<sphalerite> So I've just discovered a security vulnerability in nixos. Fortunately it's behind an option that's used quite rarely as far as I know. Really weird how I came up with this though, I was still half-asleep and I dreamt that someone complained about it on IRC
<sphalerite> I'll report it appropriately, I'd say it's not something we need to keep too quiet before it's fixed, but I'll leave that up to the security team to judge :)
<andi-> sphalerite: thank you for caring! :)
<sphalerite> what a weird way to come up with a vuln though
<andi-> lets first fix it and then discuss about that ;-)
ckauhaus[afk] is now known as ckauhaus
<sphalerite> It's really not such a big deal I'd say, but you can judge for yourself once it's public :p
<pie__> heh
<pie__> would a general vuln category be TMI?
* pie__ is too curious for his own good
<sphalerite> well, crap. Enigmail's UI confused me and I sent the email unencrypted -_-
<sphalerite> oh well
<pie__> :/
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<samueldr> the greatest tragedy: Intel recommends that end-users contact their system manufacturers for updated system firmware.
<andi-> yeah
<andi-> sadly there is no such thing as a nixbook yet ;-)
<samueldr> the fun bit, also, is how do I know whether my system manufacturer's "platform" is subject to this CVE?
<samueldr> they sure as hell won't say "it's affected" if it's "out of warranty, thus isn't updated"
<andi-> yep
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