andi- changed the topic of #nixos-security to: Vulnerability Roundup Issues: + | Currently supported releases: unstable (master), 20.09, 20.03 (until 27th of November)
<lukegb> Hah
<lukegb> You don't even need to redo it, just cherrypick into a new PR? :P
<hexa-> Yes, that is easily done, but will likely fck up things more.
<lukegb> Honestly? If they're throwing a tantrum, I don't really care :P
<andi-> We *must* have proper commit messages
<andi-> nixpkgs is already enough of a dumpster of all sorts of shitty commits.
<hexa-> Only having history because it's on GitHub is not good enough, which is why I agree that commits need to properly document stuff.
<andi-> Exactly.
<hexa-> this is the fix, and it doesn't apply
<hexa-> File slirp is not a regular file -- refusing to patch
<hexa-> ideas?
<hexa-> they've just updated the submodule
<lukegb> It's not going to be particularly easy :P
<lukegb> Probably grab the actual source archive, unpack it, finagle the slirp patch into applying cleanly?
<hexa-> hrhr
<hexa-> hm ok
<hexa-> fair enough
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<red[evilred]> erk
<red[evilred]> fun times.
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<MichaelRaskin> The most annoying things to debug are minor updates messed up by upstream toi be not so minor anyway.
<MichaelRaskin> If you want something to be on record about a package, do not write a suggestion of a commit message, suggest (or push on top…) code comment addition already.
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<andi-> Whatever way. I still think the motivation for that change (if not in a comment in the code; which arguable here is fine as it is just flipping a configure flag) should be on record somewhere. For any kind of "special care" I do agree that it should always have a comment in the code. Here it could be but doesn't have to be but it should be in the commit message (briefly).
<andi-> Anyway I think I'll not review any more nixpkgs PRs in the near future.. It is such a shitshow of auto-updates & commit messages that lack detail that it just depresses me.
<FRidh> andi-: maybe it helps to use the filters to select what you're interested in reviewing or not. Commit messages and code comment wise, yes, that is unfortunate.
<andi-> I was interested in QEMU and this is what happened.. Not sure that helps. I also have a grudge with all those running nixpkgs-review unattended and then not having any details of their failures.. We lowered the barrier for contribution to a level that is just annoying.
<andi-> If you do not mean to review something anymore but just run a tool then your review is useless.
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<red[evilred]> Well, since we're talking about PR quality - my latest PRs were the Cassandra ones
<red[evilred]> they're just sitting there after review with no comments other than people have looked at it
<red[evilred]> does that mean that I"m missing anything?
<red[evilred]> eg: #104841
<{^_^}> (by redvers, 3 days ago, open): cassandra_3_0: 3.0.17 -> 3.0.23
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<FRidh> red[evilred]: no, it just means nobody that has seen the issue has decided to act on it. And the maintainer apparently isn't part of the maintainers team and thus gets no notification automatically. Best is if you, as contributor, cc the maintainer of the package.
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