andi- changed the topic of #nixos-security to: Vulnerability Roundup Issues: + | Currently supported releases: unstable (master), 20.09, 20.03 (until 27th of November)
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<hexa-> you're basically saying that gnome doesn't build anymore with this merge request :)
<hexa-> after requesting the gnome team as reviewers
<hexa-> good luck
<red[evilred]> yeah
<red[evilred]> see, there's a reason that I'm not a committer :-P
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<red[evilred]> the compile for dmd ate 16G of RAM
<red[evilred]> and got OOMed
<red[evilred]> so I may need to dig into that
<red[evilred]> looks like dmd finally compiled
<red[evilred]> so I'm jhoping everything else does now
<red[evilred]> here's a silly question
<red[evilred]> oh - nm
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<red[evilred]> yeah - reduced my number of build cores and now it's chewing through it in a much healthier way
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<red[evilred]> hexa- (IRC): so I'm looking at the output of my failed ofBorg job
<red[evilred]> and I'm seeing stuff that I'm cynical is caused by my upgrade
<red[evilred]> I guess I have to hunt down the normal build in hydra for 20.09 and look for diffs?
<red[evilred]> ie - I can't get ofBorg to execute test gnome3-xorg ?
<red[evilred]> to get an apples/apples comparison
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<hexa-> taking care of curl
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<hexa-> #106452
<{^_^}> (by mweinelt, 33 seconds ago, open): curl: 7.73.0 -> 7.74.0
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<red[evilred]> hexa- (IRC): I ask my 8 year old daughter to update my ticket and it gets promoted from WIP to Ready. I should do that more often.
<red[evilred]> I showed her and she said: "It's because I'm adorable", nodded - and walked off.
<hexa-> yeah, that makes sense
<red[evilred]> I dictated everything except "and crash"
<red[evilred]> she added that herself, and I'm like... "Okay"
<red[evilred]> strictly speaking it was reaped - but at 8 you don't need to quite understand that difference quite yet
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<pie_> red[evilred]: wah? :D
<pie_> i wish i had such a cool daddy *_*
<pie_> ok that sounds a bit weird :P
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<red[evilred]> I know what you mean
<red[evilred]> but I figure she should start reviewing mine
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