Contributors, however, seem to be intimidated by a Wiki. Most contributors do not feel completely confident in their ability to add correct content, adhere to standards, fit into the right outline, etc. So paradoxically, by making the medium as open as possible, the Wiki discourages contribution.*
Problem I see with a Wiki is that all contributing is unchecked live without review, which means contributors don’t feel as free to do changes.
At least that’s my feeling for something as “polished” as Archwiki.
Never thought about editing there actually.
pie_ has joined #nixos-wiki
preferencing Git over Wiki might as well be a result of using one tool more often than another
not sure if people trust non-wiki stuff more in general
at least I pull a lot of information from wikis, and a I've definitely seen a lot of out-dated and uninformed stuff in code =)
that said, git > wiki ;)
I think: review before merge > revert after merge
So not so much git, as github
But then with a static site generator you lose all the nice preview features. :(