made for that purpose (tor-browser, tails, …)
<colemickens> It ultimately felt easier to disable nscd for my lan vpn use-cases and was a good reminder to use something more purpose-built if I had serious privacy needs 😐️.
<flokli> Ashy: for that, I might have something for you
<Ashy> i don't have anything related to this in my configuration.nix, is there something that would edit that setting in nixpkgs?
<kini> I think there are several packages in nixpkgs where there's an older version being kept around because it's used by something else
<mpickering> I am trying to package something which needs an older version of a C library, tbb 2018 rather than tbb 2019 which is in nixpkgs
<numkem> I'm trying to re-deploy a machine that has hydra configured. Nothing changed in my code relating to hydra but it triggers a build (stable or unstable) and that build fails because of some errors (error: no matching function for call to 'MyArgs::mkFlag()') is this something known and/or is there a workaround?
<abathur> wadkar as long as you aren't having trouble with a launchd service it's managing or something, of course; it might help to add a pair of functions in your shell rc/profile to add/remove it, or move it from the front to the back of the PATH, so you can get it out of the way when you want but make it easy to play with when you have time
<abathur> clever: good spot; it ran clean on the 27th, so it's a recentish break; looks like rycee mentioned this a few weeks ago: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/2020-05-01#1588336582-1588336626; so I assume something in my graph just finally got bumped up to the new format
<abathur> anyone have a sense of what to look for if a CI build that ran clean a few days ago now fails with a `error: unknown hash algorithm ''` in fetchurl? guessing it has something to do with the dated 2.0.4 version of Nix installed there.
<ashkitten> is there a library function to export a nix expression as a string? something like the toJSON functions but it just writes it out as-is in nix
<hpfr[m]> gchristensen I would consider doom emacs if you want something opinionated and configured
<abathur> if you want to second-guess the whole design you should probably go write a forum post or an email or something rather than grilling random people on IRC
<cmcaine[m]> Just because looking at the home dir is a heuristic that something wacky is going on?
<cmcaine[m]> re: network, Sure, but if we're talking about golang or something, it's going to be validating hashes against a manifest anyway. I only care that the package build eventually succeeds once, then I've got a binary blob that I can cache forever.
<cmcaine[m]> And as for not touching home, I don't really get that one. Why not just give the build environment a chroot or something to work in? It can touch a home dir there and nothing bad happens.
<cmcaine[m]> simpson: could you elaborate on "fundamentally different approach to tracking dependencies"? Do you say this because e.g. two packages can depend on different versions of the same dependency? Or something else?
<cmcaine[m]> Those binaries are made in some kind of containerised environment, that records what you do to something like a dockerfile, but the upshot for me as a developer is that I can just depend on various dumb scientific libraries that have horrible build systems and I just download a blob that's guaranteed to work with Julia and my system.
<cmcaine[m]> So I think I should be able to make a derivation that does something similar.
<cmcaine[m]> But when I run that replacing `hello` with something else, it can't find my stuff, and I don't know how I get my file included :/


<cmcaine[m]> Look at visudo and the sudoers man page for the first thing (or there might be something in the nix config for this, too)
<reallymemorable> I thought if a user was in the "wheel" group, they would not have to "sudo" every command. There is something else I need to do?
<LevelChart8> why would "nix-search something" result in command not found?
<puzzlewolf> Looks like there's something missing in the second paste?
<catern> since surely something in nixpkgs is doing it
<LevelChart8> so i did something dumb
<puck> something like that, i'd say
<puck> LevelChart8: yeah. use the existing "SYSTEM" partition (/dev/nvme0n1p1) as your /boot, do not reformat it (it'd break Windows, can be fixed with a boot iso), then format your / as something else and set it up like that
<simpson> Nah, <nixpkgs> is whatever's currently configured. Something like https://github.com/monte-language/typhon/blob/master/nix-support/typhon.nix#L3-L8 will ensure that it's *exactly* the same tarball of nixpkgs.
<Avaq> infinisil: Aha! writeShellScriptBin. I knew there must've been something like that. Thanks! :D
<betawaffle> well, the problem i'm having is the vim-nix plugin i'm using likes to indent things slightly differently from that. i was hoping for something more integrated